GLPK - Most efficient way to only check for existance of a solution and not to actually optimize - glpk

Assuming that when using the GNU Linear Programming Toolkit, I do not want to optimize in an LP instance, but rather only want to check if there exists a solution (side note: I'm interested in problems in which all variables have real-valued upper and lower bounds, so the overall solution space is bounded).
What is the most efficient way to ask GLPK (using library calls) to check the feasibility of an LP instance? I am aware that there are functions such as "glp_adv_basis" and "glp_cpx_basis" that will try to find an initial solution. But I still need to call glp_solve to check for feasibility, and even when setting the optimization function to be the constant 0 function, GLPK may still perform some work to find an optimum in it. How do I ensure that it doesn't do so?
Another side note: I am using the C interface, if that makes any difference.


R numerical method similar to Vpasolve in Matlab

I am trying to solve a numerical equation in R but would want a method which perform similar to vpasolve in Matlab. I have a non linear equation (involving lot of log functions) which when solve in R with uniroot gives me complete different answer compared to what vpasolve gives in matlab.
First, a word of caution: it's often much more productive to learn that there's a better way to do something than the way you are used to doing.
I went back to MATLAB and realized that the "vpa" collection is using extended precision. Is that absolutely necessary for your purposes? If not, then my suggestions below may suffice.
If you do require extended precision, then perhaps Rmpfr::unirootR function will suffice. I would like to point out that, since all these solvers are generating an approximate solution (as opposed to analytic), the use of extended precision operations seems a bit pointless.
Next, you need to determine whether MATLAB::vpasolve or uniroot is getting you the correct answer. Or maybe you simply are converging to a root that's not the one you want, in which case you need to read up on setting limits on the starting conditions or the search region.
Finally, in addition to uniroot, I recommend you learn to use the R packages BBsolve , nleqslv, rootsolve, and ktsolve (disclaimer: I am the owner and maintainer of ktsolve). These packages are pretty flexible and may lead you to better solutions to your original problem.

Solver selection : NonlinearBlockGS vs NewtonSolver

I have two openmdao groups with cyclic dependency between the groups. I calculate the derivatives using Complex step. I have a non-linear solver for the dependency and use SLSQP to optimize my objective function. The issue is with the choice of the non-linear solver. When I use NonlinearBlockGS the optimization is successful in 12 iterations. But when I use NewtonSolver with Directsolver or ScipyKrylov the optimization fails (Iteration limit exceeded), even with maxiter=2000. The cyclic connections converge, but it is just that the design variables does not reach the optimal values. The difference between the design variables in consecutive iterations is in the order 1e-5. And this increases the iterations needed. Also when I change the initial guess to a value closer to the optimal value it works.
To check further, I converted the model into IDF (by creating copies of coupling variables and consistency constraints) thereby removing the need for a solver. Now the optimization is successful in 5 iterations and the results are similar to the results when NonlinearBlockGS is used.
Why does this happen? Am I missing something? When should I use NewtonSolver over others? I know that it is difficult to answer without seeing the code. But it is just that my code is long with multiple components and I couldn't recreate the issue with a toy model. So any general insight is much appreciated.
Without seeing the code, you're right that its hard to give specifics.
Very broadly speaking, Newton can sometimes have a lot more trouble converging than NLBGS (Note: this is not absolutely true, but is a good rule of thumb). So what I would guess is happening is that on your first or second iteration, the newton solver isn't actually converging. You can check this by setting newton.options['iprint']=2 and looking at the iteration history as the optimizer iterates.
When you have a solver in your optimization, its critical that you also make sure that you set it to throw an error on non-convergence. Some optimizers can handle this error, and will backtrack on the line search. Others will just die. Either way, its important. Otherwise, you end up giving the optimizer an unconverged case that it doesn't know is unconverged.
This is bad for two reasons. First, the objective and constraints values it gets are going to be wrong! Second, and perhaps more importantly, the derivatives it computes are going to be wrong! You can read the details [in the theory manual,] but in summary the analytic derivative methods that OpenMDAO uses assume that the residuals have gone to 0. If thats not the case, the math breaks down. Even if you were doing full model finite-difference, non-convergenced models are a problem. You'll just get noisy garbage when you try to FD it.2
So, assuming you have set up your model correctly, and that you have the linear solvers set up problems (it sounds like you do since it works with NLBGS), then its most likely that the newton solver isn't converging. Use iprint, possibly combined with driver debug printing, to check this for yourself. If thats the case, you need to figure out how to get newton to behave better.
There are some tips here that are pretty general. You could also try using the armijo line search, which can often stablize a newton solve at the cost of some speed.
Finally... Newton isn't the best answer in all situations. If NLBGS is more stable, and computational cheaper you should use it. I applaud your desire to get it to work with Newton. You should definitely track down why its not, but if it turns out that Newton just can't solve your coupled problem reliably thats ok too!
the set it to throw an error on non-convergence is broken on your answer. I have added the link which I think is the right one. Please correct if the linked one is not the one you were thinking to link.

