ClockKit - reload timeline when Health Kit data changes - healthkit

I'm writing a complication that relies on Health Kit data.
I want to be able to reload the timeline when a the store changes, but not sure what to hook in to to do this.

It seems a mix of using HKObserverQuery with background deliveries and Watch Kit's background tasks are the way to do this.
More info here:


Oxygen Builder multiple users simultaneously

is there a possible way to work simultaneously with multiple users on a Website without overwritting the global styles. When I'm saving my changes and defining some new CSS classes they always disappear after my partner saves his changes also.
Is there a possible way to avoid this problem?
Maybe we failed at the installation and made some mistakes.
According to Oxygen's site, they do support multi-user editing.
At a guess, it may be possible to apply your own hooks so things aren't auto-generated/saved. You'd essentially create your own plugin to overwrite the functions provided by Oxygen.
How that functions, I'm not sure, but it would require "manually updating" later.
Honestly, IMO, I wouldn't try to overwrite this functionality, but instead look into local environments instead. Create a copy of the site that all your devs can use on their local machine, and then move it on to a shared/dev/staging site.
TBH, I've found Oxygen to be a bit of a step back in the DevOps life cycle, since collaboration is a task now.
The official documentation recommend using a single tab when working with Oxygen to avoid issues where one tab is saving older data than another, resulting in overwriting your new changes. The same scenario can occur when two or more users are working in Oxygen at the same time.
We have developed the plugin to support multiple user simultaneously.
The plugin will update data and design instantly between multiple tabs of Oxygen Editor. So the overwrite issue is resolved since the data to save will be same and synced between the oxygen editor

Can I use ClockKit with a custom background image and complications at the same time?

I would like to use a watch face with a custom image (as shown during the WWCD'15 keynote) and, at the same time, show complications. How can I do this?
I have studied the ClockKit documentation but could not find a way to do this.
Update: It seems that watchOS 2 offers a watch face with a custom image. However, this watch face does not allow to add complications.
You can't make custom clock face, but you can build complications with ClockKit.
As you know from September 2014 event, complications are some data from other apps that you cam see them on the watch face, and they are even easier to see than Glances. For example, complications in WatchKit 1 are Activity rings, Battery Percentage, World Clock, Calendar events, etc.
There is an option in ClockKit to build complications, but you can't make watch faces.
NOTE: The single picture watch face doesn't provide complications at all.
Nope, sorry. There's no support for custom clock faces in either version of WatchKit.

Is there an orthodox way to develop Android TV apps

I have a few problems with understanding of android tv development. First of all when i had launched android tv project and was trying to create custom interface for new activity, unfortunately i couldn't find any xml elements which could help me. From the example i got some ideas that whole interface provided by android SDK collected in many fragments. I just can modify colors, fonts, fonts size, transparency maybe animation and etc. But if i really need to customize structure of controls and WTF i wanna output "Hello World" inside label!!! Is it possible? I read all articles from this link but it is still useless for me (maybe I am unique :) ). After this suffering with google guide, i have done a conclusion that the platform so new and there is no way to do some thing except only way that was provided by google. Am i right? If not, what should i do to find successful way?
The fragments provided by Google as part of the "leanback" framework are templates designed to make it easy for content providers to start publishing to Android TV without having to worry about the technical details of building a TV UI. The idea is that a content provider can create a channel just by feeding in their video content. This ease of use comes at a cost, customization is difficult or impossible with these templates.
However there is nothing preventing you from creating your own Activities and Fragments from scratch and implementing a completely custom UI for the TV, it works just like any other Android device. Add "android.intent.category.LEANBACK_LAUNCHER" to your manifest and see for yourself.

How to implement Resource/Day view (e.g. Show columns on Day view for each staff member)

We are currently using an old version of FullCalendar with a custom “fork” of FullCalendar that adds support for the “ResourceDay” view (the way it shows columns on Day view for each staff member).
We want to upgrade to FullCalendar 2.x and i have a question. Is it possible to implement Resource/Day view (e.g. Show columns on Day view for each staff member) using the custom view approach in FullCalendar 2.x (
We would really appreciate your suggestions on this.
My recommendation is to wait for the official timeline view. You can read about it here.
Basically it will be a resource-like view that will probably cost money unless your project is under GPL. But it will be an official and robust version and way less work than building it yourself.
There are several open source forks of this that have tried adding it. Look at these tickets:
Some of which are not available now, or available but have issues compiling.
This is a jQuery plugin that might help you:
But it has nothing to do with Fullcalendar. If you are wanting its event model to interface with your application then this might not work for you.

Is it possible to trigger the workflow manually?

Is that possible to trigger the workflow manually?
Say for example that I don't want to trigger the workflow when I save and close my component, but I want to update the component multiple times and, after I feel I am OK, I want to trigger the workflow attached for component.
Like Jeremy said it's not possible (yet), but it would also spoil the whole idea of Workflow that is - you can't have unapproved content checked in. In your case, you can edit component as many times as you want. No matter if you just save it or save and close. It will pass on to the next activity in workflow as soon as you will report "i'm done" - that is finish your activity.
You have to understand a few things about Tridion workflow. It is not designed or intended to be a process workflow, it's an approval workflow.
When changes are done to items that require workflow, workflow starts (item is locked). When you're done with the changes, you finish your activity and move on along the workflow process.
From the sound of it, you're probably working for an organization where workflow drives content publishing, while Tridion was designed from the ground up to not require workflow to publish to a website, workflow is simply for organizations requiring additional validation steps (some would say it's because they can't trust the editors, but that's a different story, which is easier to solve with permissions than workflow, but I digress).
Anyway, the good news for you is that the Workflow engine is being re-designed as we speak, and the next release will bring a lot of new process-oriented concepts into our workflow engine. But currently, what you want to do is not possible.
No, this is not possible. Workflow can only be triggered on the Save of an item. For the situation you mention you simply need to finish the initial activity at the point you are satisfied with the content.
