How to place a file on salt master via salt-api - salt-stack

I want to place a file a file on salt-master via salt-api. I have configured salt-api using rest cherrypy and configured a custom hook for it. I wanted to explore the use-case where we can transfer the file first to salt-master and secondly distribute it to minions. I'm able to achieve the second part but not been able to post data file to the API.

Here is one way to do it using file.write execution module.
First login and save the token to a cookie file (I had to change eauth to ldap, auto didn't work for some reason):
curl -sSk http://localhost:8000/login \
-c ~/cookies.txt \
-H 'Accept: application/x-yaml' \
-d username=USERNAME\
-d password=PASSWORD \
-d eauth=auto
Now run a job to create a file on the salt-master (assuming your salt-master is also running a salt-minion):
curl -sSk http://localhost:8000 \
-b ~/cookies.txt \
-H 'Accept: application/x-yaml' \
-d client=local \
-d tgt='saltmaster' \
-d fun=file.write \
-d arg='/tmp/somefile.txt' \
-d arg='This is some example text
with newlines
Note that the spacing used in your command will affect how the lines will show up in the file, with the example above is gives the most aesthetically pleasing result.


Protoc does not export the TS file version of *_grpc_pb.js?

I am new to setting up the gRPC web based client side. Our backend is already up and running on Go with gRPC. I am testing out what it's like converting the .proto file into TS. I am successfully able to generate some of the files, however, I am missing the TypeScript "Service" file.
I pretty much followed the instructions from the grpc_tools_node_protoc_ts site.
Setup a script to generate files for 1) the service and 2) the client model:
# JavaScript code generating
--plugin=protoc-gen-grpc="${GRPC_TOOLS_NODE_PROTOC_PLUGIN}" \
--js_out=import_style=commonjs,binary:"${OUT_DIR}" \
--grpc_out="${OUT_DIR}" \
-I "${OUT_DIR}" \
--plugin=protoc-gen-ts="${PROTOC_GEN_TS_PATH}" \
--ts_out="${OUT_DIR}" \
-I "${OUT_DIR}" \
What I get on the output is missing the *_grpc_pb.d.ts. I am under the impression I need this? 🤷🏻‍♂️
I have also tried adding the service option to the flag:
--ts_out="service=grpc-web:${OUT_DIR}" \
This now generates a *_pb_service.d.ts output file, still without the *_grpc_pb.d.ts file. I was reading the docs more and am thinking this service=grpc-web is actually the option I need since we're not running a node server.
Does this seem right? This is what I have now:
# Note the ts_out flag "service=grpc-node":
# This does generate the *_grpc_pb.d.ts but not the service files
protoc \
--plugin="protoc-gen-ts=${PROTOC_GEN_TS_PATH}" \
--plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=${GRPC_TOOLS_NODE_PROTOC_PLUGIN} \
--js_out="import_style=commonjs,binary:${OUT_DIR}" \
--ts_out="service=grpc-node:${OUT_DIR}" \
--grpc_out="${OUT_DIR}" \
-I "${OUT_DIR}" \
# Note the ts_out flag "service=grpc-web":
# This does generate the service files, but not the *_grpc_pb.d.ts file
protoc \
--plugin="protoc-gen-ts=${PROTOC_GEN_TS_PATH}" \
--plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=${GRPC_TOOLS_NODE_PROTOC_PLUGIN} \
--js_out="import_style=commonjs,binary:${OUT_DIR}" \
--ts_out="service=grpc-web:${OUT_DIR}" \
--grpc_out="${OUT_DIR}" \
-I "${OUT_DIR}" \

httr GET request with large query list

I have translated this cURL command into a httr:GET() request in R. However, I'm still getting a 400 error as an invalide request. I double checked using the normal cURL command in a git terminal and it worked perfectly.
Where is the problem in my translation of cURL command to R httr:GET query? Do I need to account for the -G at the end of the cURL in my GET request?
$ curl \
-d 'segments[0][origin]=ARN' \
-d 'segments[0][destination]=BCN' \
-d 'segments[1][origin]=BCN' \
-d 'segments[1][destination]=ARN' \
-d 'cabin_class=economy' \
-d 'currencies[]=SEK' \
-d 'currencies[]=USD' \
In R:
r <- GET("",
query = list(

