Swift dictionary keys are integers - dictionary

I have an app that I'm converting from Swift2 to Swift3. One thing I need to do is the following:
dict.enumerateKeysAndObjects({ (key, rotationString, stop) -> Void in
//code goes here to use key as an integer
How do I do that? Also, rotationString will also be an integer.
In the Swift2 version of the app I was saving data to defaults thusly:
func saveGame() {
let defaults = UserDefaults.standard
defaults.set(blackRotations, forKey: "blackRotations")
defaults.set(whiteRotations, forKey: "whiteRotations")
Here, whiteRotations and blackRotations were NSDictionary objects where the actual data being saved had keys that were NSNumbers and values that were also NSNumbers.
So, what I need to do is to handle loading the saved game from UserDefaults. The values for blackRotations and whiteRotations were dictionaries when the game was saved. The structure of this dictionary was a bunch of integer pairs. You can think of them as integer lookup tables saved as dictionaries.
So all I really am asking for is how to load this data from UserDefaults and be able to treat both the keys and values as integers.
Possible solution? I'm still working on trying to get this to work, but I'll post here anyway, in the hope that it will help to illustrate what I am trying to do.
In the method that loads the saved state, I think I need to do something along these lines:
if let blackDict = (defaults.dictionary(forKey: "blackRotations") as? [String:Int]) {
for (keyString, rotation) in blackDict {
blackRotations[Int(keyString)!] = rotation


Kotlin - very frequent data removal and addition to a list causes npe

I've a buffer that is actually ArrayList<Object>.
Happens async:
This buffer list changes very frequently - I mean 15-50 times in single second and the idea is that whenever there's an update, I remove first element by position buffer.removeAt(0) and add new value in the end by buffer.add(new).
At some point I call a function that goes and do calculation with buffer list. What I do is I go through the list - element by element. At some point I run into NPE as the the element has been removed async.
How to solve this NPE? I was thinking of making deep copy, but making deep copy would mean to go through the buffer list and do some data allocation, which basically means that while I do deep copy I can still run into NPE.
How problems like these are solved?
How to solve NPE?
What would be more optimized way as this is gonna consume a lot of memory?
private fun observeFrequentData() {
frequentData.observe(owner, Observer { data ->
if (accelerationData == null) return#Observer
GlobalScope.launch {
val a = data[0].toDouble()
val b = data[1].toDouble()
val c = a + b
val timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis()
val customObj = CustomObj(c, timestamp)
if (buffer.size >= 5000) {
fun getBuffer() {
val mappedData = buffer.map { it.smth } // NPE, it == null
If you are doing lots of removing from 0, and insert at the end. Then ArrayList is probably not the container to use.
you can consider using a LinkedList .
also note the following comments regarding synchronization.
Note that this implementation is not synchronized. If multiple threads
access a linked list concurrently, and at least one of the threads
modifies the list structurally, it must be synchronized externally. (A
structural modification is any operation that adds or deletes one or
more elements; merely setting the value of an element is not a
structural modification.) This is typically accomplished by
synchronizing on some object that naturally encapsulates the list. If
no such object exists, the list should be "wrapped" using the
Collections.synchronizedList method. This is best done at creation
time, to prevent accidental unsynchronized access to the list:
List list = Collections.synchronizedList(new LinkedList(...));
Using the synchronized keyword on your piece of code as #patrickf suggested.
To take care of performance, instead of making the method call itself synchronized, you can just write the 3 "buffer" related lines of code (size, removeAt and add) in a synchronized block.
Something like;
synchronized {
if (buffer.size >= 5000) {
Hope this helps!

