Instead of specifying separate fileInput variables, I'd like to use reactiveValues to store uploaded CSV dataframes, manipulate them in some way, and then store them for accession later. My design is to name each dataframe by its filename and append to the reactiveValue rvTL. My questions are,
How can I access individual dataframes under the list I created using reactiveValuesToList(rvTL)?
Next step, how to create a selectInput menu to access the individual dataframes uploaded by fileInput
To learn this concept, I am piggybacking off the answer from Dean Attali and made rvTL the same as his values variable.
R shiny: How to get an reactive data frame updated each time pressing an actionButton without creating a new reactive data frame?
I've gone over many example codes on reactiveValues, yet still at an incomplete understanding. Most examples are using some sort variation on reactiveValuesToList(input) R Shiny: Keep/retain values of reactive inputs after modifying selection, I'm really not seeing the logic here. Any help/suggestions would be appreciated!
titlePanel("amend data frame"),
fileInput("file", "Upload file", multiple=T),
numericInput("Delete", "Delete row:", 1, step = 1),
actionButton("Go", "Delete!"),
server = (function(input, output) {
values <- reactiveValues(df_data = NULL) ##reactiveValues
rvTL <- reactiveValues(rvTL = NULL)
observeEvent(input$file, {
values$df_data <- read.csv(input$file$datapath)
rvTL[[input$file$name]] <- c(isolate(rvTL), read.csv(input$file$datapath))
observeEvent(input$Go, {
temp <- values$df_data[-input$Delete, ]
values$df_data <- temp
output$df_data_files <- renderPrint(input$file$name)
output$values <- renderPrint(names(values))
output$rvTL <- renderPrint(names(reactiveValuesToList(rvTL))[1] )
output$rvTL_out <- renderTable(reactiveValuesToList(rvTL)[[1]])
output$df_data_out <- renderTable(values$df_data)
It really is as straightforward as you thought. You were close too, just fell into some syntax traps. I made the following changes:
that c(isolate(.. call was messing things up, I got rid of it. It was leading to those "Warning: Error in cannot coerce class "c("ReactiveValues", "R6")" to a data.frame" errors.
Also you were reusing the rvTL name too often which is confusing and can lead to conflicts, so I renamed a couple of them.
I also added a loaded file name list (lfnamelist) to keep track of what was loaded. I could have used names(rvTL$dflist) for this but it didn't occur to me at the time - and I also this is a useful example of how to organize related reactive values into one declaration.
And then I added rendered selectInput so you can inspect what is saved in the reactiveValue list.
So here is the adjusted code:
titlePanel("amend data frame"),
fileInput("file", "Upload file", multiple=T),
tabPanel("rvTL tab",
numericInput("Delete", "Delete row:", 1, step = 1),
actionButton("Go", "Delete!"),
tabPanel("values tab",
server = (function(input, output) {
values <- reactiveValues(df_data = NULL) ##reactiveValues
rvTL <- reactiveValues(dflist=NULL,lfnamelist=NULL)
observeEvent(input$file, {
values$df_data <- read.csv(input$file$datapath)
rvTL$dflist[[input$file$name]] <-read.csv(input$file$datapath)
rvTL$lfnamelist <- c( rvTL$lfnamelist, input$file$name )
observeEvent(input$Go, {
temp <- values$df_data[-input$Delete, ]
values$df_data <- temp
output$df_data_files <- renderPrint(input$file$name)
output$values <- renderPrint(names(values))
output$rvTL_names <- renderPrint(names(rvTL$dflist))
output$rvTL_out <- renderTable(rvTL$dflist[[input$lftoshow]])
output$df_data_out <- renderTable(values$df_data)
output$filesloaded <- renderUI(selectInput("lftoshow","File to show",choices=rvTL$lfnamelist))
And here is a screen shot:
I am new to shiny and trying to combine a couple features and having some trouble.
I want for the user to be able to select a CSV and then be presented with a random instance (in this case tweet) from that table. The following code worked when "tweetData" was a statically loaded csv using read_csv.
## function to return random row number from data set
getTweet <- function(){
tweetData[sample(nrow(tweetData), 1), ]
function(input, output, session) {
## set reactive values, get randomized tweet
appVals <- reactiveValues(
tweet = getTweet(),
ratings = data.frame(tweet = character(), screen_name = character(), rating = character())
I want to instead use a dynamically chosen csv for "tweetData", something like adding this??
csvName <- reactive(paste0('../folder_path/', input$file_name))
selectedData <- read.csv(csvName)
How can use reactively chosen csvs to fit into the structure of the first code chunk?
