Is it possible to delete a project from within Qt creator? - qt

I am using Qt Creator 3.3.2 and I wonder if it is possible to completely delete a project from within the Creator. Of course I could use my windows explorer and manually delete the files, but for convenience I would like to do it from the IDE. Is it possible?
The closest I could find is this question, but if I understand it correctly it is about removing the project from Qt Creator while keeping the source files.

No, there is no such feature. You can ask to delete a specific file of your project by right-clicking it in the project explorer, but you can't delete a whole project, you'll have to do it from your OS's file browser.


How to use qt creator for non qt, non cmake project?

I want to use qt creator for modifying a project that just uses makefiles. How i can do it? Right now i can just open project files one by one and there is no auto code completion or other advantages of ide. My main concern is use the ide over ssh actually.
I tried open all folder but it didnt work too.
You can use Qt Creator for non-Qt projects, but it will always assume you want to use qmake, CMake, or QBS as your build system. It's not going to read your plain Makefiles and recognize what source files you are using.
In the New Project wizard, you can select non-Qt application. I recommend selecting qmake as your build system, which will create a .pro file, even if you won't end up using it. Then after it creates the project, go into your Project settings under Build Steps. You can delete the built-in steps and add your own custom build steps to do whatever you want. Call make or whatever. Do the same for the Clean Steps.

Qt5.5.1: How to create QT application that uses frameworks generated from qt-everywhere-opensource-src

I should have asked this question before asking this
I am creating a QT app (on MAC) that should use frameworks compiled from qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.5.1.tgz and not the one that comes with qt-opensource-mac-x64-clang-5.5.0.dmg.
I use QT creator installed by that DMG file and qmake in it somehow links with the frameworks installed by this DMG. (see this for more details)
Whats the legit way of making this QT creator use other framework.
Qt Creator has the concept of build Kits. A kit includes (among other things) a compiler, debugger and Qt version. In the Qt Creator preferences, go to the Build & Run section. Under the Qt Versions tab, ensure that your Qt 5.5.1 built from source is listed there. Then go to the Kits tab and either create a new kit or modify an existing one. Ensure that kit is using your Qt 5.5.1 version.
Once you've got that sorted out, a project can have one or more kits associated with it. From the main window, go to the Projects panel. Near the top of the Build & Run tab of the projects page will be the section where you select the kit(s) for the project. Ensure your project is using the kit you created/modified which uses your Qt 5.5.1. That should be enough to get your project building with your version of Qt instead of the one that comes with Qt Creator. To be absolutely sure, perhaps delete any previous build before you switch kits or even better, create a new build configuration in a new build/output directory for it.

How to disable version control features in Qt Creator?

I am using an independent version control management program (SmartGit) alongside Qt Creator, and I would prefer not to use Qt Creator for version control management.
It is becoming a nuisance that Qt always prompts me regarding whether I'd like to add new files to Git (when I add new files to the Qt Creator project), and whether I'd like to remove files from Git (when I remove files from the project).
Earlier today, I mistakenly added a file to Git through Qt Creator when adding a new file to the Qt Creator project. A few minutes later, I wished to temporarily remove the file from the project (likely to be re-added later). When I removed the file, Qt Creator dutifully asked me if I'd like to remove the file from version control - giving me a warning that the file might be removed permanently from the file system. Understanding the risk, I nonetheless decided to test the behavior and I said "yes, remove the file from Git as well as removing it from the project". Just as the warning forewarned, the file was removed from the file system and I then had to reconstruct it.
I could simply live with it and occasionally use Qt Creator's version control features in addition to SmartGit's, and/or I could use SmartGit directly to deal with any mistaken occasional uses ogreatf Qt Creator's version control features. However, I'd rather simply disable Qt Creator's version control features entirely, for convenience.
I looked through every Qt Creator option I could find in order to see if it is possible to disable Qt Creator's version control features (even if the project's files are under version control). Unfortunately, I cannot find an option to disable Qt Creator's version control features, anywhere. A careful Google search also revealed nothing.
Is it possible to disable Qt Creator's version control features, even if the project's files are under version control? If so, how is it done?
Help->About Plugins... and deselect the version control plugins.

Qt Include and QMake error

Qt was messing up on Windows so I deleted it and re installed it with the qt libraries and Qt Creator. Now, whenever I try to open my old project, I get the error that "Qmake is does not exist or is not executable", and none of the Qt headers can be located.
Assuming you're using a recent version of Qt, such as version 4.7.4, and a recent version of Qt Creator, such as the branch 2.3 .*.
Probably somewhere in this process, Qt Creator or the settings for this specific project lost the reference to Qt install.
We first need to find out if Qt Creator knows where Qt is installed. Go to Tools > Options.... Then click in Qt4. Here will show all installed and detected Qt versions.
As you can see, I have one Qt version installed (4.7.4), which was automatically detected.
If you do not have any installed version, you need to indicate a one manually. Simply click Add and point it to the right qmake.exe. Use the paths of the figure as reference. If you are developing a windows/mingw application, just need to add the qmake.exe associated with mingw (c:\qtsdk\desktop\qt\4.7.4\mingw\bin\qmake.exe on my computer) and remember the Version name, we'll need that in next step.
After that, open the project and click on Projects in the lateral bar. You need to Substitute the Qt version. Click on Manage next to it and select the correct version. This should resolve the problem.
Any trouble just comment. Sorry about the creepy english.

Is there a way to run Qt Creator from command line supplying a .pro file to open (or how do we deal with multiple Qt installations)?

I have multiple installations of Qt4 on my Windows XP SP2 machine and have installed Qt Creator 2.1 today. However, running the project (.pro) files spawns the oldest version of Qt Designer installed (the one installed in 2009 together with the rest of the framework).
I would not like to remove any previous installations of Qt
and for some obscure reason even if I explicitly ask Windows Explorer to always use the version I need it does not
I would like to give up a bit and just sript the needed behaviour in a .bat file like:
e:\path\to\qtcreator.exe %1
This opens Qt Creator, but something seems to prevent it from treating the .pro file properly (in short, the project does not "open" as it should).
Qt documents have a page on the matter at Qt Creator: Using Command Line Options, but it seems to ignore the topic in question.
Since Qt (being as excellent framework as it is) is also known to have its quirks (like that of qmake), I wonder, may be there is an undocumented way to solve my problem?
(Another way to fix the thing would of course be to make the correct version of Qt Designer run, but frankly I'd prefer the "hard-wired" solution since the mechanisms provided by Qt itself are still a bit unreliable.)
The libraries and tools used for a particular project (and a configuration in it) is set in the Projects panel in Qt Creator:
Selecting the Qt version to use with a project should force it to run the Designer that's part of the version. If it doesn't, then you should report it as a bug.
