How to install tools for everyone to use in unix - unix

I'm a freshman, and I created a server with my roomates in order to practice in maintaining a server.
We installed CentOS7. And I would like to ask how I can install a tool for everyone to use?
More particularly, we want to install Cromwell. But since, they don't have instructions on how to install on Unix, I downloaded Linuxbrew and installed it like this.
The downside is that it's not visible to the other users connected to the servers.
I know this is a noob question, but any response would be appreciated.

A standard unix machine has programs (tools and so on) installed in predefined directories like /bin, /usr/bin, perhaps /usr/local/bin. Which to choose is another matter, probably you want /usr/bin. Also the environ variable PATH plays a role.
Into the chosen directory there should be a file representing the "tool". You can put a copy of the executable file in that directory, and set (or check) its permissions. Execution permission can be granted to all users, or only some, it depends. In other words,
is not a good place for a "system" tool or app; you should copy that executable in /usr/bin, set ownership (perhaps to root?) with chown, and set the correct permissions with chmod.
You can make a hard link of your executable into the directory; this saves space, but also means that there is only one copy of the executable. Having two different copies (the "stable" one, and the other one you can fiddle with) can be handy.
After the executable is reachable and executable from the chosen users, maybe it needs some support files. To find them, it can rely on fixed locations, or some environment variable, or some configuration file. But all these things are outside of the scope of the question.

Try this command:
you#machine$ sudo chmod [who][op][permissions] filename
"who" refers to the users that have a particular permission: the user ("u"), the group ("g"), or other users ("o", also known as "world"). "op" determines whether to add ("+"), remove ("-") or explicitly set ("=") the particular permissions. "permissions" are whether the file should be readable ("r"), writable ("w"), or executable ("x"). As an example:
you#machine$ chmod o+x file
will add executable permission for others to file.


set R_USER for multiple users under windows

Windows seems to put R libraries in a onedrive directory by default if onedrive is in use. This is undesirable especially if you're using both R and onedrive on multiple computers with the same onedrive account.
How would I set my library to be put inside of C:\users<username>\documents instead of in C:\users<username>\onedrive\documents? There are good solutions here (How do I change the default library path for R packages), but they're mostly focused on solving this for a single windows account. Is there a general way to solve it for all accounts?
Every R installation has an etc/ directory with configuration, in it you can set or, easier still,
Files ending in .site should not get overwritten on the next install. Make sure you don't bulk delete though.
You can query where it is via R.home("etc"). On my (Linux) system:
> R.home("etc")
[1] "/usr/lib/R/etc"
Really excellent solution from here (
just create an file in the /etc folder of your Rinstallation, then copy the following line to it:
This sets R_USER which in turn sets R_LIBS_USER according to the user directory of each account under windows 10.

Streamlit: Disable the guard against running files without a .py extension?

I have a problem. Universally, my experience working in Unix systems has been that, by the time you are ready to place an executable "thing" in a bin folder for global access, you have decided to #! the file with the requisite interpreter:
And, although it is fine to have clutter at the local scope, when one places an executable in the bin folder, it should have:
A POSIX CLI interface
No discernible language tags or what have you
This is because it is now intended to be used for difficult work that requires forgetting about the details of this or that language: one now needs to think in terms of the functions as if the composable units are part of a consistent language, rather than a dozen different languages from a dozen different expert contributors.
This is the "genius" of the Unix/Linux/Posix architecture.
Anyways, when structuring my python projects, the end game is copying python executables to a global source on the path -- whether that "global" source is a pretend global source in my home directory (i.e., ~/.mytools/bin or the actual global path, /usr/bin or something like that -- and generally I want my python executables to have the same "game feel" as C executables, perl executables, BASH/ZSH/etc. executables.
In that vein, I knock off the extensions from my scripts and executables when they go in the bin. There is no need to know, from my usage perspective, what anything is made of when I go to use it.
However, streamlit requires me to re-append the .py to the file in the global path in order to run with streamlit run. This is a case of the library reaching up out of its useful value and holding me hostage, from my perspective, unless I violate best practices when extending the bin folder with python executables.
This means I have to create special logic to handle just streamlit, and that is really a kerfluffle. I have to either: change the way I handle all executables, or hardcode just the executable that will be run with streamlit. That means that, all of a sudden, I have an arbitrary name in my meta-control code for my project.
That is bad. Why? because I have to remember that I did it, and remember to change it if I change the executable name. I also have to remember to add to it if I add another streamlit executable.
Alternatively, I can copy all my exes made with python into the root bin folders with their .py extensions, which is not what I wanted to do.
How does one bypass this issue in streamlit?
If bin/sometool needs to be invoked with Streamlit via streamlit run bin/sometool, it seems like you're already exposing "meta-control code" to users of your bin script, right?
Instead, would this solve your problem?
DIR=$(dirname "$0")
streamlit run "$DIR"/
(Where sits inside bin, but has chmod -x so that it's not directly executable.)

