I'm trying to generate an optimized LHS (Latin Hypercube Sampling) design in R, with sample size N = 400 and d = 7 variables, but it's taking forever. My pc is an HP Z820 workstation with 12 cores, 32 Mb RAM, Windows 7 64 bit, and I'm running Microsoft R Open which is a multicore version of R. The code has been running for half an hour, but I still don't see any results:
lhs_design <- optimumLHS(n = 400, k = 7, verbose = TRUE)
It seems a bit weird. Is there anything I could do to speed it up? I heard that parallel computing may help with R, but I don't know how to use it, and I have no idea if it speeds up only code that I write myself, or if it could speed up an existing package function such as optimumLHS. I don't have to use the lhs package necessarily - my only requirement is that I would like to generate an LHS design which is optimized in terms of S-optimality criterion, maximin metric, or some other similar optimality criterion (thus, not just a vanilla LHS). If worse comes to worst, I could even accept a solution in a different environment than R, but it must be either MATLAB or a open source environment.
Just a little code to check performance.
for(i in 1:100){
invisible(optimumLHS(n = i, k = 7, verbose = FALSE))
performance<-rbind(performance,data.frame(time=time, n=i))
Not looking too good. It seems to me you might be in for a very long wait indeed. Based on the algorithm, I don't think there is a way to speed things up via parallel processing, since to optimize the separation between sample points, you need to know the location of the all the sample points. I think your only option for speeding this up will be to take a smaller sample or get (access)a faster computer. It strikes me that since this is something that only really has to be done once, is there a resource where you could just get a properly sampled and optimized distribution already computed?
So it looks like ~650 hours for my machine, which is very comparable to yours, to compute with n=400.
I am using poLCA package to run latent class analysis (LCA) on a data with 450,000 observations and 114 variables. As with most latent class analysis, I will need to run this multiple rounsd for different number of classes. Each run takes about 12-20 hours depending on the number of class selected.
Is there a way for me to utilize parallel processing to run this more efficiently? Otherwise, is there other ways to optimize this?
#Converting binary variables to 1 and 2
#Formula for LCA
#LCA for 1 class
#LCA for 2 classes
##Extract maximum posterior probability
##Check number of maximum posterior probability that falls above 0.7
#LCA for 3 classes
##Extract maximum posterior probability
##Check number of maximum posterior probability that falls above 0.7
You can create a list with the different configurations you want to use. Then use either one of the *apply functions from the parallel package or %dopar% from foreach. Which parallel backend you can/should use depends on your OS.
Here an example with foreach:
registerDoSEQ() # proper backend depends on the OS
foreach(nclass = 1:10) %dopar% {
# do something with nclass
Here are my not too brief or compact thoughts on this. They are less than exact. I have not ever used anywhere near so many manifest factors with poLCA and I think you may be breaking some interesting ground doing so computationally. I use poLCA to predict electoral outcomes per voter (red, blue, purple). I can be wrong on that and not suffer a malpractice suit. I really don't know about the risk of LCA use in health analysis. I think of LCA as more of a social sciences tool. I could be wrong about that as well. Anyway:
(1) I believe you want to look for the most "parsimonious" factors to produce a latent class and limit them to a reduced subset that proves the most useful for all your data. That will help with CPU optimization. I have found personally that using manifests that are exceptionally "monotonic" is not (by default) necessarily a good thing, although certainly experimenting with factors more or less "monotonic" talks to you about your model.
I have found it is more "machine learning" friendly/responsible to use the most widespread manifests and "sample split" your data into groups; recombining the posteriors post LCA run. This assumes that that the most widespread factors affect different subgroups quantitatively but with variance for sample groups (e.g. red, blue, purple). I don't know that anyone else does this, but I gave up trying to build the "one LCA model that rules them all" from voterdb information. That didn't work.
