Removing image size assignments - wordpress - wordpress

I noticed that my images weren't crisp, and in the inspector found the piece of code that is making them blurry. But, now I don't know where to look within the actual code to remove this. It's not assigned in CSS. This is a portfolio page. I am using the Avada theme. Any ideas?
enter image description here

Looking at your theme's demo I see sharp images and the image code is different. So, the problem is not caused by your theme.
My guess is that you use Jetpack's Photon on your site. Try to deactivate the module and see if this changes anything.
However, image compression is a good thing, especially when using lots of images. Perhaps, if deactivating the Photon module solves the issue, compare the speed of your website with and without Photon. If it makes a notable difference, look in the Photon settings, to see what you could change to solve the issue.
Also, JPEG files (.jpg) may not be the best choice for your thumbnails, because you lose a lot of quality when the image isn't shown at its original size. If changing the settings doesn't help, you could try to use PNG files instead.
If Photon causes the issue and you don't find a way to solve it, while still compressing your images, I would suggest to contact Jetpack support. Alternatively you could try to use a different WordPress plugin for image compression.
I hope that helps. GL!


Wordpress website uploads texts before images

My website uploads texts some fraction of a second before the images or graphic appears.
I use elementor pro as my website builder and hello theme. Please wish to know how to tackle this issue. Thanks for helping.
The simple answer is: your browser prioritizes smaller file sizes. Use properly optimized images and make sure to use the webm format for optimal user experience.
That's it. There's nothing more to it than that. Use smaller images. You can look through google's do's and don'ts here.

WordPress website loading image which is not present in my website

My WordPress website takes a lot of time to load pages, a problem that many of us face. I used GT metrix to check my WordPress page and then checked my website waterfall.
One thing I saw taking more than half time of my page is an image which is not uploaded in my website.
check this image of gt metrix waterfall:
I checked it, and I found this is an image which I have not used in my entire webpage. Also I could not find where is this image used.
Same thing happens in different pages that has different images to it.
I deleted one image from my media but now when I check the GT metrix waterfall I get a 404 error code which means its still trying to load that image and I cannot find it.
This is a theme which I had purchased and its not a popular theme like divi or ocean and hence could not contact the support.
How to check where a particular image is used in my webpage using
the media library (can I do that?)
How to find out and remove this image? Or at least is there a way where I can delete the image from the library and hence my webpage should not look for this image wasting its time instead of getting a 404 code
Your problem is quite common indeed, for your specific case i can suggest by starting to search the image name in both code + DB, it MUST be somewhere.
If you cannot find it inside your stuff there's only one answer left: there's some JS third party script that is loading that for you, but in this case i seriously dubt it would be in the same domain as your site.
Using the media library there's not much you can understand, if you are VERY lucky it will have a message like "attached to" but that thing cover like 10% of the cases, most of the time the image ARE used but are not attached to anything like a post, so the media library won't tell you anything
I've had this happen before a few times, too. Isn't it frustrating!? If you could provide a URL, I (and others, I'm sure) would be happy to take a look and try to figure out what's going on. :)

WordPress can't find images with a #2x suffix?

I'm using a commercial theme and it seems to use a JS file to add a parallax scrolling effect to certain images at runtime. It was working fine a while ago and I didn't change anything. Now the parallax is not working.
I checked the console to find some 404 not found errors which are looking for the same images but with a "#2x" suffix. But before they were only looking up the original image names since those are the only names that exist in the library. What could have caused this?
Okay it's probably a server issue. Clearing the browser cache seems to stop the retina images requests/responses.

Image not loading in wordpress add media

Has anyone face this problem ? My images are not loading whenever i try to add an image from Add media button/ featured image option in wordpress. It shows an error like this:
An error occurred in the upload. Please try again later.
Please help if anyone knows the solution.
A lot of factors could be causing this issue.
First - is this a new issue? Have you upgraded/changed anything recently and this began happening?
Second - what are the image sizes? Are they large? Not only in file size but dimensions? Sometimes large images can cause an upload error. Scale them down, both in file size and possibly image size, and see if that helps.
Third - disable your plugins one by one and check the upload again between each plugin. If it's still not uploading when all plug-ins are disabled then activate the default WordPress theme. If it's still not uploading then it may require uninstalling/reinstalling wordpress or even a larger issue that may be out of standard troubleshooting range & would require a more detailed look.

Images won't appear in site

Here is the site that I am working on.
Here is an example of the logo image that I want at the top
The theme is mayashop, and I am having issues with the images loading. In the media library I am able to see all the images. In the theme options menu in the backend, it asks me to enter the url of the logo image/ favicon/ etc. into the text field. So for the logo, I am simply pasting that second url from above, save, but I still get the placeholder box, not even the correct size.
I was having a redirect issue earlier and couldn't even view any of the images.
It just kept taking a while to load and coming up with a redirect loop. I found online someone had switched the permalink, so I switched mine from "month and name" to "default" and now I can at least see the images on the second link, but I still cannot figure out why they don't show up in the proper places. I hope this makes sense.
I will also mention that I don't really know any php so if this is what it takes, please be very specific for me, thanks!
You're using the wrong urls for the header image and, possibly, the other images that are giving you trouble as well. Instead of referencing, you want to edit that image from the media library and get the file url. It will be something like
I am just a random stranger on the internet, but I have to thank you guys! Your solution fixed a problem on my site that has bugged me for ages!
