I am using a JavaFX FileChooser to open one or two files
File file1,file2;
List<File> list = fileChooser.showOpenMultipleDialog(stage);
if (list!=null) {
file1 = list.get(0);
if (list.size() > 1)
file2 = list.get(1);
But the files in the list will always be sorted alphabetically while I want to open the files in the order they were clicked. Is there a way to achieve this?
In the textfield in the FileChooser, the filepaths are displayed in the order in which they are selected so there seems to be a difference, but the returned list will always be sorted alphabetically.
Edit: The selected files are always ordered by the sorting in the FileChooser. If I set the Windows-ordering to "by date" the files will be returned in that order instead of alphabetical.
I am doing a copy-paste job from Word to Illustrator, whenever I double click on the word in the docx the whole word is selected like this
but when I try to double click in illustrator it leaves the first point out and selects the last "/" or selects the whole word but not just the middle part.
what could be the reason for that, and is there an easier way to do that
For simplest cases you can modify the selected range this way:
var sel = app.selection; // get the selection
sel.start += 1; // remove first letter from the range
sel.end -= 1; // remove last letter from the range
sel.select(); // select the new range
app.copy(); // copy selected text in clipboard
You can put the script into an action and assign some keyboard shortcut for the action.
I am working with the R programming language.
I found the following related question Stackoverflow (how to delete a file with R?) which shows you how to delete a file having a specific name from the working directory:
#Define the file name that will be deleted
fn <- "foo.txt"
#Check its existence
if (file.exists(fn)) {
#Delete file if it exists
[1] TRUE
My Question: Is it possible to delete files based on whether the file name contains a specific combination of letters (i.e. LIKE 'fo%' )? This way, all files in the working directory starting with the letters "fo" will be deleted.
What I tried so far:
I thought of a way where I could first create a list of all files in the working directory that I want to delete based on their names:
# create list of all files in working directory
a = getwd()
path.to.csv <- a
my_list = print(files) ## list all files in path
#identify files that match the condition
to_be_deleted = my_list[grepl("fo",unlist(my_list))]
Then, I tried to deleted this file using the command used earlier:
if (file.exists(to_be_deleted)) {
#Delete file if it exists
This returned the following message:
Warning message:
In if (file.exists(to_be_deleted)) { :
the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
Does anyone know if I have done this correctly? Suppose if there were multiple files in the working directory where the names of these files started with "fo" - would all of these files have been deleted? Or only the first file in this list?
Can someone please show me how to do this correctly?
file.remove accepts a list of file to delete.
Regarding file.exists, it also accepts a list, but it will return a list of logical values, one for each file. And this won't work with if, which requires only one logical value.
However, you don't need to check the existence of files that you get from list.files: they obviously exist.
So, the simplest is to remove the if test and just call file.remove:
files <- list.files(path, pattern = "fo")
to_be_deleted <- grep("fo", files, value = T)
Or even simpler:
to_be_deleted <- list.files(path, pattern = "fo")
A few notes however:
Here you don't know in advance if you have the right to delete these
You don't know either if the names are indeed files, or
directory (or something else). It's tempting to believe that
file.exists answer the second question, that is, it might tell you
that a name is a real file, but actually it does not:
file.exists(path) returns TRUE also when path is a directory.
However you can detect directories with dir.exists(path). Depending
on your specific case, it may or may not be necessary to check for
this (for instance, if you know the pattern passed to grep always
filters files, it's ok).
If I merge multiple cells in a Jupyter notebook, there is a blank line between the code from each cell.
Can I merge cells without this blank line?
No, this is the expected behavior.
Here is the source for mergeCells
Here is the line that joins the contents toMerge
newModel.value.text = toMerge.join('\n\n');
const toMerge: string[] = [];
Note, there are 2 new lines, '\n' in the .join(), therefore the answer to Can I merge cells without this blank line? is no, unless you do a PR for the project, change the desired line, compile and run it on your system.
I need to add meta data about the Row being processed. I need the filename to be added as a column. I looked at the ambulance demos in the Git repo, but can't figure out how to implement this.
You use a feature of U-SQL called 'file sets' and 'virtual columns'. In my simple example, I have two files in my input directory, I use file sets and refer to the virtual columns in the EXTRACT statement, eg
// Filesets, file set with virtual column
#q =
EXTRACT rowId int,
filename string,
extension string
FROM "/input/filesets example/{filename}.{extension}"
USING Extractors.Tsv();
#output =
SELECT filename,
COUNT( * ) AS records
GROUP BY filename,
OUTPUT #output TO "/output/output.csv"
USING Outputters.Csv();
My results:
Read more about both features here:
Learning AppleScript I'm trying to practice and I wanted to see if I could get the count of a class in an .xhtml file.
In my BBEdit project I set a variable for the project with:
set this_project to file of project document 1
made sure to target all the .xhtml files with:
set total_xhtml to {search mode:grep, case sensitive:false, match words:false, extend selection:false, returning results:true, filter:{ID:"111232452", filter_mode:and_mode, filter_terms:{{operand:"xhtml", field:«constant ****FnSf», operator:op_is_equal}}}}
but when I try to count the class for each file I'm stumped..
I did try:
set varCount to count class=\"foobar\"" of (this_project in total_xhtml)
If I try set varCount to count class=\"foobar\"" it returns a number in the AppleScript Editor but how can I get the full count for each file in a project?
If I understand what you're asking, you want to find out how many times your class is listed in your different .xhtml files.
If that's what you're trying to accomplish, the below is a working example that should do what you're looking for.
on run
set foundItems to do shell script "grep -ri 'yourClassName' " & quoted form of "/Path/to/Your/directory"
on error
set foundItems to ""
end try
set oldDelims to AppleScript's text item delimiters -- save their current state
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {return} -- declare new delimiters
set tempList to every text item of foundItems
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelims -- restore them
set foundCount to count of tempList
end run
Just realized I never accepted an answer to my question and I wanted to close out this Q&A. I didn't choose the provided answer because text item delimiters were firing an incorrect count from the file and I wanted an approach that didn't call on a do shell.
In AppleScript and BBEdit if you reference the Dictionary there is FIND:
and with a repeat loop I was able to step through each occurrence of class="foobar":
## beginning of file
select insertion point before first character of text document text document 1
set countClass to 0
## find pattern
set findClass to find "class=\"foobar\"" searching in text 1 of text document text document 1 options {options} with selecting match
## exit after no more patterns
if not found of findClass then exit repeat
## increment for every occurrence
set countClass to countClass + 1
end repeat
## return total count of pattern
return countClass
With the above repeat I was able to step through each file and total up every occurrence of class foobar. Hope this helps the next person.