calculate count of values that satisfy two condition in r - r

I'm new to R and have a large data set where I need to check to see if one of the two values exceeds a threshold; if it does, I need to count it, and if it doesn't I ignore that value.
I have to iterate through several columns, but I run into the issue where my if statement only checks the first value. A simple example would have the columns id, val1, val2, val3. If val1 or val2 are greater than a threshold, then I would count val3 otherwise ignore. My data set is called data.
id val1 val2 val3
1 .4 4 10
2 5 5 11
3 2 2 1
4 6 1 10
5 2 100 4
My code is:
if(data$val1 > 5 | data$val2 > 5){sum(data$val3>5)}
The issue is that it only checks the first row. How can I iterate through every row?

sum(data$val3[data$val1 > 5 | data$val2 > 5])

We can also do this with rowSums
sum(rowSums(df1[c('val1', 'val2')]>5)>0)
#[1] 2

with(data, sum(val3[pmax(val1, val2) > 5]))
[1] 14


Counting the instances of a variable that exceeds a threshold

I have a dataset with id and speed.
id <- c(1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3)
speed <- c(40,30,50,40,45,50,30,55,50,50,60)
i <- cbind(id, speed)
limit <- 35
Say, if 'speed' crosses 'limit' will count it as 1. And you will count again only if speed comes below and crosses the 'limit'.
I want data to be like.
id | Speed Viol.
1 | 2
2 | 2
3 | 1
here id (count).
id1 (1) 40 (2) 50,40
id2 (1) 45,50 (2) 55
id3 (1) 50,50,60
How to do it not using if().
Here's a method tapply as suggested in the comments and the original vectors.
tapply(speed, id, FUN=function(x) sum(c(x[1] > limit, diff(x > limit)) > 0))
1 2 3
2 2 1
tapply applies a function to each group, here, by ID. The function checks if the first element of an ID is over 35, and then concatenates this to the output of diff, whose argument is checking if subsequent observations are greater than 35. Thus diff checks if an ID returns to above 35 after dropping below that level. Negative values in the resulting vector are converted to FALSE (0) with > 0 and these results are summed.
tapply returns a named vector, which can be fairly nice to work with. However, if you want a data.frame, then you could use aggregate instead as suggested by d.b:
aggregate(speed, list(id=id), FUN=function(x) sum(c(x[1] > limit, diff(x > limit)) > 0))
id x
1 1 2
2 2 2
3 3 1
Here's a dplyr solution. I group by id then check if speed is above the limit in each row, but wasn't in the previous entry. (I get the previous row using lag). If this is the case, it produces TRUE. Or, if it's the first row for the id (i.e., row_number()==1) and it's above the limit, this gives a TRUE, too. Then, I sum all the TRUE values for each id using summarise.
id <- c(1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3)
speed <- c(40,30,50,40,45,50,30,55,50,50,60)
i <- data.frame(id, speed)
limit <- 35
i %>%
group_by(id) %>%
mutate(viol=(speed>limit&lag(speed)<limit)|(row_number()==1&speed>limit)) %>%
# A tibble: 3 x 2
id `sum(viol)`
<dbl> <int>
1 1 2
2 2 2
3 3 1
Here is another option with data.table,
setDT(i)[, id1 := rleid(speed > limit), by = id][
speed > limit, .(violations = uniqueN(id1)), by = id][]
which gives,
id violations
1: 1 2
2: 2 2
3: 3 1
aggregate(speed~id, data.frame(i), function(x) sum(rle(x>limit)$values))
# id speed
#1 1 2
#2 2 2
#3 3 1
The main idea is that x > limit will check for instances when the speed limit is violated and rle(x) will group those instances into consecutive violations or consecutive non-violations. Then all you need to do is to count the groups of consecutive violations (when rle(x>limit)$values is TRUE).

rolling cumulative sums conditional on missing data

I want to calculate rolling cumulative sums by item in a data.table. Sometimes, data is missing for a given time period.
item <- c(rep("A",4), rep("B",3))
time <- c(1,2,3,4,1,3,4)
sales <- rpois(7,5)
DT <- data.table(item, time,sales)
For a rolling window of 2 time periods I want the following output:
item time sales sales_rolling2
1: A 1 5 5
2: A 2 3 8
3: A 3 7 10
4: A 4 6 13
5: B 1 4 4
6: B 3 6 6
7: B 4 4 10
Note, that item B has no data at time 2. Thus the result for row 6 just includes the latest observation.
We can use rollsum from library(zoo) to do the rolling sum. Before applying the rollsum, I guess we need to create another grouping variable ('indx') based on the 'time' variable. I find that for the item 'B', the time is not continous, ie. 2 is missing. So, we can use diff to create a logical index based on the difference of adjacent elements. If the difference is not 1, it will return TRUE or else FALSE. As the diff output is of length 1 less than the length of the column, we can pad with TRUE and then do the cumsum to create the 'indx' variable.
DT[, indx:=cumsum(c(TRUE, diff(time)!=1))]
In the second step, we use both 'indx' and 'time' as the grouping variable, get the rollsum of 'sales' with k=2 and also based on the condition that if the number of elements in the group is greater than 1 only we need to do this (if(.N >1)), otherwise it should return the 'sales', create the 'sales_rolling2', and assign (:=) the 'indx' to NULL as it is not needed in the expected output.
DT[, sales_rolling2 := if(.N>1) c(sales[1],rollsum(sales,2)) else sales,
by = .(indx, item)][,indx:= NULL]
# item time sales sales_rolling2
#1: A 1 5 5
#2: A 2 3 8
#3: A 3 7 10
#4: A 4 6 13
#5: B 1 4 4
#6: B 3 6 6
#7: B 4 4 10
As per #Khashaa's suggestion, we can use roll_sum from library(RcppRoll) can be used more effectively as it will even work with number of rows less than 'k'. In this way, we can remove the if/else condition in my previous solution. (Full credit to #Khashaa)
DT[, sales_rolling2 := c(sales[1L], roll_sum(sales, 2)), by = .(indx, item)]

