I have an unbounded named list of arguments for a function that I plan to use positionally, e.g.
method1 = "method1",
method2 = "method2",
methodn = "methodn"
function(method) {
if (identical(method, "method1")) {Sys.sleep(1); return(NULL)}
if (identical(method, "method2")) {Sys.sleep(2); return(NULL)}
How can I use package:microbenchmark to benchmark my given function using the provided arguments? Bonus points if the benchmark itself is named as the positional argument is named in my source list.
The prime for package:microbenchmark use I've seen scattered about is where the tasks to be benchmarked are specified in dots. The argument list is available for evaluating unevaluated expressions; and that seems like the correct route for programmatic use. However, because expression() treats the inside of the parens as literal, I haven't found a way to inject my argument inside of expression(). I walked down a dark road with parse(), and got it working - but it seems like there has to be a better way.
One solution is to use cat and sprintf with a for loop, although it might become problematic if you have many combination of parameters.
cat("res <- microbenchmark(\n")
for (i in 1:4){
for (j in 1:4) {
cat(sprintf("f_%i_%i = f(%i, %i),\n", i, j, i, j))
Then copy-paste and run the code (remove the comma from the penultimate line).
When working with packages like openxlsx, I often find myself writing repetetive code such as defining the wb and sheet arguments with the same values.
To respect the DRY principle, I would like to define one variable that contains multiple arguments. Then, when I call a function, I should be able to provide said variable to define multiple arguments.
foo <- list(a=1,b=2,c=3)
bar <- function(a,b,c,d) {
bar(foo, d=4) # should return 10
How should the foo() function be defined to achieve this?
Apparently you are just looking for do.call, which allows you to create and evaluate a call from a function and a list of arguments.
do.call(bar, c(foo, d = 4))
#[1] 10
How should the foo() function be defined to achieve this?
You've got it slightly backwards. Rather than trying to wrangle the output of foo into something that bar can accept, write foo so that it takes input in a form that is convenient to you. That is, create a wrapper function that provides all the boilerplate arguments that bar requires, without you having to specify them manually.
bar <- function(a, b, c, d) {
call_bar <- function(d=4) {
bar(1, 2, 3, d)
call_bar(42) # shorter than writing bar(1, 2, 3, 42)
I discovered a solution using rlang::exec.
First, we must have a function to structure the dots:
getDots <- function(...) {
out <- sapply(as.list(match.call())[-1], function(x) eval(parse(text=deparse(x))))
Then we must have a function that executes our chosen function, feeding in our static parameters as a list (a, b, and c), in addition to d.
execute <- function(FUN, ...) {
dots <-
getDots(...) %>%
out <- rlang::exec(FUN, !!!dots)
Then calling execute(bar, abc, d=4) returns 10, as it should do.
Alternatively, we can write bar %>% execute(abc, d=4).
Let me give you an example!
How to get two or more return values from a function
Method 1: Set global variables, so that if you change global variables in formal parameters, it will also be effective in actual parameters. So you can change the value of multiple global variables in the formal parameter, then in the actual parameter is equivalent to returning multiple values.
Method 2: If you use the array name as a formal parameter, then you change the contents of the array, such as sorting, or perform addition and subtraction operations, and it is still valid when returning to the actual parameter. This will also return a set of values.
Method 3: Pointer variables can be used. This principle is the same as Method 2, because the array name itself is the address of the first element of the array. Not much to say.
Method 4: If you have learned C++, you can quote parameters
You can try these four methods here, I just think the problem is a bit similar, so I provided it to you, I hope it will help you!
This code is about inverting an index using clusters.
Unfortunately I do not understand the line with recognize<-...
I know that the function Vectorize applies the inner function element-wise, but I do not understand the inner function here.
The parameters (uniq, test) are not defined, how can we apply which then? Also why is there a "uniq" as text right after?
slots <- as.integer(Sys.getenv("NSLOTS"))
cl <- makeCluster(slots, type = "PSOCK")
y <- unique(x)
recognize <- Vectorize(function(uniq,text) which(text %in% uniq),"uniq",SIMPLIFY = F)
y2 <- parLapply(cl, y, recognize, x)
function is just making a new element wise, vectorised function of the custom function
function(uniq,text) which(text %in% uniq).
The 'uniq' string is the argument of that function that you must specify you want to iterate over. Such that now you can pass a vector of length greater than one for uniq, and get returned a list with an element for the output of the function evaluated for every element of the input vector uniq.
