Data loaded with measurement protocol doesn't reflect in some reports - google-analytics

We ran a website that is selling using partner websites. In order for us to see the sales data in Google Analytics and be able to create audience reflecting the buying users, we
record the Google Analytics user id and later on when we have the sales data we use Analytics Measurement Protocol to upload ecommerce data to Google Analytics and to shoot events that translates to Goal conversions. We also created audience in Google Adwords which is defined using the same Goal conversions. However, besides the ecommerce data itself which looks ok in Google Analytics, I'm unable to see the following:
Demographics data related to the conversions uploaded with Measurement Protocol. No numbers in this report related to sales.
Audience created is Google Adwords is very small, around 30, even though thousands of ecommerce and goal conversions data was uploaded.
Any idea?


Discrepant Google Analytics Data In PowerBI When Using Built In Connector

I was tasked with creating multiple PowerBI reports and dashboards that encompass our website data from Google Analytics (GA). I started with our primary website, and used the built in custom connector from PowerBI to consume this data. This connector, however, is "supported" by Google, and I'm having some issues with the data.
Google Analytics Data
PowerBI Data
As you can see in these two screenshots, some of the data matches, and some of it does not. The time frame for both screenshots show for Nov. 2019. I understand there may be a little bit of data discrepancy; however, the custom connector in PowerBI does not allow for me to show the unique users. This is one of the most important attributes to any websites as it is more accurate showing how many individuals are actually visiting your website due to the cookies on their machine. Another big data issue I noticed is the bounce rate is almost twice as much as the actual bounce rate in GA.
Is there any way to bring in the Unique User and Bounce Rate metric accurately? The marketing team currently uses DashThis, and it shows this data, so I know it's possible- I just don't know how it's being done.
So Power bi's connector for google analytics has a sampling issue and an API Calls limit. The standard limitations and quotas for Google Analytics API requests are documented in Limits and Quotas on API Requests. However, Power BI Desktop and Power BI service allow you to use the following enhanced number of queries.
Queries per day: 1,500,000, Queries per 100 seconds: 4,000
Might be better to connect Google analytics to a data warehouse such as Google BigQuery, which will help you get access to historical data that you won't be able to get with Power bi's connector. I'd suggest using a third-party connector.

Google Analytics User Activity API

I need to get following google campaign data for the user visiting our website from google analytics and pass the data to another application
Campaign Content
Campaign Medium
Campaign Name
Campaign Source
Campaign Term
Found this google analytics API for user activity.
Does it provide real time data? Is there another API which we can use to get this information real time for the user based on the google analytics User_ID or Client_ID?
Real-time traffic source information is unavailable via Analytics APIs. Also using APIs for this purpose would be hardly practical because of API limitations and quotas.
You might get some very close results with alternatives like sourcebuster.js but note that this wouldn't provide you with Google Ads synced data

What is the daily storage limit for Google Analytics?

I've found some old resources on that:
Why is (other) Showing Up in My Reports?
Google Analytics daily URL limit: does it affect URL-sequence goal tracking?
Merging Google Analytics with your Data Warehouse
I haven't been able to find any official documentation.
Is this limit still actual?
Especially for gtag.js
The daily limit that i have heard of is around 2 hits per day anything more than that and Google starts to drop hits. The official limits can be found in the documentation below.
Directly from the documentation Limits and quotas
These limits apply to the Web Property / Property / Tracking ID.
10 million hits per month per property
If you go over this limit, the Google Analytics team might contact you and ask you upgrade to Analytics 360 or implement client sampling to reduce the amount of data being sent to Google Analytics.
For monthly total Analytics 360 limits, please contact your account manager or service representative.
The gtag.js appears to be the same doc

How can you track the realtime user data (Gender, age, etc) through analytics when user land on your website?

When a visitor lands on my website i want to track the user data such as age, gender, etc. so that i can personalize the page he/she is viewing. Is there any analytics API or GA script available?
Since this is tagged with google-analytics I can at least answer that this does not work with GA for a variety of reasons.
demographic data is not available in realtime with GA the realtime
realtime API has usage limits that would quickly be exceeded by such use
in GA demographic data is not available for small user segments (including segments of one), AFAIK for privacy reasons
Any system would need a data source for demographic information. If you're not Google or Facebook with a large advertising network then you usually need to collect the data yourself and feed it to your analytics system (I think e.g. Mixpanel works like this).

How to create a report that shows event label and source/medium using google analytics

I'm firing an event to GA that looks like:
_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Subscribe Modal', 'submit', '']);
This tracks when a user has entered their email to sign up for a newsletter where '' is the email address they entered.
What I would like to do is generate a table from GA that lists each recorded email address and the source/medium associated with that event.
I'm not sure is this is possible but any help would be appreciated.
You do know that you are not allowed to upload personally identifiable data to Google Analytics, according to Googles TOS?
Google Analytics protects the confidentiality of your data in several ways:
Google Analytics customers are prohibited from sending personal information to Google.
The Google Analytics terms of service, which all Google Analytics customers must adhere to, prohibits sending personally identifiable information (PII) to Google Analytics. PII includes any data that can be used by Google to identify an individual, including (but not limited to) names, email addresses or billing information.
Data cannot be shared without consent.
Google Analytics data may not be shared without customer consent, except under certain limited circumstances, such as when required by law.
Google Analytics continues to invest in security.
Security-dedicated engineering teams at Google guard against external threats to data. Internal access to data (e.g. by employees) is regulated and subject to the Employee Access Controls and Procedures.
Please read further here:
But to answer your question, that is indeed possible. Look at the area called "Secondary Dimension" on the "Top events"-report page. There you can choose if you want to see Source/Medium, only Sources or only Medium, as in this screenshot:
