Material-ui - nested menu - change css width of menuItems[] of a menuItem - css

<Menu desktop={true} autoWidth={false} style={{width: "120px", overflowX: 'hidden'}}>
<MenuItem desktop={true} rightIcon={<ArrowDropRight />} primaryText="Option1" menuItems={[
<MenuItem desktop={true} primaryText="Option1a" onTouchTap={props.ontheclick}/>,
<MenuItem desktop={true} primaryText="Option1b" onTouchTap={props.ontheclick}/>]}/>
<MenuItem onTouchTap={props.ontheclick} primaryText="Option 2" />
I have a material ui menu like above. I want to set style like I'm doing in Menu for MenuItems in menuItems={[MenuItem, MenuItem]}. I've tried adding style={{width: "120px", overflowX: 'hidden'}} to <MenuItem desktop={true} primaryText="Option1a"/> but it doesn't change the actual width of the nested menu. Right now, my main menu is way thinner than my nested menu. How to do this?


React: Grommet grid only responsive up to three columns

I am using Grommet to build a dashboard with <Grid>.
If using three columns, responsive behaviour is as expected when the window is made smaller:
But if using four columns there is no breakpoint at which the cards stack on top of each other:
The code is out-of-the box and so the expectation is for the built-in responsive behaviour to kick-in:
<Grommet full theme={grommet}>
<PageContent border={{"side":"bottom"}}>
<Header align="center" direction="row" flex={false} justify="between" gap="medium">
<Anchor label="Title" icon={<Home />} />
<Menu icon={<User />} items={[{"label":"sign out"}]} />
<PageHeader title="Dashboard" margin={{"vertical":"medium"}} />
<Grid columns="1/4" gap="medium">
<Meditation />
<Habits />
<Chart />
<Card><Text>Everything is ok!</Text></Card>
(Each imported item is just a <Card pad="small">)

Javafx: How to Stretch Menu item Width

As you can see below how the menu items are stretched, I want to do the same.
The key to this is adding a KeyCombination to menuItem.setAccelerator(). The Menu should automatically stretch when you add KeyCombinations It will stretch based on your longest MenuItem.
MenuItem menuItem = new MenuItem("action");
menuItem.setAccelerator(new KeyCodeCombination(KeyCode.T, KeyCombination.CONTROL_DOWN));
Menu menu = new Menu("File");
MenuBar menuBar = new MenuBar();
<MenuItem mnemonicParsing="true" text="action">
<KeyCodeCombination alt="UP" code="T" control="DOWN" meta="UP" shift="UP" shortcut="UP" />
<Menu text="Menu Item">
<MenuItem text="New" style="-fx-padding: 0 70 0 70"/>
<MenuItem text="Exit" style="-fx-padding: 0 70 0 70"/>
This is kind of old, but for the future visitors: you can do this by using css file like this:
.menu-item {
-fx-padding: 5 5 80 5
You can play with the numbers to see what it changes.

auto resizing the height of the views

<ScrollView id="scrollGeneric" height ='auto' visible='false'>
<View id="formView" height='auto'>
<View id='distSlider' top='0' height='100'>
<Label id="lblGeneric" >
Search Distance:
<Slider id="sliderDistance" top="50" min="2" max="80" width="50%"/>
<Label id="sliderDistanceText" width='auto' top="50" right="40" />
<Label id="sliderDistanceTextMeasure" width='auto' top="50" right="10" text="km" />
I have set the height auto for scrollView and formView. However whenever I add more views inside of the formView the size of the window does not expand vertically with it. It will eventually crop out the views that exceed the window height.
The only way to solve this is to manually specify the height of each view within the form view div.
Is there anyway I can avoid doing this, thanks
Have you tried using Ti.UI.SIZE instead for the height? As per the documentation, "height:auto is not recommended for new development and will be deprecated in the future."

Binding WPF menu items to WPF Tab Control Items collection

I have a WPF Menu and a Tab control. I would like the list of menu items to be generated from the collection of TabItems on my tab control. I am binding my tab control to a collection to generate the TabItems. I have a TabItem style that uses a ContentPresenter to display the TabItem text in a TextBlock. When I bind the tab items to my menu the menu items are blank. I am using a Style Setter to set the Menu Item name, but I am not sure what property of the TabItem I would use to set the MenuItem text. Is there a workaround for my scenario? Is it possible to bind to the Header property of the tab item, when I do not know the number of tabs in advance? Below is a copy of my xaml declarations. Tab Control and items:
<DataTemplate x:Key="ClosableTabItemTemplate">
<DockPanel HorizontalAlignment="Stretch">
Command="{Binding Path=CloseWorkSpaceCommand}"
Width="16" Height="16"
<ContentPresenter HorizontalAlignment="Center"
Content="{Binding Path=DisplayName}">
<Style TargetType="{x:Type TextBlock}"/>
<DataTemplate x:Key="WorkspacesTemplate">
ItemTemplate="{StaticResource ClosableTabItemTemplate}"
My Menu and partial style listing
//I am not sure which value am I suppose to use, since I am not using header
<Menu Background="Transparent">
<MenuItem Style="{StaticResource TabMenuButtonStyle}"
ItemsSource="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor,
AncestorType={x:Type TabControl}}, Path=Items}"
ItemContainerStyle="{StaticResource TabMenuItem}">
Create the following style and bind Header property to display property in ViewModel
<Style TargetType="{x:Type TabItem}">
<Setter Property="Header" Value="{Binding PropertyInViewModel}" />

How to open a menu automatically with a shortcut?

I have a MenuBar which contains general menu items like File, View, Tools ,Help.
I have sub items in each of those menuitems.
The problem is that i want to open the 'File' menu automatically when i press Alt+f key.
I could capture the keyevents on the view.
But how to open the File Menu of the MenuBar (what is the function that needs to be called from MenuBar Class to popup those sub menuitems) ?
I have searched for some information on google .. but cudnt find.
or else if u have any better solution or example ..plz do post it.
<menuitem label="File">
<menuitem label="New" enabled="false"/>
<menuitem label="Open.." enabled="false"/>
<menuitem label="Save" enabled="false"/>
<menuitem label="Restore" enabled="false"/>
<menuitem label="Print" enabled="true"/>
<menuitem type="seperator" enabled="false"/>
<menuitem label="Exit" enabled="true"/>
<menuitem label="View" accesskey="v">
<menuitem label="Zoom In" enabled="true" maxValue="200"/>
<menuitem label="Zoom Out" enabled="true" maxValue="25"/>
<menuitem label="Tools" enabled="false">
<menuitem label="item1" enabled="false"/>
<menuitem label="item2" enabled="false"/>
Thanks in advance :)
To open a menu at its position :
var fileMenu:Menu = mnuBar.getMenuAt(0);
pnt : Point = new Point(mnuBar.x,mnuBar.y + mnuBar.height);
pnt = localToGlobal(pnt);,pnt.y);
I solved it :)
var fileMenu:Menu = myMenuBar.getMenuAt(0);;
It works, but now the problem is .. the submenu is popping out at (0,0) location of the application not at the file Menu item ..!!!
It's a fake Menu!
A better way to do it is:
e.preventDefault(); // will play against pressed ESC, too
menuBar.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, false, false, 0, Keyboard.RIGHT));
