I followed these instructions to add some manpages on my computer, but I still can't open it with man.
I set $MANPATH to /usr/local/man (export MANPATH=/usr/local/man in my ~/.zshrc, and sourced it) and copied my manpage files to /usr/local/man/man3. Yet man doesn't find the pages I want to access :
$ echo $MANPATH
$ tree /usr/local/man
└── man3
├── mlx.1
├── mlx_loop.1
├── mlx_new_image.1
├── mlx_new_window.1
└── mlx_pixel_put.1
1 directory, 5 files
$ man mlx
No manual entry for mlx
$ man 3 mlx
No manual entry for mlx in section 3
Why do I get this error and what could I do?
It seems that the files are either in the wrong directory or have an incorrect extension.
The directory name indicates that it contains manpages for section 3 (Library calls) but the filename extensions suggest that the manpages belong to section 1 (Executable programs or shell commands).
You should be able to check which is the case - for example for mlx.1 - with the following command
man /usr/local/man/man3/mlx.1
This should show the name of the manpage (probably in uppercase) followed by the section number in parentheses at the very beginning.
If it shows MLX(1) move the file mlx.1 into the directory /usr/local/man/man1 (or just rename man3 if all files belong to section 1). If it shows MLX(3), just rename the file to mlx.3.
I am trying to implement various project from a programming book. My intention was to have each project exercise in its own folder and then have a makefile that compiles all of them with something like a make all. The folder structure is like this:
├── Makefile
├── bin
│ ├── prog1
│ ├── prog2
│ └── prog3
└── src
├── prog1
│ ├── Makefile
│ └── main.c
├── prog2
│ ├── Makefile
│ └── main.c
└── prog3
├── Makefile
└── main.c
I would like to learn how to set up such a structure. In particular the part where the top makefile visit all folders in src calls make there, and then copies and renames the executable into the bin folders.
Your layout schematic shows a makefile for each exercise, plus the top-level makefile that you seem actually to be asking about. It would be best for the top-level makefile to avoid duplicating the behavior of the per-exercise makefiles, as such duplication would create an additional maintenance burden for you. Additionally, it is likely that you will eventually progress to exercises involving multiple source files, and perhaps to some that have multiple artifacts to be built. This is all the more reason for each per-exercise makefile to contain everything necessary to build the exercise with which it is associated (into the exercise-specific directory), and for the top-level makefile to depend on those.
Following that scheme would leave a well-defined role for the top-level makefile: to perform the per-exercise builds (by recursively running make), and to copy the resulting binaries to bin/. This is not the only way to set up a system of cooperating makefiles, but it is fairly easy, and that will allow you to focus on the exercises instead of on the build system.
Let us suppose, then, that each individual exercise can be built by changing to its directory and running make, with the result being an executable in the same directory, with the same name as the directory. That is, from the top-level directory, executing cd src/prog2; make would produce the wanted executable as src/prog2/prog2. In that case, the top-level makefile needs little more than the names of all the exercises, and a couple of rules:
EXERCISES = prog1 prog2 prog3
all: $(BINARIES)
make -C src/$$(basename $#)
cp src/$$(basename $#)/$$(basename $#) $#
Note: that uses a feature specific to GNU's implementation of make to compute the names of the wanted binaries from the exercise names. I take that to be acceptable, since you tagged [gnu-make], but in any case, it is a convenience feature, not a necessity.
There are different ways to tackle this, but something like this should work for your example:
PROGS := bin/prog1 bin/prog2 bin/prog3
all: $(PROGS)
$(MAKE) -C src/$(#F)
mkdir -p $(#D)
cp src/$(#F)/main $#
.PHONY: clean
rm -f $(PROGS)
for t in $(PROGS); do make -C src/`basename $$t` clean; done
We define a list of targets (PROGS) we are to build. We say these targets are prerequisites of all and then we go ahead and define how they should be built, that is: we recursively descent into src/ plus filename part of the target to run make there. We create directory of the target to be sure it's there and copy main from the directory we've descended to the path of the target.
For a good measure, there is a clean target as well that removes all the PROGS and runs make clean recursively in src/.
I have multiple RStudio projects, each in its own working directory. All of the projects draw data from the same series of CSV files.
I would like to place the CSV files in a separate "data" directory, then put a Windows shortcut inside each project directory pointing to the data directory. The directory structure would thus be:
/project-1/data = Windows shortcut pointing to /data
/project-2/data = Windows shortcut pointing to /data
However, when I attempt to access the "data" directory via the shortcut from e.g. project-1, R generates the following error:
> write.csv(df, "data/df.csv")
Error in file(file, ifelse(append, "a", "w")) :
cannot open the connection
In addition: Warning message:
In file(file, ifelse(append, "a", "w")) :
cannot open file 'data/df.csv': No such file or directory
What am I doing wrong?
