Today I just noticed that the url of the delicious have been changed from to due to which the URL I'm using is not working anymore.
$json_data = '' . $url
Has anyone got the updated url to get the delicious URL share count?
I tried with
$json_data = '' . $url
but it returns only []
I need Geo information from each users who visit my website in wordpress, in order to present correct current. After I use cloudfront, the WC_Geolocation doesn't work. I was thinking picking cloudfront-view-country header from cloudfront request to my server. The below two method I have test, but didn't get what i expected.
Add the cloudfront-view-country to Whitelist Headers. Use getallheaders() to read the request headers in the wordpress in functions.php, but didn't find the expected header cloudfront-view-country.
snippet in the functions.php
$headers = getallheaders();
foreach($headers as $key=>$val){
echo $key . ': ' . $val . '<br>'
I use lambda + API gateway, pass CloudFront-Viewer-Country to lambda in Body Mapping Templates
detect_countryCode": "$input.params('CloudFront-Viewer-Country')
catch the countryCode with event in lambda
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
let countryCode = event.detect_countryCode;
callback(null, countryCode)
When I test with API in a browser, it did show the right country code. However, after I use wp_remote_get() to integrated this API in wordpress. It always shows "US" which is my server's locationi. I believe the logic is wrong in the second method. It is my server invoke the API, of course it will return the country code of my server which is in "US".
Any comments would be appreciated.
Thank you.
I have website url like, I would like to get full url so that i can pass to social network for sharing purpose
I tried AbsoluteLink but '?tab=2' is left out.
If you are trying to get the complete URL of the current page you can for example combine AbsoluteLink with $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']:
$url = $page->AbsoluteLink() . '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
or you build the link with the PHP environment variables:
$url = ($_SERVER["HTTPS"] == 'on') ? 'https://' : 'http://';
Generally a look at the environment variables of PHP can help a lot. You can just display all of the environment information by running this simple script on your web server:
I was wondering how ink361 was creating an Instagram RSS feed from a username.
Example feed:
Blog post:
Any insight would be appreciated.
Instagram has a publicly accessible RSS API, it's hard to find any information about it, but it works for tags (we do use it).
For tags the syntax is the following:
I'm not sure whether they have something similar for users' feeds, as I've said it's really hard to find information about it and it may disappear from a day to another in favor of the official API, but right now it works for tags.
Here's an official blog post about it (although it covers only tags):
#user2543857 's answer was good. Unfortunately, the structure of the Instagram data has changed. As of the date of posting this, this will work. Copy/paste into a file on your PHP server and use like: This will return valid XML/RSS feed.
EDIT!! Naturally, the output of the page/JSON has changed with instagram's new look/feel. Here is updated code (June, 2015):
if (!isset($_GET['user'])) {
exit('Not a valid RSS feed. You didn\'nt provide an Instagram user. Send one via a GET variable. Example .../instarss.php?user=snoopdogg');
header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8');
$html = file_get_contents(''.$_GET['user'].'/');
$html = strstr($html, '{"static_root');
$html = strstr($html, '</script>', true);
//$html = substr($html,0,-6);
$html = substr($html, 0, -1);
$data = json_decode($html);
// print_r($data->entry_data->ProfilePage[0]->user->media->nodes);
$rss_feed = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="" xmlns:dc=""><channel>';
$rss_feed .= '<title>'.$_GET['user'].'\'s Instagram Feed</title><atom:link href="http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"].'" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" /><link>'.$_GET['user'].'</link><description>'.$_GET['user'].'\'s Instagram Feed</description>';
foreach($data->entry_data->ProfilePage[0]->user->media->nodes as $node) {
$rss_feed .= '<item><title>';
if(isset($node->caption) && $node->caption != '') {
$rss_feed .= htmlspecialchars($node->caption, ENT_QUOTES, ENT_HTML5);
} else {
$rss_feed .= 'photo';
// pubdate format could also be: "D, d M Y H:i:s T"
$rss_feed .= '</title><link>'.$node->code.'/</link><pubDate>'.date("r", $node->date).'</pubDate><dc:creator><![CDATA['.$_GET['user'].']]></dc:creator><description><![CDATA[<img src="'.$node->display_src.'" />]]></description><guid>'.$node->code.'/</guid></item>';
} // foreach "node" (photo)
$rss_feed .= '</channel></rss>';
echo $rss_feed;
Actually, don't use the above code. I'll try to maintain this Gist in the future.
