How to extract a subset of ColumnDataSource in bokeh? - bokeh

The question is in the title:
how to extract a subset of ColumnDataSource in bokeh ?

If you're asking for slicing the rows this answer might guide you and then you can apply regular Python slicing notation on the accessed result.


Is there a way to divide a single variable in R into two variables?

I am looking to divide this into two variables. Ideally, I would have one variable with just the items, and another with just the numbers. Of course, deleting the intermittent periods is the biggest challenge I face. Anyone have any tips? Thanks in advance.
look at stringr package and the str_match function. Something like
str_match(df$V1,"([\\w ]+)[,]+([0-9.]+)")
You will need to learn some regex. I cannot test my answer, as you don't provide data in your post. Please paste the output of dput(your_df) in your post

How do I calculate percentage of a subset of rows in R data.table?

Is there a simpler way of doing the following using data.table without the need for nrow?
df[A, .N/nrow(df)]
(Where A is some condition.)
There is no much more simpler way. You are welcome to propose one but it is hard to imagine more simple than the one you wrote. One option is:
df[, sum(A)/.N]
For future question please include reproducible example that can be copy pasted into R.

How do I display variable number of ggplots in R shiny, depending on input?

this is my first question on StackOverflow. I’ve tried to make it as clear as possible, but I am also very open to feedback!
I am creating an app with R shiny to analyze two dimensional data (Time and Value) for multiple samples.
I would like the application to:
Import the sample files.
Recognize the number of samples in the uploaded files.
Create a selectInput bar for each sample.
Create a ggplot object for each sample.
Huge thank you to Pork Chop for pointing out the similarities to this question - that solved my multiple selectInput bar issue. Also thank you to camille for suggesting purr's map function, that helps me create a list of ggplot objects without fuss.
However, I am still struggling to get all of the ggplot objects to display in Shiny. I have used this approach for inspiration but the author uses a for loop with static length. I tried their approach, just to see if it works, but it also only gives me the first plot of my list of plots.
Here is a very basic example of my current approach. Maybe something with map/lapply with renderPlot? i.e. map(plot_list, renderPlot({})) ?
Sincerest thanks again for your help and patience.
EDIT: finally managed to solve my issue with a lot of help from this post! Instead of using max_plots I created a reactive value for number of samples, and was able to get the plots to display properly once I added observe({}).
As described in the edit I made, this post was extremely helpful. Wrapping the actual creation of the plots in observe({}) and creating a reactive element for number of imported samples was crucial.
Pork Chop's reference to this post solved my issue with multiple dynamic inputs.

R pivot table with multiple column levels

I would be grateful if anyone could tell me how to create pivot table in R like python pandas with selected aggregation function and more then one level in column.
I would like to receive in R something like this in python:
I know there is pivotabler package, but default rendering to html method is to slow for a bit larger tables.
I also have found ftable function from stats package but its only for contingency tables, in which I can`t specify my own aggregation function.
Thank you.

Is there any way to find a specific data frame in R files?

i'm new to R and I have a problem with finding a specific data frame and it's code in R files,Is there any way to find it at all?
beforehand I'm sorry if this question comes across alittle basic or strange.
Any little help would be greatly appreciated.
You may try iris data.
First load the data:
Then print and use it:
