SQLite source code parse.y - nm - sqlite

I am reading the grammar of SQLite and having a few questions about the following paragraph.
// The name of a column or table can be any of the following:
%type nm {Token}
nm(A) ::= id(A).
nm(A) ::= STRING(A).
nm(A) ::= JOIN_KW(A).
The nm has been used quite widely in the program. The lemon parser documentation said
Typically the data type of a non-terminal is a pointer to the root of
a parse-tree structure that contains all information about that
%type expr {Expr*}
Should I understand {Token} actually stands for a syntactic grouping which is a non-terminal token that "is a parse-tree structure that contains all.."?
What is nm short for in this same, is it simply "name"?
What is the period sign (dot .) that each nm(A) declaration ends up with?

No, you should understand that Token is a C object type used for the semantic value of nms.
(It is defined in sqliteInt.h and consists of a pointer to a non-null terminated character array and the length of that array.)
The comment immediately above the definition of nm starts with the words "the name", which definitely suggests to me that nm is an abbreviation for "name", yes. That is also consistent with its semantic type, as above, which is basically a name (or at least a string of characters).
All lemon productions end with a dot. It tells lemon where the end of the production is, like semicolons​ indicate to a C compiler where the end of a statement is. This makes it easier to parse consecutive productions, since otherwise the parser would have to look several symbols ahead to see the ::=


Why this jq pipeline doesn't need a dot?

jq -r '."#graph"[]["rdfs:label"]' 9.0/schemaorg-all-http.jsonld works but jq -r '."#graph"[].["rdfs:label"]' 9.0/schemaorg-all-http.jsonld does not and I don't understand why .["rdfs:label"] does not need the dot. https://stackoverflow.com/a/39798796/308851 suggests it needs .name after [] and https://stedolan.github.io/jq/manual/#Basicfilters says
For example .["foo::bar"] and .["foo.bar"] work while .foo::bar does not,
Where did the dot go?
Using the terminology of the jq manual, jq expressions are
fundamentally composed of pipes and what it calls "basic filters". The
first filter under the heading "Basic Filters" is the identify filter,
.; and .[] is the "Array/Object Value Iterator".
From this perspective, that is, from the perspective of
pipes-and-basic-filters, the expression under consideration
."#graph"[]["rdfs:label"] can be viewed as an abbreviated form of
the pipeline:
.["#graph"] | .[] | .["rdfs:label"]
So from this perspective, the question is what abbreviations are allowed.
One of the most important abbreviation rules is:
E | .[] #=> E[]
Another is:
.["<string>"] #=> ."<string>"
Application of these rules yields the simplified expression.
So perhaps the basic answer to the "why" in this question is: for convenience. :-)
The dot serves two different purposes in jq:
A dot on its own means "the current object". Let's call this the identity dot. It can only appear at the start of an expression or subexpression, for example at the very start, or after a binary operator like the | or + or and, or inside an opening parenthesis (.
A dot followed by a string or an identifier means "retrieve the named field of the current object". Let's call this an indexing dot. Whatever is to the left of it needs to be a complete subexpression, for example a literal value, a parenthesised expression, a function call, etc. It can't appear in any of the places the identity dot can appear.
The thing to understand is that in the square bracket operators, the dot shown in the documentation is an identity dot - it's not actually part of the operator itself. The operator is just the square brackets and their contents, and it needs to be attached to another complete expression.
In general, both square bracket operators (e.g. ["foo"] or [] or [0] or [2:5]) and object identifier indexing operators (e.g. .foo or ."foo") can be appended to another expression. Only the object identifier indexing operators can appear "bare" with no expression on the left. Since the square bracket operators can't appear bare, you will typically see them in the documentation composed after an identity dot.
These are all equivalent:
.foo # indexing dot
."foo" # indexing dot
. .foo # identity dot and indexing dot
. | .foo # identity dot and indexing dot
.["foo"] # identity dot
. | .["foo"] # two identity dots
So the answer to your question is that the last dot in ."#graph"[].["rdfs:label"] isn't allowed because:
It can't be an identity dot because it has an expression on the left.
It can't be an indexing dot because it doesn't have an identifier or a string on the right, it has a square bracket.
All that said, it looks like newer versions of jq are going to extend the syntax to allow square bracket operators immediately after an indexing dot, and having the intuitive meaning of just applying that indexing operation the same as if there had been no dot, so hopefully you won't need to worry about the difference in the future.

