What's wrong with my dynamic programming solution for uva 10739? - recursion

I'm solving this problem on uva. I've found the recurrence relation and it works perfectly for the given test cases. However, without memoization, it exceeds time limit. I cached the values and returned the cache(basic memoization). With caching, I'm getting an answer of 1 more than the actual answer for the last two test cases. I can't understand what might be the bug because it works if you take out the caching. Thanks for your help.
using namespace std;
string a;
int n;
int dp[1005][1005];
int solve(int i, int j, int moves)
return dp[i][j] = moves;
return dp[i][j];
return dp[i][j] = solve(i+1, j-1, moves);
return dp[i][j] = min(min(solve(i+1, j-1, moves+1), solve(i+1, j, moves+1)), solve(i, j-1, moves+1));
int main()
int T;
cin >> T;
cin >> a;
n = a.length();
memset(dp, -1, sizeof(dp));
int ans = solve(0, n-1, 0);
cout << ans << "\n";
Expected O/P for:
sadrulhabibchowdhury: 8
My Output: 9


Comparing DFS(recursive) + DP(memoization) vs General Recursion + DP (memoization)

I have been using DFS + memoization type approach to solve DP problems. Till now it had worked perfectly for every problem. But recently when I tried it for 0/1 knapsack problem it gave TLE in geeksforgeeks but works fine in Leetcode.
General approach is either consider current element or move forward in the array.
But the approach which I use is, I explicitly mention in a for loop where it must go. Like for eg either go to 2nd or 3rd or... or 10th element. I have analysed my approach and it seems for me. But i am unable to understand why it gives TLE.
Code of my approach which gives TLE is:
int dp[1001][1001];
int util(int indx, int cur_weight, int n,int weights[], int values[]){
if(dp[indx][cur_weight]!=-1)return dp[indx][cur_weight];
int mx_val=0;
for(int i=indx+1;i<n;i++){
mx_val=max(mx_val, util(i,cur_weight-weights[i],n,weights,values));
return dp[indx][cur_weight];
int knapSack(int W, int wt[], int val[], int n)
memset(dp, -1, sizeof(dp));
int mx_val=0;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
return mx_val;
Code of another solution which uses standard DP solution and doesn't give TLE is:
int dp[1001][1001];
int answer(int w, int wt[], int val[], int n){
if(n == 0 || w == 0)
return 0;
if(dp[n-1][w] != -1)
return dp[n-1][w];
if(wt[n-1] <= w){
return dp[n-1][w] = max(val[n-1] + answer(w-wt[n-1], wt, val, n-1), answer(w, wt, val, n-1));
return dp[n-1][w] = answer(w, wt, val, n-1);
int knapSack(int W, int wt[], int val[], int n)
// Your code here
memset(dp, -1, sizeof(dp));
return answer(W, wt, val, n);
Can anyone please help?

why quick sort implemented in rcpp works slow?

I have implemented quick sort algorithm in Rcpp, but it works significantly slower than sort(array, method="quick") for large arrays. Why?
Here is my Rcpp code
// partition using hoare's scheme
#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
int partition(NumericVector a,int start,int end)
double pivot = a[end];
int i = start - 1;
int j = end + 1;
//Rcout << a <<"\n";
do {
} while (a[i] < pivot);
do {
} while (pivot < a[j]);
if(i > j)
return j;
//special.Swap(a, i, j);
std::swap(a[i], a[j]);
void qsort(NumericVector a,int start,int end)
//Rcout << start <<"," << end <<"\n";
if(start < end)
int P_index = partition(a, start, end);
//Rcout << P_index << "\n";
qsort(a, start, P_index);
qsort(a, P_index + 1, end);
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector QuickSortH_WC(NumericVector arr)
int len = arr.size();
qsort(arr, 0, len-1);
//Rcout << arr <<"\n";
return 1;
Also for arrays with floating values, the algorithm is worse. I want to make a comparison with hoare's and lomuto partitioning scheme, But I do not know whether this implementation has any flaw in it for which algorithm works slower.
The main reason for the inefficiency of your code seems to be mixing of the two partitioning schemes you want to compare. You claim to use the Hoare partition scheme, and the code looks very much like it, but pivot is calculated according to the Lomuto partition scheme. In addition, you should return j if i >= j, not if i > j. Fixing these two things and replacing i++ with the slightly faster ++i I get:
// partition using hoare's scheme
#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
int partition(NumericVector a,int start,int end)
double pivot = a[(start + end) / 2];
int i = start - 1;
int j = end + 1;
//Rcout << a <<"\n";
do {
} while (a[i] < pivot);
do {
} while (pivot < a[j]);
if(i >= j)
return j;
//special.Swap(a, i, j);
std::swap(a[i], a[j]);
void qsort(NumericVector a,int start,int end)
//Rcout << start <<"," << end <<"\n";
if(start < end)
int P_index = partition(a, start, end);
//Rcout << P_index << "\n";
qsort(a, start, P_index);
qsort(a, P_index + 1, end);
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector QuickSortH_WC(NumericVector arr)
int len = arr.size();
qsort(arr, 0, len-1);
//Rcout << arr <<"\n";
return arr;
/*** R
dat <- runif(1e6)
bench::mark(QuickSortH_WC(dat), sort(dat, method="quick"))
> bench::mark(QuickSortH_WC(dat), sort(dat, method="quick"))
# A tibble: 2 x 13
expression min median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec` n_itr
<bch:expr> <bch:> <bch:t> <dbl> <bch:byt> <dbl> <int>
1 QuickSortH_WC(dat) 95.7ms 100.5ms 8.63 2.49KB 43.2 5
2 sort(dat, method = "quick") 15ms 16.5ms 53.1 11.44MB 23.6 27
# … with 6 more variables: n_gc <dbl>, total_time <bch:tm>, result <list>,
# memory <list>, time <list>, gc <list>
Warning message:
Some expressions had a GC in every iteration; so filtering is disabled.
So while this method is about a factor of 7 slow than R's sort, it has at least comparable order of magnitude for the run time. (Thanks #JosephWood for digging out the link). And Wikipedia lists even more improvements over these two schemas.
BTW, I also changed the wrapper function to return the changed array. This allows me to use the default behavior of bench::mark which is to compare the returned results. I find that useful ...
Rcpp apply recursive functions badly.
I suggest iterative quick sort implementation:
void _Quick_sorti( double _array[],int _l,int _h){
int *_stack=new int [_h-_l+1]; double _tmp;int _i,_p,_top=-1;
for(int _j=_l;_j<=_h-1;_j++){
delete _stack;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
SEXP Quick_sorti(SEXP &unsorted) { //run
SEXP temp=clone(unsorted);// or Rf_duplicate
double *z=REAL(temp);
int N=LENGTH(temp)-1;
int k=0;
_Quick_sorti(z,k,N); // note that we have provide lvalue (if we put 0 it will not works int place of N)
return temp;}
The code is adapted from a macros that include '_' prefix and look ugly moreover it use R internals. Adding stack imply N more memory requirement.

