WP Core Update will leave wp-content alone? - wordpress

Hi I have a wordpress website and want to update via wp-cli.
Will the command wp core update leave the wp-content folder alone?

The upgrade process will affect all files and folders included in the main WordPress installation(Mainly it's wp-admin and wp-includes). This includes all the core files used to run WordPress. If you have made any modifications to those files, your changes will be lost.
Simply, you can change only wp-content files. And wp-content will not be affected by core update.
But, I suggest to take backup before any update.

[user#server]$ wp core update will not update the wp-content folder ideally.
You should be careful with WP CLI as it can upgrade to a major version of wordpress instead of a minor one. This might lead to plugin incompatibility.
Please use the following commands to check the version and upgrade to a minor version if necessary.
[user#server]$ wp core version
[user#server]$ wp core update --minor
Also it is a very good idea to take a complete backup before updating your wordpress installation.
You can use a free plugin like Duplicator which will give you a nice backup for your installation.
Happy updating!!


Whether wordpress automatically backup old theme before updating the theme?

I have developed many scripts and have put inside the theme folder of wordpress. Today somehow the theme got updated automatically. Now all the scripts gone. Nothing was there. Whether wordpress will backup the old theme somewhere before it updating the theme automatically?
PS: I haven't installed any plugin to backup automatically!
Thanks for your replies
Wordpress will update and overwrite all the default (included) themes when it upgrades, so your changes will be overwritten.
To prevent this in future you should use a child theme, or manually upgrade by downloading the zip file from wordpress.org, unzipping it, and deleting the files that you don't want to be overwritten, then copying that across your existing installation. Creating a backup before you do this is also a good idea.
To prevent this I strongly recommend that next time you work around with a child theme instead of editing your main theme files. This will prevent your edited files to be overwritten when the theme updates itself. Also start using a plugin that backups your files.
Wordpress itself doesn't backup any files prior to updating Wordpress, themes or plugins. What got overwritten is now overwritten. You can contact your host support and ask them if they made any backups on your site (some hosts do that on a weekly basis so they can revert changes in case of an error - but this is on a host by host basis and not all do this).
Hope this will be a good lesson for you to think about this things beforehand and I hope you retrieve all your lost files.

Can i update wordpress version of my PHP5 customised wordpress site into latest wordpress version?

Can i update wordpress version of my PHP5 customised wordpress site into latest wordpress version? Now it is in 4.6 and i want to move it to 4.9.1. Any issues will be rised?
You can do it and mostly that will not cause any of issue. But before do WordPress update make sure you have to take backup for your databases once.
First of all take backup for database and make your full theme folder backup and store it as a zip , so if any issue will be raised then you directly unzip that as a theme and that will work fine.
If you have do your WordPress customization all in function.php file then your new WordPress will work perfect with your changes.
If your site have Woocomerce or other more useful plugin for front site then you should take backup for that also.
After WordPress update you may be find plugin update so do it one by one.

Sync local and online WordPress installations

I develop WordPress themes and I use git for version control. I use a git repo for each theme. The most of the time I am fixing and developing themes so I only need to push little changes to some theme. Because of that I only have the themes synchronized but I have differents plugins and content.
Now I want to completely sync my local and online WordPress installations to make any change in local, including create the content and make plugins and core updated.
I have found a plugin that allow to sync the database and media files. But what happens with plugins and all the wordpress core files?
I can make git repo of all the wordpress install, but I don't want to push all the installation because a little change in one theme. I need to track each theme apart.
Is there a way to make a repo of all WordPress, excluding themes, and maintain the repos I already have for the themes?
Finally, my approach has been to create a git repo of all the WordPress files excluding wp-content/plugins and wp-content/themes with the .gitignore.
So then, I have a repository for plugins, a repository for each of my themes and another repository for all the other files. This plus the WP Sync DB plugin allow me to have my local and production environments completely synchronized.
I hope this help someone!

Make Wordpress installation scalable on OpenShift

I followed this link to make my wordpress installation scalable on OpenShift http://gshipley-onpaas.rhcloud.com/scaling-wordpress-on-the-cloud. However, I think I have missed a step somewhere. My git repository does not contain any application wordpress file. I understood that that is the purpose. I only have plugins and themes on the application git. However when the second gear is started (due to scaling), only my files are deployed, not the wordpress installation itself. I must have done something wrong. But I don't understand why it doesn't deploy the wordpress files.
You can try using the wordpress developer quickstart (https://github.com/openshift-quickstart/openshift-wordpress-developer-quickstart) which included the base wordpress installation also, but you will still have to use an s3 plugin for your uploaded files.

Wordpress Site As Subversion Working Copy

I am currently developing a site based on WordPress (3.3) and am having an issue keeping it up to date properly in subversion (my personal svn server), wondering if I could get any help/guidance on how to handle this. I have a working copy checked out, and everything is working fine, accept for when I update a plugin and/or WordPress itself...here's an example for the Woocommerce plugin (hopefully I explain this well enough):
Woocommerce notifies me of update
I update the plugin using the WordPress dashboard
WordPress deletes all files in the wp-content/upgrade directory, and the plugins/woocommerce directory (including the .svn folders).
I then try and either do an svn add and/or svn commit and get errors about the upgrade and woocommerce directory's 'working copy admin area missing' plus a whole bunch of other problems.
I want to be able to keep this WordPress site in subversion and keep the plugins directory updated, so that I can eventually do an export when I'm ready to move the site to my server, but this is proving to be exceptionally difficult (I can re-checkout and replace the .svn directories for each of the WordPress folders that are missing them, but there are a lot of folders, and is very tedious. I can ignore the upgrade and plugin folders, but then they don't get updated and my export won't go as planned...what should I do?
One thing that will help a lot is to upgrade your client to Subversion 1.7. Instead of a .svn folder in each folder, it has a single .svn folder in the root of the working copy and will keep better track of things.
After you upgrade your client, do svn upgrade at the root of your working copy. Note that this is irreversible and incompatible with older versions of SVN.
The SVN server does not have to be upgraded for this, only the client.
