Define what makes a code section in rstudio - r

Rstudio changed how a code section is defined. In version 0.99.902 code sections had to have some text behind the hash symbol. But now in version 1.0.136 if there are 5 hashes in a row it will define a new section.
Is there anyway to make it go back to the old way of defining sections? It isn't a big deal except I would mark my sections with hashes above and below the name and now it is creating 3x as many sections.
Old version:
New version:

I don't know if there's a way to recover the old behavior, but you could use + instead. In addition, you can put this in a code snippet (if you haven't already). In Preferences, go to the Code tab, scroll to the bottom and click the Edit Snippets button. Then add something like the following:
snippet hd
`r "# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
### HEAD ##########
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"`
Then, when you type hd followed by a tab (actually two tabs, since the first tab will bring up a few options that start with hd, but hd will be at the top, so you can just press tab twice) in your R script file, the following will appear:
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
### HEAD ##########
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Better yet, you can create a snippet that takes the heading text as an argument:
snippet hd
`r paste("# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n",
"### ", "${1:HEAD}", " ##########\n",
"# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++", sep="")`
Then, when you type hd followed by two tabs, the HEAD text will be highlighted and you can just type in your actual heading text.

Unfortunately, this behavior has changed between RStudio v0.98.1091, v0.99.903 and the current release v1.0.136.
In RStudio v0.98.1091, 'empty' headers such as ##### were recognized as section headers.
This behavior was briefly changed with v0.99.903, such that some initial text was required for these to be recognized as section headers. A number of users were unhappy as this effectively broke code folding for users who were explicitly using standalone ##### blocks to create sections.
Because of that, the behavior was reverted in RStudio v1.0.136, and so now standalone ##### blocks are again recognized as section headers.


How does R (RGui) parse multiline character strings?

The RGui (Windows; R version 3.5.3) appears to ignore tab characters that occur at the beginning of a line within a character string (press CTRL+R over the lines of code):
foo <- 'LINE1
# [1] "LINE1\nLINE2\nLINE3\n"
longstring <- removetabsatbeginningoflines('
<TAB>Sometimes I have really long strings that I format
<TAB>so that they read nicely (not with too long of a
<TAB>line length). Tabs at the beginning of the lines
<TAB>within a string preserve my code indenting scheme
<TAB>that I use to make the code more readable. If the
<TAB>tabs are not removed automatically by the parser,
<TAB>then I need to wrap the string in a function that
<TAB>removes them.')
The tab characters are preserved when the above code is source'd from a file.
Why doesn't RGui keep the tab characters?
Where is this behavior documented?
What other non-intuitive, related behaviors does RGui have with regard to parsing (multiline) strings?
I can't find anywhere that this is documented, so this is a worthwhile question to publicly answer.
If you are using RGui's built-in 'R Editor', then all Tab characters entered via the Tab key, or already existing in a text file that you have opened into the 'R Editor', will not be respected when submitting using Ctrl-R (This is difficult to represent here in an example given that tabs are stripped from answers).
I imagine the 'R Editor' is not meant to be used for serious code editing, and you may be better off using a dedicated IDE (e.g. RStudio) or more full-featured editor (e.g. Emacs, Notepad++).
You can route around this issue in RGui by manually replacing tabs as \t when editing in RGui, but this may not be appropriate if you want to keep actual Tabs in your file. Tabs will also be correctly processed when using source() to directly run the code stored in the text file.

Copy text from RStudio console as "plain text"