R identifier naming rules can be broken by using quotes? [duplicate]

I'm trying to understand what backticks do in R.
From what I can tell, this is not explained in the ?Quotes documentation page for R.
For example, at the R console:
# [1] "[["
# .Primitive("[[")
It seem to be returning the equivalent to:
A pair of backticks is a way to refer to names or combinations of symbols that are otherwise reserved or illegal. Reserved are words like if are part of the language, while illegal includes non-syntactic combinations like c a t. These two categories, reserved and illegal, are referred to in R documentation as non-syntactic names.
`c a t` <- 1 # is valid R
> `+` # is equivalent to typing in a syntactic function name
function (e1, e2) .Primitive("+")
As a commenter mentioned, ?Quotes does contain some information on the backtick, under Names and Identifiers:
Identifiers consist of a sequence of letters, digits, the period (.) and the underscore. They must not start with a digit nor underscore, nor with a period followed by a digit. Reserved words are not valid identifiers.
The definition of a letter depends on the current locale, but only ASCII digits are considered to be digits.
Such identifiers are also known as syntactic names and may be used directly in R code. Almost always, other names can be used provided they are quoted. The preferred quote is the backtick (`), and deparse will normally use it, but under many circumstances single or double quotes can be used (as a character constant will often be converted to a name). One place where backticks may be essential is to delimit variable names in formulae: see formula
This prose is a little hard to parse. What it means is that for R to parse a token as a name, it must be 1) a sequence of letters digits, the period and underscores, that 2) is not a reserved word in the language. Otherwise, to be parsed as a name, backticks must be used.
Also check out ?Reserved:
Reserved words outside quotes are always parsed to be references to the objects linked to in the 'Description', and hence they are not allowed as syntactic names (see make.names). They are allowed as non-syntactic names, e.g.inside backtick quotes.
In addition, Advanced R has some examples of how backticks are used in expressions, environments, and functions.
They are equivalent to verbatim. For example... try this:
df <- data.frame(20a=c(1,2),b=c(3,4))
gives error
df <- data.frame(`20a`=c(1,2),b=c(3,4))
doesn't give error
Here is an incomplete answer using improper vocabulary: backticks can indicate to R that you are using a function in a non-standard way. For instance, here is a use of [[, the list subsetting function:
temp <- list("a"=1:10, "b"=rnorm(5))
extract element one, the usual way
extract element one using the [[ function

Avoiding left recursion in parsing LiveScript object definitions

I'm working on a parser for LiveScript language, and am having trouble with parsing both object property definition forms — key: value and (+|-)key — together. For example:
prop: "val"
prop2: val2
I have the key: value form working with this:
Expression ::= TestExpression
| ParenExpression
| OpExpression
| ObjDefExpression
| PropDefExpression
| LiteralExpression
| ReferenceExpression
PropDefExpression ::= Expression COLON Expression
ObjDefExpression ::= PropDefExpression (NEWLINE PropDefExpression)*
// ... other expressions
But however I try to add ("+"|"-") IDENTIFIER to PropDefExpression or ObjDefExpression, I get errors about using left recursion. What's the (right) way to do this?
The grammar fragment you posted is already left-recursive, i.e. without even adding (+|-)boolprop, the non-terminal 'Expression' derives a form in which 'Expression' reappears as the leftmost symbol:
Expression -> PropDefExpression -> Expression COLON Expression
And it's not just left-recursive, it's ambiguous. E.g.
Expression COLON Expression COLON Expression
can be derived in two different ways (roughly, left-associative vs right-associative).
You can eliminate both these problems by using something more restricted on the left of the colon, e.g.:
PropDefExpression ::= Identifier COLON Expression
Also, another ambiguity: Expression derives PropDefExpression in two different ways, directly and via ObjDefExpression. My guess is, you can drop the direct derivation.
Once you've taken care of those things, it seems to me you should be able to add (+|-)boolprop without errors (unless it conflicts with one of the other kinds of expression that you didn't show).
Mind you, looking at the examples at http://livescript.net, I'm doubtful how much of that you'll be able to capture in a conventional grammar. But if you're just going for a subset, you might be okay.
I don't know how much help this will be, because I know nothing about GrammarKit and not much more about the language you're trying to parse.
However, it seems to me that
PropDefExpression ::= Expression COLON Expression
is not quite accurate, and it is creating an ambiguity when you add the boolean property production because an Expression might start with a unary - operator. In the actual grammar, though, a property cannot start with an arbitrary Expression. There are two types of key-property definitions:
name : expression
parenthesized_expression : expression
(Which is to say, expressions need to start with a ().
That means that a boolean property definition, starting with + or - is recognizable from the first token, which is precisely the condition needed for successful recursive descent parsing. There are several other property definition syntaxes, including names and parenthesized_expressions not followed by a :
That's easy to parse with an LR(1) parser, like the one Jison produces, but to parse it with a recursive-descent parser you need to left-factor. (It's possible that GrammarKit can do this for you, by the way.) Basically, you'd need something like (this is not complete):
PropertyDefinition ::= PropertyPrefix PropertySuffix? | BooleanProperty
PropertyPrefix ::= NAME | ParenthesizedExpression
PropertySuffix ::= COLON Expression | DOT NAME

