Generating dynamic color map in SASS - css

I'm trying to generate a rather automated system to define colours in SASS. I have a list of colours, defined with a hexidecimal value (like so: $color--deep-ocean: #123143;) and a global $colors: (); definition.
I then want to create their RGBA values dynamically, and given variable interpolation isn't an option in SASS, I've tried my hands at maps.
The idea is to feed a set-color function a name and a color to populate my $colors variable with map-merge, which I can then retrieve with get-color. Here below are my two function definitions and how I'm trying to use them:
#function color-set($name, $hex) {
$submap: (hex: $hex);
#for $o from 0 to 20 { // Going in increments of 5
$percentage-decimal: $o*0.05;
$percentage: $o*5;
$submap: map-merge($submap, ($percentage: rgba($hex, $percentage-decimal)));
$colors: map-merge($colors, ($name: $submap));
/* We should then have a map that looks like this:
$colors: (colorname: (
hex: #000000,
0: rgba(0,0,0,0),
5: rgba(0,0,0,.05),
// and so on…
100: rgba(0,0,0,1)
… right? */
#function color-get($name, $opacity: hex) {
#if $opacity != hex { // Returns RGBA value
#return map-get(map-get($colors,$name), $opacity);
#else { // Returns hexidecimal value
#return map-get(map-get($colors,$name), hex);
Please let me know if my functions are confusing! I'll try to comment them better.
This is how I'm trying to define a colour (part of _variables.scss):
color-set(bkgrnd, $color--deep-ocean);
And here's how I'm trying to use my colours:
body { // These colours have been defined, too …supposedly
background-color: color-get(bkgrnd, 80);
color: color-get(white);
Here is the error I get on _variables.scss:
Invalid CSS after "...ackground color": expected 1 selector or at-rule, was "color-set(bkgrnd, $"
So I feel like I'm missing something. I've had my head wrapped around this for four hours and I'm going mad. It's probably super simple stuff but I can't seem to figure it out. I use SASS casually, so I might not be aware of some syntax issue but if anyone has a clue about how to fix this, I'd be quite grateful.
Have a nice day and thank you for taking the time to read my post!
PS: I compile this in Brackets with the Brackets SASS plugin, if ever that information is relevant.

After digging some more, I found out what my issue was. SASS functions must have a #return directive in order to work. As a result, I updated my color-set function, and added #return $colors; at the end of it. Then, I just needed to give some directive so the function wouldn't be called "out of the blue", so I assigned my $colors variable to it like such:
$colors: color-set(bkgrnd, $color--deep-ocean);
I think it might be a bit repetitive to reassign $colors to itself all the time, but given this only affects performance during compilation, and not on my final CSS file, I can get away with it. There might be a better way (and I'm all ears if you have an idea!) but for now this fits my needs just fine.
And like that, I am able to handle my colors using maps. Thanks to anyone who had a look at my problem, and sorry for posting this - I should have taken some time to cool down and think some more. I hope this helps someone else who is stumbling on the same problem to fix their issues!
Take care,
PS: If ever you wanted it, below is the full code.
$color--deep-ocean: #123143;
$color--yellow: #ffce00;
// And so on, and so forth…
#function color-set($name, $hexval) {
#return map-merge($colors, ($name: $hexval));
#function color-get($name, $opacity: hex) {
#if $opacity != hex { // Returns RGBA value
$opacity-decimal: $opacity/100;
#return rgba(map-get($colors,$name), $opacity-decimal);
#else { // Returns hexidecimal value
#return map-get($colors, $name);
$colors: color-set(bkgrnd, $color--deep-ocean);
$colors: color-set(main, $color--yellow);
// And so on, and so forth again…
Usage example:
body {
background-color: color-get(bkgrnd); // Returns #123143
color: color-get(main); // Returns #ffce00
button {
border: 2px solid color-get(main, 50); // Returns rgba(255, 206, 0, 0.5)


