Add a #id to all the classes in a large CSS file? - css

I have a large CSS file (custom boostrap library). I need to add the class #page before every class including in the media queries, is there an easy way to do this?
Or make Boostrap only apply inside a single DIV

use LESS
You can make Boostrap only apply inside a single DIV or add the class page before every class including in the media queries by using less.
1)Install Less
2)create a less file(style.less)
.page { //class name
#import (less) "bootstrap.css";
also add bootstrap.css
File Structure
3)In terminal/cmd move to root folder execute following command
lessc style.less bootstrap.css

One solution would be to encapsulate anything that the bootstrap is supposed to style in an iFrame. The iFrame would import the bootstrap stylesheet, the containing page would not.
You could put this iFrame inside the #page div.


bootstrap UI css messing up application css

I"m trying to use bootstrap UI, but their css is pushing into global css stuff like label and so on.
so can't use it as is as my entire application css is getting overwritten.
is there any solution to that?
yes there is.
if you are using less for example, bootstrap provieds less files and not just css files.
so you can scope the entire bootstrap css with some prefix class of yours.
for example:
.bootstrap-ui {
#import "../bower_components/bootstrap/less/bootstrap";
this means you can now do
put bootstrap component here.....
and only this div will be impacted by the bootstrap css.

Importing only one class of a css file

I have a web page, Page-A, that uses a primary css file. I have other pages, Page-B, that use another primary css file. I'd like to use two classes of the Page-B css file into Page-A, but I do not want to override other classes and functions of Page-A css with this Page-B css file.
Is it possible to import only two classes of a css file instead of all its classes. In other words, is it possible to constrain an #import or link to load only a few classes?
What you could do is mark the classes that will be overriding everything with the !important tag in CSS, which means that it will not be overridden.
I would just input the two classes you want into the Page-A css file, as there is unfortunately no way to just import certain classes.
I would suggest making one master CSS file and input into both pages, that way all of your changes are reflected on both pages.
No. It's not possible.
But: You can still prefix your CSS rules with a class or an ID. It can helps you work with specificity ( and with rule importance.
You can also prefix CSS rule which will be applied-only for some nodes like div html.two div so after load second CSS file will be still ignored.
No, it is not possible to import specific classes from a CSS file.
The correct way to do this would be to create a master CSS file, which all your webpages can share.
Delete the classes you need from PageBs css(OPTIONAL), add them to a new CSS file.
Link the new file to both the pages.
This way you will not override any classes and have a CSS file which has all the shared classes both pages need.

Can't use css classes from bootstrap using sass

I have a project that I am trying integrate with the twitter bootstrap. I added the bootstrap-responsive.scss and use #import to add it. When I look at the compiled CSS file it shows the entire file but when I go to the HTML and add a class from the bootstrap like .span8 or something the element will not inherit those classes. They do not show when I inspect the element in chrome. Am I doing something wrong here? I figured I had acces to any classes that are in the bootstrap file when I imported it?
You need to add bootstrap and bootstrap-responsive. bootstrap-responsive on its own won't work.

Bootstrap assign spans to custom CSS id/class?

How would I create a CSS ID #sidebar that is equal to span4? I mean I could do <div id="sidebar" class="span4">, but I would prefer to abstract that into #sidebar by not typing span4 and not have to specify width dimensions manually in #sidebar either.
Is that possible with just plain CSS?
Edit: Found a great article on this issue: Please stop embedding Bootstrap classes in your HTML
No it is not possible using only css.
Another solution is to make a custom build of bootstrap. You can add your a custom less style and build the bootstrap css from it.
#sidebar {
What you need to do is to
1. Clone the bootstrap repository
2. Add a custom.less files under less directory
3. Add custom.less file at the bottom of bootstrap.less file
4. Compile the bootstrap.less file with a tool like Cruch!
5. Instead of the default bootstrap.css file use the custom file

