convert two columns to new named variables in R - r

I got a dataframe like this:
id Date value
a 2016 400
a 2017 300
a 2018 200
a 2019 100
and so on. I got multiple identifiers.
How can I get a dataframe like this
id 2016 2017 2018 2019
a 400 300 200 100
I have tried different solutions with merge and transposing the dataframe but it won't work. Is there a solution to this?
Thank you guys a lot in advance

Using spread from the tidyr package, if your data frame is called d:
result <- spread(d, Date, value)


How to match data to two conditions in a loop?

I'm having trouble building a data table that matches numbers based on two conditions (ID and date). Below is an example of a table snippet containing batch data.
The question is how do I effectively match this data so that the data in the "Power" column is matched until the last year of operation by column "Shutting_down_date" is reached.
Many thanks for any suggestions.
Let us call the first dataframe x and the second data frame y and let us further assume that each ID only occurs once in the first table. The problem is that you have a different number of years for each ID which means that they cannot be stored in a data.frame (requires all columns to have the same length). You can use a list, though:
result <- list()
for (i in 1:nrow(x)) {
id <- x[i,"ID"]
end_date <- x[i,"Shutting_down_date"]
result[[id]] <- subset(y[,c("Date",id)], Date <= end_date)
Then you can query the results as result[["El_Bel"]] or result$El_Bel etc.

Using indexing to perform mathematical operations on data frame in r

I'm struggling to perform basic indexing on a data frame to perform mathematical operations. I have a data frame containing all 50 US states with an entry for each month of the year, so there are 600 observations. I wish to find the difference between a value for the month of December minus the January value for each of the states. My data looks like this:
> head(df)
state year month value
1 AL 2020 01 2.7
2 AK 2020 01 5
3 AZ 2020 01 4.8
4 AR 2020 01 3.7
5 CA 2020 01 4.2
7 CO 2020 01 2.7
For instance, AL has a value in Dec of 4.7 and Jan value of 2.7 so I'd like to return 2 for that state.
I have been trying to do this with the group_by and summarize functions, but can't figure out the indexing piece of it to grab values that correspond to a condition. I couldn't find a resource for performing these mathematical operations using indexing on a data frame, and would appreciate assistance as I have other transformations I'll be using.
With dplyr:
df %>%
group_by(state) %>%
summarize(year_change = value[month == "12"] - value[month == "01"])
This assumes that your data is as you describe--every state has a single value for every month. If you have missing rows, or multiple observations in for a state in a given month, I would not expect this code to work.
Another approach, based row order rather than month value, might look like this:
df %>%
## make sure things are in the right order
arrange(state, month) %>%
group_by(state) %>%
summarize(year_change = last(value) - first(value))

creating columns of monthly averages in R

I have a dataframe in R where each row corresponds to a household. One column describes a date in 2010 when that household planted crops. The remainder of the dataset contains over 1000 columns describing the temperature on every day between 2007-2010 for those households.
This is the basic form:
Date 2007-01-01 2007-01-02 2007-01-03
1 2010-05-01 70 72 61
2 2010-02-10 63 59 73
3 2010-03-06 60 59 81
I need to create columns for each household that describe the monthly mean temperatures of the two months following their planting date in each of the three years prior to 2010.
For instance: if a household planted on 2010-05-01, I would need the following columns:
mean temp of 2007-05-01 through 2007-06-01
mean temp of 2007-06-02 through 2007-07-01
mean temp of 2008-05-01 through 2008-06-01
mean temp of 2009-06-02 through 2009-07-01
I skipped two columns, but you get the idea. Specific code would be most helpful, but in general, I am just looking for a way to pull data from specific columns based upon a date that is described by another column.
Hi #bricevk you could use the apply function. It allows you to use a function over a data either column-wise or row-wise.
Say your data is in a object df. It applies the mean function over the columns of df . Giving you the column-wise mean. The 2 indicates the columns. This wpuld the daily average, assuming each column, is a day.
Averages <- apply(df,2,mean)
If I didn't answer this the way you would like perhaps I have not really understood your dataset. Could you try explain it more clearly?
I suggest you to use tidyverse. However, in order to be compatible with this universe, you firstly have to make your data standard, ie tidy. In your example, the things would be easier if you transformed your data in order to have your observations ordrered by rows, and columns being variables. If I correctly understood your data, you have households planting trees (the row names are dates of plantation ?), and then controls with temperature. I'd do something like :
| Household ID | planting date | Date of control | Temperature controlled |
firstly, have your planting date stored as another thing than a rowname, by example :
df <- tibble::rownames_to_column(data, "PlantingDate")
You also have to get your household id var you haven't specified to us.
Then you can manage to have the tidy data with tidyr, using
df <- gather(df,"DateOfControl","Temperature",-c(PlantingDate,ID))
When you'll have that, you'll be able to use the package lubridate, something like
df %>%
group_by(ID,PlantingDate,year(ControlDate),month(ControlDate)) %>%
could work