I didn't know this, because I've spent the past 10 years using Linux instead of Windows, but:
In Windows, "shortcuts" are not symbolic links. To create an actual symbolic link, you have to open a command prompt as administrator (!?! - or activate developer mode) then create a link using mklink. RStudio does correctly follow symbolic links created that way.
Sadly, Windows Explorer does not correctly follow symbolic links created that way. And you can't create hard links to directories. So either way, it is only half functional. Bloody Windows.
I know this is an old question but solution was never posted.
Create a soft link in windows.
To do that, open command line as and admin.
use "mklink" command. The best approach is to use full path to both locations.
mklink works like this:
mklink LinkLocation PathToFile
If you want to do directory use "/D".
For example: "mklink /D C:\myNewLink F:\LocationOfMyDirectorry
Such links should work in R with no trouble (like regular folder/file).
Important to add that soft link can point to soft link :D
Nice thinking! I actually had a similar idea not too long ago: the use of Windows shortcuts (.lnks) would let one refer to resources without redundancy, and seamlessly point (or redirect) to various locations...all with a few mouse-clicks in Windows File Explorer!
Where You Went Wrong
Consider this situation for /project-1. When you create a shortcut (to /data) within the /project-1 directory, you are not creating a subdirectory named data
├── project-1.Rproj
├── data # A subdirectory.
│ └── …
└── …
but rather a shortcut (.lnk) file named data:
├── project-1.Rproj
├── data.lnk # A shortcut.
└── …
As such, R
cannot open file 'data/df.csv'
because the ./data directory does not exist under /project-1:
No such file or directory
For my own project, my search turned up two lifesaving packages: fs (in the tidyverse) and R.utils.
Now fs does have the benefit of stability and consistency with the tidyverse. It provides a standardized interface to create symbolic links, and its fs::link_path() will let you read those links.
🚨🚨🚨 However, Windows shortcuts are NOT symbolic links. 🚨🚨🚨
As such, I much prefer the superior power and relevance of R.utils::filePath(). For one thing, it can actually expand Windows shortcuts (.lnks) specifically. For another, it will let you treat the shortcut to a directory as a directory:
# Refers to 'data.lnk' shortcut ↴
# |--|
#> "/data"
# Refers to 'data.lnk' shortcut ↴
# |--|
#> "/data/my_data.csv"
Indeed, you can chain together an arbitrary number of such shortcuts by name, as if they were directories! That is, given a structure like
# Current working directory.
| # Shortcut (named 'd2') to a directory.
├── d2.lnk |►───┐
└── … |
path/to/dir_2 ◄─┘
├── subdir
| | # Shortcut (named 'd3') to a directory.
│ ├── d3.lnk |►─┐
| └── … |
└── … |
path/to/dir_3 ◄───┘
| # Normal CSV file.
├── foo.csv
| # Shortcut (named 'bar') to a file.
├── bar.lnk |►─────────┐
└── … |
path/to/dir_4 |
| # Normal text file. |
├── qux.txt ◄──────────┘
└── …
you can "unwrap" the paths to foo.csv and qux.txt like so:
#> "path/to/dir_3"
#> "path/to/dir_3/foo.csv"
# No '.lnk' extension needed ↴
#> "path/to/dir_4/qux.txt"
There are many questions with great answers about downloading a file from a Jupyter Notebook. Here's one I added to earlier. That works, but I am unable to click and download that file for a server started with Voila.
Originally I realized I could not download the basic case when clicked through Voila.
from IPython.display import display, FileLink
local_file = FileLink('./demo.xlsx', result_html_prefix="Click here to download: ")
That is from my notebook. I am able to click on the link and download the file. When I start my notebook with Voila it looks more like this..
Clicking the link give a 404 ☝️ for a voila server started with
voila mynotebook.ipynb
Since the file clearly isn't being served... I found this link here and tried:
voila mynotebook.ipynb --VoilaConfiguration.file_whitelist="['demo.xlsx']"
which unfortunately didn't work.
I saw static content can be served in voila.. I'll keep playing down this road. Has anyone done this before?
I was able to make it work by hosting my file to download as static content as I was trying before. All of this is for a Mac, but it'll be similar for other platforms.
I had to define a custom template in order to get files at static_root so they could be served. Relevant documentation is here for setting up a custom template.
