Portaudio library not working with Qt - qt

I have successfully installed and used the Portaudio library for real time sound output on Ubuntu, with some C++ code.
But my main project is on Windows under Qt Creator. I have tried to build Portaudio with MinGW which seems to have worked because when I run the example "bin/paex_sine" it outputs a sine, but I can't use it in Qt.
I have linked the library by adding
LIBS += -LC:/MinGW/lib/ -lportaudio.dll
as advised there, but I get errors of this type :
undefined reference to mingw_initcharmax crtexe.c
I also tried to use the flag "--enable-cxx" when running ./configure, but then the make returns the following error :
c:\mingw\lib\gcc\mingw32\5.3.0\include\c++\cwtype:89:11: error: '::iswblank' has not been declared
using ::iswblank;
I don't really know what I did wrong and how I should proceed...


Configuring Qt 5.9.5 on Ubuntu 16.04

I recently started working with Qt. I was trying some simple widgets. It was working as intended with no errors and suddenly Qt doesn't work anymore. I did not change any configuration/settings. I restarted my computer and I started to get the following error. I have no idea how to fix them.
Error (when trying to open an already existing project):
/Qt/5.9.5/gcc_64/mkspecs/features/qmake_use.prf(6): 'take_first' is not a recognized replace function.
Project ERROR: Library '' is not defined.
Warnings while parsing QML type information of Qt/5.9.5/gcc_64/qml:
/Qt/5.9.5/gcc_64/qml/builtins.qmltypes:1:24: Reading only version 1.1 parts.
/Qt/5.9.5/gcc_64/qml/builtins.qmltypes:10:5: Expected only Component and ModuleApi object definitions.
/Qt/5.9.5/gcc_64/mkspecs/features/qmake_use.prf(6): 'take_first' is not a recognized replace function.
Project ERROR: Library '' is not defined.
/Qt/5.9.5/gcc_64/mkspecs/features/toolchain.prf(69): system(execute) requires one or two arguments.
Project ERROR: Cannot run compiler 'g++'. Output:
Error (when trying to create a new project)
Maybe you forgot to setup the environment?
Error while parsing file /workspace/testQt/testQt.pro. Giving up.
/Qt/5.9.5/gcc_64/mkspecs/features/toolchain.prf(69): system(execute) requires one or two arguments.
Project ERROR: Cannot run compiler 'g++'. Output:
Other details:
Qt version: Qt 5.9.5(gcc_64)
Compilier: GCC 7.3.0
OS: Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS
PS: I had this same error two days back. Reinstalling Qt fixed it but not anymore.
There is no problem with g++. I complied a code with the same complier (used here) through terminal and it works perfectly.
Thank you.
I had the same problem, and I solved it by upgrading QtCreator. I think, 3.x.x versions of QtCreator incorrectly assumes the name of g++ compiler. In Kits options there is only "Compiler" setting, and in 4.x.x there are two separate string "C" and "C++". After indicating correct paths to both compiles "Cannot run compiler" error disappears.

setting up Marble to work with Qt

I am trying to set up Marble to work with Qt 5.5 on OSX. I'm not very experienced with the details of linking and such and I think that is causing the problem I am having.
Question: Did I screw up the 'marble` install or is this an easily solved linking issue?
Qt 5.5 is installed in my user directory (using Qt's network installer) on a system running OSX 10.9.5. It works fine. I followed the instructions on the Marble site to clone, build and install from source with (I believe) the appropriate Qt flags. That seemed to go without issue. When I try to build the simple test app listed here, the #include <marble/MarbleWidget.h> line gives a "file not found" error.
After the install I've ended up with the following:
A "marble" directory in my root user folder
A "Marble.app" file along with various other marble related files in the bin and include directories. However the Marble.app gives the following error on launch:
Dyld Error Message: Library not loaded:
#rpath/QtCore.framework/Versions/5/QtCore Referenced from:
/usr/local/Marble.app/Contents/MacOS/marble-qt Reason: image not
Binary Images:
0x7fff6a1f9000 - 0x7fff6a22c817 dyld (239.4) <7AD43B9B-5CEA-3C7E-9836-A06909F9CA56> /usr/lib/dyld
So a semi-solution: I used the Qt Creator "add Library" function and ended up with the following additions to the .pro file. I had to paste in the link to the lib since the dialog doesn't allow browsing of "usr/local/". Also, although I tried to link to the lib alias ("libmarblewidget-qt5.dylib"), the actual lib name is used.
macx: LIBS += -L$$PWD/../../../../../usr/local/lib/ -lmarblewidget-qt5.0.21.80
INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../../../../../usr/local/include
DEPENDPATH += $$PWD/../../../../../usr/local/include
I don't understand what this $$PWD/../../../../../ business is.
But it worked and I am able to run the example code at the link in my question.
I wish this install/build stuff wasn't so damned arcane. I've spent endless hours just trying to get things set up – really sucks the joy out of exploring this stuff and I can't say I really learned much of anything from it.
So I cleaned out the "$$PWD" crap and the literal lib name and it works. Not sure what difference it makes – but there you go.
macx: LIBS += -L/usr/local/lib/ -lmarblewidget-qt5
INCLUDEPATH +=/usr/local/include
DEPENDPATH +=/usr/local/include
Either the build is faulty or you need a different version of Qt installed to run it. Usually the app has the Qt libraries that it needs wrapped up in the app itself. If it's not in there it will search your mac for it. The message says that QtCore can't be found in either place. If you look inside Google's Google Earth, you can see where the libraries are stored. You can also copy a version of QtCore into your Marble to see if it will work.

