Displaying multiple feature modules that use router in the same view in Angular - angular2-routing

I have an use case in which I need to have multiple modules loaded in the view at the same time. Thing is, each of those modules might be as simple as a component, or a complex Angular module with a router and everything. I guess you could call it a plugable framework.
The number of modules I have to show or who they are is dynamic (I'm getting them from a server).
My first idea is that it would be good for this case if the feature module's router wouldn't be a singleton with the main one and also if they wouldn't update the url completly.
Each of the feature module should be able to be launched as a stand-alone app if bootstrapped (therefore, I do need it to be able incorporate all Angular 4 features including the router).
I managed to get something working by playing with the router and with named router outlets (secondary routes) but not sure how good that is in the long run.
How should I approach this?

I am in the early stages of attacking a somewhat similar scenario. In my app, the UI is organized in panels that are designed to stand alone on smaller displays, or side by side on larger. I find this approach works well for my routes, as my app is designed to edit a complex, highly hiegraphical document with many inter-related sections. e.g. User follows link on list to open detail, new detail panel appears to right... follows link on detail to related node... etc.
The solution I'm noodling with now is attempting to use an ngrx store that interacts with the router (and router-store) to dynamically create panels based upon router data. Well, technically it does not create the panels, it only serves the data that tells a component what to create and render.
I know my situ is not exactly the same as yours, but perhaps there's something in my approach that may help you find usefull or at least thought provoking.


On the discouragement of getInitialProps

I'm currently implementing a POC project in NextJs 12 to check whether it is possible for us to integrate it. I'm not able to update to 13 yet since I cannot support React 18 due to some in-house packages that we use, so for the purposes of this discussion let's pretend that Next 13 does not exist yet.
We all know that Next officially discourages the use of getInitialProps and recommends using getServerSideProps wherever possible. I'm aware of all the downsides of getInitialProps as opposed to getServerSideProps, main one being the constant client/server context switch which you have to be mindful of.
However, I cannot understand the easiness with which this is discouraged. Apart from NextJs itself I've seen a lot of blog posts calling it the worst thing ever and such. It seems to me like people who say stuff like that have not had some realistic use cases, and that the opinion mostly comes from toy projects (notes app, todo app, blog app etc).
Anyway the purpose of this question is twofold. One, to verify if it is at all possible in my case to avoid getInitialProps, and two, to see if anyone else thinks that this discouragement is somewhat unfounded and not based on reality.
The reason I've decided to use Next at all was to achieve SSR in React. The entire point of that, at least I believe so, is to enable SSR and still preserve some main benefits of React, such as a seamless SPA-like navigation in certain pages. If that was not the case I would have gone for a traditional SSR framework such as Ruby on Rails, Django, etc.
The reason why I need to use getInitialProps, and why I believe I cannot possibly avoid it, is based on two aspects:
Every single page that I have requires certain global data, which I don't want to refetch on every route.
The perfect example of this is the page header. The header of every one of my page depends on user data and translations (i18n). Both of these things I fetch from an external API. If I were to use GSSP then every route and every sub-route of every page would have to re-perform this data fetching which seems like a huge performance kill. I have no way to properly persist this data through GSSP navigation without conforming to some hacks such as sending hidden query parameters which check if data was already fetched. If we were to assume that the user always comes into contact with a page solely through its root URL, then this would work, but this assumption is extremely unrealistic.
By using getInitialProps in combination with redux and next-redux-wrapper, it is very easy to check if data was already fetched (even better if using RTKQ you don't even have to explicitly check it).
Big pages where I want SPA-like behaviour are not possible.
In my case I have one page which has about 5 sub-routes. On its homepage, we display a list of certain entities, which is fetched from the API. The API is such that entities can only be fetched as a list, and you cannot fetch entities individually. Then, for each entity, when you click on it, you can go to a sub-page where you see its specific info.
The only natural way to do this is to have the entire data fetched on the first page visit and then reused throughout the page as we navigate. Re-fetching the whole data on every page navigation is also a performance kill. The only way I was able to implement this and preserve a seamless SPA-like navigation was with getInitialProps.
What's interesting about this use case is that hacks with sending hidden query params would actually not do the trick, since even though I can force GSSP to be aware that the data is already fetched, I cannot access that data, therefore I cannot do any server-side route validation. What I mean is that if a user was to land on the home page, where all the entities are fetched, then somehow visit an entity page, like page/123, where an entity with id 123 does not exist, I cannot validate that and properly handle it in GSSP without re-fetching the entire list of entities again which is, once more, a performance kill.
So, in conclusion, I'd like to hear opinions on the discouragement of getInitialProps. For me it seems borderline impossible to completely migrate to getSeverSideProps if your app is at all realistic, uses translations, global data, etc.
Thanks in advance.