It isn't difficult.. you essentially create a directory where it's expected, copy over some of the default files, then add/change what you will. terminal record might look something like this:
cd ~/Library/Jupyter/voila/templates/
mkdir foobar
export DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_PATH=~/anaconda3/envs/voilatest/share/jupyter/voila/templates/default
export TEMPLATE_PATH=~/Library/Jupyter/voila/templates/foobar
cp -r $DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_PATH/nbconvert_templates $TEMPLATE_PATH
to which the tree will look like this in my new custom template:
{~/Library/Jupyter/voila/templates/foobar}$ tree .
├── nbconvert_templates
│ ├── base.tpl
│ ├── lab.tpl
│ └── voila.tpl
├── static
│ └── demo.xlsx
└── templates
├── 404.html
├── browser-open.html
├── error.html
├── page.html
└── tree.html
3 directories, 9 files
notice the static directory with demo.xlsx. I added that in. That is the file I wanted to download via the link.
Starting voila like this...
voila mynotebook.ipynb --template=foobar
Now.. in mynotebook.ipynb
Use an HTML Anchor tag to do the download. At least FileLink fails for me with the following error.
Path (/voila/static/demo.xlsx) doesn't exist. It may still be in the process of being generated, or you may have the incorrect path.
which isn't much of a surprise since the actual path the file is stored at isn't that. It just happens to be the static content uri.
Download Excel Sheet
Using an anchor will make it hardcoded and I didn't have any issues. I'll also be able to style the anchor more anyways. One catch.. This doesn't work in a regular notebook anymore since it's a URI to a served resource under voila.
I have a package with a README.Rmd that I pass to rmarkdown::render()
producing README.md and a directory README_files, which contains images in README.md. This looks like the tree below.
README_files is not a standard package directory, so if it isn't in .Rbuildignore, checking the package with R CMD check shows a note:
* checking top-level files ...
NOTE Non-standard file/directory found at top level: README_files
But including the directory in .Rbuildignore leads to a warning, if and only if checking the package --as-cran. IIUC Pandoc tries to generate HTML from README.md, but the images are unavailable, in the ignored README_files directory.
Conversion of ‘README.md’ failed:
pandoc: Could not fetch README_files/unnamed-chunk-14-1.png
README_files/unnamed-chunk-14-1.png: openBinaryFile: does not exist (No such file or directory)
Is there any way to get a clean check --as-cran here?
├── README_files
│ └── figure-markdown_github
│ ├── unnamed-chunk-14-1.png
│ ├── unnamed-chunk-15-1.png
│ ├── unnamed-chunk-16-1.png
│ ├── unnamed-chunk-26-1.png
│ └── unnamed-chunk-27-1.png
├── README.md
├── README.Rmd
The current preferred solution (at least as used by ggplot2) is to store the images in man/figures/. So in the README.Rmd file, include something like the following setup chunk.
```{r, echo = FALSE}
collapse = TRUE,
comment = "#>",
fig.path = "man/figures/README-"
That keeps the images tucked away in a place that won't generate cran check errors, but they are still part of the package. So you don't have to store them elsewhere or use calls to png::readPNG.
There are a few options. Update: I think Rob Hyndman's solution is now better than the things I list here.
Store the image online somewhere, and include the URL in the README.
As #Axeman noted, you can follow the ggplot2 approach of storing the images at the top level, and mentioning them in .Rbuildignore.
You can store them in inst/image, and use png::readPNG(system.file("image/yourpic.png", package = "yourpkg")) to read it. Then show it in the README using a plot.
I followed http://r-pkgs.had.co.nz/release.html. same error when putting them in top level and add to .Rbuildignore.
As Richie suggested, after adding images to inst/image, and refer to as 
macOS Sierra 10.12.6
Raw input(example):
├── f1.md
├── f2.md
├── f3.md
├── f4.txt
├── f5.csv
└── f6.doc
0 directories, 6 files
In a test folder, there are 6 files.
Expected output:
├── all.tar
├── f1.md
├── f2.md
├── f3.md
├── f4.txt
├── f5.csv
└── f6.doc
0 directories, 7 files
Trying and Problem
tar -cvf all.tar f1.md f2.md f3.md f4.txt f5.csv f6.doc
Though I get the result from the above method but I have to inputing all file names and the compressed file name, which is inconvenient. For example , I can select all files and right click, then choose compressed option without inputing all.tar (I don't mind the .tar filenames.)
command-line method without inputing specific file names.
In case you want all files, including those in the subdirectories (or if you have no subdirectories), you would run:
tar -cvf all.tar *
Then, bash would expand * into the list of all files in the current directory, including subdirectories.
In case you want only those files in the current directory, but NOT in the subdirectories, then you would have to use find, in a more complicated command. Let me know if this is the case for you, and I can take the time to find that combination of commands for you.