(2)The poLCA library (like most latent class analysis) depends upon matrix multiplication. I have found poLCA more CPU bound than memory bound but with 114 manifests you may experience bottlenecks at every nook and cranny of your motherboard. Whatever you can do to increase matrix multiplication efficiency helps. I believe I have found that Microsoft Open R use of Intel's MKL MKLs more efficient than the default CRAN numeric library. Sorry, I haven't completely tested that nor do I understand why some numeric libraries might be more efficient than others for matrix multiplication. I only know that Microsoft Open R brags about this some and it appears to me they have a point with MKL MKL.
(3) Reworking your LCS code into Matt Dowles data.table library shows me efficiencies across the board on all my work. I create 'dat' as an data.table and run iterations for the best optimized data.table function for poLCA and posteriors. Combining data.table efficiency with some of Hadley Wickham's improved *ply functions (plyr library) that puts LCA runs into lists works well for me:
rbindlist(plyr::llply(1:10,check_lc_pc)) # check_lc_pc is the poLCA function.
(4) This is a simple tip (maybe even condescending), but you don't need to list all standard error data once you are satisfied with your model so verbose = FALSE. Also, by making regular test runs, I can determine the poLCA run optimizated best for my model the best ('probs.start') and leverage testing thereof:
lc <- poLCA(f,dat,nrep=1,probs.start=probs.start.new,verbose=FALSE)
poLCA produces a lot of output to the screen by default. Create a poLCA function with verbose=FALSE and a byte-compiled R 3.5 optimizes output.
(5) I use Windows 10 and because of fast SSD, fast DDR, and Microsoft "memory compression" I think I notice that the the Windows 10 OS adapts to lca runs with lots of "memory compression". I assume that it is holding the same matrices in compressed memory because I am calling them repeatedly over time. I really like the Kaby Lake processors that "self over-clock". I see my processor 7700HQ taking advantage of that during LCA runs. (It would seem like LCA runs would benefit from over clocking. I don't like to overclock my processor on my own. That's too much risk for me.) I think it is useful to monitor memory use of your LCA runs from another R console with system calls to Powershell and cmd memory management functions. The one below list the hidden "Memory Compression" process(!!):
ps_f <- function() { system("powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -command $t1 = ps | where {$_.Name -EQ 'RGui' -or $_.Name -EQ 'Memory Compression'};
$t2 = $t1 | Select {
[math]::Round($_.VirtualMemorySize64/1MB) };
$t2 | ft * "); }
ps_all <- function() {ps();ps_e();ps_f();}
I have this memory management function for your session used for the lca runs, but of course, that runs before or after:
memory <- function() {
paste0(shell('systeminfo | findstr "Memory"')), # Windows
paste0("R Memory size (malloc) available: ",memory.size(TRUE)," MB"),
paste0("R Memory size (malloc) in use: ",memory.size()," MB"),
paste0("R Memory limit (total alloc): ",memory.limit()," MB")
There is work on the optimization functions for latent class analysis. I post a link here but I don't think that helps us today as users of poLCA or LCA: http://www.mat.univie.ac.at/~neum/ms/fuchs-coap11.pdf. But maybe the discussion is good background. There is nothing simple about poLCA. This document by the developers: http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/polisci/faculty/lewis/pdf/poLCA-JSS-final.pdf is worth reading at least twice!
If anyone else has any thoughts of poLCA or LCA compression, I would appreciate further discussion as well. Once I started predicting voter outcomes of entire state as opposed to my county, I had to think about optimization and the limits of poLCA and LCA/LCR.
Nowadays, there is a parallized cpp-based impementation of poLCA, named poLCAParallel in https://github.com/QMUL/poLCAParallel . For me, it was much much faster than the base package.
Problem description
I have 45000 short time series (length 9) and would like to compute the distances for a cluster analysis. I realize that this will result in (the lower triangle of) a matrix of size 45000x45000, a matrix with more than 2 billion entries. Unsurprisingly, I get:
> proxy::dist(ctab2, method="euclidean")
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 7.6 Gb
What can I do?
