Grant WordPress permenant access to Web Server - wordpress

I have a WordPress website that has been installed onto a Linode server. Every time I attempt to install/update a theme or plugin, I am presented with this screen:
I cannot connect to the server via this screen as the server requires a SFTP connection. How can I stop this screen from being displayed? Is it possible to grant WordPress permenant access to my web server?

It's a permissions issue, you need to run the following command:
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www


FTP permissions on Wordpress Bitnami AWS install?

I have setup a Wordpress site using Bitnami WordPress 4.8.1-0 on AWS (EC2).
I am now migrating a site from Bluehost to the AWS EC2 instance.
I am able to connect to the site via FTP and SSH. I uploaded my plugins and themes with my FTP client, no issues. The site is running with the theme and plugins from the old site. Great.
Now I am trying to upload the media files from /wp-content/uploads/2017/10on the old server but apparently I don't have permission to.
If I do a get-info on the plugins or themes folder, I see it's bitnami:daemon
but Uploads and all its subfolders are daemon:daemon, although it does look like I have write access:
I assume for security, but how can I upload all the media files? I'd hate to have to re-add them all via the admin UI.
You can try accessing via SSH and modify temporarily the permissions:
sudo chown bitnami:daemon -R /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/uploads
Then we advise you to restore the permissions.

Not able to add plugins

We have a blog setup on WordPress and our server is a linode instance which we connect through ssh.
Now when I am trying to add yoast plugin it is asking me for FTP credentials and when I am entering them still it is not connecting.
Please advise on this as we are not able to add plugins to our site.
This is a permissions issue with your server, run the following command in your SSH terminal:
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www
This will grant your WordPress sites the permanent ability to add/update plugins and themes.
It might be Permission issue. Try these simple steps:
1: Open Filezilla and after entering FTP Access, connect to directory
where your wordpress files exist.
Now right click on the Parent Folder of your wordpress installation and click on "Change Permission" Now enable Read/Write/Execute.
Now try again with Yoast Plugin. It should Work.
Let us know if it worked.

Filepermission in WordPress not working well

I've a problem with my WordPress. When I'll upload a media file and W3 Total Cache gives a error with the filepermissions.
When I login with SSH and change the group from example user:user to apache:apache
sudo chown -R apache:apache wp-content
Everything is fine. W3 Total Cache gives no error and the media upload will work fine. But when I'll change with FTP a file, there is a error that I have no permission to edit the file. When I'll change it back to user:user the errors return in WordPress W3 Total Cache and I can't upload with media
This is with all users on my server. Is there a way to change this, so I have permissions in WordPress en with a external FTP program like Filezilla?
You could change it to user:apache permission. Set user group and apache user. It allow Apache to work with this files and allow your FTP client work with same files too.
You could use chrooted ftp using sftp. It's pretty logical to have such issues since the user and group for your ftp user are different than the user/group for the user under which the web server runs

VPS FTP access to Wordpress

I've set up a VPS with LEMP on Ubuntu 16.04 and installed Wordpress with this tutorial
How can I setup a FTP account to access my Wordpress files?
Create a new user (for FTP access) with its home directory as the web root.
useradd -m -d /var/www/html USERNAME
That will create a user with the web root as its home directory.
Then you can sort the password out:
And then use an FTP server like vsftpd and it will work when you log in.
You might have to mess with the permissions a bit. E.g adding the user to the web server group and giving the files and folders correct permissions.
For permissions see this
Correct file permissions for WordPress
You might need to tweak the groups etc depending on what you setup.

No Write Access on Wordpress Folder permissions for Bitnami running on AWS

I recently migrated my Wordpress sites to Bitnami on Amazon Web Services. Everything it up and running from the user's perspective, but I'm struggling with a minor permission issue with the themes folder. When I download (or upload my own) theme, it doesn't have write permissions. Bitnami has this as the default for security purposes but when I had my stuff hosted at GoDaddy, this issue never came up.
The odd time I like to go and edit a theme file directly from Wordpress. I also have a File Manager plugin installed that I'll sometimes use instead of FTP to upload theme files.
I can manually change the permissions, either in FileZilla or using SSH but my curiosity and stubbornness would like to have write permission by default on any themes, new or existing.
Do I need to edit a config file somewhere to make this happen?
You need to connect to your server via SSH and execute the commands below described in order to assign correct permissions definitively:
sudo chmod -R g+w /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content
sudo chown -R bitnami:daemon /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content
Then check again if your themes works as you expected.
You can read our documentation to clarify all this situation:
