Calculate the variance of a dataset? - math

I have 2 datasets, one which contains "jittery"/varying data points, and another dataset which contains the smoothed values. I will demonstrate using an image below:
How can I calculate smoothness/the variance of each line. I would like to be able to prove that the orange dataset varies less than the blue dataset, through some mathematical formula.

Here is one very simple that has some weaknesses but some strengths as well.
In each dataset, sort the points by the time value (x-coordinate). Then sum over the Euclidean distance between each consecutive pair of points.
This works pretty well if the total spread in time values is the same for each dataset. If this is not the case, you may want to divide the sum-of-distances by the range (maximum minus minimum) of the time values. The smallest "roughness" by this measure is a straight line segment or sequence of segments on the same line. If you want the "roughness" measure to be zero for a line segment you could subtract the length of the line segment between the initial and terminal points from the sum of the distance. Other adjustments could be made for other goals.


Periodogram (TSA In R) can't find correct frequency

I'm trying to process a sinusoidal time series data set:
I am using this code in R:
# compute the Fourier Transform
p = periodogram(Data_frame$NormalisedVal)
dd = data.frame(freq=p$freq, spec=p$spec)
order = dd[order(-dd$spec),]
top2 = head(order, 5)
# display the 2 highest "power" frequencies
time = 1/top2$f
However when examining the frequency spectrum the frequency (which is in Hz) is ridiculously low ~ 0.02Hz, whereas it should have one much larger frequency of around 1Hz and another smaller one of 0.02Hz (just visually assuming this is a sinusoid enveloped in another sinusoid).
Might be a rather trivial problem, but has anyone got any ideas as to what could be going wrong?
Thanks in advance.
Edit 1: Using
result <- abs(fft(df$Data_frame.NormalisedVal))
Produces what I am expecting to see.
Edit2: As requested, text file with the output to dput(Data_frame).
The periodogram function returns normalized frequencies in the [0,0.5] range, where 0.5 corresponds to the Nyquist frequency, i.e. half your sampling rate. Since you appear to have data sampled at 60Hz, the spike at 0.02 would correspond to a frequency of 0.02*60 = 1.2Hz, which is consistent with your expectation and in the neighborhood of what can be seen in the data your provided (the bulk of the spike being in the range of 0.7-1.1Hz).
On the other hand, the x-axis on the last graph you show based on the fft is an index and not a frequency. The corresponding frequency should be computed according to the following formula:
f <- (index-1)*fs/N
where fs is the sampling rate, and N is the number of samples used by the fft. So in your graph the same 1.2Hz would appear at an index of ~31 assuming N is approximately 1500.
Note: the sampling interval in the data you provided is not quite constant and may affect the results as both periodogram and fft assume a regular sampling interval.

Understanding TSA::periodogram()

I have some data sampled at regular intervals that looks sinusoidal and I would like to determine the frequency of the wave, to that end I obtained R and loaded the TSA package that contains a function named 'periodogram'.
In an attempt to understand how it works I created some data as follows:
This could be interpreted to be 260 samples with an interval of .0001 seconds
The frequency could be interpreted to be 80Hz so there should be about 125 points per wave period
I then do:
In the resulting periodogram I would expect to see a sharp spike at the frequency that corresponds to my data - I do see a sharp spike but the maximum 'spec' value has a frequency of 0.007407407, how does this relate to my frequency of 80Hz?
I note that there is variable foo$bandwidth with a value of 0.001069167 which I also have difficulty interpreting.
If there are better ways of determining the frequency of my data I would be interested - my experience with R is limited to one day.
The periodogram is computed from the time series without knowledge of your actual sampling interval. This result in frequencies which are limited to the normalized [0,0.5] range. To obtain a frequency in Hertz that takes into account the sampling interval, you simply need to multiply by the sampling rate. In your case, the spike you get at a normalized frequency of 0.007407407 and a sampling rate of 10,000Hz, this correspond to a frequency of ~74Hz.
Now, that's not quite 80Hz (the original tone frequency), but you have to keep in mind that a periodogram is a frequency spectrum estimate, and its frequency resolution is limited by the number of input samples. In your case you are using 260 samples, so the frequency resolution is on the order of 10,000Hz/260 or ~38Hz. Since 74Hz is well within 80 +/- 38Hz, it is a reasonable result. To get a better frequency estimate you would have to increase the number of samples.
Note that the periodogram of a sinusoidal tone will typically spike near the tone frequency and decay on either side (a phenomenon caused by the limited number of samples used for the estimation, often called spectral leakage) until the value can be considered comparatively 'negligeable'. The foo$bandwidth variable then indicates that the input signal starts to contain less energy for frequencies above 0.001069167*10000Hz ~ 107Hz, which is consistent with the tone's decay.