You might be looking for fileInput for giving user an option to upload a dataset.
This is a simple reproducible example -
ui <- fluidPage(
fileInput("file1", "Choose CSV File"),
server <- function(input, output) {
output$contents <- renderTable({
shinyApp(ui, server)
i have a question regarding Shiny and the usage of Data frames.
I think i understood that i need to create isolated or reactive environmentes to interact with, but if i try to work with the Dataframe i get an error message:
Error in pfData: konnte Funktion "pfData" nicht finden
i tried to manipulate the dataframe by this code:
server <- function(input, output) {
pf_name <- reactive({input$pfID})
pf_date <- reactive({input$pfDate})
if (pf_name()!="please select a PF") {
pfData <- reactive(read.csv(file =paste(pf_name(),".csv",sep=""),sep=";",dec=","))
MDur <- pfData()[1,15]
pfData <- pfData()[3:nrow(pfData()),]
Total = sum(pfData()$Eco.Exp...Value.long)
If i manipulate my Dataframe in the console it works just fine:
pfData <- pfData[3:nrow(pfData),]
Total = sum(pfData$Eco.Exp...Value.long)
Assets = sum(as.numeric(gsub(",",".",gsub(".","",pfData$Value,fixed=TRUE),fixed=TRUE)))
pfData$Exposure <- with(pfData, Eco.Exp...Value.long /Total)
can you help me?
ui <- fluidPage(
column(6, offset =3,
"Choose Mandate and Date",
column(4,selectInput("pfID",label = "",
choices = list("please select a PF","GF25",
selected = "please select a PF") ),
column(4, dateInput("pfDate",label="",value = Sys.Date()) ),
column(2, actionButton("go","Submit")),column(2,textOutput("selected_var"))
# Define server logic ----
server <- function(input, output) {
pfDataReactive <- reactive({
if (pf_name()!="please select a PF") {
pfData <- read.csv(file =paste(pf_name(),".csv",sep=""),sep=";",dec=",")
MDur <- pfData[1,15]
pfData <- pfData[3:nrow(pfData),]
Total = sum(pfData$Eco.Exp...Value.long)
Assets = sum(as.numeric(gsub(",",".",gsub(".","",pfData$Value,fixed=TRUE),fixed=TRUE)))
pfData$Exposure <- with(pfData, Eco.Exp...Value.long /Total)
output$selected_var <- renderText({paste(MDur)})
# Run the app ----
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Thank you
Without a working example, it's imposible to be sure what you're trying to do, but it sounds like you need a reactive rather than using observeEvent.
Try something like
pfDataReactive <- reactive({
pfData <- read.csv(file =paste(pf_name(),".csv",sep=""),sep=";",dec=",")
Total = sum(pfData$Eco.Exp...Value.long)
Assets = sum(as.numeric(gsub(",",".",gsub(".","",pfData$Value,fixed=TRUE),fixed=TRUE)))
pfData$Exposure <- with(pfData, Eco.Exp...Value.long /Total)
And then use pfDataReactive() in your Shiny app's server function wherever you would refer to pfData in your console code.
The standalone reference to input$go ensures the reactive will update whenever input$go changes/is clicked/etc.
There are still significant issues with your code. You've added an assignment to an output object as the last line of the reactive I gave you, so the reactive always returns NULL. That's not helpful and is one of the reasons why it "doesn't active at all"...
Second, you test for the existence of an reactive/function called pf_name when the relevant input object appears to be input$pfID. That's another reason why the reactive is never updated.
Note the change to the definition of input$pfID that I've made to improve the readability of the pfDataReactive object. (This change also probably means that you can do away with input$go entirely.)
As you say, I don't have access to your csv file, so I can't test your code completely. I've modified the body of the pfDataReactive to simply return the mtcars dataset as a string. I've also edited the code I've commented out to hopefully run correctly when you use it with the real csv file.
