What is the difference between DEALER and ROUTER socket archetype in ZeroMQ? - networking

What is the difference between the ROUTER and the DEALER socket archetypes in zmq?
And which should I use, if I have a server, which is receiving messages and a client, which is sending messages? The server will never send a message to a client.
EDIT: I forgot to say that there can be several instances of the client.

For details on ROUTER/DEALER Formal Communication Pattern, do not hesitate to consult the API documentation. There are many features important for ROUTER/DEALER ( XREQ/XREP ) that have nothing beneficial for your indicated use-case.
Many just send, just one just listens?
Given N-clients purely .send() messages to 1-server, which exclusively .recv() messages, but never sends any message back,
the design may benefit from a PUB/SUB Formal Communication Pattern.
In case some other preferences outweight the trivial approach, one may setup a more complex "wireing", using another one-way type of infrastructure, based on PUSH/PULL, and use a reverse setup PUB/SUB, where each new client, the PUB side, .connect()-s to the SUB-side, given a server-side .bind() access-point is on a known, static IP address and the client self-advertises on this signalling channel, that it is alive ( keep-alive with IP-address:port#, where the server-side ought initiate a new PUSHtoPULL.connect() setup onto the client-advertised, .bind()-ready PULL-side access point.
Complex? Rather a limitless tool, only our imagination is our limit.
After some time, one realises all the powers of multi-functional SIG/MSG-infrastructure, so do not hesitate to experiment and re-use the elementary archetypes in more complex, mutually-cooperating distributed systems computing.


