Access server in local network through domain - networking

i have problem with access to server with domains.
Test url:
Server is in local network with port fowarding (80, 443), configured as web server using caddy server as reverse proxy.
Case 1 (using Asus router):
Connected on local network behind router. Server is in the same network as my computer. Everything works like a charm in and out of my network.
Case 2 (using internet provider router):
Connected on local network behind router. Can't access server with domain. Works with direct IP. Outside network, works as in case 1.
I used same server.
Does anyone know why this problem occured? How can i solve it?

Two options I can think of:
You could add a record to whatever DNS server you're using in Case 2.
You could write a short script that runs whenever you change network connections to modify your hosts file accordingly.

This happens when the server you are trying to reach "" resolves to your router's external IP address. Because your public IP address is the same as server's IP address (even though inside your home network you have different private IP addresses) your requests are lost in the ether.
As a workaround you can resolve the manually on your local machine.
For Windows c:\windows\system32\etc\hosts
For Linux /etc/hosts -> private IP of the machine serving the site.


What could be the reason behind "ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT"?

I am using (airtel xstream fiber) connection and trying to do port forwarding. I forwarded port 3000 of wan and direct it to my system ip address on port 3001.
Node server is running on my system on port 3001. And I can access my hello world website locally using But when I am trying to access using public ip, it show this error code "ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT".
Also, I found my router port 3001 is open using online port checking tool/website.
So, Can anyone please tell what could be reason behind this ? Is this the problem with windows.
You first need to check what ports are open by your ISP. If your ISP is giving you a local ip at the router. Basically, creating a ppp connection. It may be using a cg nat. In that case you need to buy a static ip, without that none of the traffic will be Directed to your router. Let me know if you find something, I'm currently looking to get xstream airtel as well.
No there is no need for static IP to be access server remotely. As of now, What I see is airtel allocates new ip every 24 hr or when router got disconnected. To access your server remotely you can do two things. First one is more secured.
Change Primary IP adress of your airtel router and use Portforwarding so that its port 80 will be free for you.
Enable DMZ and point it to your local server IP. [192.168.X.X]. In this case all of your ports of the device are exposed to internet. If you want to be secure. Make sure add another router between server and airtel router and enable port forwarding.
But in this case there is a catch, When you try to access your local website using public ip (which you can see on google search) it will redirect you to airtel router panel. But when you try to access it using other device (not server otherwise server will get disconnected) connected to internet using other network(other that your current airtel router like JIO sim, Airtel Sim, etc), It will work excellently.
To get rid of dynamic ip use no-ip services. Its website will help you more. Basically, It is dynamic dns server where you will get free domain. That will get update regularly while its service running on your system. To use other dns provider service like godaddy you must need an static ip.

What I should I replace local host with to run my web application from elsewhere?

I'm having a static IP address, say:127.254.x.x
Is it possible to access my web application from some other place by just replacing the local host with my IP???
Also, what will I replace the local host with if Ithe server is on a wifi network.? I.e. The router assigns a different ip to my server(because of dhcp) other than my original static ip. In this case should it be
Any help is appreciated.
I'm having a static IP address, say:127.254.x.x Is it possible to access my web application from some other place by just replacing the local host with my IP???
Yes, provided you configure it correctly.
Normally, you have a broadband modem/router which talks to the outside world, and provides a NAT network range to your devices. So you have an external IP address (the one the modem/router uses to talk to the outside world), and probably several internal IP addresses (for your phone, your laptop, your other laptop, your Kindle, etc.).
So to access a web server on your internal network from the outside world, you have to do two things:
Configure your modem/router to "forward" traffic it receives on the desired port (port 80 for HTTP) to the server on your network. How you do this depends on your modem/router. Look for "port forwarding."
When trying to access the app from the outside world, use your external, not internal, IP address.
So for instance, if your external IP address is, and the IP address of the machine you're using as your web server is, then you tell your modem/router that whatever traffic it receives on port 80 it should forward to (this configuration may be by IP address, or may be by the MAC address of the network card in your web server machine; it depends on the modem/router). Then to view your app from outside your network, you go to (or whatever name you assign that IP address to in DNS).

sending port via router port not opening and how to access a computer/server externally using router's ip address?

