How to populate variable from service after component has initialized angular2 - angular2-routing

I have a routed application that loads and works fine aside from the fact that I have an *ngIf element that does not show up on route change UNLESS I reload the page. I have a token variable from a service class where I store it in local storage, and I want to show my logout button when the token is not null.
When the site loads, it sets the token value to null which hides the button (expected behavior) but when logging in and seeing the token to the guid, the variable doesn't show a token value unless I reload the page which reinitializes the header component.
Abbreviated code below.
Import { Component } from '#angular/core';
Import { globalService } from './shared/globalService';
selector: 'header-ele',
template: ` <div *ngIf="loginToken != null"><button>logout</button></div>
export class headerComponent {
constructor(globalService: globalService){
this.logonToken = globalService.getUser(); //this either returns null or a token string
Then I have another component that changes the route which all works fine
//I have all of my correct imports and all works
export class loginComponent {
// I pass login params and get success
And in globalService I set logonToken = returnedData.LogonToken, BUT the button in my headerComponent doesn't show up unless I reload the page. So, I'm wondering if there is a way to reinitialize the headerComponent on route change success to get the token from globalService in the constructor function, or if there is a better way to share that parameter between the globalService and the headerComponent.
Abbreviated code due to submitting from mobile, but should get the idea.
Still learning the ins-and-outs of angular 2.

Your problem is that this.logonToken is only getting the value once in the constructor. So when you logout, the user token in your globalService is really null but not reflected in your header.component. One solution is to use observables to your header component and subscribe to your globalService. Or you directly use the global service variable to your template like this
<div *ngIf="globalService.getUser()"><button>logout</button></div>
Hope this helps.

According to Angular2 official documentation you can use ngOnInit function but I'll try to give you an example:
import { Component, OnInit } from '#angular/core';
import { Hero } from '../hero';
import { HeroService } from '../services/hero.service';
import { HeroDetailComponent } from '../hero-detail/hero-detail.component';
selector: 'app-dashboard-component',
templateUrl: './dashboard-component.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./dashboard-component.component.css'],
providers: [HeroDetailComponent]
export class DashboardComponent implements OnInit {
heroes: Hero[];
constructor(private heroService: HeroService) {}
getHeroes(): void {
(heroes) => this.heroes = heroes.slice(1,5)
ngOnInit(): void {
This is, by the way, the example developed by Google's folks, ngOnInit will be invoked when you instantiate the component. Hope this answer your question and of course helps you. Cheers, sigfried.

Solution 1: Refactor your service so that it returns an observable, promise or event, then on your component make use of the async-pipe like so: <div *ngIf="(loginToken | async) != null">.
Solution 2: #Input the loginToken from a higher level component and Angular will run the change detection when the value changes.
Either way I would move the logic inside the constructor to a lifecycle hook like ngOnInit or ngOnChanges.


Next.js withPageAuthRequired with getStaticProps

According documentation #auth0/nextjs-auth0 we can use withPageAuthRequired for trigger login screen on pages required login.
short variant: export const getServerSideProps = withPageAuthRequired();
But what to do if I need to use getStaticProps for pre-render page at build time which can't be used together with getServerSideProps? Is there any way to use withPageAuthRequired on request static generated pages?
Right now I am using double check on client side for check auth. But I would rather use a server side check as i use on other pages.
P.S. There is way to use withPageAuthRequired on client side as well. This is not suitable for my use
Since getStaticProps() is used to build a static page (i.e., no server-side logic/rendering at request time), the auth check and redirect to login will have to happen on the client side.
You might be able to get the behaviour you want by sticking a proxy in front of the static resource (e.g., using Lambda#Edge), though I'm not very familiar with this approach yet.
From your question it sounds like you are already familiar with how to do the check/redirect on the client side, but for the benefit of others who come across this post in the future:
To fetch user information on the client side, add a <UserProvider> to your app, and call the useUser() hook in client-side components.
See docs:
Wrap your pages/_app.js component with the UserProvider component:
// pages/_app.js
import React from 'react';
import { UserProvider } from '#auth0/nextjs-auth0';
export default function App({ Component, pageProps }) {
return (
<Component {...pageProps} />
You can now determine if a user is authenticated by checking that the
user object returned by the useUser() hook is defined. You can
also log in or log out your users from the frontend layer of your
Next.js application by redirecting them to the appropriate
automatically-generated route:
// pages/index.js
import { useUser } from '#auth0/nextjs-auth0';
export default function Index() {
const { user, error, isLoading } = useUser();
if (isLoading) return <div>Loading...</div>;
if (error) return <div>{error.message}</div>;
if (user) {
return (
Welcome {}!
return Login;
For other comprehensive examples, see the
An alternative approach that uses withPageAuthRequired() on the client side:
import React from 'react';
import { withPageAuthRequired } from '#auth0/nextjs-auth0';
import Layout from '../components/layout';
export default withPageAuthRequired(function Profile({ user }) {
return (
<pre data-testid="profile">{JSON.stringify(user, null, 2)}</pre>
Linked from additional examples.