CSS variables with fallback for older browsers

TL;DR: How can you use SCSS to have CSS variables with a fallback for older browsers.
I'm trying to make sense of this article. In my opinion, you have to already be an advanced SASS user to understand it, which I'm not. To make matters worse, it's the only article I found on the subject.
Here is what I'm trying to achieve:
My scss should be along the lines of :
body {
#include v(background-color, primary)
then the processed CSS should be
background: yellow; /* Yellow being defined above as the primary color */
background: var(--color-primary);
By playing around a bit, I can already get the value of the CSS variable like so:
$colors: (
primary: yellow,
:root {
#each $name, $color in $colors {
--color-#{$name}: $color;
#mixin background-color($color_) {
background: var(--color-#{$color_});
To use it:
#include background-color(primary);
Which will result in this:
body {
background: var(--color-primary);
/* But the fallback is missing :(, I tried things with the map-get but it's really eluding me... */
If you're using Sass, you can automate fallbacks through a Sass mixin. Create a map of your CSS variable names and their values, and then you can look up those values in a mixin that outputs the fallback style and the preferred one
$vars: (
primary: yellow,
:root {
--primary: map-get($vars, primary);
#mixin var($property, $varName) {
#{$property}: map-get($vars, $varName);
#{$property}: var(--#{$varName});
The above mixin is used like so:
body {
#include var(background-color, primary);
and outputs the following CSS:
:root {
--primary: yellow;
body {
background-color: yellow;
background-color: var(--primary);
Et voilà :)
Update: Postcss Custom properties can do fallback and is way easier than the below code
step 1: declare scss variables
So first of all we want to put some variables in a $map, I'll go with color variables:
$colors: (
primary: #FFBB00,
secondary: #0969A2
step 2: automate css 4 var generation
// ripped CSS4 vars out of color map
:root {
// each item in color map
#each $key, $value in $colors {
--colors-#{$key}: $value;
What happens in root is : for each key and value in the colors map, we print the followng :
--colors-#{$key}: $value;
Which corresponds to css variable declarations. I believe the weird bit with #{} around the key is to not have spaces around the value.
Thus the result is:
--colors-primary: #FFBB00,
--colors-secondary: #0969A2
Note that the prefix (--colors-) is the same name as the scss color map above it. The why will become clear in last step.
step 3: Plenty of maps !
$props: (
background-color: $colors
$map-maps: (
background-color: colors
Here we add the map $props which maps a css property to the map containing the values. background-color will hold color, so the correct map is $colors.
map-maps is a copy of props where instead of the map we have the name of said map. (this is relative to the note in step 2).
Step 4 : let's make it work !
#mixin v($prop, $var) {
// get the map from map name
$map: map-get($props, $prop);
// fallback value, grab the variable's value from the map
$var-fall: map-get($map, $var);
// our css4 variable output
$var-output: var(--#{$map}-#{$var});
#{$prop}: $var-fall;
// css4 variable output
#{$prop}: $var-output;
#include v(background-color, primary);
I simplified the code in the article quite a bit, it still works, for this example at least, the code in the article takes more into account.
Anyhow, here is what happens.
First, we call the mixin with:
#include v(background-color, primary);
Then upon entering,
$map: map-get($props, $prop); // map-get($props, background-color)
we have a variable called $map to which we assign the value that is inside the $props map at the key background-color which happen to be the $colors map. It's a bit of a maze but it's not that complicated once you resolve it.
Then for the fallback:
$var-fall: map-get($map, $var);
This simply gets the value of the map we just got (which is $colors) at the $var key (which happens to be primary). Thus the result is #FFBB00.
For the css var
$map-name: map-get($map-maps, $prop);
$var-output: var(--#{$map-name}-#{$var});
we recreate what we did to generate the var in the #each loop
Whole code would be :
$colors: (
primary: #FFBB00,
secondary: #0969A2
// ripped CSS4 vars out of color map
:root {
// each item in color map
#each $name, $color in $colors {
--colors-#{$name}: $color;
$props: (
background-color: $colors,
color: $colors
$map-maps: (
background-color: colors
#mixin v($prop, $var) {
// get the map from map name
$map: map-get($props, $prop);
// fallback value, grab the variable's value from the map
$var-fall: map-get($map, $var);
// our css4 variable output
$map-name: map-get($map-maps, $prop);
$var-output: var(--#{$map-name}-#{$var});
#{$prop}: $var-fall;
// css4 variable output
#{$prop}: $var-output;
#include v(background-color, primary);
Now this is a simplification of what is done in the article. You should check it out to have code a bit more robust.
I assume you are aware of the reason why it didn't show the fallback. But since it's an answer I will explain the reasons
The current mixin block has only one background property which makes the sass compiler to generate only one property. I don't think sass can identify whether 'var' is supported in browser or not. So, we have to explicitly specify if we need the fallback.
Since you already have the map all you need is to get the value by giving the key 'primary'
#mixin background-color($color_) {
background: var(--color-#{$color_});
background: map-get($colors, primary);
This will add the background: yellow to the body class always. Alternatively if you want to control the addition of the fallback based on condition. You can do like this
#mixin background-color($color_, $showFall) {
background: var(--color-#{$color_});
#if $showFall {
background: map-get($colors, primary);
and call like this
#include background-color(primary, true);
Code pen for the same
Note: I am writing the answer under the assumption that you want only the background-color to work and not all the other properties like mentioned in that post. For that you need to create a proper data structure