How get random item from es6 Map or Set

I have a project that uses arrays of objects that I'm thinking of moving to es6 Sets or Maps.
I need to quickly get a random item from them (obviously trivial for my current arrays). How would I do this?
Maps and Sets are not well suited for random access. They are ordered and their length is known, but they are not indexed for access by an order index. As such, to get the Nth item in a Map or Set, you have to iterate through it to find that item.
The simple way to get a random item from a Set or Map would be to get the entire list of keys/items and then select a random one.
// get random item from a Set
function getRandomItem(set) {
let items = Array.from(set);
return items[Math.floor(Math.random() * items.length)];
You could make a version that would work with both a Set and a Map like this:
// returns random key from Set or Map
function getRandomKey(collection) {
let keys = Array.from(collection.keys());
return keys[Math.floor(Math.random() * keys.length)];
This is obviously not something that would perform well with a large Set or Map since it has to iterate all the keys and build a temporary array in order to select a random one.
Since both a Map and a Set have a known size, you could also select the random index based purely on the .size property and then you could iterate through the Map or Set until you got to the desired Nth item. For large collections, that might be a bit faster and would avoid creating the temporary array of keys at the expense of a little more code, though on average it would still be proportional to the size/2 of the collection.
// returns random key from Set or Map
function getRandomKey(collection) {
let index = Math.floor(Math.random() * collection.size);
let cntr = 0;
for (let key of collection.keys()) {
if (cntr++ === index) {
return key;
There's a short neat ES6+ version of the answer above:
const getRandomItem = iterable => iterable.get([...iterable.keys()][Math.floor(Math.random() * iterable.size)])
Works for Maps as well as for Sets (where keys() is an alias for value() method)
This is the short answer for Sets:
const getRandomItem = set => [...set][Math.floor(Math.random()*set.size)]

Golang basics struct and new() keyword

I was learning golang, and as I was going through the chapter that describes Structures, I came across different ways to initialize structures.
p1 := passport{}
var p2 passport
p3 := passport{
Photo: make([]byte, 0, 0),
Name: "Scott",
Surname: "Adam",
DateOfBirth: "Some time",
fmt.Printf("%s\n%s\n%s\n", p1, p2, p3)
While these print the values of the structures as
{ }
{ }
{ Scott Adam Some time}
, the following code below prints with an ampersand because it is a reference.
pointerp1 := &p3
fmt.Printf("%s", pointerp1)
pointerp2 := new(passport)
pointerp2.Name = "Anotherscott"
fmt.Printf("%s", pointerp2)
&{ Scott Adam Some time}&{ Anotherscott }
Kindly help me with my doubts.
in the usage pointerp1 := &p3, pointerp1 is the reference variable to p3, which holds the actual data. Similarly, what would be the actual variable that holds the data for pointerp2?
What would be the best scenarios to use these different types of initialization?
new allocates zeroed storage for a new item or type whatever and then returns a pointer to it. I don't think it really matters on if you use new vs short variable declaration := type{} it's mostly just preference
As for pointer2, the pointer2 variable holds its own data, when you do
// initializing a zeroed 'passport in memory'
pointerp2 := new(passport)
// setting the field Name to whatever
pointerp2.Name = "Anotherscott"
new allocates zeroed storage in memory and returns a pointer to it, so in short, new will return a pointer to whatever you're making that is why pointerp2 returns &{ Anotherscott }
You mainly want to use pointers when you're passing a variable around that you need to modify (but be careful of data races use mutexes or channels If you need to read and write to a variable from different functions)
A common method people use instead of new is just short dec a pointer type:
blah := &passport{}
blah is now a pointer to type passport
You can see in this playground:
When passing a pointer, you can modify the original value. When passing a non pointer you can't modify it. That is because in go variables are passed as a copy. So in the iDontTakeAPointer function it is receiving a copy of the tester struct then modifying the name field and then returning, which does nothing for us as it is modifying the copy and not the original.
There is variable that holds the data yet. You can dereference the pointer using *pointerp2, and even assign it that to a variable (p2 := pointerp2), but this variable would be a copy of the data. That is, modifying one no longer affects the other (http://play.golang.org/p/9yRYbyvG8q).
new tends to be less popular, especially with regard to structs. A good discussion of its purpose (hint: it came first) and use cases can be found at https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/a/216582.
Edit: Also, p1 is not really a different kind of initialization from p3, but instead of assigning a value to any of the type's fields they are initialized to their zero value ("" for string, nil for []byte). The same would happen for any omitted fields:
p4 := passport{
Name: "Scott",
Surname: "Adam",
In this case, p4.Photo and p4.DateOfBirth would still be zero-valued (nil and "" respectively). The passport{} case it just one where all the fields are omitted.
All the new keyword does is basically create a instance of the type you want. However instead of returning the plain declaration of the type, it references it and return the acutal memory address of that type in the program process heap.
I was experiencing strange phenomena in golang where my pointer declared as myptr:= new(ptrtype)
was resulting in false from if myptr==nil, so I went ahead and tried defining it as myptr:=&ptrtype{} and still didn't work. So then I just defined the pointer with new() and then i set it = nill and now it works. don't know why I didn't have to do that with the other ones.