METEOR: how to redirect after logout

I am quite new to Meteor & React. Here I would like to redirect my currect user to home page whenever the logout button is pressed. Attached you can see the protected page template with the logout button.
Please note that I am working with the latest versions (Meteor 1.6.1 and React V4).
import React from 'react';
import { Accounts } from 'meteor/accounts-base';
export default class Link extends React.Component{
<p>Private Content goes here</p>
<button onClick={this.onLogout.bind(this)}>Logout</button>
any kind of support will be appreciated.
There are two main options to use here:
1. Pass a callback to Accounts.logout(func)
This is the simplest but mixes the return behavior into your component, which is not ideal.
2. Use Accounts.onLogout(func)
You could put this with your accounts initialization or with your router code, whichever keeps the logic grouped together best for your app.
In that callback, you'll want to use your router to redirect. The exact syntax will depend on your router, but will generally look like:
Another way, if you are setting things via meteor-useraccounts way...
const myLogoutFunc = function() {
// Hooks
onLogoutHook: myLogoutFunc,
onSubmitHook: mySubmitFunc,
preSignUpHook: myPreSubmitFunc,
postSignUpHook: myPostSubmitFunc,
Template event code is something like this..
'click .logout': () => {
Read in detail here

Angular2 routing: canDeactivate limitations

I've got a form in angular2. If it's dirty (with unsaved changes), I want to restrict the user from navigating away.
Research shows that the canDeactivate route guard is the way to do it.
Google led me to this github file which seems to implement what I want.
import { CanDeactivate } from '#angular/router';
import { FormGroup } from '#angular/forms';
export interface FormComponent {
form: FormGroup;
export class PreventUnsavedChangesGuard implements CanDeactivate < FormComponent > {
canDeactivate(component: FormComponent) {
if (component.form.dirty)
return confirm('You have unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to navigate away?');
return true;
Now, I've put this service in my project, injected it in my form component, added it to my routing module as so...
const routes: Routes = [{
path: '',
loadChildren: 'app/main/main.module#MainModule',
canActivate: [AuthenticationGuard],
}, {
path: 'login',
component: LoginComponent,
canDeactivate: [PreventUnsavedChangesGuard]
}, ]
and included it in the app module's providers array.
Now, it seems to work. In case I have unsaved changes when I click the browser's back button. I get the confirmation dialog. However, when I input a new URL in the address bar, I don't get the confirmation. Also, I'm able to close the tab when I have unsaved changes.
Are these known limitations of canDeactivate, or am I doing something wrong. How do I get the behavior I want? (Confirmation dialog if the user attempts to close tab or navigate away using the address bar?)

