Getting deleted adwords ads statistic via analytics - google-analytics

I'm using analytics reporting api, to get ga:sessions,ga:bounces,ga:sessionDuration,ga:pageviews,ga:adClicks,ga:adCost,ga:impressions
for every ad, day and phrase. I found that adwords api don't return deleted or paused ads statitcs in reports, so you need to add that ads/campaigns/groups types in your report query. Now i see, that now all my results from adwords have analytics results. I suppose that the problem is the same, but dont see any ads/campaigns/groups dimensions.
How can i include deleted ads/campaigns/groups in my analytics report result?

In your case I would consider Google Data import to get from the API the campaigns you require and then upload them manualy to GA. I haven't tried it for deleted campaigns but it might be possible. Also be advised that you cannot import past data if you don't have Google Analytics 360 enabled property


Extracting historical data out of Google Analytics

Any ideas how I get historical data out of Google Analytics?
My problem here is I didn't realise the Firebase / Analytics export to BigQuery wasn't retrospective for history, so I only have data from when I turned on the integration and I need everything from when the Firebase App was launched. The main data I need is events with their parameters.
I have tried a few things:
Connect PowerBI to Google Analytics. I can authenticate and it only
shows "Default Account for Firebase" with no children - it doesn't
show the apps underneath that account. has the same
problem (not showing child properties).
I can load the
properties and therefore analytics dataset using Google Data Studio,
but this does not have the functionality I require that is in Power
BI. I also couldn't locate the event parameters which I need either.
Any ideas on how to export the data?
You can try to use Google Analytics Data API to export report programmatically:
However the data are not raw like with BigQuery Export. So if you want raw data there are no solution for the historical data.

What is the quota limit of Google Analytics 4 Bigquery link

I activated google analytics 4 bigquery linking, and it works correctly. I wonder what is the limitation of this link. Api metrics shows that link using api methods below.
But I can't found the exact match API name on bigquery documents.
Any ideas?
The limit for how many hits you can export from the free version of GA4 to BigQuery is 1M hits per day.
Standard properties have a daily BigQuery Export limit of 1 million events. If your property consistently exceeds the export limit, the daily BigQuery export will be paused and previous days’ exports will not be reprocessed.
If you go above that, Google will stop your pipeline.
There are only two solutions to overcome this that I know of.
Upgrade to GA360
Use Parallel Tracking
Once you set up the link from GA360 to BigQuery, as far as I know, there is no limit to this link. According to the document, usually GA sends data 3 times a day to BigQuery. You will see partitioned table for GA data in BigQuery for each day. (This link is only available in Analytics 360, which is not free.)
For more information, refer to the official documents.
Also, limits and quotas for BigQuery.
About API names you listed appear here.

Google.Apis.Requests.RequestError for AdSense/Publisher related metrics

Since yesterday, we have trouble getting data from the Analytics API for AdSense related metrics (ga:adsensePageImpressions, ga:adsenseAdsViewed, ga:adsenseCoverage etc.). Other metric like ga:sessions are still working.
Is this some permission problem?
From the main account, I can log into Analytics, and I do see current AdSense (Publisher) data.
.NET, Google.Apis.Analytics.V3 (up to date), Google.Apis.AnalyticsReporting.v4
Tried with V3 and V4, same error.
We are using a service account that has permission to access Analytics data.
I’ve checked AdSense, Analytics, and API Management settings, but cannot find anything related.
Any suggestions?
It looks like they have updated Analytics API and it's no longer possible to call API with AdSense/Publisher metrics for Analytics properties that do not have linked AdSense account.
Unfortunately, in cases where there are hundreds of sites and where some of the sites have AdSense, and other do not, you have to create different API calls for those two groups.

Google Core Analytics API - Data accuracy

I have a Console App. which downloads the Acquisitions Report by querying the Google Analytics Core API.
Here is a screenshot of my query as shown on Google Analytics Query Explorer:
I am unable to obtain a complete match of Goal Completions data between the API Data Output and the Analytics web interface. The variance is not too high but it exists. The Query Explorer and my Code Extract both match, but again, both of them mismatch with the data shown on the Analytics Web Interface.
All query parameters match 100%; including dates, Profile ID, ..etc.
I read articles online such as this one and this one, which elaborate on the inaccuracy of the Goal Completions data in google analytics, I wonder, could this be likely what is happening here?
Could this be related to bots and spiders? How do I exclude these from the query by using code?
Many thanks.

Google Analytics / AdWords: No "finalUrl" dimension

I'm using the Google Analytics API, querying AdWords though an associated GA account.
AdWords seems to have deprecated "Destination URL", replacing it with "Final URL". However, the GA API does not have a dimension for "Final URL"; only "destinationUrl".
It seems like "destinationUrl", queried through GA, provides different statistics to the "Final URL" statistics available on the AdWords dashboard.
So, it this a gap in the API? Am I required to go directly to the AdWords API to achieve what I want? (This would be cumbersome for me, as there's no official AdWords library for Node.js.)
You should use the AdWords API as it provides more data than the Analytics API.
I had the same issue when I tried to access Search Console data via Analytics. Although Analytics displays various Search Console data in the UI, it is only possible to access this data via Search Console API.