HTTP Server-Push: Service to Service, without Browser

I am developing a cloud-based back-end HTTP service that will be exposed for integration with some on-prem systems. Client systems are custom-made by external vendors, they are back-end systems with their own databases. These systems are deployed in companies of our clients, we don't have access to them and don't control them. We are providing vendors our API specifications and they implement client code.
The data format which my service exchanges with clients is based on XML and follows a certain standard. Vendors implement their client systems in different programming languages and new vendors will appear over time. I want as many of clients to be able to work with my service as possible.
Most of my service API is REST-like: it receives HTTP requests, processes them, and sends back HTTP responses.
Additionally, my service accumulates some data state changes and needs to regularly push this data to client systems. Because of the below limitations, this use-case does not seem to fit the traditional client-server HTTP request-response model.
Due to the nature of the business, the client systems cannot afford to have their own HTTP API endpoints open and so my service can't establish an outbound HTTP connection to them for delivering data state notifications. I.e. use of WebHooks is not an option.
At the same time my service stakeholders need recorded acknowledgment that data state notifications were accepted by the client system, therefore fire-and-forget systems like Amazon SNS don't seem to apply.
I was considering few approaches to this problem but I'm not sure if I'm missing some simple options or some technologies that already address the problem. Hence this question.
The question text updated: options moved to my own answer.
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I eventually found answers to my question myself and with some help from my team. For people like me who come here with a question "how do I arrange notifications delivery from my service to its clients" here's an overview of available options.
This is when the client opens endpoint iself. The service calls client's endpoints whenever the service has some notification to deliver. This way the client also acts as a service and so the client and the service swap roles during notification delivery.
With WebHooks the client must be able to open the endpoint with a well-known address. This is complicated if the client's software is working behind NAT or firewall or if the client is Browser or a mobile application.
The service needs to be prepared that client's WebHook endpoints may not always be online and may not always be healthy.
Another issue is flow control: special measures should be taken in the service not to overwhelm the client with high volume of connections, requests and/or data.
In this case the client is still the client and the service is still the service, unlike WebHooks. The service offers an endpoint where the client can continuously request new notifications. The advantage of this option is that it does not change connection direction and request-response direction and so it works well with HTTP-based services.
The caveat is that polling API should have some rich semantics to be reasonably reliable if loss of notifications is not acceptable. Good examples could be Google Pub/Sub pull and Amazon SQS.
Here are few considerations:
Receiving and deleting notification should be separate operations. Otherwise, if the service deletes notification just before giving it to the client and the client fails to process the notification, the notification will be lost forever. When deletion operation is separate from receiving, the client is forced to do deletion explicitly which normally happens after successful processing.
In case the client received the notification and has not yet deleted it, it might be undesirable to let the same notification to be processed by some other actor (perhaps a concurrent process of the same client). Therefore the notification must be hidden from receiving after it was first received.
In case the client failed to delete the notification in reasonable time because of error, network loss or process crash, the service has to make notification visible for receiving again. This is retry mechanism which allows the notification to be ultimately processed.
In case the service has no notifications to deliver, it should block the client's call for some time by not delivering empty response immediately. Otherwise, if the client polls in a loop and response comes immediately, the loop iteration will be short and clients will make excessive requests to the service increasing network, parsing load and requests counts. A nice-to have feature is for the service to unblock and respond to the client as soon as some notification appears for delivery. This is sometimes called "long polling".
HTTP Server-sent Events
With HTTP Server-sent Events the client opens HTTP connection and sends a request to the service, then the service can send multiple events (notifications) instead of a single response. The connection is long-living and the service can send events as soon as they are ready.
The downside is that the communication is one-way, the client has no way to inform the service if it successfully processed the event. Because this feedback is absent, it may be difficult for the service to control the rate of events to prevent overwhelming the client.
WebSockets were created to enable arbitrary two-way communication and so this is viable option for the service to send notifications to the client. The client can also send processing confirmation back to the service.
WebSockets have been around for a while and should be supported by many frameworks and languages. WebSocket connection begins as HTTP 1.1 connection and so WebSockets over HTTPS should be supported by many load balancers and reverse proxies.
WebSockets are often used with browsers and mobile clients and more rarely in service-to-service communication.
gRPC is similar to WebSockets in a way that it enables arbitrary two-way communication. The advantage of gRPC is that it is centered around protocol and message format definition files. These files are used for code generation that is essential for client and service developers.
gRPC is used for service-to-service communication plus it is supported for Browser clients with grpc-web.
gRPC is supported on multiple popular programming languages and platforms, yet the support is narrower than for HTTP.
gRPC works on top of HTTP/2 which might cause difficulties with reverse proxies and load balancers around things like TLS termination.
Message queue (PubSub)
Finally, the service and the client can use a message queue as a delivery mechanism for notifications. The service puts notifications on the queue and the client receives them from the queue. A queue can be provided by one of many systems like RabbitMQ, Kafka, Celery, Google PubSub, Amazon SQS, etc. There's a wide choice of queuing systems with different properties and choosing one is a challenge on its own. The queue can also be emulated by using database for example.
It has to be decided between the service and the client who owns the queue, i.e. who pays for it. Either way, the queuing system and the queue should be available whenever the service needs to push notifications to it otherwise notifications will be lost (unless the service buffers them internally, with another queue).
Queues are typically used for service-to-service communication but some technologies also allow Browsers as clients.
It is worth noting that an "implicit" internal queue might be used on the service side in other options listed above. One reason is to prevent loss of notifications when there's no client available to receive them. There are many other good reasons like letting clients handle notifications at their pace, allowing to maximize processing throughput, allowing to handle spiky traffic with fixed capacity.
In this option the queue is used "explicitly" as delivery mechanism, i.e. the service does not put any other mechanism (HTTP, gRPC or WebSocket endpoint) in front of the queue and lets the client receive notifications from the queue directly.
Message passing is popular in organizing microservice communications.
Common considerations
In all options it has to be decided whether the loss of notifications is tolerable for the service, the client and the business. Some simpler technical choices are possible if it is ok to lose notifications due to processing errors, unavailability, etc.
It is valuable to have a monitoring for client processing errors from the service side. This way service owners know which clients are more broken without having to ask them.
If the queue is used (implicitly or explicitly) it is valuable to monitor the length of the queue and the age of the oldest notifications. It lets service owners judge how stale data may be in the client.
In case the delivery of notification is organized in a way that notification gets deleted only after a successful processing by the client, the same notification could be stuck in infinite receive loop when the client fails to process it. Such notification is sometimes called "poison message". Poison messages should be removed by the service or the queuing system to prevent clients being stuck in infinite loop. A common practice is to move poison messages to a special place, sometimes called "dead letter queue", for the later human intervention.
One alternative to WebSockets for the problem of server→client notifications with acks from the client seems to be gRPC.
It supports bidirectional communication between server and client in bidirectional streaming mode.
It works on top of HTTP 2.0. In our case functioning over HTTP ports is essential.
There are client and server generators for multiple popular languages and platforms. A nice thing is that I can share protocol definition file with vendors and can be sure my service and their clients will talk the same language.
Not as many languages and platforms are supported compared to HTTP. Alternative C from the question will be more accessible if based on HTTP 1.1. WebSockets have also been around longer and I would expect broader adoption than gRPC.
Not all gRPC implementations seem to currently support XML format for data according to FAQ. In order to transport XML my service and its clients will have to transfer XML message as byte arrays inside of gRPC protobuf message.
With gRPC, TLS termination cannot be done on general-purpose HTTP 1.1 load balancer. An application-layer HTTP/2-aware reverse proxy (load balancer) such as Traefik is required.
There are approaches like this and this to allow HTTP 1.1 compatible protocols but they have their own restrictions like limited amount of available clients or necessary client customizations.

