visreg package for R: conditional plots - r

The visreg package in R can produce plots for various regression models. When creating conditional plots for each predictor, the other predictors are — by default — held at their median values, although this value can be changed by the user. In the documentation, an example is given (Fig. 5) that shows the effect of choosing values other than the median. The model's predictions change depending on the chosen value, as do the data that are plotted. My question is this: how are the data transformed between these plots? Are they simply adjusted according to the model?

The conditional plot shows partial residuals and not the original data as I thought. Consequently, the points that are plotted are determined according to the equation given in that URL.


How can I display all my model predicted values using whisker plots?

I'm working with a linear mixed model with sex and diel (day/night) as my predictors and depth displacement as my response in R. Here is the model:
displacement_lmm_hour <- lmer(Displacement~sex*Light + (1|Hour), data = avg_depth_df_hour)
I want to create a whisker plot displaying each predicted value for each of my predictors from the model. So, I tried using dwplot from the dotwhisker() library in R.
dwplot(displacement_lmm_hour, effects = "fixed")
This is what it came out with:
As you can see, it is only showing the first 'sets' (if you will) of predicted values. Ie. there's no males, or day time values shown. I realize this comes from the model itself and the summary() table of the model only shows those as well. But, how can I show these values for the 'hidden' predicted values that also come from the model?
I also tried using '''plot_model''', which allowed me to separate my predicted values, but I don't think the error bars are correct (why I tried the whisker plots instead)
plot_model(displacement_lmm_hour, type = "pred", terms = c("sex","Light"), axis.title = c("Sex", "Displacement")
Do you have an idea how to accomplish this using the dwplot function? Or another way to accomplish this in general?

Coefficient Plot in r for mixed model

I have fitted a three level model looking at political trust using multiple waves of survey data. Individuals nested in country-waves nested in countries. Now that I have my results, I want to present them in a coefficient plot. I have fitted a coefficient plot using the sjPlot function below. I am only interested in presenting the higher level variables (growth,inflation,unemployment,corruption) as the individual level variables are controls, but the plot puts all the predictors in. I also want to edit the names of certain variables so its clearer. How can I do this? I don't mind suggestions using ggplot or the base r coefplot function.
plot_model(fullmodel, transform = NULL, show.values = TRUE)

How to use termplot function with fixed predictive variable values?

Let´s assume I want to draw a plot similar to here here using R, i.e. hazard ratio on y axis and some predictor variable on x axis based on a Cox model with spline term. The only exception is that I want to set my own x axis points; termplot seems to pick all the unique values from the data set but I want to use some sort of grid. This is because I am doing multiple imputation which induces different unique values in every round. Otherwise I can do combined inference quite easily but it would be a lot easier to make predictions for the same predictor values every imputation round.
So, I need to find a way to use termplot function so that I can fix predictor values or to find a workaround. I tried to use predict function but its newdata argument requires values for all other (adjusting) variables too, which inflates standard errors. This is a problem because I am also plotting confidence intervals. I think I could do this manually without any functions except that spline terms are out of my reach in this sense.
Here is an illustrative example.
# Model with spline term and two adjusting variables
# Let's pretend this is the grid
# These are in the data but it's easier for comparison in this example
# Right SEs but what if I want to use different age values?
# This does something else
# This produces an error
# This inflates variance
# May actually work with models without categorical variables: what to do with them?
# Actual predictions are different but all that matters is the difference between ages
# and they are in line
Please let me know if didn't exlain my problem sufficiently. I tried to keep it as simple as possible.
In the end, this how I worked it out. First, I made the predictions and SEs using termplot function and then I used linear interpolation to get approximately right predictions and SEs for my custom grid.
ptemp<-data.frame(ptemp[1]) # Picking up age and corresponding estimates and SEs
x<-ptemp[,1]; y<-ptemp[,2]; se<-ptemp[,3]
f<-approxfun(x,y) # Linear interpolation function
x2<-seq(from=10,to=50,by=0.5) # You can make a finer grid if you want
y2<-f(x2) # Interpolation itself
f_se<-approxfun(x,se) # Same for SEs
dat<-data.frame(x2,y2,se2) # The wanted result

Plot residuals vs predicted response in R

Is Plot residuals vs predicted response equivalent to Plot residuals vs fitted ?
If so, then would be plotted by plot(lm) and plot(predict(lm)), where lm is the linear model ?
Am I correct?
Maybe little off-topic, but as an addition: package named ggfortify might come handy. Super easy to use, like this:
Yields an output with the most important things you need to know, if your model violates the lm assumptions or not. An example output here:
Yes, the fitted values are the predicted responses on the training data, i.e. the data used to fit the model, so plotting residuals vs. predicted response is equivalent to plotting residuals vs. fitted.
As for your second question, the plot would be obtained by plot(lm), but before that you have to run par(mfrow = c(2, 2)). This is because plot(lm) outputs 4 plots, one of which is the one you want, i.e the residuals vs fitted plot. The command above divides the output screen into four facets, so each plot will be shown in one. The plot you are looking for will appear in the top left.

Plotting backtransformed data with LS means plot

I have used the package lsmeans in R to get the average estimate for all observations for my treatment factor (across the levels of a block factor in the experimental design that has been included with systematic effect because it only had 3 levels). I have used a sqrt transformation for my response variable.
Thus I have used the following commands in R.
First defining model
Then applying lsmeans
Then plotting this
plot(model_lsmeans,ylab="treatment", xlab="response(with 95% CI)")
This gives a very nice graph with estimates and 95% confidense intervals for the different treatment.
The problems is just that this graph is for the transformed response.
How do I get this same plot with the backtransformed response (so the squared response)?
I have tried to create a new data frame and extract the lsmean, lower.CL, and upper.CL:
And then make these squared
This gives me the estimates and CI boundaries squared that I need.
The problem is that I cannot make the same graph for thise estimates and CI as the one that I did in LS means above.
How can I do this? The reason that I ask is that I want to have graphs that are all of a similar style for my article. Since I very much like this LSmeans plot, and it is very convenient for me to use on the non-transformed response variables, I would like to have all my graphs in this style.
Thank you very much for your help! Hope everything is clear!
Kind regards