Best practices approach to multiple views in meteor?

Every tutorial/example i can find for meteor shows a single view application. I would like to build something a little more complex. I'm unclear how to approach multiple views...preferably in a way that's somewhat scalable?
The iron-router package lets you access different views (layouts) by nice, REST-ful human-friendly clean URLs. It supports parameters in the URL, "loading" templates, waiting for subscriptions to finish loading, before and after hooks etc.
At this point you can only create Single Page applications with Meteor. Note that Single Page, doesn't mean you can't have several views - use iron-router for that.
But by design, Meteor serves a big fat unique JavaScript/HTML/CSS application down to the browser, though there's a feature request to allow incremental loading. It is then up to the application (or more precisely, the JavaScript framework), to dynamically render its views in order to display different "pages".
I was wondering the same thing and it took me way too much time getting something started. I finally got a paged app working solidly by using Backbone views and routes, so I created a simple boilerplate project to make setting up an app like this easier in the future.
Live demo here: backbone-boilerplate.meteor.com
Source code here: github.com/justinmc/meteor-backbone-boilerplate
Have you looked at madewith.meteor.com?
A bunch of apps there have multiple views using Backbone also Jonathan Kingston who created britto has started simple meteor framework called Stellar
At this stage of the game not sure if there really are best practices. But these two seem to be the current flow.
You can also make a tabbed interface for multiple views. There is a package project "Smart package for generating a tabbed interface with pushState" github project here: https://github.com/possibilities/meteor-tabs
The best solution right now is using a routing package (router is basic but works). The workflow is something like this:
declare routes; return a template name for each route
place the reactive helper provided by the package in your body tag
the reactive helper will return the template associated to that route
you create a template for each route and optionally set custom publish functions
Router will give you browser history (client side).
Note that at this time there are some limitation on the way Meteor handles html/js. They are load all at the same time. The bright side is that once the app is loaded, page transitions will be instant.

should I move from caliburn to caliburn.micro

I'm developing an infrastructure for a major project currently based on caliburn 1.
It works fine but it seems like the future is in caliburn micro, am I right?
If I do, how do I implement filters? How do I specify view to a view viewnodel (non conventional)?
And whats the best place to put my splash logic (not root model)
I recommend moving to Caliburn.Micro as it's simpler and easier to extend. It is where any future innovations will be made and it has a larger more active community. As far as filters go, you can actually build them and plug them in. See here Marco's post You can add non-conventional view specification as well. You just plug into the view locator and teach it how to find views. For example, if you want to use an attribute, you can just have the locator look for that attribute first, use it if found, otherwise fall back to the default behavior. Regarding splash logic, you can do that by customizing the Bootstrapper.

