I need IP addresses of LinkedIn - networking

i have been directed by LinkedIn to this developer's blog. I want to give access to LinkedIn for certain users on a mobile network. This is why i would like first to know if they are static or dynamic, and if there is a predefined list which someone can share.

LinkedIn has a total of 6 AS Numbers:
For your ease, I have created a git repo with all the ipv4 and ipv6 ip addresses of LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. Please find them from the links below:

You may find a range of ips belonging to linkedin but it's not listed as ASN owner.
Here is an example of the case:
ASN AS10912 - Internap Holding LLC
Hostname No Hostname
Company LinkedIn Corporation
I suggest using CIDR instead. Here ara more accurate ips of linkedin

Is there a reason you cannot allow access the domain name? E.g. www.linkedin.com (Or whatever domain the api is)
But, if you'd like to get the ip of a domain, you could use the ping command on windows cmd or linux/maxos bash, the output will be different depending on your system, but it should contain the numbered ip.
ping www.linkedin.com


my.telegram.org sends an ERROR when I want to create an API id/hash in API development tools section

I'm trying to get my API id/hash to create some bots for telegram , but in the API developmen tools section , when I enter my bot informations( name , shortname...) and click on create to get the results , I recieve an error :
my.telegram.org says ERROR
I live in Iran and telegram servers are blocked here .
Any solution for this problem?
!! I found the Iranians-only solution which I wrote down below .
I disable the "AdBlock" extension in the browser and it's work.
That may happen with enabled VPN extension as well
I've found a solution! ( works for people in Iran mostly , cause telegram servers are blocked in Iran , same as facebook and tweeter . so you can log in to telegram site but when it comes to telegram api , no data would be transfered because it's blocked . )
simple requirements : Android phone + VPN(proxy)
If there's any Android phone close to you, take it and install a vpn (or just use a proxy to change your ip) and try to do get your API id/hash.
If you have same problem again, just try other proxies or install other vpn apps. Surely you will get your API id, just be patient and repeat the process.
The ip address must be in the same country as the mobile phone number of the telegram account when applying
In my case the only way to make it work was to switch from Chrome to Safari
The ip address and phone number should be in the same country. If you are in countries that prevents you from Telegram such as China. The only way is to use the mobile number of another country (you can use Google Voice, textnow or etc.). By the way, if you use a +86 phone number, you can try using the IP address in Hong Kong
Working as of 1st January 2023
I've managed to register new App in PC under VPN (IP with another country that same with my registered number origin country) with following form details:
App title: TestApp1
Short name: testapp1
URL: N/A (Fill nothings here)
Platform: Desktop
Description: N/A (Fill nothings here)
OS: Windows 11
Browser: Microsoft Edge (InPrivate mode without any plugins installed)
Hope this helps!

block all websites except gmail & google using mikrotik

I've tried many tutorial how to block any website and except some website.
I can block Website except Google, Youtube, drive.google, google Document (Gsuite Solutions) and Gmail in Bridge-HIS interface.
I can access to website in Allowed Websites & Gmail loader,
! But can't access to Gmail inbox.
This my screenshot & config :
add chain=forward protocol=tcp dst-port=25,443,465,587,2525 In. Interface=Bridge-HIS action=drop
add chain=forward protocol=tcp dst-port=25,443,465,587,2525 In. Interface=Bridge-HIS Dst-address-list="Allowed Websites" action=accept
Bridge Interfaces
Address List (Allowed Websites)
Firewall Rule Accept
Firewall Rule Drop
Gmail Loader
Gmail Inbox can't access
Note : I can't post imges StackOverflow show messenge "You need at least 10 reputation to post images."
Could u help me ?
I can solve the problem.
I let change Firewall filter rule in Action accept & check other website network connect add to address lists.
This my screenshot