I would suggest the author make the code a little clearer, better commented etc. the vectorise function doesn't need to be inside the function call necessarily.
isn't a function I recognise. But the x will be passed to the recognise function and the second argument text should presumably be defined earlier on, in the global environment, .GlobalEnv().
I have a problem with elipsis usecase. My function accepts list of objects, let's call them objects of class "X". Now, objects X are being processed inside of my function to class "Xs", so I have list of "Xs" objects. Function that I import from other package can compute multiple "Xs" objects at once but they have to be enumerated (elipsis mechanic), not passed as list. Is there a way how to solve it? I want something like this
examplefun <- function(charlist){
nums <- lapply(charlist, as.numeric)
sum(... = nums)
Of course example above throws an error but it shows what i want to achieve. I tried to unlist with recursive = FALSE ("X" and "Xs" are the list itself) but it does not work.
If there is no solution then:
Let's assume I decideed to accept ... insted of list of "X" objects. Can I modify elipsis elements (change them to "Xs") and then pass to function that accepts elipsis? So it will look like this:
examplefun2 <- function(...){
function that modify object in ... to "Xs" objects
In your first function, just call sum directly because sum works correctly on vectors of numbers instead of individual numbers.
examplefun <- function (charlist) {
nums <- vapply(charlist, as.numeric, numeric(1L))
(Note the use of vapply instead of lapply: sum expects an atomic vector, we can’t pass a list.)
In your second function, you can capture ... and work with the captured variable:
examplefun2 <- function (...) {
nums <- as.numeric(c(...))
For more complex arguments, Roland’s comment is a good alternative: Modify the function arguments as a list, and pass it to do.call.
I am used to use apply familiy functions to avoid for loop with R. In this context I was wondering it there is a way to avoid typing a bound variable. For example, say I want to do 100 times an operation do.call(myfun, args). With for I'd write:
res = seq(100)
for(i in seq(100)){res[i] = do.call(myfun, args)}
with apply I type:
res = sapply(seq(100), function(i) do.call(myfun, args))
I understand that sapply tries to apply the function to one argument, it is an element of seq(100), but is there a way to avoid this, because indeed this variable (here i) has no meaning neither utility ?
thanks for the insight
In R, the idiomatic way to call another function without evaluating the parameters you give it is apparently as follows:
Call <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)
# Modify parameters here as needed and set unneeded ones to NULL.
Call[[1L]] <- as.name("name.of.function.to.be.called.here")
However, when I put a namespaced name (e.g. utils::write.csv) in the as.name() call, I get an error:
"could not find function "utils::write.csv"
What is the proper way of using this R idiom to call a namespaced function?
Here is a solution using do.call(), which both constructs and evaluates the function call.
Like the approach you started with, this one uses the fact that R calls are lists in which: (a) the first element is the name of a function; and (b) all following elements are arguments to that function.
j <- function(x, file) {
Call <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)
arglist <- as.list(Call)[-1]
do.call(utils::write.csv, arglist)
dat <- data.frame(x=1:10, y=rnorm(10))
j(dat, file="outfilename.csv")
EDIT: FWIW, here's an example from plot.formula in base R, which uses a construct similar to the one above:
m <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
eframe <- parent.frame()
. . .
. . .
m <- as.list(m)
m[[1L]] <- stats::model.frame.default
m <- as.call(c(m, list(na.action = NULL)))
mf <- eval(m, eframe)
. . .
. . .
The function uses the do.call() construct later on. Going a bit deeper into the weeds, my reading is that in the snippet shown here, it instead uses several steps mostly because of the need to add na.action=NULL to the list of arguments.
In any case, it looks like the do.call() options is as close to canonical as could be desired.
As #Josh O'Brien answered, do.call is much more straight forward to use.
The first argument to do.call can be either a function name or an actual function.
The function name can NOT contain the namespace qualifier. The :: part is actually a function that takes the names on both sides and find the corresponding function, so it must be evaluated separately to work.
So, with do.call, you need something like:
# ...Stuff from Josh's answer goes here
# And then:
do.call(utils::write.csv, arglist)
And with eval:
Call <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)
# Modify parameters here as needed and set unneeded ones to NULL.
Call[[1L]] <- utils::write.csv
Note the lack of quotes around the function name. That evaluates to the function closure.
Another way of getting the function from a namespace-qualified name:
Again, the :: function is called that correctly finds the function.
Another more manual way is to extract the namespace name & function name and then do the lookup yourself:
x <- strsplit("utils::write.csv", "::")[[1]]
get(x[2], asNamespace(x[1]))