Where Does JQuery/Client-Side Programming Fit Into MVP and DDD

I'm working on an a pretty big project right now and am trying to implement an MVP architecture. I'm starting to run across a instances where I think JQuery or Javascript might be better suited than server-side code. I'm looking for feedback on how others are implementing client-side programming into their enterprise applications. How are you structuring the client-side code and how do you determine when to use it?
Things that can make user say "wow". For example - Populating search results while user has just typed 3-4 character of search term. Just go back in past and think about Yahoo or Hotmail which used to postback to server when you clicked on "Create Message". But when google came they just did on client side without going to server. I bet you would have said "wow" to that. At least I did.
Things that can reduce server load. For example - Adding extra data entry row in HTML table, instead of doing it through round trip, Increase/Decrease of quantity etc.
These are just some example to sight. Even to do these things properly you need to go to server but that will be behind the scene using ajax. Other than this you need to select few more jquery plugins that you will use in your project. To name some are jQuery UI, jQuery Validation, jQuery AnythingSlider etc. There are too many of them.
Http://ClearTrip.com is one site that I envy for their UX. Visit their site from mobile device and you will get further clues about their UX work. Besideds just coding you need to have a person in your team who can work on these UX aspects.
Regarding how this fits into DDD: I've just recently started my journey into DDD but one hears a lot about command/query separation in that circle. Certainly if you are doing something that hits your domain (like fetching for auto-completion or certainly if you allow partial page submission to accomplish a domain command) you have to decide how it gets there and how the domain is structured to handle it.
I think two decisions are most relevant.
First, bits entirely in the browser and even those specifically in your application layer are outside your domain and thus, though covered in the layered architecture part of the DDD discussion, do not land in the entity/value/event/service, etc. discussion. If, however, you are using AJAX to interact with your application layer and in turn need to access your domain, you need to consider again two things in my mind.
(a) Are you separating commands and queries simply using different methods on your domain? Fine if you have a relatively small demand for either queries or commands and this will not seem like "noise" in your domain API. Otherwise, you have a separate bounded context...another domain modeled just for queries that your UI needs to avoid clutter on your domain. Regardless, you are doing something like JS->AJAX handler in application layer->domain (including a domain service).
(b) Is this a command or a query? Once you have (a) figured out, this lets you know where the access will land...then use the presentation layer's use case to elaborate the domain concept and put it into your ubiquitous language.
Second, you have the DTO vs direct to domain decision. This can be a religious war gathering topic, but usually the answer is "depends." I think there are cases for using DTOs and cases for not (within the same architecture)...just search for all the discussions around the topic and apply the pattern only where it adds value; I won't try to cover details here.
Hope this provides some insight or at least conversation magnet to which others will add.
I guess this question is a little too subjective. Looks like I'm just going to grab a view books on advanced javascript and study up on the JQuery library.

Front-end first or back-end?

Hi I have to do a small CMS application in MS ASP.NET using WebForms.
I do everything on my own: front-end and back-end and Data Base schema.
Now that I want to develop the site, I wonder if I should start from front-end first, or back-end.
Considering this is a small project, could you guys give me a list of steps I do better following to help to determinate what is the best order for developing my application?
Thanks once again for your time.
You'll develop all tiers as you go most of the time
For some page you may first create database schema and fill it up with some dummy data and than work your way up.
For others you may start with a page itself and then write functionality that's needed to get it working. Especially when this page hasn't been envisioned enough. This is not bad nor good. It's just the way development tends to be.
Some considerations
Follow agile development
Write down some requirements in a form of user stories (and keep track of them), that don't give any info about page, data etc. Just something like As a user I would like to have primary navigation on my page. This kind of a story will permit later changes to code/pages without the story becoming invalid.
Don't haste into something fully functional at first. Don't over-engineer your code. Because you'll end up doing changes later = follow YAGNI. For instance don't fully design your DB at first. Do just as much as you need per story being developed. But do think of future things that you'll have to integrate into existing codebase.
Refactor existing code right away when you see something should be changed.
If you have someone to test your code, let them do it. Don't develop next stories before existing bugs have been fully resolved. You'll be grateful for this later.
If your code is semi-complex I suggest you write unit tests, so future code changes won't break existing functionality.
Most of all: learn as you go and change existing code while doing so. Since you're learning these technologies I suggest you stick to simplicity at first. You'll add more complex things when needed. Some of them won't get done at all. So in the end youl realise YIDNI (yep, I didn't need it).
I usually write out what my requirements are first, if I need to use a database, I create that first, always. After my database I start working on front end that connects and uses my already created database.
I worry about the front-end last, can you can always change that pretty easily
I would say that in many systems, the back-end is there to support what is needed for the front-end to work. If you don't know what the front-end needs, there is little chance of successfully designing the back-end. So I'd start off with putting at least a rough front-end in place first (if even just a paper prototype).
I tend to approach all of my projects with a back-to-front approach for one simple reason - testability. Writing solid tests against a back-end early will will make it easier to work on the other tiers progressively. It also, as "bonus" helps to keep business logic out of places it does not belong.
I find it easier to develop the logic and back-end first, so that I get that right, then apply the interface to it. This way you avoid writing functionality based on what you think you need from the front end.
It is important to get a good scope of what you want to do/tackle, and try to implement that in the back-end first. Then wrap it in a nice interface!