Application Insights and .Net Core - IP

All my requests logged on application insights have the IP. Why?
- Running a app on azure app service
- Using .Net Core 2
- Other info seems ok, like, some requests from around the globe and etc
This is by design because of GDPR. from this blog post in february:
Starting February 5, 2018, Application Insights will set all octets of
the IP address collected by client/server side SDKs to Zero after
looking up the City, Country and other geo location attributes. This
strengthens privacy and is a change from the prior processing that set
the last octet to Zero.
This change is being made to address customer concerns with IP address
and the impact of GDPR.
• If you need the first 3 octets of the IP address, you can use
telemetry initializer to add a custom attribute.
• This does not
affect data collected prior to February 5, 2018.
The IP masking feature of Application Insights can be disabled.
Know your compliance requirements first before you do so!
There are two ways to do so:
First, make a REST call to reconfigure your existing App Insights instance
I suggest leveraging Azure CLI for that task, as you don't have to take care of the access token. Replace the missing values accordingly
<resource location>
az rest --method patch \
--url https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/<sub-id>/resourceGroups/<rg-name>/providers/microsoft.insights/components/<resource-name>?api-version=2018-05-01-preview \
--body { \"location\": \"<resource location>\", \"kind\": \"web\", \"properties\": { \"Application_Type\": \"web\", \"DisableIpMasking\": true } }
Second, use a custom TelemetryInitializer
public class CloneIpAddress : ITelemetryInitializer
public void Initialize(ITelemetry telemetry)
if (telemetry is ISupportProperties propTelemetry && !propTelemetry.Properties.ContainsKey("client-ip"))
var clientIPValue = telemetry.Context.Location.Ip;
propTelemetry.Properties.Add("client-ip", clientIPValue);
And than don't forget to register the type with the DI container
services.AddSingleton<ITelemetryInitializer, CloneIpAddress>();
The IP address will show up as a custom dimension
Client IP address
The IP address of the client device. IPv4 and IPv6 are supported. When telemetry is sent from a service, the location context is about the user that initiated the operation in the service. Application Insights extract the geo-location information from the client IP and then truncate it. So client IP by itself cannot be used as end-user identifiable information.

How to construct a correct HttpRequest in Salesforce

I am developing an application in Salesforce that should communicate with a server to get some data. the server address is like this
this is the HttpRequest object i am constructing in my Apex code is :
HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();
String username = "myLogin", passwd = "myPassword";
String dataUrl = 'sli=on&fli=on&login=' + username + '&password=' + passwd + 'the rest of data';
request.setHeader('Content-Length', String.valueOf(dataUrl.length()));
Http http = new Http();
HttpResponse response = http.send(request);
But the response i am getting contains this error :
The following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL:
Access Denied.
i don't know what is the problem with the url i am constructing, and when i write the url manually in my navigator i have access to the server.
Any help please.
This issue, in light of having already been added to the whitelist for endpoints, I think has to do with the fact that 192.168 IP addresses denote local IP addresses within a network normally.
It's likely that you can reach it because you're on your network, but Salesforce cannot see your network from the inside. You would need to use something like ngrok.com which allows you to expose a local machine to an outside available IP address.
You can also find out your router's IP address if you are at home, and port forward to your local machine through it to expose it to the outside world, but I've had a much easier time with ngrok.com for easy integration testing with my applications.
Some Information On 192.168 addresses
(Adding this answer because my other answer could legitimately solve someone searching for the same issue above)
This issue may have to do with the fact that Salesforce prevents outside calls to un-authorized endpoints. Fortunately, it is a simple matter of adding an endpoint to the whitelist of authorized outbound connection points.
Under the setup menu option, and then again under teh security menu, there is a menu item called remote site settings. Within this option you'll see a list of sites you are allowed to access from within Salesforce. If your endpoint isn't in the list, add it and you may get a different result.
Please let me know if you have already added this to the whitelist and it is still a problem.

Qmail email address without hostname/domain name

In our production a user sent an email to the following address "xxx" (Literally the email is address xxx). This address is within our companies organization (xxx#company.com.ph), I am being asked how it was sent without "#company.com.ph".
I told them it was probably the configuration of our SMTP server as I am sure the application I made is not appending "#company.com.ph" to mails without (hostName/domainName).
Our SMTP server is Qmail in a Unix box. Can anyone tell me what configurations we could check to explain how this happened?
Unfortunately, I do not have a Qmail or Unixbox so I cant test it myself and I don't have access to our production servers so I could really use some help.
PS. Can anyone also give me the correct term for "#company.com.ph" is it the hostName/domainName?
Checks Done
1) According to the administrator - "defaultdomain" is set to "mail.company"
Yes by default qmail will add defaultdomain to any recipient address missing the domain part.
#company.com.ph is the domain name part of the email address.
defaultdomain file by default is in /var/qmail/control directory as from documentation: http://www.lifewithqmail.org/lwq.html#config-files