Mathematical representation of a set of points in N dimensional space?

Given some x data points in an N dimensional space, I am trying to find a fixed length representation that could describe any subset s of those x points? For example the mean of the s subset could describe that subset, but it is not unique for that subset only, that is to say, other points in the space could yield the same mean therefore mean is not a unique identifier. Could anyone tell me of a unique measure that could describe the points without being number of points dependent?
In short - it is impossible (as you would achieve infinite noiseless compression). You have to either have varied length representation (or fixed length with length being proportional to maximum number of points) or dealing with "collisions" (as your mapping will not be injective). In the first scenario you simply can store coordinates of each point. In the second one you approximate your point clouds with more and more complex descriptors to balance collisions and memory usage, some posibilities are:
storing mean and covariance (so basically perofming maximum likelihood estimation over Gaussian families)
performing some fixed-complexity density estimation like Gaussian Mixture Model or training a generative Neural Network
use set of simple geometrical/algebraical properties such as:
number of points
mean, max, min, median distance between each pair of points
Any subset can be identified by a bit mask of length ceiling(lg(x)), where bit i is 1 if the corresponding element belongs to the subset. There is no fixed-length representation that is not a function of x.
I was wrong. PCA is a good way to perform dimensionality reduction for this problem, but it won't work for some sets.
However, you can almost do it. Where "almost" is formally defined by the Johnson-Lindenstrauss Lemma, which states that for a given large dimension N, there exists a much lower dimension n, and a linear transformation that maps each point from N to n, while keeping the Euclidean distance between every pair of points of the set within some error ε from the original. Such linear transformation is called the JL Transform.
In other words, your problem is only solvable for sets of points where each pair of points are separated by at least ε. For this case, the JL Transform gives you one possible solution. Moreover, there exists a relationship between N, n and ε (see the lemma), such that, for example, if N=100, the JL Transform can map each point to a point in 5D (n=5), an uniquely identify each subset, if and only if, the minimum distance between any pair of points in the original set is at least ~2.8 (i.e. the points are sufficiently different).
Note that n depends only on N and the minimum distance between any pair of points in the original set. It does not depend on the number of points x, so it is a solution to your problem, albeit some constraints.

Looking for an efficient way to compute the variances of a multinomial distribution in R

I have an R matrix which dimensions are ~20,000,000 rows by 1,000 columns. The first column represents counts and the rest of the columns represent the probabilities of a multinomial distribution of these counts. So in other words, in each row the first column is n and the rest of the k columns are the probabilities of the k categories. Another point is that the matrix is sparse, meaning that in each row there are many columns with value of 0.
Here's a toy matrix I created:
What I'd like to do is obtain an empirical measure of the variance of the counts for each category. The natural thing that comes to mind is to obtain random draws and then compute the variances over them. Something like:
draws = apply(mat,1,function(x) rmultinom(samples,x[1],x[2:ncol(mat)]))
Where say samples=100000
Then I can run an apply over draws to compute the variances.
However, for my real data dimensions this will become prohibitive at least in terms of RAM. Is whether a more efficient solution in R to this problem?
If all you need is the variance of the counts, just compute it immediately instead of returning the intermediate simulated draws.
draws = apply(mat,1,function(x) var(rmultinom(samples,x[1],x[2:ncol(mat)])))

how to cluster curve with kmeans?

I want to cluster some curves which contains daily click rate.
The dataset is click rate data in time series.
y1 = [time1:0.10,time2:0.22,time3:0.344,...]
y2 = [time1:0.10,time2:0.22,time3:0.344,...]
I don't know how to measure two curve's similarity using kmeans.
Is there any paper for this purpose or some library?
For similarity, you could use any kind of time series distance. Many of these will perform alignment, also of sequences of different length.
However, k-means will not get you anywhere.
K-means is not meant to be used with arbitrary distances. It actually does not use distance for assignment, but least-sum-of-squares (which happens to be squared euclidean distance) - aka: variance.
The mean must be consistent with this objective. It's not hard to see that the mean also minimizes the sum of squares. This guarantees convergence of k-means: in each single step (both assignment and mean update), the objective is reduced, thus it must converge after a finite number of steps (as there are only a finite number of discrete assignments).
But what is the mean of multiple time series of different length?
