Get rid of separating line in gridpanes colspan in javafx - javafx

is there any way to hide the line between columns with colspan property set in javafx gridpane ?
for example -


GridPane : Change grid line color

How can i change the grid lines color / can i change the grid lines color?
Cant seem to find a css solution.
You can use this css it work for me :
.mygridStyle Line {
-fx-stroke : red;
then you attach the css class with the scene builder or with myGrid.getStyleClass().add("mygridStyle");
As stated
in this question here
you shouldn't use GridPane to paint grid lines, you need to put content inside the cells, and then specify content borders. The visible grid line property if for debugging only, see doc.

how to make gridpane rows cell to different width in javafx

gridpane different rows width
i want to make a registration form with Grid Pane of different rows of cell width
like this pictures in javafx i am beginner please help

JavaFX tableview remove default alternate row color

I coulnĀ“t find any example that completely removes/hides this behaviour. Most of those examples painted the rows based on their values, still, empty rows were printed(odd:white, even:gray) and they completely ignored any css code or setStyle. Is it posible to force a tableview to stop printing innecesary/empty rows that just are there to fill the empty space left between the last filled row and the max height of the tableview?
In your external CSS file, do
.root {
-fx-control-inner-background-alt: -fx-control-inner-background ;

Flex DataGrid Vertical Lines render on top of Vbox

I am currently working in Flex 3.5
Inside a DataGrid with fixed columns, there is a button that causes a VBox to appear on top of part of the DataGrid. However the vertical lines that divide the columns shows up on top of the VBox.
I was looking for an attribute that would fix this in the Flex API but didn't discern any of them to be appropriate. I'm open to any possible answers.

Adapting the width of a Flexs 3 DataGridColumn to the content of its ItemRenderer?

I have the following scenario :
A Flex 3 DataGrid is sitting here
At runtime, a column is added to this grid
The column has a custom ItemRenderer
The ItemRenderer inherits from HBox, and adds a few items to the HBOx dynamically
My problem is that the width of the column doesn't change. As a consequence, my column stays small, and an ugly horizontal scrollbar is displayed in the line, instead of my content (which is completely unreadable).
I would like the column to adapt its width to the content of the HBox in the ItemRenderer. I tried the following :
Setting the 'percentWidth' of the ItemRenderer to '100'
Invalidating the properties of the ItemRenderer after adding the items
The only thing that has a "visible" effect it to force the width of the DataGridColumn. Obviously this is not acceptable since I'm dynamically adding components to the ItemRenderer, and I don't know how many or how big they are.
Besides, when I am in the ItemRenderer, I have no access to the column itself (or do I ?) so I cannot force the size of the column from here.
So is there a way around this ? Would AdvancedDataGrid help here (notwhistanding the fact that I cannot really use it for other reasons ...)
Alternatively, I would be happy enough if someone has a solution where the column cell is displayed without the ugly horizontal scrollbar (don't mention setting horizontalScrollPolicy to "off", been there, tried that, lost shirt ;) ).
I did not found a solution for the size, however I found the way to remove the scrollbar ; you must put the "horizontalScrollPolicy : 'off'" in the list of properties of the itemRenderer Factory (rather then on the itemRenderer itself).