This code appears to give the behaviour you want,. Though, if I may make a subjective comment, I think the layout of your GUI is appaling. ;=)
ui <- fluidPage(
column(6, offset =3,
"Choose Mandate and Date",
column(4,selectInput("pfID",label = "",
# Modified to that "Pleaseselect a PF" returns NULL
choices = list("please select a PF"="","GF25", "FPM"),
selected = "please select a PF") ),
column(4, dateInput("pfDate",label="",value = Sys.Date()) ),
column(2, actionButton("go","Submit")),column(2,textOutput("selected_var"))
# Define server logic ----
server <- function(input, output) {
pfDataReactive <- reactive({
# Don't do anything until we have a PF csv file
# Note the change to the creation of the file name
# pfData <- read.csv(file =paste(input$pfID,".csv",sep=""),sep=";",dec=",")
# pfData <- pfData[3:nrow(pfData),]
# Total = sum(pfData$Eco.Exp...Value.long)
# Assets = sum(as.numeric(gsub(",",".",gsub(".","",pfData$Value,fixed=TRUE),fixed=TRUE)))
# pfData$Exposure <- with(pfData, Eco.Exp...Value.long /Total)
# MDur <- pfData[1,15]
# If you want to print MDur in the selected_var output, MDur should be the retrun value from this reactive
# MDur
output$selected_var <- renderText({
# Run the app ----
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Next time, please, please, make more effort to provide a MWE. This post may help.
This is a good introduction to Shiny.
I am trying to access the data frame created in one render function into another render function.
There are two server outputs, lvi and Category, in lvi I have created Data1 data frame and Category I have created Data2 dataframe. I want to select Data2 where Data1 ID is matching.
I am following the below steps to achieve my objective but I get error "Object Data1 not found".
My UI is
ui <- fluidPage(
# App title ----
# Input: Select a file ----
fileInput("file1", "Import file1")
# Input: Select a file ----
fileInput("file2", "Import File2")
# Main panel for displaying outputs ----
# Output: Data file ----
My server code is
server <- function(input, output) {
output$lvi <- renderDataTable({
Data1 <-$file1$datapath, sheet = "Sheet1"))
output$category <- renderDataTable({
Data2 <-$file2$datapath, sheet = "Sheet1"))
Data2 <- Data2[,c(2,8)]
Data2 <- Data2[Data1$ID == "ID001",]
shinyApp(ui, server)
Once a reactive block is done executing, all elements within it go away, like a function. The only thing that survives is what is "returned" from that block, which is typically either the last expression in the block (or, when in a real function, something in return(...)). If you think of reactive (and observe) blocks as "functions", you may realize that the only thing that something outside of the function knows of what goes on inside the function is if the function explicitly returns it somehow.
With that in mind, the way you get to a frame inside one render/reactive block is to not calculate it inside that reactive block: instead, create that frame in its own data-reactive block and use it in both the render and the other render.
Try this (untested):
server <- function(input, output) {
Data1_rx <- eventReactive(input$file1, {
req(input$file1, file.exists(input$file1$datapath))
as.dataframe(read_excel(input$file1$datapath, sheet = "Sheet1"))
output$lvi <- renderDataTable({ req(Data1_rx()) })
output$category <- renderDataTable({
req(input$file2, file.exists(input$file2$datapath),
Data1_rx(), "ID" %in% names(Data1_rx()))
Data2 <-$file2$datapath, sheet = "Sheet1"))
Data2 <- Data2[,c(2,8)]
Data2 <- Data2[Data1_rx()$ID == "ID001",]
shinyApp(ui, server)
But since we're already going down the road of "better design" and "best practices", let's break data2 out and the data2-filtered frame as well ... you may not be using it separately now, but it's often better to separate "loading/generate frames" from "rendering into something beautiful". That way, if you need to know something about the data you loaded, you don't have to (a) reload it elsewhere, inefficient; or (b) try to rip into the internals of the shiny DataTable object and get it manually. (Both are really bad ideas.)
So a slightly better solution might start with:
server <- function(input, output) {
Data1_rx <- eventReactive(input$file1, {
req(input$file1, file.exists(input$file1$datapath))
as.dataframe(read_excel(input$file1$datapath, sheet = "Sheet1"))
Data2_rx <- eventReactive(input$file2, {
req(input$file2, file.exists(input$file2$datapath))
dat <- as.dataframe(read_excel(input$file2$datapath, sheet = "Sheet1"))
Data12_rx <- reactive({
req(Data1_rx(), Data2_rx())
Data2_rx()[ Data1_rx()$ID == "ID001", ]
output$lvi <- renderDataTable({ req(Data1_rx()); })
output$category <- renderDataTable({ req(Data12_rx()); })
shinyApp(ui, server)
While this code is a little longer, it also groups "data loading/munging" together, and "render data into something beautiful" together. And if you need to look at early data or filtered data, it's all right there.