Difference between ZeroMQ asynchronous http requests and Messages?

How is using asynchronous HTTP Requests different from using Messages when it comes to sending data in ZeroMQ?
A http request is simply the use of the hypertext transport protocol used over IP between two machines, client and server. It can be used for moving data in either direction. There's no particular restrictions as to what that data can be. An asynchronous request is simply one where the requester isn't bothering to wait for the reply having made the request; it'll use some mechanism to later rendezvous with the request, whenever that happens to come in.
Sending a message through ZeroMQ can be somewhat similar, specifically the REQ/REP pattern (request, reply). Similar to a http request, the requester will send some sort of message and the replier will reply in some way, and strictly in this pattern.
ZeroMQ uses its own protocol, zmtp, to move messages around. Again, there's nothing really limiting what data is in a message. ZeroMQ is inherently asynchronous - it's implementing the Actor programming model (though I notice that the way some implementations in some languages have eroded ZeroMQ's simplicity w.r.t. that, fitting into the language's own way of being asynchronous rather than use a poll funcion provided by ZeroMQ).
However, ZeroMQ builds many more data distribution patterns than req/rep on top of zmtp, like pub/sub, dealer/router, that http simply has no equivalent of. Further differences are that ZeroMQ can use IP, interprocess comms, or in-memory transports; this makes it highly suited for both in-application use, and for inter-machine distributed applications. I guess that a webserver could be contacted over ipc too, but I've never heard of anyone bothering to do that. Http is expected to be used over specific ports (e.g. port 80), whereas ZMQ gets used on whatever ports the developer wants (obeying the normal port allocation rules if they want a quiet life).

How can I have my ZeroMQ app reject additional connections?

I have a C++ 0MQ application that does a bind() and sends messages using a PUSH socket. I want to ensure that these messages get sent to no more than one client.
Is there a way to allow just one client to .connect(), and then reject connections from all subsequent clients?
If your server application uses a ROUTER socket instead of PUSH, it has more control over the connections. The first frame of each message contains the id of the sender, so the server can treat one connection specially.
To make this work, the protocol has to be a little more complicated than a simple PUSH/PULL. One way is for the connections to be DEALER sockets, whose first action is to sent an "I'm here" message to the server. The server then knows the id of the connections, and treats the first one specially. Any other connections can be rejected with a "You shouldn't be here" message to the other connections, which of course they must understand and act on it by disconnecting themselves.
After the first "I'm here" message, the clients do not need to send any more messages. They can just sit there waiting for messages from the server, exactly the same as PUSH/PULL.
Yes, there is
While the genuine ZeroMQ messaging framework has lot of built-in features, it allows to integrate additional abstract layers, that can solve your task and many other, custom-specific, needs. So do not worry that there is not a direct API call for doing what you need.
How to do it?
Assuming your formal architecture is given, the viable approach would be to re-use networking security trick known as "port-knocking".
This trick adds an "introduction" phase on a publicly known aPortToKnockAt, after which ( upon having successfully met the condition(s) -- in your case being the first client to have asked for / to have completed a .connect() -- another, working, port is being used privately for a "transport" phase ( and in your case, the original port is being closed ).
This way your application does not devastate either local-side, or the remote-side resources as aPortToKnockAt provides means to protect soliton-archetype only handshaking and forthcoming attempts to knock there will find just a .close()-ed door ( and will handle that remotely ), so a sort of a very efficient passive reject is being achieved.

What Necessitates a Different Protocol for Email?