Is there a simple way to copy the selected output in RStudio's console as plain text?
For example, I have this output:
And then when I select it and copy it to another application (e.g. MS Word or WPS Office) I always get this ugly format with it:
I know I can "Keep text only" in MS Word (e.g. pressing Ctrl-T right after pasting) and similar options in other applications, but I wish there were a single hotkey, or if I could just convert all output in RStudio console to plain text by default (because I have no use for its formatting anyway).
IN Addins menu, there is an option to copy value/output to clipboard.
Please see clipr
Or you can capture console output and write output to clipboard.
to_clip_board <- function(x){
as.character(substitute(x)), "written to clipboard."
paste0(capture.output(x),collapse = "\n"),
col.names = FALSE,
row.names = FALSE
> to_clip_board(iris)
> to_clip_board(data.frame)
I just found a solution that works at least on my present OS, Linux Mint (19.3): Just select text and click with middle mouse button to the place (e.g. in WPS Office or LibreOffice) where you want to copy-paste the selected text. It will instantly copy and paste the text without formatting. (If you want to copy first, click with middle mouse button on the selected text, and then click again with middle mouse button to the place where you want it pasted.)
Others have said that the Ctrl + Shift + V should paste without formatting too, but that didn't work for me. This combination is supposed to also work on Windows in many applications. Otherwise for Windows you can download PureText that makes copy-paste without formatting super easy.
(In retrospect I realize this is not necessarily an R or RStudio question, but rather a more general OS clipboard issue. Nonetheless I needed it for R only, so I'll leave the question unchanged: there might be better and more general R-specific solutions in the future, such as making all console output plain text.)

Ascent e (é) in tab panel titles in Shiny R

I am trying to assign a title to a tabpanel as "Démarrer" in a shiny application. But it appears as "Démarrer" in the shiny app.
tabPanle(titele = "Démarrer")
Does anyone know how to get it properly in the app as "Démarrer"?
It seems your code file is not in UTF-8. You can try to switch to it using File/Save with encoding).
By the way as a general rule of thumb you can set it as your permanent default encoding by checking the corresponding box in the save with encoding dialog)
Otherwise you might try to use HTML entities to code your accents (remove the space between & and eacute;).
tabPanel(title=HTML("D& eacute;marrer"))

How to use UTF-8 characters in dygraph title in R

Using Rstudio [Windows8], when I use the dygraph function to plot a time series, I have a problem when trying to use UTF-8 characters in the main title.
dygraph(AirPassengers, main = "Título")
This results in a title: "T?tulo"
I have tried to convert "Título" to the utf-8 enconding, but it doesn't work.
You can use enc2utf8.
dygraph(AirPassengers, main = enc2utf8("Título"))
You need to make sure your locale settings support the character that you want to use, and that the file is saved with the right encoding. Saving as UTF-8 worked for me.
I was able to replicate your situation in Windows 7 and tried a bunch of things. Embedded in Rmarkdown, here is a minimal working example.
#note that windows locale names are different from unix & mac, usually
#the name of nationality works here.
#also works with "Faroese", "Hungarian", and others who have this letter.
#the locale has to be set in a preceding block to take effect.
dygraph(AirPassengers, main = "Título")
You can try out the encoding given to the title to have with Encoding(). Languages like Faroese, Hungarian, and German encode "Título" as latin or unknown, both of which seem to cause no problems for dygraph's javascript. UTF-8 wrote it as <U+00ED> which was a problem for the javascript, as well as some, but not all other functions. With a matching locale, converting to utf-8 as #Michele recommended has the same result.
Also, if you don't have the title in many places, it is possible to just manually find and replace the title in the html/javascript file that is made. The problem occurs on conversion, but if the file is already made, the title variable can be successfully changed. The letter still has a question mark in Rstudio "Viewer" output, but I recommend making the entire file for javascript regularly, as I've seen other functions malfunction in the viewer window.

Label code chunks in regular Rstudio .r script

An .rmd document in Rstudio is easy to navigate to the various code chunks using the little drop down in the bottom left corner of the script window.
In a regular .r file, functions are listed with a helpful 'f' icon and the function name and commented chunks are also listed with a helpful '#' icon, but with (untitled) next to them.
What do I need to include in my comment so the "(untitled)" will be replaced with a label?
# FirstLabel - This is the first chunk of code I want to navigate to.
Add #### at the end of every comment you want to list
# FirstLabel - This is the first chunk of code I want to navigate to. ####
The nice thing about this is that you can hide everything between these comments using the drop down arrow on the left of the comment
#### still works, but now you can also add ---- at the end or click on Code>Insert Section...
# new section ----
The keyboard shortcut on windows is CTRL+SHIFT+R and on Mac: CMD+SHIFT+R