EDIT December 2016: I'm tired of chasing the every-changing Instagram output only to screen scrape it and have it change a few months later. I'd say just use the API.. If you are still interested in making an RSS feed from a user's page, this Gist should give you an idea of how to do it.
You can access the feed for any Instagram user using the /users/user-id/media/recent API endpoint. This endpoint requires an access_token which you can obtain by authorizing some user with Instagram (not necessarily the one you request the feed for). The process for receiving access_token is described here.
So what ink361 may be doing is get an access_token for themselves (their user on Instagram) and use that to make /users/user-id/media/recent requests for any other users' feeds. Simple as that.
Thanks to torvin for the tip.
Here is how you can get instagram images on your site without using the API.
Create json file from url and username (set this as a cron job, X times per day)
$html = file_get_contents('');
$html = strstr($html, '["lib');
$html = strstr($html, '</script>', true);
$html = substr($html,0,-6);
Display a few images from json feed
$json = file_get_contents('username.json');
$data = json_decode($json);
$img1 = $data[2][0]->props->userMedia[0]->images->standard_resolution->url;
$img2 = $data[2][0]->props->userMedia[1]->images->standard_resolution->url;
$img3 = $data[2][0]->props->userMedia[2]->images->standard_resolution->url;
print '<img src="'.$img1.'" />';
print '<img src="'.$img2.'" />';
print '<img src="'.$img3.'" />';
If I were ink361, I would just crawl Instagram pages, parse HTML and turn it into RSS. No API, no authorization, no problems.
Unfortunately user2543857's solution above doesn't work anymore. Here's a version that works with the current profile page source though.
Create JSON file from URL and username (set this as a cron job, X times per day)
$json = file_get_contents('');
$json = strstr($json, '{"entry_data"');
$json = strstr($json, '</script>', true);
$json = rtrim($json,';');
Display a few images from JSON feed
$json = file_get_contents('username.json');
$data = json_decode($json,true);
$img1 = $data['entry_data']['UserProfile'][0]['userMedia'][0]['images']['thumbnail']['url'];
$img2 = $data['entry_data']['UserProfile'][0]['userMedia'][1]['images']['thumbnail']['url'];
$img3 = $data['entry_data']['UserProfile'][0]['userMedia'][2]['images']['thumbnail']['url'];
print '<img src="'.$img1.'" />';
print '<img src="'.$img2.'" />';
print '<img src="'.$img3.'" />';
You can get access to your rss feed for instagram by using their API. Their API uses oAuth2 for authentication. I use this method on my personal blog to pull in instagram pics on the homepage. I suspect this is how the ink361 site works. Ink361 will connect to the instagram api and prompt the user with a login via instagram box which they use to allow ink361 access to their instagram account. The ink361 site will cache the token received by instagram once authentication is successfull so they then can repeatedly go back to the instagram api on a periodic basis using the same token for authentication. Bingo you have access to the users data and you can create an rss feed from it.
The answer is simple.
To access user data you just must have valid access token.
The ink361 has an app in social network which stores authenticated users access tokens in db.
Its only left to find in db a valid one and get whatever user data you want
I have a WordPress site in two languages (Hebrew and English) and I need it to redirect according to browser language. I'm using qTranslate plugin to create the content in both languages. This plugin also has a redirection functionality but it creates a redirection only for the homepage and I need the redirection to happen for internal pages as well as the homepage.