Updating Data Frames

I have the following dataset, which originates from two datasets taken from an API at different points in time. df1 simply shows the state after I appended them. My goal is to generate the newest version of my API data, without forgetting the old data. This means I am looking to create some kind of update mechanism. I thought about creating a unique number for each dataset to identify its state, append the new version to the old one and then filter out the duplicates while keeping the newer data.
The data frames look like this:
df (after simply appending the two)
"Year" "Month" "dataset"
2017 December 1
2018 January 1
2018 January 2
2018 February 1
2018 February 2
2018 March 2
2018 April 2
df2 (the update)
"Year" "Month" "dataset"
2017 December 1
2018 January 2
2018 February 2
2018 March 2
2018 April 2
As df2 shows, the update mechanism prefers the data from dataset 2. January and February data were in both data sets but only the data from February is kept.
On the other hand, if there is no overlap between the datasets, it keeps the old and the new data.
Is there a simple solution in order to create the described update mechanism in R?
This is the Code for df1:
df1 <- data.frame(Year = c(2017,2018,2018,2018,2018,2018,2018),
Month =
Dataset = c(1,1,2,1,2,2,2))
Let me see if I have this right: you have 2 datasets (named 1 and 2) which you want to combine. Currently, you're getting the format shown above as df but you want the output to be df2. Is this correct? The below code should solve your problem. It is important that your newer dataset appears first in the full_join call. Whichever appears first will be given priority by distinct when it decides which duplicated rows to remove.
df <- data.frame(Year = c(2017,2018,2018,2018,2018,2018,2018),
Month = c("December","January","January","February",
Dataset = c(1,1,2,1,2,2,2))
df1 <- dfx[dfx$Dataset == 1,]
df2 <- dfx[dfx$Dataset == 2,]
df.updated <- dplyr::full_join(df2, df1) %>%
distinct(Year, Month, .keep_all = TRUE)
Year Month Dataset
1 2018 January 2
2 2018 February 2
3 2018 March 2
4 2018 April 2
5 2017 December 1
full_join joins the two data frames on matching variables, keeping all rows from both. Then distinct tosses out the duplicated rows. By specifying variable names in distinct, we tell it to only consider the values in Year and Month when determining uniqueness, so when a specific Year/Month combination appears in more than one dataset, only one row will be kept.
Normally, distinct only keeps the variables it uses to determine uniqueness. By providing the argument .keep_all = TRUE, it will keep all variables. When there are conflicts (for example, 2 rows from February 2018 with different values of Dataset) it will keep whichever row appears first in the data frame. This is why it's important for your newer dataset to appear first in the full_join: this gives rows that appear in df2 priority over rows that also appear in df1.

Converting variables to dates in R

There is a matrix with two columns: years and months
1492 April
1492 August
1492 October
How to convert these two variables into a date format variable (for example mm/yyyy)? Thanks.
How about this:
paste(as.Date(paste(paste(rn,collapse = "/"),"01",sep="/"),"%Y/%b/%d"),sep="")))
1 "1492-04-01"
2 "1492-08-01"
3 "1492-10-01"
When it comes to dates I love working with the lubridate package. here the example code to solve this, if you have one column containing the data (assuming your data is ordered in the way of year-month-day - change the order of the letters in the function name otherwise):
or if you have them in seperate columns:
