What is the use case of Firebase Queue? - firebase

I am doing some experiments on Firebase realtime database. Though I came across firebase-queue. This is what docs says https://github.com/firebase/firebase-queue.
A fault-tolerant, multi-worker, multi-stage job pipeline built on the Firebase Realtime Database.
What does it mean ?

firebase-queue lets you use Realtime Database to submit jobs to a backend server you control. Clients write into the database, and that data is received by firebase-queue, where you can do whatever you want with it.
If you have interest in running backend code that reacts to changes in your Firebase project, you are much better off looking into Cloud Functions for Firebase, because you won't have to manage a backend server at all. You just write and deploy code to it.


How can I use Firebase to query an external API and store data in Firestore?

I'm teaching myself to use Flutter and I'm making an app that queries The Movie Database API. Currently, I'm having the client query the API on launch but I'm thinking this is not the most efficient way of doing it, and I would rather have the client query a backend service like Firebase to get the same data.
I would appreciate some guidance into where to start in order to setup a periodical process to query the API and use the results as entries into a Firestore DB. I've looked online but I might be using suboptimal keywords since I haven't found a good tutorial or example for this.
You can use Firebase Cloud Functions to build code that runs on Firebase servers to fill your Firebase database, but you can only make HTTP requests to non-Google addresses if you use a paid plan.
https://firebase.googleblog.com/2017/03/how-to-schedule-cron-jobs-with-cloud.html explains how to invoke periodic tasks with Cloud Functions. It utilizes Google AppEngine for that because Cloud Functions doesn't provide that out of the box.

maintain connection status of user with firestore. using firebase db and cloud function

I am trying to maintain connection status of user with firestore . but i don't understand some points.
Link : https://firebase.google.com/docs/firestore/solutions/presence
i refer the above link description but i don't understand how to write code.
see the below given topics:
Using presence in Realtime Database
where to write this given code in application or Cloud functions?
2.Connecting to Cloud Firestore
Updating Cloud Firestore's local cache
where to write local cache update code?
I use this in my android application.
Each section of the code in the Build Presence in Cloud Firestore is marked.
If it is marked with WEB, you'll need to run this code in your web application. If your clients are native Android or iOS, you'll need to write and run similar code for those platforms.
If the code is marked with NODE.JS, you will need to run this code in a Node.js environment. It should be possible to accomplish the same in Cloud Functions, but no sample is provided for that.

Can I read data from realtime data base across cloud functions in react native

I want to read and write data in database real time across cloud functions but I don't know if this is possible, also I don't know if this is good practice or if is better make this through with SDK database realtime
I learning firebase and react native, I am new learning these topics.
From the docs:
Cloud Functions for Firebase lets you automatically run backend code in response to events triggered by Firebase features and HTTPS requests. Your code is stored in Google's cloud and runs in a managed environment. There's no need to manage and scale your own servers.
Cloud Functions runs Node v.6.11.5, so we recommend that you develop locally with this version.
You are able to use realtime database trigggers like onCreate(), onWrite(). Also you are able to use set() to send data to the realtime database.

How to use Cloud Firestore and Realtime Database in same project

Firebase's documentation has the following paragraph:
Using Cloud Firestore and Realtime Database: You can use both databases within the same Firebase app or project. Both NoSQL databases can store the same types of data and the client libraries work in a similar manner. Keep in mind the differences outlined above if you decide to use both databases in your app.
I can't find any documentation on how to add a Cloud Firestore to an existing project with a Realtime Database, though. I will ultimately upgrade to Cloud Firestore, but would like some time to experiment and learn before I convert the production database.
Does anybody know how to use both databases in the same Firebase project?
When you go to your project in the console and choose the Database product, you should see something like this the first time:
This is a selector that lets you choose to see either Realtime Database or Firestore in your project. You can switch between the two with this selector.
The first time you select Cloud Firestore, it will ask you to configure things. Start in "test mode" to set things up for full read and write without authentication to get started quickly, but of course your should always have rules set up in production.
After you set up Firestore, you should be able to use both client SDKs to access both databases independently.

Does Firebase has direct cloud function trigger?

In times when Parse.com was on they had a function that called a cloud function directly and returned whatever I wanted. So I could have all the server logic on the server, not in client code. Doe's Firebase has it as well? I can't find it - all I found are HTTP triggers, but it implies that it's not available through Javascript SDK. Am I missing something or do I have to use REST interface for that?
To run server-side code that is triggered by events in Firebase, you'd use Cloud Functions for Firebase. Currently these can trigger code through the Firebase Database updates, Authentication, Analytics, Cloud Storage and HTTP. The documentation I linked has all the details.
As Frank van Puffelen has explained you could use Functions, I'll like to add a couple of things.
You could also use the Firebase Database Admin SDK for the Database, this requires you have a server
Firebase Functions is a sort of big brother, constantly listening for whatever you want. Currently starting and deploying functions is fairly easy and fast, I love this how to video. Basically, you have to install the CLI and then using commands, create a project, write your js for Functions and for deploying those changes to Firebase Functions use the CLI again
Functions can listen more than what the Admin SDK can, the Admin SDK is for the Database while Functions is for, authentification, database, and cloud messaging. This means any user registration or deletion or any change in a node, can trigger further logic. This logic could include sending push notifications. There is a github repo where you can see a lot of examples, I made myself a small repo for the same purpose