Case insensitive token matching

Is it possible to set the grammar to match case insensitively.
so for example a rule:
checkName = 'CHECK' Word;
would match check name as well as CHECK name
Creator of PEGKit here.
The only way to do this currently is to use a Semantic Predicate in a round-about sort of way:
checkName = { MATCHES_IGNORE_CASE(LS(1), #"check") }? Word Word;
Some explanations:
Semantic Predicates are a feature lifted directly from ANTLR. The Semantic Predicate part is the { ... }?. These can be placed anywhere in your grammar rules. They should contain either a single expression or a series of statements ending in a return statement which evaluates to a boolean value. This one contains a single expression. If the expression evaluates to false, matching of the current rule (checkName in this case) will fail. A true value will allow matching to proceed.
MATCHES_IGNORE_CASE(str, regexPattern) is a convenience macro I've defined for your use in Predicates and Actions to do regex matches. It has a case-sensitive friend: MATCHES(str, regexPattern). The second argument is an NSString* regex pattern. Meaning should be obvious.
LS(num) is another convenience macro for your use in Predicates/Actions. It means fetch a Lookahead String and the argument specifies how far to lookahead. So LS(1) means lookahead by 1. In other words, "fetch the string value of the first upcoming token the parser is about to try to match".
Notice that I'm still matching Word twice at the end there. The first Word is necessary for matching 'check' (even though it was already tested in the predicate, it was not matched and consumed). The second Word is for your name or whatever.
Hope that helps.

Pointer to C++ function in Cycript

In cycript, it is possible to get a reference to a c function pointer, but I've been unable to use that syntax to retrieve a pointer to c++ functions using either their proper or mangled function names from the symbol table.
Is there a way to get there from here?
Update from Saurik's Input:
I hadn't tried function pointers from the c style symbols, but you are absolutely right that the leading underscore needs to be stripped. _DES_encrypt3 needs to be accessed with:
cy# dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "DES_encrypt3")
This gives me a valid pointer address.
When I look at the mangled symbol for xmpp::CapsManager::~CapsManager(), which is __ZN4xmpp11CapsManagerD2Ev_1bf718, I try
cy# dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "__ZN4xmpp11CapsManagerD2Ev_1bf718")
cy# dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "_ZN4xmpp11CapsManagerD2Ev_1bf718")
cy# dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "ZN4xmpp11CapsManagerD2Ev_1bf718")
None of these variations yield a pointer.
My immediate guess is that you are trying to take the raw mangled symbol name (as you describe, getting it from the symbol table), passing it to dlsym... but dlsym requires a C-level symbol name, which means your approach would not work even for a simple C symbol: you will have an extra _ at the beginning (if you check the symbol table, you will see that C functions are also mangled, to begin with _). If you strip the leading _ you should be able to use dlsym to look up your mangled C++ symbol.