Increase available/addressable memory somehow? However, these 7.6G are probably beyond some hard limit that cannot be extended? In any case, the system has 16GB memory and the same amount of swap. By "Gb", R seems to mean Gigabyte, not Gigabit, so 7.6Gb puts us already dangerously close to a hard limit.
Perhaps a different distance computation method instead of euclidean, say DTW, might be more memory efficient? However, as explained below, the memory limit seems to be the resulting matrix, not the memory required at computation time.
Split the dataset into N chunks and compute the matrix in N^2 parts (actually only those parts relevant for the lower triangle) that can later be reassembled? (This might look similar to the solution to a similar problem proposed here.) It seems to be a rather messy solution, though. Further, I will need the 45K x 45K matrix in the end anyway. However, this seems to hit the limit. The system also gives the memory allocation error when generating a 45K x 45K random matrix:
> N=45000; memorytestmatrix <- matrix( rnorm(N*N,mean=0,sd=1), N, N)
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 15.1 Gb
30K x 30K matrices are possible without problems, R gives the resulting size as
> print(object.size(memorytestmatrix), units="auto")
6.7 Gb
1 Gb more and everything would be fine, it seems. Sadly, I do not have any large objects that I could delete to make room. Also, ironically,
> system('free -m')
Warning message:
In system("free -m") : system call failed: Cannot allocate memory
I have to admit that I am not really sure why R refuses to allocate 7.6 Gb; the system certainly has more memory, although not a lot more. ps aux shows the R process as the single biggest memory user. Maybe there is an issue with how much memory R can address even if more is available?
Related questions
Answers to other questions related to R running out of memory, like this one, suggest to use a more memory efficient methods of computation.
This very helpful answer suggests to delete other large objects to make room for the memory intensive operation.
Here, the idea to split the data set and compute distances chunk-wise is suggested.
Software & versions
R version is 3.4.1. System kernel is Linux 4.7.6, x86_64 (i.e. 64bit).
> version
platform x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
arch x86_64
os linux-gnu
system x86_64, linux-gnu
major 3
minor 4.1
year 2017
month 06
day 30
svn rev 72865
language R
version.string R version 3.4.1 (2017-06-30)
nickname Single Candle
Edit (Aug 27): Some more information
Updating the Linux kernel to 4.11.9 has no effect.
The bigmemory package may also run out of memory. It uses shared memory in /dev/shm/ of which the system by default (but depending on configuration) allows half the size of the RAM. You can increase this at runtime by doing (for instance) mount -o remount,size=12Gb /dev/shm, but this may still not allow usage of 12Gb. (I do not know why, maybe the memory management configuration is inconsistent then). Also, you may end up crashing your system if you are not careful.
R apparently actually allows access to the full RAM and can create objects up to that size. It just seems to fail for particular functions such as dist. I will add this as an answer, but my conclusions are a bit based on speculation, so I do not know to what degree this is right.
R apparently actually allows access to the full RAM. This works perfectly fine:
N=45000; memorytestmatrix <- matrix(nrow=N, ncol=N)
This is the same thing I tried before as described in the original question, but with a matrix of NA's instead of rnorm random variates. Reassigning one of the values in the matrix as float (memorytestmatrix[1,1]<-0.5) still works and recasts the matrix as a float matrix.
Consequently, I suppose, you can have a matrix of that size, but you cannot do it the way the dist function attempts to do it. A possible explanation is that the function operates with multiple objects of that size in order to speed the computation up. However, if you compute the distances element-wise and change the values in place, this works.
library(mefa) # for the vec2dist function
euclidian <- function(series1, series2) {
return((sum((series1 - series2)^2))^.5)
mx = nrow(ctab2)
distMatrixE <- vec2dist(0.0, size=mx)
for (coli in 1:(mx-1)) {
for (rowi in (coli+1):mx) {
# Element indices in dist objects count the rows down column by column from left to righ in lower triangular matrices without the main diagonal.