Qt | Can't get any cryptographic library to work

Over a week now I tried to implement every Cryptography-Library I could possibly find into QT to encrypt files and strings, but it just seems to be impossible for me.
I started with a clean Ubuntu-Installation, updated everything, installed QT and as Openssl is allready installed on Ubuntu, I tried to start with that.
I've read some tutorials, tried some examples, but nothing I did seemed to solve my "undefined reference" problem.
I googled for the right libs I maybe had to add to the project file, but nothing worked.
As Openssl didn't work for me, I googled my way through "QCA", "Crypto++", "MCrypt" and some public librarys I found.
With the first three I got the "undefined reference" errors again and the other librarys either had depracted code or wrong conversions between data types in the code itself.
I'm new to the whole cryptographic stuff, but I can't get it to work at all.
It would just be awesome if someone could release me from my pain and help me to get ANY library working from a clean ubuntu installation with QT.
I just have to do something wrong....it can't be that the tutorials I found on the web are working just fine for everbody else.
As an example....I installed the packages "libmcrypt-dev", "libmcrypt4" and "mcrypt" and followed the code example here: mcrypt linux how to use rijndael 256 cbc
The include works fine, the header file can be found and the code for the mcrypt classes is highlighted, so it should work, right?
But as I try to compile the code, I get "undefined reference" errors in every line that uses a function from mcrypt.
This also happened with all the other librarys....though I can't find anything missing that others did.
No additional includes are stated anywhere nor any additional library-references which I'd have to include in the project file.
What am I doing wrong?
I fear I don't really have anything to show you guys either, except you want to see a huge list with "undefined reference" errors. :-/
If I try something like that:
#include <mcrypt.h>
int main()
MCRYPT td = mcrypt_module_open("rijndael-256", NULL, "cbc", NULL);
I get the following errors
error: undefined reference to `mcrypt_module_open'
error: undefined reference to `mcrypt_module_close'
Project file:
QT += core
QT -= gui
TARGET = untitled
CONFIG += console
CONFIG -= app_bundle
SOURCES += main.cpp
error: undefined reference says, that linker can not find library itself. It has headers files, that you have included, but does not see source. To fix this, you have to tell linker, where the sources are, so add in your *.pro file add line, for example like this for libmcrypt library:
LIBS += -L/path/to -lmcrypt
In linux, if you have installed with apt-get install or something similar, -L usually is not needed

Installing Qt SDK, cannot link to the C++ libraries

So I have installed the QtSDK on my Windows 7 64 bit machine. However, it seems like when I try to run a simple program like hello world such as:
#include <iostream>
int main(....) {
std::cout << "Hello World\n";
My program first gets the error:
CreateProcess: No Such file or directory.
So what I did was I went to this link here:
And I first tried to add the directory to the
PATH: C:\MinGW\libexec\gcc\mingw32\MinGW-Version
(my directory is slightly different but follows same idea)
where MinGW-Version is the Version of MinGW you are using
So now that got rid of that error but now I get the error:
iostream: No such file or directory
So now I add the path where the iostream library is and that fixes that error but then I get all these other errors where it can't find other standard C++ libraries such as stddef.h or stdio.h etc. So it seems as if the C++ libraries cannot be linked to. I have tried various other things such as including C:\MinGW\bin in my path and have tried uninstalling and reinstalling Qt. Also I have checked that Qt is using the right gcc compiler by going to Tools->Options->Toolchains in Qt Creator.
It seems that the linking to C++ libraries is not correct for some reason. Could anyone help me or guide me as to why this may be happening and how to fix this?
I'm not sure why it's not working, so I'll just tell you how my environment is set up. I don't think you need to add any library paths to the system path. You should only need to add C:\MinGW\bin.
So get rid of everything except for that. Also, are you setting this through cmd or control panel? If doing it in the control panel, make sure you are putting it in the "Path" variable not "PATH" -> the former is in the lower box. I've had problems before using "PATH" in the upper box - not sure what the difference is to be honest.
The QtSDK installation usually install the mingw compiler for you in ...\QtSDK\mingw. The libraries and dlls in ...\QtSDK\Desktop\Qt\4.7.3\mingw were compiled with this compiler. The mingw compiler you installed to c:\MinGW may be a different version than that. If you want to use this compiler you would have to recompile the Qt libraries.
C++ librairies in Qt.
Go to this URL http://doc.qt.digia.com/qtcreator-2.4/creator-overview.html for how to.
It seems (I did not try it, yet) that other librairies can be easily linked to a Qt Project.
This could solve the problem.

Qmake does not specify a valid qt

After installing Qt SDK for Open Source C++ development on Mac OS by following the respective steps
Note for the binary package: If you have the binary package, simply
double-click on the Qt.mpkg and follow the instructions to install Qt.
Yes, that is all I have done to install Qt on MacOsX. Everything was going fine, until I run a sample application, of which compile output resulted in:
No valid Qt version set.
Set one in Preferences
Error while building project qtilk
When executing build step 'QMake'
Canceled build.
Then I tried to change the respective Qt version in Preferences and I hovered over the Path, I realized my mkspec isn't set:
Then I tried querying qmake by qmake -query:
QMAKE_MKSPECS seems to be set here??
Will setting my mkspec solve my building problem? I tried setting by typing export mkspec=macx-g++. Still, mkspec seems not to be set to anything. I am all ears waiting for your answers. Thanks in advance.
To set the correct spec, use:
qmake -spec max-g++
