Print only first 5 elements of the list - r

I create a dataframe called df and give column names to it.
Then I create a new list called test_list. I loop through dataframe(df) and sort them in order.
Now, How do I print or extract only first 5 elements in the list(test_fun)?
df<- data.frame(45,67,78,89,45,65,54,67,87)
colnames(df) <- c("A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I")
test_list <- list()
for(i in 1:nrow(df))
test_list[[i]] <- colnames(sort(df[i,c(1:9)], decreasing = TRUE))
I tried,
#gives output
#[1] "D" "I" "C" "B" "H" "F" "G" "A" "E"
#gives output
#[1] "D" "I" "C" "B" "H" "F" "G" "A" "E"
But, I need
#output as

Using head
[1] "D" "I" "C" "B" "H"

The way you formatted your desired output, it looks like you want a list with 9 elements, not a list with one element that is a vector with 9 values. Can you say which one you prefer? If it's the former:
for(i in 1:ncol(df))
test_list[[i]] <- colnames(sort(df[1,c(1:9)], decreasing = TRUE)[i])
[1] "D"
[1] "I"
[1] "C"
[1] "B"
[1] "H"


multiple data.table columns to one column of vectors

I have a data.table like this:
tab = data.table(V1 = c('a', 'b', 'c'),
V2 = c('d', 'e', 'f'),
V3 = c('g', 'h', 'i'),
id = c(1,2,3))
From the columns V1,V2,V3 of this table, I'd like to get for row i a vector of c(V1[i],V2[i], V3[i])
I can get a list of the desired vectors like this:
lapply(1:tab[, .N], function(x) tab[x, c(V1, V2, V3)])
Which returns:
[1] "a" "d" "g"
[1] "b" "e" "h"
[1] "c" "f" "i"
But I think this is probably slow and not very data.table-like.
Also, I'd like to generalize it, do that I don't have explicitly type V1, V2, V3, but rather pass a vector of column names to be processed this way.
Try this?
> asplit(unname(tab[, V1:V3]), 1)
"a" "d" "g"
"b" "e" "h"
"c" "f" "i"
Using split
split(as.matrix(tab[, V1:V3]), tab$id)
[1] "a" "d" "g"
[1] "b" "e" "h"
[1] "c" "f" "i"
as.list(transpose(tab[, .(V1, V2, V3)]))
Or as a function
tdt <- function(DT, cols) as.list(transpose(DT[, .SD, .SDcols = cols]))
tdt(tab, c('V1', 'V2', 'V3'))
# $V1
# [1] "a" "d" "g"
# $V2
# [1] "b" "e" "h"
# $V3
# [1] "c" "f" "i"
tab[, 1:3] |> transpose() |> as.list()
[1] "a" "d" "g"
[1] "b" "e" "h"
[1] "c" "f" "i"

Reorder a vector with wrap around in R

Let's say I have a simple vector x in R. It is in the order 'a','b','c','d'. Is there a function that would take the vector and reorder it with wrap around? For example, how can I get x to be 'c','d','a','b'?
#Vector x
> x <- letters[1:4]
> x
[1] "a" "b" "c" "d"
#What I want:
> somefcn(x, 3)
[1] "c" "d" "a" "b"
x <- letters[1:4]
shiftnum <- 3
[1] "c" "d" "a" "b"
Is a very rough way to do, but it works

R remove an object from a list of vectors

I have a list of vectors and i would like to remove a specific object. Any ideas hot to achieve that?
Lets say i would like to remove the object F. How can i do that?
blocks <- list(
c("A", "B"),
c("D","E", "F")
We could also use setdiff with Map
Map(setdiff, blocks, 'F')
#[1] "A" "B"
#[1] "C"
#[1] "D" "E"
or with lapply
lapply(blocks, setdiff, 'F')
#[1] "A" "B"
#[1] "C"
#[1] "D" "E"
If you wanted to remove the third element of the third element of your list, you could try:
blocks[[3]] <- blocks[[3]][-3]
# [[1]]
# [1] "A" "B"
# [[2]]
# [1] "C"
# [[3]]
# [1] "D" "E"
If you wanted to remove all elements equal to "F", you could use lapply and a user-defined function to process each vector in the list, removing all "F" elements.
lapply(blocks, function(x) x[x != "F"])
# [[1]]
# [1] "A" "B"
# [[2]]
# [1] "C"
# [[3]]
# [1] "D" "E"

obtain the position of elements of Y that a are in X in R

In R,
I have a vector of 5 unique elements:
And a vector of repeated elements:
Y<- c("A","C","M","Z","B","C","C","R","V","D","D","B","A","V","E","E")
I want to obtain the position of elements of Y that a are in X becase Y are rownames of a matrix.
But Y[match(Y,X)] gives:
[1] "A" "M" NA NA "C" "M" "M" NA NA "Z" "Z" "C" "A" NA "B" "B"
The response should be:
to select the rows:
Is there a better and more elegant alternative?
You can use %in%:
Y[Y %in% X]
[1] "A" "C" "B" "C" "C" "D" "D" "B" "A" "E" "E"
Does this help?

Finding Elements of Lists in R

Right now I'm working with a character vector in R, that i use strsplit to separate word by word. I'm wondering if there's a function that I can use to check the whole list, and see if a specific word is in the list, and (if possible) say which elements of the list it is in.
a = c("a","b","c")
b= c("b","d","e")
c = c("a","e","f")
If z=list(a,b,c), then f("a",z) would optimally yield [1] 1 3, and f("b",z) would optimally yield [1] 1 2
Any assistance would be wonderful.
As alexwhan says, grep is the function to use. However, be careful about using it with a list. It isn't doing what you might think it's doing. For example:
grep("c", z)
[1] 1 2 3 # ?
grep(",", z)
[1] 1 2 3 # ???
What's happening behind the scenes is that grep coerces its 2nd argument to character, using as.character. When applied to a list, what as.character returns is the character representation of that list as obtained by deparsing it. (Modulo an unlist.)
[1] "c(\"a\", \"b\", \"c\")" "c(\"b\", \"d\", \"e\")" "c(\"a\", \"e\", \"f\")"
c("a", "b", "c") c("b", "d", "e") c("a", "e", "f")
This is what grep is working on.
If you want to run grep on a list, a safer method is to use lapply. This returns another list, which you can operate on to extract what you're interested in.
res <- lapply(z, function(ch) grep("a", ch))
[1] 1
[1] 1
# which vectors contain a search term
sapply(res, function(x) length(x) > 0)
Much faster than grep is:
sapply(x, function(y) x %in% y)
and if you want the index of course just use which():
which(sapply(x, function(y) x %in% y))
x = setNames(replicate(26, list(sample(LETTERS, 10, rep=T))), sapply(LETTERS, list))
[1] "A" "M" "B" "X" "B" "J" "P" "L" "M" "L"
[1] "H" "G" "F" "R" "B" "E" "D" "I" "L" "R"
[1] "P" "R" "C" "N" "K" "E" "R" "S" "N" "P"
[1] "F" "B" "B" "Z" "E" "Y" "J" "R" "H" "P"
[1] "O" "P" "E" "X" "S" "Q" "S" "A" "H" "B"
[1] "Y" "P" "T" "T" "P" "N" "K" "P" "G" "P"
system.time(replicate(1000, grep("A", x)))
user system elapsed
0.11 0.00 0.11
system.time(replicate(1000, sapply(x, function(y) "A" %in% y)))
user system elapsed
0.05 0.00 0.05
You're looking for grep():
grep("a", z)
#[1] 1 3
grep("b", z)
#[1] 1 2