# From row and column indices, the element index for the dist object is computed like so:
element <- (mx^2-mx)/2 - ((mx-coli+1)^2 - (mx-coli+1))/2 + rowi - coli
# ... and now, we replace the distances in place
distMatrixE[element] <- euclidian(ctab2[rowi,], ctab2[coli,])
(Note that addressing in dist objects is a bit tricky, since they are not matrices but 1-dimensional vectors of size (N²-N)/2 recast as lower triangular matrices of size N x N. If we go through rows and columns in the right order, it could also be done with a counter variable, but computing the element index explicitly is clearer, I suppose.)
Also note that it may be possible to speed this up by making use of sapply by computing more than one value at a time.
There exist good algorithms that do not need a full distance matrix in memory.
For example, SLINK and DBSCAN and OPTICS.
I have a data set (after normalising and preprocessing) contains a data frame that has 5 columns and 133763 rows.
I am trying to apply k means algorithm, and herical algorithm in order to do the clustering. However, my problem is that R studio keeps trying to do the calculation, and then it throws out of memory exception even though i am using mac bro i 7, 16 gb
my code for heroical clustering is:
as i said that takes forever running. however, if i did this
it works fine, that is because i just use 10 rows.
for the k mean, this is my code:
cardsKMS<-kmeans(cardsNorm,centers=3,iter.max = 100,nstart = 25)
it works fine, but when i try to measure the model using this code
a <- silhouette(cardsKMS$cluster,dist(cardsNorm))
it takes forever and never finishes calculating
help please
Creating a distance matrix between n = 133763 observations requires (n^2-n)/2 pairwise comparisons. Given that a scalar numeric requires 12 bytes of RAM the entire matrix requires about 100 GB. So unfortunately you don't have enough.
Algorithms based on distance matrices scale very poorly with increased data set size (since they are inherently quadratic in memory and CPU) so I am afraid you need to try some other clustering algorithm.
I have a function that calculates an index in R for a matrix of binary data. The goal of this function is to calculate a person-fit index for binary response data called HT. It divides the covariance between response vectors of two respondents (e.g. person i & j) by the maximum possible covariance between the two response patterns which can be calculated using the mean of response vectors(e.g. Bi).The function is:
r <- rowSums(Data)
p.cor.n <- (r/L) #proportion correct for each response pattern
sig.ij <- var(t(Data),t(Data)) #covariance of response patterns
diag(sig.ij) <-0
H.num <- apply(sig.ij,1,sum)
H.denom1 <- matrix(p.cor.n,N,1) %*% matrix(1-p.cor.n,1,N) #Bi(1-Bj)
H.denom2 <- matrix(1-p.cor.n,N,1) %*% matrix(p.cor.n,1,N) #(1-Bi)Bj
H.denomm <- ifelse(H.denom1>H.denom2,H.denom2,H.denom1)
diag(H.denomm) <-0
H.denom <- apply(H.denomm,1,sum)
HT <- H.num / H.denom
This function works fine with small matrices (e.g. 1000 by 20) but when I increased the number of rows (e.g. to 10000) I came across to memory limitation problem. The source of the problem is this line in the function:
H.denomm <- ifelse(H.denom1>H.denom2,H.denom2,H.denom1)
which selects the denominator for each response pattern.Is there any other way to re-write this line which demands lower memory?
P.S.: you can try data<-matrix(rbinom(200000,1,.7),10000,20).
Well here is one way you could shave a little time off. Overall I still think there might be a better theoretical answer in terms of the approach you take....But here goes. I wrote up an Rcpp function that specifically implements ifelse in the sense you use it in above. It only works for square matrices like in your example. BTW I wasn't really trying to optimize R ifelse because I'm pretty sure it already calls internal C functions. I was just curious if a C++ function designed to do exactly what you are trying to do and nothing more would be faster. I shaved 11 seconds off. (This selects the larger value).