Hi I am trying to make my router(TPlink router) to forward port by configuring it and by creating NAT virtual server or port triggering. Firstly the port doesn't open which I have checked via an online website, the port is closed. Secondly if the port does open, would I be able to access my computer or computer server or a website hosted on my wamp server externally via another network from some other place externally? I am not sure what are the things on my computer that I would be able to access from outside? How exactly am I going to do it? I am aware that I am going to use my router external ip address which I know and the port that I have associated with the ip address of the computer I am trying to access. I am just a beginner but I am really into networking. Can somebody explain the entire process please?
Your local host can be accessed from anywhere in the world.
Just use put the ip of the pc/wamp server installed pc in the DMZ Box under Forward Menu of your tp-link router & enable DMZ option.

Can the internal IP addresses of azure worker role instances be swapped?

Like if one is on and the other on, can you configure the machine's to each other's static IP addresses and thereby have them start receiving information for each other's InstanceInputEndpoints (since now the Azure gateway should route the InstanceInputEndpoint to the new owner of the IP address)?
No, you can't do that!
And, as of today (Dec. 2013) you are highly advised to never set static IP Address of your Virtual Machine inside Windows Azure! You should always use default DHCP configuration. If you wand IP Address predictability check out this blog post. You can still use Azure Virtual Network with Web and Worker Roles and have IP Address predictability.
If you use VM you should create several VM and a Networks, define address space you will use. When you create a VM, make sure your VM is using the networks that you create. If you forget to include the vm into the network, you need to recreate the VM.
Example how to change the internal IP using 3 VM:
Server A is connected to the network and get ip
Server B
Server C
shutdown all your server from azure portal so that the status is deallocated then turn it on with this sequence:
Server B
Server C
Server A
The Result will be:
Server A
Server B
Server C
If you turn off the VM from inside the VM, it won't be change the internal IP.
If you remote onto one of your VMs, you will see an XML file at
The filename looks something like
[deployment id]_[role name]_[instance number].[version number]
Inside the file you will find all the instances in the deployment with their IP addresses. If you edit the IP address in this file for a particular role instance on a particular VM, that VM will think that the IP address for the instance is the one in the file and will start routing traffic to it.
Warning: I've never tried to do this programmatically. Also, the changes will get wiped out if there is any update to the deployment (either initiated by you or by Azure). And there might be some other horrible side effect.

Network: Virtual PC 2007 Can't Access Host Using NAT

I can't access my host machine from my guest machine using the computer name (i.e. WINS). I can access it using whatever IP address it happens to have at the time, but I need a consistent way of accessing it (even if I'm not online).
I have a Windows Server 2003 guest virtual machine and a Vista host. I'm using Shared Networking (NAT). I'm running Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 SP1. I've set my DNS server to and everything else is DHCP. Any help is appreciated.
Make a domain name in the windows hosts file on the Vista Host system:
C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts localserver
Here is the blog that explains it:
You didn't mention the network setup. If you happen to control the router, such as a home network, you've got a couple of options.
Dynamic DNS updates. When a host gets it's IP address via DHCP, it can automatically update it's DNS records with it's hostname. This is similar to services such as dyndns, but also works on your local network without net access.
Static DHCP Assignments - Assign an IP address to MAC Address relationship on the router, so that every time a DHCP request is sent out from that MAC, it will always get the same IP address. Then you can add this address to your hosts file for access via name.
Another option would be to setup a static loopback device on both the host and the guest and place them in their own private network. That way, the IP address will never change. Then, you can add the corresponding IP addresses into the host files of each respective machine to reference by name.