Applying CSS styles only to certain elements

I have an existing website with lots of old pages and forms laid out with tables which I am trying to gradually transition to CSS. I want to use the Twitter Bootstrap stylesheets - particularly the styles for forms - but only on sections of pages where I have explicitly requested them. For example, I might surround the whole form in a div like so:
<div class="bootstrap">
<!-- everything in here should have the Bootstrap CSS applied -->
<p><label for="text_input">Label</label><input type="text" id="text_input" /></p>
I want all other forms to remain the same as they are now, because I won't be able to change them all at the same time. Is there a simple way to do this? I could go through every single style in the Bootstrap CSS and add a parent selector (e.g. 'p' would become 'div.bootstrap p'), but that would take a long time and it would be easy to miss styles.
Edit: If such a thing isn't possible, is there a free tool which can extract all the styles from a file, add a prefix and then save them back again?
For Bootstrap 3, it's easier if you use less:
Download the Bootstrap source code and make a style.less file like this:
.bootstrap {
#import "/path-to-bootstrap-less.less";
#import "/path-to-bootstrap-responsive-less.less";
Finally, you have to compile the less file; there are many alternatives
Or use npm to install less then compile the style.less file to style.css:
npm install -g less
lessc style.less style.css
The final fix was to use SASS (recommended by someone off-site), as that allows you to nest elements and then automatically produce the final CSS. Step by step the process is:
Concatenate the two Bootstrap files (bootstrap.css and bootstrap-responsive.css) into bootstrap-all.css.
Create a new SASS file, bootstrap-all.scss, with the content div.bootstrap {.
Append bootstrap-all.css to bootstrap-all.scss.
Close the div.bootstrap selector by appending } to bootstrap-all.scss.
Run SASS on bootstrap-all.scss to produce a final CSS file.
Run YUI Compressor on the final file to produce a minimised version.
Add minimised version to head element and wrap everything I want the styles to apply to in <div class="bootstrap"></div>.
I came up with a CSS solution if you can't use LESS/SASS because of work/other reasons.
I used this site,, and copy/pasted bootstrap.min.css into there. I set prefix ='.bootstrap' and spacer =' '. It will prefix everything with .bootstrap except not perfectly.
If you do a grep for '.bootstrap #media', you will find that the first class to the right of the opening bracket doesn't have .bootstrap as the parent. Add .bootstrap to all these occurrences, about 68 for me.
Then replace all '.bootstrap #media' with '#media'.
Final step is to replace all '.bootstrap #' with '#' (should be about 5 occurrences).
.bootstrap #media (min-width:768px){.lead{font-size:21px}}
needs to be replaced to
#media (min-width:768px){.bootstrap .lead{font-size:21px}}
Kind of a brute force method, so definitely try the LESS/SASS method above first.
No Bootstrap
<div class="bootstrap">
Yes Bootstrap
I have an easy solution.
Copy bootstrap css content to this ( online css to scss/sass converter.
Add your tag information (e.g. div.bootstrap{ ) to the start of scss content and close the tag at the end.
Copy the whole scss content to this scss to css converter ( and convert it :)
I wasn't satisfied with any of these answers. Using Less to scope the rules created all sorts of defects. Clearfix, for example was all messed up. And rules like button.close became button.bootstrap close instead of what I really wanted: .bootstrap button.close.
I took a different approach. I'm using PostCSS to process the out-of-the-box CSS that is delivered with Bootstrap. I'm using the Scopify plugin to scope every rule with .bootstrap.
This mostly gets there. Of course, there are the html and body rules that become .bootstrap html and .bootstrap body which become non-sensical. No worries... I can just write a PostCSS transform to clean them up:
var elevateGlobalsPlugin = postcss.plugin('elevateGlobals', function(opts) {
return function(css, result) {
css.walkRules(function(rule) {
rule.selector = rule.selector.replace('.bootstrap html', '.bootstrap');
rule.selector = rule.selector.replace('.bootstrap body', '.bootstrap');
Now, I can isolate all Bootstrap styling by adding a class="bootstrap" at the top level.
That's tough. You can't Apply different css stylesheet for different parts of the same web page.
I suspect the only way to do this is to make a separate file for your content to take the bootstrap styles, and i-frame it into the page like this:
<iframe src="/content-to-take-bootstrap-styles.html" ></iframe>
then in content-to-take-bootstrap-styles.html
reference the bootstrap style-sheet in the header. But then you have all the complications of iframes -- e.g.: the iframe element won't grow to accommodate the length of your content.
You can use ready to use isolated css for Bootstrap 4.1 (compiled with LESS) -
It have isolated css for themes -
bootstrapcustom.min.css - default bootstrap 4.1 isolated style darkly.min.css - isolated css flatly.min.css - isolated css litera.min.css - isolated css lux.min.css - isolated css minty.min.css - isolated css
To use Bootstrap CSS, simply wrap your HTML in a div with the class bootstrapiso, like so:
<div class="bootstrapiso">
<!-- Any HTML here will be styled with Bootstrap CSS -->
And use any css style from folder css4.1 like so:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css4.1/bootstrapcustom.min.css" crossorigin="anonymous">