Structuring a reducer for a simple CRUD application in redux

So I'm creating what is at it's core a very simple CRUD-style application, using React + Redux. There is a collection of (lets call them) posts, with an API, and I want to be able to list those and then when the user clicks on one, go into a detail page about that post.
So I have a posts reducer. Originally I started using the approach taken from the redux real-world example. This maintains a cache of objects via an index reducer, and when you do a "get post" it checks the cache and if it's there, it returns that, else it makes the appropriate API call. When components mount they try to get things from this cache, and if they're not there they wait (return false) until they are.
Whilst this worked OK, for various reasons I now need to make this non-caching i.e. everytime I load the /posts/:postId page I need to get the post via the API.
I realise in the non-redux world you would just do a fetch() in the componentDidMount, and then setState() on that. But I want the posts stored in a reducer as other parts of the app may call actions that modify those posts (say for example a websocket or just a complex redux-connected component).
One approach I've seen people use is an "active" item in their reducer, like this example:
Whilst this is OK, it necessitates that each component that loads the active post must have a componentWillUnmount action to reset the active post (see resetMe: If it did not reset the active post, it will be left hanging around for when the next post is displayed (it will probably flash for a short time whilst the API call is made, but it's still not nice). Generally forcing every page that wants to look at a post to do a resetMe() in a componentWillUnmount fells like a bad-smell.
So does anyone have any ideas or seen a good example of this? It seems such a simple case, I'm a bit surprised I can't find any material on it.
How to do it depends on your already existing reducers, but i'll just make a new one
import { GET_ALL_POSTS } from './../actions/posts';
export default (state = {
posts: []
}, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
return Object.assign({}, state, { posts: action.posts });
return state;
It is very easy to understand, just fire an action to get all your posts and replace your previous posts with the new ones in the reducer.
Use componentDidMount to fire the GET_ALL_POSTS action, and use a boolean flag in the state to know if the posts where loaded or not, so you don't reload them every single time, only when the component mounts.
import React from 'react';
export default class Posts extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
firstLoad: false
componendDidMount() {
if (!this.state.firstLoad) {
firstLoad: true
// See how easy it is to refresh the lists of posts
refresh() {
render () {
// Render your posts here
{ ... ) }
We're just missing the container to pass the posts and the events to the component
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { getPosts } from './../actions/posts';
import Posts from './../components/posts.jsx';
export default connect(
state => ({ posts: state.posts }),
dispatch => ({ onGetAll: () => dispatch(getPosts()) })
This is a very simple pattern and I've used it on many applications
If you use react-router you can take advantage of onEnter hook.

Redux form - how to set fields as touched

I'm working with form that consists of multiple pages and I want to solve validation.
When I hit Submit button all fields on the present page shows error messages beneath, but if I change the page then I need to hit submit again because these fields weren't set as touched.
My problem would be solved if I could for example set all fields on the page as touched, once the form has flag anyTouched: true.
I'm using redux-form: '^6.0.0-rc.4' and I have one container where I include redux-form and multiple components consisting of fields.
I think your problem was the opposite way around, but in case anyone lands here as I did looking for a way to have anyTouched set after any field in the form is touched...
In redux-form 6 and above you have to explicitly choose the behaviour you want with the form-level configurations touchOnChange and touchOnBlur - see the docs here - by default nothing is configured and so nothing happens.
const Form = reduxForm({
form: 'my-form',
touchOnChange: true,
touchOnBlur: true
These flags make it so that any given field is marked as touched (and therefore anyTouched is marked true on the form) when that field's onChange or onBlur handler is called, respectively.
I should have looked better:
Redux form returns touch as a prop to the component. The function takes names of fields as a parameter, so I'm checking in componentWillUpdate when submitFailed will change and then I'm gonna touch all fields that are not valid.
componentWillUpdate(nextProps) {
const {
formName: { syncErrors },
} = this.props
if (submitFailed !== nextProps.submitFailed) {
const toTouch = []
for (const key in syncErrors) {
syncErrors.hasOwnProperty(key) && toTouch.push(key)
In redux-form 7.4.2. This can be achieved by checking to see if the form is valid.
If valid you can can load one of your other pages.
If the form is not valid, use reduxForms getFormSyncErrors selector and pass in the keys returned by this object to the reduxForm touch property.
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { compose } from 'redux';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { reduxForm, getFormSyncErrors } from 'redux-form';
class MyComponent extends Component {
this.props.valid ?
// navigate away
: this.props.touch(...Object.keys(this.props.formErrors))
function mapStateToProps(state) {
return {
formErrors: getFormSyncErrors('myForm')(state)
export default compose(
connect(mapStateToProps, null),
reduxForm({form: 'myForm'})
