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Closed 1 year ago.
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I want to change the billing frequency in my Firebase account to Annually or something else? However, there is no way to change it.
Can someone help, please?
firebaser here
Firebase subscriptions are charged monthly. There are no other options available at the moment.
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Closed 1 year ago.
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I have to a GA account and have to add GA snippet for each site. There are 5 websites e.g. domain names are
Agency suggested since all domains belong to the same mysite.* family they may use the same GA snippet, with different country code.
Is it possible to use one GA snippet in above scenarios ?
You can use one snippet. In this way the data ends up in only one Property and at that point you can create a View for each country.
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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have an https packet where I am trying to figure out what the website is using to encrypt or hash my POST data.
I have it in an email:pass format and this is what I am being returned.
Email:Pass before hash:
After Hash that is posted is this value:
I have looked around to try and find the right charmap but I was unable to do so.
If anyone has an idea please let me know thanks.
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Closed 2 years ago.
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Firebase indicates the cost for cloud scheduler jobs as $0.10 here:
Does that mean you would be charged $864 dollars per month if you had a job that ran every 5 minutes???
Updated: Even though answered, just to clarify the reason I asked the question is because the docs referenced did not distinguish between a "job" and as Doug mentioned, the invocation. If you are going to down-vote, it would be helpful to understand why. Thanks.
No, the cost is per job definition, not per job invocation. If you define 3 jobs, it's $0.30 per month, no matter how many times they execute.
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This question does not appear to be about programming within the scope defined in the help center.
Closed 9 years ago.
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It seems really simple, but who invented the commonly-used otpauth:// scheme (used by Google Authenticator and other TOTP soft tokens by scanning QR codes)? When?
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Closed 11 years ago.
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If I add a csv with 5000 of my collected emails to Singing & Dancing, will the false emails be removed automatically?
I was wrong and it is possible as per the comment below. It would still be great if you would file a bug regarding the lack of docs for this hidden feature.