working with data in tables in R

I'm a newbie at working with R. I've got some data with multiple observations (i.e., rows) per subject. Each subject has a unique identifier (ID) and has another variable of interest (X) which is constant across each observation. The number of observations per subject differs.
The data might look like this:
ID Observation X
1 1 3
1 2 3
1 3 3
1 4 3
2 1 4
2 2 4
3 1 8
3 2 8
3 3 8
I'd like to find some code that would:
a) Identify the number of observations per subject
b) Identify subjects with greater than a certain number of observations (e.g., >= 15 observations)
c) For subjects with greater than a certain number of observations, I'd like to to manipulate the X value for each observation (e.g., I might want to subtract 1 from their X value, so I'd like to modify X for each observation to be X-1)
I might want to identify subjects with at least three observations and reduce their X value by 1. In the above, individuals #1 and #3 (ID) have at least three observations, and their X values--which are constant across all observations--are 3 and 8, respectively. I want to find code that would identify individuals #1 and #3 and then let me recode all of their X values into a different variable. Maybe I just want to subtract 1 from each X value. In that case, the code would then give me X values of (3-1=)2 for #1 and 7 for #3, but #2 would remain at X = 4.
Any suggestions appreciated, thanks!
You can use the aggregate function to do this.
a) Say your table is named temp, you can find the total number of observations for each ID and x column by using the SUM function in aggregate:
tot =aggregate(Observation~ID+x, temp,FUN = sum)
The output will look like this:
ID x Observation
1 1 3 10
2 2 4 3
3 3 8 6
b) To see the IDs that are over a certain number, you can create a subset of the table, tot.
vals = tot$ID[tot$Observation>5]
Output is:
[1] 1 3
c) To change the values that were found in (b) you reference the subsetted data, where the number of observations is > 5, and then update those values.
tot$x[vals] = tot$x[vals]+1
The final output for the table is
ID x Observation
1 1 4 10
2 2 4 3
3 3 9 6
To change the original table, you can subset the table by the IDs you found
temp[temp$ID %in% vals,]$x = temp[temp$ID %in% vals,]$x + 1
a) Identify the number of observations per subject
you can use this code on each variable:

Using R: Make a new column that counts the number of times 'n' conditions from 'n' other columns occur

I have columns 1 and 2 (ID and value). Next I would like a count column that lists the # of times that the same value occurs per id. If it occurs more than once, it will obviously repeat the value. There are other variables in this data set, but the new count variable needs to be conditional only on 2 of them. I have scoured this blog, but I can't find a way to make the new variable conditional on more than one variable.
ID Value Count
1 a 2
1 a 2
1 b 1
2 a 2
2 a 2
3 a 1
3 b 3
3 b 3
3 b 3
Thank you in advance!
You can use ave:
df <- within(df, Count <- ave(ID, list(ID, Value), FUN=length))
You can use ddply from plyr package:
df1<-ddply(df,.(ID,Value), transform, count1=length(ID))
ID Value Count count1
1 1 a 2 2
2 1 a 2 2
3 1 b 1 1
4 2 a 2 2
5 2 a 2 2
6 3 a 1 1
7 3 b 3 3
8 3 b 3 3
9 3 b 3 3
> identical(df1$Count,df1$count1)
[1] TRUE
Update: As suggested by #Arun, you can replace transform with mutate if you are working with large data.frame
Of course, data.table also has a solution!
data[, Count := .N, by = list(ID, Value)
The built-in constant, ".N", is a length 1 vector reporting the number of observations in each group.
The downside to this approach would be joining this result with your initial data.frame (assuming you wish to retain the original dimensions).

R data.table selecting the previous row within group blocks

I have the following example data frame.
id value
a 3
a 4
a 8
b 9
b 8
I want to convert it so that I can calculate differences in the column "value" between successive rows. So the expected result is
id value prevValue
a 3 0
a 4 3
a 8 4
b 9 0
b 8 9
Notice within each group I want the sequence of values to start with a 0 and successive values are from the one prior. I tried the following
x = x[,list(
prevValue = c(0,value[1:(.N-1)])
but no luck.
Thanks in advance.
Use negative indexing, something like:
x[,prev.value := c(0,value[-.N]) ,by=id]
Without data.table:
with(dat,ave(value,id,FUN=function(x) c(0,head(x,-1))))
[1] 0 3 4 0 9