Can I insert into a map by key in F#?

I'm messing around a bit with F# and I'm not quite sure if I'm doing this correctly. In C# this could be done with an IDictionary or something similar.
type School() =
member val Roster = Map.empty with get, set
member this.add(grade: int, studentName: string) =
match this.Roster.ContainsKey(grade) with
| true -> // Can I do something like this.Roster.[grade].Insert([studentName])?
| false -> this.Roster <- this.Roster.Add(grade, [studentName])
Is there a way to insert into the map if it contains a specified key or am I just using the wrong collection in this case?
The F# Map type is a mapping from keys to values just like ordinary .NET Dictionary, except that it is immutable.
If I understand your aim correctly, you're trying to keep a list of students for each grade. The type in that case is a map from integers to lists of names, i.e. Map<int, string list>.
The Add operation on the map actually either adds or replaces an element, so I think that's the operation you want in the false case. In the true case, you need to get the current list, append the new student and then replace the existing record. One way to do this is to write something like:
type School() =
member val Roster = Map.empty with get, set
member this.Add(grade: int, studentName: string) =
// Try to get the current list of students for a given 'grade'
let studentsOpt = this.Roster.TryFind(grade)
// If the result was 'None', then use empty list as the default
let students = defaultArg studentsOpt []
// Create a new list with the new student at the front
let newStudents = studentName::students
// Create & save map with new/replaced mapping for 'grade'
this.Roster <- this.Roster.Add(grade, newStudents)
This is not thread-safe (because calling Add concurrently might not update the map properly). However, you can access school.Roster at any time, iterate over it (or share references to it) safely, because it is an immutable structure. However, if you do not care about that, then using standard Dictionary would be perfectly fine too - depends on your actual use case.

how to design/create key for key/value storage?

I want to store serialized objects (or whatever) in a key/value cache.
Now I do something like this :
public string getValue(int param1, string param2, etc )
string key = param1+"_"+param2+"_"+etc;
string tmp = getFromCache();
if (tmp == null)
tmp = getFromAnotherPlace();
addToCache( key, tmp);
return tmp;
I think it can be awkward. How can I design the key?
if i understood the question, i think the simplest and smartest way to make a key is to use an unidirectional hash function as MD5, SHA1 ecc...
At least two reason for doing this:
The resulting key is unique for sure!(actually both MD5 and SHA1 have been cracked (= )
The resulting key has a fixed lenght!
You have to give your object as argument of the function and you have your unique key.
I don t know very much c# but i am quite sure you can find an unidirectional hash function builted-in.
First of all your key seems to be composed out of a lot of characters. Keep in mind that the key name also occupies memory (1byte / char) so try to keep it as short as possible. I've seen situations where the key name was larger than the value, which can happen if you have cases where you store an empty array or an empty value.
The key structure. I guess from your example that the object you want to store is identified by the params (one being the item id maybe, or maybe filters for a search [...]). Start with a prefix. The prefix should be the name of the object class (or a simplified name depicting the object in general).
Most of the time, keys will have a prefix + identifier. In your example you have multiple identifiers. If one of them is a unique id, go with only prefix + id and it should be enough.
If the object is large and you don't always use all of it then change your strategy to a multiple key storage. Use one main key for storing the most common values, or for storing the components of the object, values of which are stored in separate keys. Make use of pipes and get the whole object in one connection using one "multiple" query :
mainKey = prefix + objectId;
object = getFromCache(mainKey);
foreach (object[properties] as property) {
object->property = getFromCache(prefix + objectId + property);
The structure for an example "Person" object would then be something like :
person_33 = array(
properties => array(age, height, weight)
person_33_age = 28;
person_33_height = 6;
person_33_weight = 150;
Memcached uses memory most efficient when objects stored inside are of similar sizes. The bigger the size difference between objects (not talking about 1 lost big object or singular cases, although memory gets wasted then as well) the more wasted memory.
Hope it helps!