In what way is HTTP inappropriate for E-mail? How (for example) does the statefulness of IMAP benefit client development?
What actually are the arguments for keeping them separate other then historical and backwards compatibility reasons?
SMTP, IMAP, and HTTP are specialized application-level protocols. If there was a generic application-level protocol which all of these could inherit from, you could usefully refactor things, but since that is not the case, wedging the other protocols into one of the existing protocols is hardly worth the effort, and would hardly simplify things.
As things are now, the history and backwards compatibility is not just a cultural heritage, it is also a long and complex process of defining application-specific features for each protocol. SMTP is store-and-forward, which introduces the need for audit headers (Received: et al.). IMAP was designed for concurrent access to a data store, which is what made it necessary to introduce state (who are you, where are you authorized to connect, which folder are you connected to, what have you already seen, read, or deleted). HTTP is fundamentally a pull protocol (pull down a web page) and the POST facility carries with it a lot of functionality specific to the CGI protocol and the overall content model of HTTP.
SMTP is a protocol that identifies the sender and the recipients to send individual mail messages, each mail server accepts (or not) mail to forward, eventually reaching the destination. HTTP is meant for anybody to connect to the server and look at (mostly the same) contents. They are quite fundamentally different, and so it makes a lot of sense to use different protocols.

Discussion: Chat server via node.js: HTTP or TCP?

I was considering doing a chat server using node.js/socket.io. Should I make it a tcp server or a http server? I'd imagine tcp server would be more efficient, but can you send other stuff to it like file attachments etc? If tcp is more efficient, how much more so? Also, just wondering how many concurrent connections can one node.js server handle? Is it more work to do TCP or HTTP?
You are talking about 2 totally different approaches here - TCP is a transport layer protocol and HTTP is an application layer protocol. HTTP (usually) operates over TCP, so whichever option you choose, it will still be operating over TCP.
The efficiency question is sort of a moot point, because you are talking about different OSI layers. If you went for raw TCP sockets, your solution would probably be more efficient - in bandwidth at least - since HTTP contains a whole bunch of extra data (the headers) that would likely be irrelevant to your purposes (depending on the scale of the chat program). What you are talking about developing there is your own application layer protocol.
You can send anything you like over TCP - after all HTTP can send attachments, and that operates over TCP. FTP also operates over TCP, and that is designed purely for transferring "attachments". In order to do this, you would need to write your protocol so that it was able to tell the remote party that the following data was a file, then send the file data, then tell the remote party that the transfer is complete. Implementations of this are many and varied (the HTTP approach is completely different from the FTP approach) and your options are pretty much infinite.
I don't know for sure about the node.js connection limit, but I can say with a fair amount of confidence that it is limited by the operating system. This might help you get to grips with the answer to that question.
It is debatable whether it is more work to do it with TCP or HTTP - it's a lot of work to do it in both. I would probably lean more toward the TCP option being your best bet. While TCP would require you to design a protocol rather than/as well as an application, HTTP is not particularly suited to live, 2-way applications like chat servers. There are many implementations of chat over HTTP that use AJAX, but I can tell you from painful experience that they are a complete pain in the rear-end.
I would say that you should only be looking at HTTP if you are intending the endpoint (i.e. the client) to be a browser. If you are going to write a desktop app for the endpoint, a direct TCP link would definitely be the way to go. The main reason for this is that HTTP works in a request-response manner, where the client sends a request to the server, and the server responds. Over TCP you can open a single TCP stream, that can be used for bi-directional communication. This means that the server can push an event to the client instantly, while over HTTP you have to wait for the client to send a request, so you can respond with an event. If you were intending to use a browser as the client, it will make the whole file transfer thing much more tricky (the sending at least).
There are ways to implement this over HTTP using long-polling and server push (read this) but it can be a real pain to implement.
If you are going to implement this on a LAN (or possibly even over the internet) it is worth considering UDP over TCP - in a chat application it is not usually absolutely mission critical that messages arrive in the right order, and even if it was, users would probably not be able to type faster than the variations in network latency (probably <100ms). Then for file transfers you could either negotiate a seperate TCP socket for the data exchange (like FTP), or implement some kind of UDP ACK system (like TFTP).
I feel there is a lot more to say on this subject but right now I can't put it into words - I may extend this answer at some point.
Chat servers are the Hello World program in node. Use http.
As far as the question of how many concurrent connections can it handle, that all depends on your system. Set up a simple chat server and then try benchmarking it.
Also, check out http://search.npmjs.org/ and search for chat for a few pointers.