C++ Function:
code <-"
Rcpp::NumericMatrix x(xs);
Rcpp::NumericMatrix y(ys);
Rcpp::NumericMatrix ans (x.nrow(), y.ncol());
int ii, jj;
for (ii=0; ii < x.nrow(); ii++){
for (jj=0; jj < x.ncol(); jj++){
if(x(ii,jj) < y(ii,jj)){
ans(ii,jj) = y(ii,jj);
} else {
ans(ii,jj) = x(ii,jj);
matIfelse <- cxxfunction(signature(xs="numeric",ys="numeric"),
Now if you replace ifelse in your function above with matIfelse you can give it a try. For example:
H.denomm <- matIfelse(H.denom1,H.denom2)
# Time for old version to run with the matrix you suggested above matrix(rbinom(200000,1,.7),10000,20)
# user system elapsed
# 37.78 3.36 41.30
# Time to run with dedicated Rcpp function
# user system elapsed
# 28.25 0.96 30.22
Not bad roughly 36% faster, again though I don't claim that this is generally faster than ifelse just in this very specific instance. Cheers
P.s. I forgot to mention that to use Rcpp you need to have Rtools installed and during the install make sure environment path variables are added for Rtools and gcc. On my machine those would look like: c:\Rtools\bin;c:\Rtools\gcc-4.6.3\bin
I just noticed that you were running into memory problems... So I'm not sure if you are running a 32 or 64 bit machine, but you probably just need to allow R to increase the amount of RAM it can use. I'll assume you are running on 32 bit to be safe. So you should be able to let R take at least 2gigs of RAM. Give this a try: memory.limit(size=1900) size is in megabytes so I just went for 1.9 gigs just to be safe. I'd imagine this is plenty of memory for what you need.
Do you actually intend to do NxL independent ifelse((H.denom1>H.denom2,... operations?
H.denomm <- ifelse(H.denom1>H.denom2,H.denom2,H.denom1)
If you really do, look for a library or alternatively, a better decomposition.
If you told us in general terms what this code is trying to do, it would help us answer it.
I am running k-means clustering in R on a dataset with 636,688 rows and 7 columns using the standard stats package: kmeans(dataset, centers = 100, nstart = 25, iter.max = 20).
I get the following error: Quick-TRANSfer stage steps exceeded maximum (= 31834400), and although one can view the code at http://svn.r-project.org/R/trunk/src/library/stats/R/kmeans.R - I am unsure as to what is going wrong. I assume my problem has to do with the size of my dataset, but I would be grateful if someone could clarify once and for all what I can do to mitigate the issue.
I just had the same issue.
See the documentation of kmeans in R via ?kmeans:
The Hartigan-Wong algorithm
generally does a better job than either of those, but trying
several random starts (‘nstart’> 1) is often recommended. In rare
cases, when some of the points (rows of ‘x’) are extremely close,
the algorithm may not converge in the “Quick-Transfer” stage,
signalling a warning (and returning ‘ifault = 4’). Slight
rounding of the data may be advisable in that case.
In these cases, you may need to switch to the Lloyd or MacQueen algorithms.
The nasty thing about R here is that it continues with a warning that may go unnoticed. For my benchmark purposes, I consider this to be a failed run, and thus I use:
if (kms$ifault==4) { stop("Failed in Quick-Transfer"); }
Depending on your use case, you may want to do something like
if (kms$ifault==4) { kms = kmeans(X, kms$centers, algorithm="MacQueen"); }
instead, to continue with a different algorithm.
If you are benchmarking K-means, note that R uses iter.max=10 per default. It may take much more than 10 iterations to converge.
Had the same problem, seems to have something to do with available memory.
Running Garbage Collection before the function worked for me:
or reference:
Increasing (or decreasing) the memory available to R processes
#jlhoward's comment:
kmeans(dataset, algorithm="Lloyd", ..)
I got the same error message, but in my case it helped to increase the number of iterations iter.max. That contradicts the theory of memory overload.