OpenStack Swift cannot use bulk operation to auto extract tar file

I want to upload many files with a single operation in OpenStack Swift. I find the middleware -- Bulk Operations which can auto extract files from tar compressed file. However, I failed to extract the files from the tar.
I PUT the tar file use the bulk operation like this:
curl -X PUT$?extract-archive=tar \
-T theTarName.tar \
-H "Content-Type: text/plain" \
-H "X-Auth-Token: token"
I am sure that the storageURL, tar file path, and token is accurate. But, I didn't get any responses(successes or errors). When I show the objects in the container, I find just one object named 0extract-archive=tar was uploaded, but the files in the tar were not extracted.
I want to know how to extract the tar automatically in OpenStack Swift and all of the files in the tar can be displayed in the container.
Thanks in advance.
The issue is the $? part. $? refers to the exit code of the last command in bash (, which I suspect you're using.
If you'd like to use $ as the archive prefix, consider escaping it with \:
$ curl -X PUT \
"\$?extract-archive=tar" \
-T test.tar \
-H "X-Auth-Token: <token>"
You should get the following output:
Number Files Created: 3
Response Body:
Response Status: 201 Created

containerized nginx log rotation with logrotate

Nginx doesn't have native log rotation, so an external tool, such as logrotate, is required. Nginx presents a challenge in that the logs have to be reopened post rotation. You can send a USR1 signal to it if the pid is available in /var/run.
But when running in a docker container, the pid file is missing in /var/run (and the pid actually belongs to the host, since it is technically a host process).
If you don't reopen the logs, nginx doesn't log anything at all, though it continues to function otherwise as web server, reverse proxy, etc.
You can get the process id from the Pid attribute using docker inspect and use kill -USR1 {pid} to have nginx reopen the logs.
Here's the /etc/logrotate.d/nginx file I created:
size 2M
rotate 10
docker inspect -f '{{ .State.Pid }}' nginx | xargs kill -USR1
If you want to run logrotate in a dedicated container (e.g to rotate both nginx logs and Rails' file log) rather than on the host machine, here's how I did it. The trickiest part by far was as above, getting the reload signals to nginx, Rails, etc so that they would create and log to fresh logfiles post-rotation.
put all the logs on a single shared volume
export docker socket to the logrotate container
build a logrotate image with logrotate, cron, curl, and jq
build logrotate.conf with postrotate calls using docker exec API as detailed below
schedule logrotate using cron in the container
The hard part:
To get nginx (/etcetera) to reload thus connect to fresh log files, I sent exec commands to the other containers using Docker's API via socket. It expects a POST with the command in JSON format, to which it responds with an exec instance ID. You then need to explicitly run that instance.
An example postrotate section from my logrotate.conf file:
exec_id=`curl -X POST --unix-socket /var/run/docker.sock \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"cmd": ["nginx", "-s", "reopen"]}' \
http:/v1.41/containers/hofg_nginx_1/exec \
| jq -r '.Id'`
curl -X POST --unix-socket /var/run/docker.sock \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"Detach": true}' \
Commentary on the hard part:
exec_id=`curl -X POST --unix-socket /var/run/docker.sock \
This is the first of two calls to curl, saving the result into a variable to use in the second. Also don't forget to (insecurely) mount the socket into the container, '/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock'
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"cmd": ["nginx", "-s", "reopen"]}' \
Docker's API docs say the command can be a string or array of strings, but it only worked for me as an array of strings. I used the nginx command line tool, but something like 'kill -SIGUSR1 $(cat /var/run/' would probably work too.
http:/v1.41/containers/hofg_nginx_1/exec \
I hard-coded the container name, if you're dealing with something more complicated you're probably also using a fancier logging service
| jq -r '.Id'`
The response is JSON-formatted, I used jq to extract the id (excuse me, 'Id') to use next.
curl -X POST --unix-socket /var/run/docker.sock \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"Detach": true}' \
The Detach: true is probably not necessary, just a placeholder for POST data that was handy while debugging
Making use of the exec instance ID returned by the first curl to actually run the command.
I'm sure it will evolve (say with error handling), but this should be a good starting point.

How can I use the Pingdom API to pause and resume checks from bash?

I'm writing a quick and dirty deployment script and would like to disable and reenable a Pingdom check as part of it. How do I do that using something like cURL?
To pause a check:
curl -X PUT -u 'your#email:yourpassword' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'App-Key: yourapplicationkey' -d 'paused=true'
To resume a check:
curl -X PUT -u 'your#email:yourpassword' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'App-Key: yourapplicationkey' -d 'paused=false'
Replace your#email with your pingdom email.
Replace yourpassword with your pingdom password.
Replace yourapplicationkey with a generated key from the "Sharing" section in your account.
Replace checkid with the numeric ID you see in the browser URL when you click on your check in the Pingdom UI.
You can also use modern way - just API key instead of using also email/password.
First, generate your own API key in and then you can use curl commands like for pausing:
curl -X PUT \ \
-H 'Authorization:Bearer YOURAPIKEY' \
-d 'paused=true&checkids=777'
or for resuming:
curl -X PUT \ \
-H 'Authorization:Bearer YOURAPIKEY' \
-d 'paused=false&checkids=777'
Replace YOURAPIKEY with your real API key and 777 with valid check ID.
checkids can be also omitted, then all checks will be modified.