(Side note: one performance hit you might see from this is that you now have more copies of data floating around. As long you are not dealing with "large" data, this isn't a huge deal.)
I would like to use a Shiny app to load a file (tab-separated), dynamically create a checkboxGroupInput, after the loading of the file (using observeEvent) using the column headers, then subset the data frame that comes from the file based on the selected checkboxes. The data is then plotted using code I can't share right now.
All is working fine, apart from the last bit: subsetting the dataframe based on the selected checkboxes in checkboxGroupInput. The checkboxes all start selected, and the plot is created fine. If you un-select one of the checkboxes, the plot re-plots appropriately for a split second (so the subsetting is working fine) then the unselected checkbox re-selects itself and the plot goes back to the old plot.
This is the tiny problem I'm trying to solve, guessing it's one line of code. I'm assuming it's because of some reactivity that I don't understand and the checkbox constantly resetting itself.
Here is an example:
## Some functions I can't share
### Shiny app
# Define UI
ui <- fluidPage(
# Application title
# Sidebar
fileInput(inputId = "myInputID",
label = "Your .csv file",
placeholder = "File not uploaded"),
# Show a plot
# Define server
server <- function(input, output) {
output$myPlot <- renderPlot({
inputfile <- input$myInputID
mydataframe <- read.table(file=inputfile$datapath, sep="\t", head=T, row.names = 1)
mydataframecolumnnames <- colnames(mydataframe[1:(length(mydataframe)-1)])
# the last column is dropped because it's not relevant as a column name
observeEvent(input$myInputID, {
output$mylist <- renderUI({
label="List of things to select",
observeEvent(input$myInputID, {
output$submitbutton <- renderUI({
mysubset <- mydataframe[input$mylist]
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Thanks all
I think there are a few things that might help...
One, you can move your observeEvent methods outside of your renderPlot.
Also, you can create a reactive function to read in the data table.
I hope this helps.
server <- function(input, output) {
myDataFrame <- reactive({
inputfile <- input$myInputID
read.table(file=inputfile$datapath, sep="\t", head=T, row.names = 1)
output$myPlot <- renderPlot({
mysubset <- myDataFrame()[input$mylist]
observeEvent(input$myInputID, {
mydata <- myDataFrame()
mydataframecolumnnames <- colnames(mydata[1:(length(mydata)-1)])
output$mylist <- renderUI({
label="List of things to select",
observeEvent(input$myInputID, {
output$submitbutton <- renderUI({
My shiny app allows user to upload a csv by using fileInput and stored as an reactive object df_data. I then created a numericInput for user to enter a row number to delete from the data frame. However, I got an error about evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?.
Below is my code for ui.R.
titlePanel("amend data frame"),
fileInput("file", "Upload file"),
numericInput("Delete", "Delete row:", 1, step = 1),
actionButton("Go", "Delete!"),
And below is my code for server.R.
shinyServer(function(input, output) {
df_data <- reactive({
df_data <- eventReactive(
output$df_data <- renderTable(df_data())
I have solved the problem by assigning the subsetted data frame to a new reactive data frame called, say, df_data2. But I want to make the user able to keep deleting different rows by inputting values in Delete row and press the Go button. Then this solution will not work as I will have to assign df_data3, df_data4 ... and I couldn't predict in advance how many times the user will press the Go button.
I am a new user to shiny for about 2 weeks and I have been searching for solutions about this for a week. Is there anyone who can help me? A million thanks !!
Below is a working solution. I created a reactiveValues to store the dataframe. When a file is chosen, the dataframe gets populated. When the delete button is pressed, that same dataframe gets a row deleted. The table always outputs whatever that dataframe object is holding. I hope this code can be a good learning material
titlePanel("amend data frame"),
fileInput("file", "Upload file"),
numericInput("Delete", "Delete row:", 1, step = 1),
actionButton("Go", "Delete!"),
server = (function(input, output) {
values <- reactiveValues(df_data = NULL)
observeEvent(input$file, {
values$df_data <- read.csv(input$file$datapath)
observeEvent(input$Go, {
temp <- values$df_data[-input$Delete, ]
values$df_data <- temp
output$df_data_out <- renderTable(values$df_data)