Another developer wrote this code for me to create the redirection, but for some reason it creates a funny redirect. It happens only when switching language to Hebrew, then leaving the site and trying to enter directly to and it redirects you to (Does not happen when switching to english).
I tried playing with the "header (Location: )" that creates the redirection for Hebrew, but couldn't figure out how to make it work - I tried using the full path instead of relative path, or removing the "/" between $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] and $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] but got recursive url or url with double "/" ( and also for internal pages
The url structure is: for Hebrew for English
and when switching language then the parameter $lang=en or $lang=he is being added.
Hope this makes sense, and thanks a lot!
this is the code that is responsible for the redirection:
if (!isset($_COOKIE["uln"])) :
$lang = substr($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'], 0, 2);
setcookie('uln', $lang, time()+86400*365, '/', ''); // cookie stored for a year
$_COOKIE['uln'] = $lang;
//if lang=(value) is not empty
if(isset($_GET['lang'])) {
$lang = $_GET['lang'];
setcookie('uln', $lang, time()-1, '/', ''); //this unsets the cookie for random language selection
//set the cookie "uln" again with the selected language.
setcookie('uln', $lang, time()+86400*365, '/', ''); // cookie stored for a year
$_COOKIE['uln'] = $lang;
if(($_COOKIE["uln"]) == "en") {
$matched = strncmp("/en/", $_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'], 3);
if ($matched !== 0) :
header('Location: /en'.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
} elseif(($_COOKIE["uln"]) == "he") {
$matched = strncmp("/en/", $_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'], 3);
if ($matched === 0) :
header('Location: '.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].'/'.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
instead of
header('Location: '.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].'/'.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
header("Location: http://{$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}");
URLs, especially those in Location headers, should include a protocol and domain name. I believe relative URLs in Location headers are a violation of the HTTP RFCs.
By omitting a protocol, you're unintentionally specifying a relative url instead of an absolute one.
Edit: REQUEST_URI is already prefixed with a / so including one in the concat is unnecessary.
You're missing an http:// somewhere, probably in the English -> Hebrew redirect code.
header('Location: '.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].'/'.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
header('Location: http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].'/'.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
I'm trying to load the Google Maps API using the following syntax:
add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', 'load_google_maps');
function load_google_maps()
// The actual API key is configured in an options page
$key = get_option('google_maps_api_key');
$gmaps_url = '' . $key . '&sensor=false';
wp_enqueue_script('google-maps', $gmaps_url, NULL, NULL);
WordPress is escaping the "&" to "&". This actually makes the Google server reject the request. When I type it directly into browser address bar with "&sensor=false" at the end, it loads fine.
I saw a bug of this kind mentioned in the WordPress trac system: but it was dismissed as invalid, and the admin responding to the request showed somehow that the "&" approach was fine. It is definitely not fine from Google's point of view.
I could of course just get the function to echo the HTML as a script tag, but I'd rather use the wp_enqueue_script system if possible.
Anyone know of a solution to this?
I've got something similar in our code, and it's working fine (even encoded as &). I suspect your problem is that it's being double-encoded, as you already have &. Trying changing it to:
$gmaps_url = '' . $key . '&sensor=false';
For what it's worth, our (working) code is:
wp_register_script('googlemaps', '' . $locale . '&key=' . GOOGLE_MAPS_V3_API_KEY . '&sensor=false', false, '3');
($locale in this case is set to hl=en)
Looks like the behaviour's changed in the latest version of WordPress - the above doesn't work (but I'll leave it for people on legacy versions). The only alternative I can see to echoing the script is to add a clean_url filter, something like this:
add_filter('clean_url', 'so_handle_038', 99, 3);
function so_handle_038($url, $original_url, $_context) {
if (strstr($url, "") !== false) {
$url = str_replace("&", "&", $url); // or $url = $original_url
return $url;
Pretty ugly, but perhaps marginally better than echoing the script, as it'll still use the WordPress dependency management.