Create multiple background using SASS mixin

I'm trying to create a mixin in Sass to generate multiple background, problem is the number of background is unknow, it's can be 3, 4 or even 5. Here what I try and fail.
#mixin multiBg($page: index, $sec: sec01,$from: 1, $to: 3, $type: jpg){
$url: (); // i'm try to create a empty array first
$newUrl: null; // and an empty variable
#for $i from $from through $to {
$newUrl: append($url, url(../img/#{$page}/#{$sec}_bg0#{$i}.#{$type})); // then append value to variable;
background: $newUrl;
#sec05 {
#include multiBg(index,sec05);
current output:
background: url(../img/index/sec05_bg03.jpg);
expected output:
background: url(../img/sec05_bg01.jpg),url(../img/sec05_bg02.jpg), url(../img/sec05_bg03.jpg);
I don't know how to fix this problem since i'm still learing SASS. Can someone enlighten me please.
You're on the right track! But your syntax and logic are slightly off. Here's what I came up with:
#mixin multiBg($page: index, $sec: sec01, $from: 1, $to: 5, $type: jpg) {
$url_list: ();
#for $i from $from through $to {
// I broke constructing the url and adding it to the set into two steps here.
// We could do this all at once, but separating it can make it easier to read.
// First, generate the url.
$url_string: url(../img/#{$page}/#{$sec}_bg0#{$i}.#{$type});
// Then add it to the list (the 'comma' part is important)
$url_list: append($url_list, $url_string, comma);
// Done looping? Output the final list!
background-image: $url_list;
That seems to return what you're looking for. Here are the official docs on list functions - I always forget one or two, may be useful for you too.
Also, since you mentioned you're new to sass - check out Sassmeister if you haven't already. It's a handy little sandbox for quickly prototyping and trying things out in sass; similar to Codepen but a bit more specialized. It's what I used to experiment with this question.
This is a cleaner answer, I believe.
#mixin image-resolve($image) {
$images: ();
#each $i in $image {
$path: ();
$images: append($images, $path, comma);
background-image: $images;

Sass function using color operations

I'm trying to build a function to automate hover state operations. So gar I have this
$switch-element-hover: 20% !default;
$switch-element-operation: "lighten" !default;
#function generate-hover-state($color) { #return
#{$switch-element-operation}($color, $switch-element-hover); }
Then I try to use it like this:
&:hover {
background-color: generate-hover-state($background);
Now I managed to compile it but the output looks weird:
background-color: lighten#626262, 20%;
Also I have tried using unquote as suggested by the tool but it doesn't seem to work.
Does anyone have any idea how to do this?
Solved it.
The answer laid in the #call method:
// Hover state function
#function generate-hover-state($color) {
#return call($switch-element-operation, $color, $switch-element-hover);