Is there a LAPACK function for zeroing out the upper / lower corner of a matrix?

Some LAPACK functions (like dgqrf) return a function where the answer is upper triangular but then there's some auxilary information stored below the diagonal. I'm wondering if there's a function that will zero out the below the diagonal entries.
General Problem
No, there is no such function in standard BLAS/LAPACK.
If you are willing to move from using BLAS/LAPACK functions directly (with all potential issues and side effects), you may find linear algebra packages that would make such operations easier. Say, Eigen would provide TriangularViews, while other packages would have their way of doing that.
If you have to use BLAS/LAPACK directly, you would have to zero out it yourself.
I assume that you don't need the Q from the QR decomposition and only care about the R. With that, you want to store it in place and clean and avoid doing a copy into another allocated storage.
Technically, you can do it using dormqr and setting matrix C to be a zero-matrix. However, it is not efficient, as you are actually performing not needed linear algebra operations and storing another dense matrix. You are certainly better off doing a manual loop to clean up if that is actually required or copy R into another place (similar to how it's done here).

Lua alternative to optim()

I'm currently looking for a lua alternative to the R programming languages; optim() function, if anyone knows how to deal with this? looks interesting but doesn't seem to have minimization. The most promising lead seems to be a Lua wrapper for GSL, which has a variety of multidimensional minimization algorithms included.
With derivatives
- BFGS (method="BFGS" in optim) and two conjugate gradient methods (Fletcher-Reeves and Polak-Ribiere) which are two of the three options available for method="CG" in optim.
Without derivatives
- the Nelder-Mead simplex (method="Nelder-Mead", the default in optim).
More specifically, see here for the Lua shell documentation covering minimization.
I agree with #Zack that you should try to use existing implementations if at all possible, and that you might need a little bit more background knowledge to know which algorithms will be useful for your particular problems ...
R's implementation of optim isn't actually written in R. If you type "optim" with no parentheses at the prompt, it'll dump out the definition of the function, and you can see that after some error checking and argument shuffling it invokes an .Internal routine (coded in C and/or Fortran) to do all the real work.
So your best bet is to find a C library for mathematical optimization -- sorry, I have no recommendations -- and wrap that into Lua. I doubt anyone has written native-Lua code for this, and I would not recommend trying to code it yourself; doing mathematical optimization efficiently is still an active domain of basic research, and the best-so-far algorithms are decidedly nontrivial to implement.

Non Linear Integer Programming

I would like to know if there is a package in R handling non linear integer optimization.
"Basically", I would like to solve the following problem:
max f(x) s.t x in (0,10) and x is integer.
I know that some branching algorithms are able to handle the linear version of this problem, but here my function f() might be more complicated. (I can't even make sure it would be quadratic of the form f(x)=xQx).
I guess there is always the brute force solution to test all the possibilities as long as they are bounded, but I was wondering if there wasn't anything smarter.
I have a few options for you, but none of them is the silver bullet, although it looks like your silver bullet is in the works under the rino project:
Since your function is complicated, you may want to use a genetic algorithm (i.e., gradient-based optimizers may not be reliable). genoud in the rgenoud library may do the trick (link text). If you set it should do the trick. I have not used this library, but have some experience with GAs in matlab and the time to convergence is sensitive to the settings, so you'll be well served to read the man page a few times through.
Or, if your function in strictly concave (unlikely, since you say it may be complicated) you can solve with a gradient solver (e.g., optim) then check the neighborhood around the optimum (can't be more than 2^n points to check).
Sorry, I can't be of more help.
If it is hardly nonlinear there is no better method than brute force (you will never know if the minimum is local or if some flat-looking fragment doesn't have any narrow and deep valleys), except of course symbolic computation (which probably won't work because the function is too complicated) or soft computing, I mean things like genetic algorithms, Monte-Carlo, swarms, etc. (here you don't have a guarantee that it will find the very global minimum and because you have integer x it can be slower than brute force). lists the packages Rdonlp2 and Rsolnp which may be suitable.
Discrete filled function method is one of the recent methods that can find global solution of nonlinear integer programming with about 100 constraints and variables.