Use Fossil for system files?

As a new user of Fossil, I'm curious if there are any negative implications with using Fossil to store things like /etc/, /usr/local/etc files from Unix like systems like FreeBSD & OpenBSD. If I'm doing this for multiple systems, I think I'd create a branch with each hostname to track those files.
Q1: Have you done this? Do you prefer a different VCS to handle the system files?
Q2: Lots of changes have happened in Fossil over the years and I'm curious if it's possible to restrict who can merge branches with trunk. From reading earlier threads it wasn't possible but there are two workarounds:
a) tell people not to merge to trunk
b) have people clone and trunk maintainer pick up changes from their repo
System configuration files stored in /etc, /var or /usr/local/etc can generally only edited by the root user. But since root has complete access to the whole system, a mistaken command there can have dire consequences.
For that reason I generally use another location to keep edited configuration files, a directory in my home-directory that I call setup, which is under control of git. Since I have multiple machines running FreeBSD, each machine gets its own subdirectory. There is a special subdirectory of setup called shared for those configuration files that are used on multiple machines. Maintaining multiple copies of identical files in separate repositories or even branches can be a lot of extra work.
My workflow is the following;
Edit a configuration file in my repository.
Copy it to its proper location.
Test the changes. If problems occur, go back to step 1.
Commit the changes to the revision control system. Copy the
committed files to their proper location.
Initially I had a shell script (basically a list of install commands) to install the files for me. But I also wanted to see the differences between the working tree and the installed files.
So for my convenience, I wrote a script called deploy to help me with this. It can tell me which files in the repo are different from the installed files and can show me the differences. It can also install files to their proper locations.

Unix check if a file referenced by any symlinks

How to check if a file is being referenced by any symlinks in the directory - I want to delete all the other files except the symlink and the refernced file. Is there any direct command to check or a work around to do so?
If the symbolic link is in the same directory or in a well known one, that would be easy. Just check if no other file share the same inode ls -d1Li.
Otherwise, there is no direct way to know if a symbolic link exist to any given file. Even exploring all mounted file systems wouldn't be reliable, as the link might exist on a currently unmounted filesystem, or on a remote machine accessing the file remotely (NFS, CIFS and the likes).

Unix directory structure: managing file name collision

Usually every time `make install' is run, files are not put in a specific directory like /usr/prog1. Instead, the files are put in directories where files from other programs are already in like /usr/lib and /usr/bin. I believe this has been a common practice since long time ago. This practice surely increases the probability of file name collision.
Since my googling returned no good discussion on this matter, I am wondering what people do to manage the file name collision? Do they simply try this or that name and if something goes wrong, a bug is filed by the user and the developer picks another name? Or, do they simply prefix the names of their files? Anyone is aware of a good discussion on this matter?
Usually people choose the name they want and if something collides then the problem gets resolved by the distribution. That's what happened with ack (ack in Debian, Kanji converter) and ack (ack-grep in Debian, text search utility).
Collisions don't seem to be that common though. A quick web search should tell you if the name is used somewhere. If it's not searcheable, it's probably not included in many distributions and that means you're not likely to actually conflict.
Usually when compiling programs, you can usually specify a prefix path like this: ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/prog1 or ./configure --prefix=/opt/prog1 (whether you use /usr/local or /opt doesn't really matter). Then when running make install it'll put the files in the specified prefix path. You can then either 1) add /opt/prog1/bin/ to your PATH or you can make a symlink to the executable file in /usr/local/bin which should already be in your PATH.
Best thing is to use your distributions package manager though.