SASS: converting RGB to RGBa

I have set up the colours of my project like so:
$blue: rgb(75, 179, 209);
Is there any way to use this variable and convert the value into RGBa elsewhere as needed?
using rgba instance method
you can
$blue: rgb(75, 179, 209);
body {
background:rgba($blue, .5);
can test here:
Perhaps a better solution would be to create your own function which you'll call whenever you need it.
Hampton Catlin (the author of Sass) proposes a good solution, which basically goes like this:
#function set-opacity ($color) {
$lightness: lightness($color);
$trans-value: transparentize($color, $lightness);
#return $trans-value;
So, in essence, you firstly use the Sass function lightness (which is complementary to opacity), and then the Sass function transparentize - which second argument is the result of transparentize.
However, Catlin shows that this needs to be improved - since ligthness() results in percents, but we need values between 0 and 1.
Therefore, we need an additional function that transforms percents to the desired values. It is a simple function, since we simply divide the percents with 100.
#function percent-to-number ($val) {
#return $val / 100;
Now, we are ready to go - and the whole block of code goes like this:
#function percent-to-number ($val) {
#return $val / 100;
#function set-opacity ($color) {
$lightness: lightness($color);
$lightness-number: percent-to-number($lightness);
$trans-value: transparentize($color, $lightness-number);
#return $trans-value;
So, for example,
color: set-opacity(#f00);
gives this CSS output:
color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5);
Hopefully this helps. It seems too much work, but if you put this function in partials _functions, it will always be helpful. Otherwise, you'll end up writing a variable for each colour you want alpha value.

Sass #each with multiple variables

I'm just getting started with Sass and Compass, and I'm loving it. Something I'd like to do is take advantage of the #each function to simplify repetitive tasks. However, I've only seen examples of #each inserting one variable, and I'd like to be able to use multiple variables.
The standard way (from the Sass Reference):
#each $animal in puma, sea-slug, egret, salamander {
.#{$animal}-icon {
background-image: url('/images/#{$animal}.png');
Which is great, but I'd like to be able to do something like:
#each {$animal $color} in {puma black}, {sea-slug green}, {egret brown}, {salamander red} {
.#{$animal}-icon {
background-color: #{$color};
Is this possible?
Just came across this, have the answer for you. In Sass, you can actually have a multidimensional list, so instead of constructing individual variables, you'd create one variable to hold them all, then loop over them:
$zoo: puma black, sea-slug green, egret brown, salamander red;
#each $animal in $zoo {
.#{nth($animal, 1)}-icon {
background-color: nth($animal, 2);
You can have multidimensional lists just like you would have single dimensional lists as long as each nested dimension is separated in a different manner (in our case, commas and spaces).
UPDATE Oct 24, 2013
In Sass 3.3, there is a new data type called maps which are a hashed set of items. With this, we can rewrite my previous answer in the following way to much more closely resemble the desired result:
$zoo: ("puma": black, "sea-slug": green, "egret": brown, "salamander": red);
#each $animal, $color in $zoo {
.#{$animal}-icon {
background-color: $color;
You can see this in action over at SassMeister
I'm in the same boat (beginner to Sass/Compass) and had to do something similar. Here's what I came up with, using nested lists:
$flash_types: (success #d4ffd4) (error #ffd5d1);
#each $flash_def in $flash_types {
$type: nth($flash_def, 1);
$colour: nth($flash_def, 2);
&.#{$type} {
background-color: $colour;
background-image: url(../images/#{$type}.png);
It's not the most elegant solution but it should work if you can't find anything else. Hope it helps! I'd appreciate a better method too :)
Another way I used if anyone needs it:
#each $name in facebook, twitter, google_plus, instagram, youtube, pinterest {
This functionality is supported for Sass 3.3.0 and above (I just updated from 3.2.14 to 3.4.4 in order to use it).
#each $animal, $color in (puma, black), (sea-slug, green), (egret, brown), (salamander, red) {
.#{$animal}-icon {
background-color: $color;
I'd recommend to check the changelog for backwards incompatibilities, if you're updating Sass.
Sass reference for multiple assignments with #each
Another solution could be to create different lists and "zip" them.
//Create lists
$animals: puma, sea-slug, egret, salamander;
$animals-color: black, green, brown, red;
//Zip lists
$zoo: zip($animals, $animals-color);
//Do cycle
#each $animal, $color in $zoo {
.#{$animal}-icon {
background-color: $color;
Probably this solution is more complicated to mantain than the others, but if you use a list more than one time, you can save time. (was my case)
