transposing database date value into datepicker field - javafx

I am having difficulty with my code to convert the date value from the database into my form datepicker field.
this is the code I am using:
item.setValue(LocalDate.parse(row.get(11), DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE));
Any help is appreciated!


Datepicker for CF7 select field with rescricted dates

In a Contact Form 7 form I have a select field, which values are only dates from an external JSON data source.
To make it a bit more comfortable for the user, I would like to add a datepicker to the select (dropdown), which only allows the date values from the select and restrict the Rest.
Can someone help me to achieve this? Thank you very much.

How to stop Time data being appended to Today() (powerapps and excel)

I am trying to use powerapps to create a submission form for users.
The issue is that I have one field for submission date.
All I want is the short date added to the table column when the user clicks submit.
What I get is the shortdate with
I have tried:
Text(Today(), "[%-en-US]YYYY-MM-DD")
Text(Today(), DateTimeFormat.ShortDate)
Left(Text(Today(), "[%-en-US]YYYY-MM-DD"),10)
Left(Text(Today(), DateTimeFormat.ShortDate),10)
I have tried setting the excel table field to "Text"
I have tried setting it back to date and using just the short date without conversion.
Is there any end to this madness?
This should do the trick;

Drupal 7 Wrong Timestamp showing up in a custom view instead of what is there in the database table

I have a view created in a drupal 7 to display the data fields from a table in the database and one of the fields is date_entered which is a timestamp. But the data in the timestamp field shows up as same for each record as " 1969/12/31 - 19:33" instead of what's there in the table.
I have tried changing the timestamp format and applying a patch to fix the issue but nothing seems to fix this.
Do u use the date module? It solves all date and timestamp issues.
Found a work around, i created a hidden field using date module and used the default site format to populate the hidden field and used the array while doing the submit db insert which in turn populates the data base table with the current date of submission and used that date field in the view to display the date instead of the complete timestamp.

Get Date Value as DD/MM/YYYY from database

I am using the "[Datatype(" data annotation for allowing the user to select the date and it's selected in this format, "DD/MM/YYYY".
However, the date is sent backwards to the database. The image below illustrates this.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
Correct date selected
Backwards date sent to data
Ended off using Moment which is amazing at formatting dates.

MS InfoPath: How do you populate a date box by using a function? Mostly a formatting date issue

This might be a simple question. But I am trying to use a rule in an InfoPath field where if a user enters a certain value in a text box, a date box will populate with a certain date.
Example: User enters "Orange" in the Textbox1 field. Datefield1 should populate with 11/30/2010.
The problem is I have no idea how to setup/format the date in the rule box. See picture for details.
InfoPath marks the format as invalid. I've tried 2011-Nov-30, 30-Nov-2011, and a few more. Any ideas?
It has to be the date format yyyy-mm-dd ("2010-01-01"). Alternatively you can use the date function today() if it is always going to be the current date.