Why is erase function giving a runtime error?

vector<int> a;
int n = a.size();
int cnt = 0;
for (auto itr = a.begin(); itr != a.end(); itr++)
if(*itr == 0)
The code is working on inserting numbers other than zero.
The line a.erase(itr) is giving a runtime error for some reason.
Please help.
with erase you modify the vector so the iterator become invalid, a solution modifying a little your code :
vector<int> a;
int n=a.size();
int cnt=0;
auto itr=a.begin();
while (itr != a.end())
if(*itr == 0)
itr = a.erase(itr);
Note the right type for n and count is size_type rather than int

Frama-C slice: parallelizable loop

I am trying to perform a backward slicing of an array element at specific position. I tried two different source codes. The first one is (first.c):
const int in_array[5][5]={
int out_array[5][5];
int main(unsigned int x, unsigned int y)
int res;
int i;
int j;
for(i=0; i<5; i++){
for(j=0; j<5; j++){
res = out_array[x][y];
return res;
I run the command:
frama-c-gui -slevel 10 -val -slice-return main file.c
and get the following generated code:
int main(unsigned int x, unsigned int y)
int res;
int i;
int j;
i = 0;
while (i < 5) {
j = 0;
while (j < 5){
out_array[i][j] = (i * j) * in_array[i][i];
j ++;
i ++;
res = out_array[x][y];
return res;
This seems to be ok, since the x and y are not defined, so the "res" can be at any position in the out_array. I tried then with the following code:
const int in_array[5][5]={
int out_array[5][5];
int main(void)
int res;
int i;
int j;
for(i=0; i<5; i++){
for(j=0; j<5; j++){
res = out_array[3][3];
return res;
The result given was exactly the same. However, since I am explicitly looking for a specific position inside the array, and the loops are independent (parallelizable), I would expect the output to be something like this:
int main(void)
int res;
int i;
int j;
i = 3;
j = 3;
out_array[i][j]=(i * j) * in_array[i][j];
res = out_array[3][3];
I am not sure if is it clear from the examples. What I want to do is to identify, for a given array position, which statements impact its final result.
Thanks in advance for any support.
You obtain "the statements which impact the final result". The issue is that not all loop iterations are useful, but there is no way for the slicing to remove a statement to the code in its current form. If you perform syntactic loop unrolling, with -ulevel 5, then you will each loop iteration is individualized, and slicing can decide for each of them whether it is to be included in the slice or not. In the end, frama-c-gui -ulevel 5 -slice-return main loop.c gives you the following code
int main(void)
int res;
int i;
int j;
i = 0;
i ++;
i ++;
i ++;
j = 0;
j ++;
j ++;
j ++;
out_array[i][j] = (i * j) * in_array[i][j];
res = out_array[3][3];
return res;
which is indeed the minimal set of instructions needed to compute the value of out_array[3][3].
Of course whether -ulevel n scales up to very high values of n is another question.

Recursion in C unable to return result from the prototype!?

I'm not sure why this recursion is not working! I'm trying to get the total of an input from i=0 to n. I'm also testing recursion instead of 'for loop' to see how it performs. Program runs properly but stops after the input. I would appreciate any comments, thx!
int sigma (int n)
if (n <= 0) // Base Call
return 1;
else {
printf ("%d", n);
int sum = sigma( n+sigma(n-1) );
return sum;
// recursive call to calculate any sum>0;
// for example: input=3; sum=(3+sigma(3-1)); sum=(3+sigma(2))
// do sigma(2)=2+sigma(2-1)=2+sigma(1);
// so sigma(1)=1+sigma(1-1)=1+sigma(0)=1;
// finally, sigma(3)=3+2+1+0=6
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
int n;
printf("Enter a positive integer for sum : ");
scanf( " %d ", &n);
int sum = sigma(n);
printf("The sum of all numbers for your entry: %d\n", sum);
return 0;
int sum = sigma( n+sigma(n-1) );
int sum = n + sigma( n-1 );
As you've written it, calling sigma(3) then calls sigma(5), etc...
Also, return 0 from the guard case, not 1.
I think it should be
int sum = n + sigma(n-1)
