Publishing a dotnet application that's already running -

I'm attempting to create a script to simplify the process of publishing a .NET Core website. I'm running into an issue when I run dotnet publish against an already running server. The server is IIS with the dotnet bundle installed, so IIS uses its app pool to start dotnet.
Here's my batch file. I'm happy to use another script type:
cd src/app
dotnet build --no-incremental
dotnet publish --framework netcoreapp1.0 --configuration Release --output ../../dist
When I run the script I get this error:
"The process cannot access the file 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\app\dist\app.dll' because it is being used by another process."
This makes sense, it appears I need to stop, deploy, and restart dotnet. Can I do this from the script? Or is my approach to this problem wrong?

The best way is to drop an app_offline.htm file to your application folder. This will make IIS stop your application and serve the contents of the app_offline.htm file to the user while you are copying the new version. Once you complete copying the new version of your application remove the app_offline.htm file and IIS will start your application.
You can find more details on running ASP.NET Core applications with IIS in my post.

Based on Pawel's answer, I have a deploy folder containing my app_offline.html file and multiple deploy scripts to IIS. Here's a sample script I use to deploy:
copy .\app_offline.htm C:\hosting\my-project\app_offline.htm
dotnet publish ../MyProject.csproj -r win-x64 -f netcoreapp2.1 --self-contained -c Release -o C:\hosting\my-project
del C:\hosting\my-project\app_offline.htm

I think this is a valid solution, but doesn't help when I want to script the build process.
Stop-Website "xxx"
Stop-WebAppPool "xxx"
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
dotnet publish --output d:\publocation
Stop-WebAppPool "xxx"
Start-Website "xxx"

if you've created a published profile in Visual Studio and you're using IIS, then you can use that profile instead of writing directly to the destination directory:
dotnet publish /p:PublishProfile=Properties\PublishProfiles\IISProfile.pubxml


dotnet command for creating startup project

I want know what is the command line for making a directory a startup project.
I have 2 directories inside EmployeeManagement and on sln file:
Now instead of Right clicking and making Web the startup project, is there a way of doing it using command line interface.
Thanks for your help.
In the .Net 5.0, you can do: dotnet run --project , everytime you need to run the project.
CLI Example:
dotnet run --project Web/Web.csproj

runtime folder with dotnet core application

If I create a net core 2 console app and get it to reference another project e.g. MyLibrary.csproj
This (MyLibrary.csproj) is a net core class library
If I run dotnet publish -c release --output test1
then in the output folder their is a runtime folder present
I have not found anywhere that describes this folders purpose.
Any one have a link?
Also do I need to copy this as part of my deployment?
The example I have has a reference to System.Data.SqlClient.dll which is present in the root publish folder(test1) so why does it need to get it from the runtime folder when I try to run via dotnet my.dll?
From the docs (
dotnet publish - Packs the application and its dependencies into a folder for deployment to a hosting system.

"No executable found matching command" .net core console application

After publishing my .net core 2.0 console application...
dotnet publish src\myapp.console --output C:\publish\console --configuration Release
I try executing in this in the published folder
dotnet myapp.console
but I get the error
No executable found matching command "dotnet-myapp.console"
The trick is to include the full file name with .dll
dotnet myapp.console.dll

How do I git deploy an .fsproj based f# project to azure?

I have an ASP.NET core application that I've been auto-deploying to an azure app service on commit to a git repo. It worked fine as a project.json type project.
I've converted my project.json to myproject.fsproj and it builds and runs locally. On comitting the .fsproj to git, the deployment was triggered, but it failed with the activity log containing one line: 'D:\home\site\repository\myproject.fsproj' is not a deployable project.
I guess it's an issue with the default kudu deployment script? Does anyone know how to sort this out, or do I need to submit an issue/RFC to the kudu guys?
I generated the original .fsproj using:
dotnet new mvc --language f# --framework netcoreapp1.0
I've since made changes to it, so I will try to do a minimal case later tonight.
Turns out that the default deployment in azure wouldn't deal with this.
Following the answer on Kudu Deployment Script for ASP.NET Core 1.0, I generated a custom deployment script using:
npm install -g kuduscript
kuduscript -y --aspNetCore myproject.fsproj
Added the resulting deploy.cmd along with a .deployment:
command = deploy.cmd
A deployment triggered by a push to git works as expected now.

Dotnet Core publish to IIS from Mac

I want to publish my dotnet core app to IIS from mac. I use VS code for code writing and Dotnet Core 1.1 for publishing to local directory. (for example: bin/release/publish). There are compiled my files, ready to copy to IIS. On my IIS I currently have installed web deploy 3.6 and this is my VPS machine. Is there elegant way, how to copy files? The another way is using docker, but in this case I have the same problem. Generated docker file with docker publisher tool and I need to copy from mac os.
Thank you for your time.
From a terminal window navigate to the folder where your .csproj file is. From there run 'dotnet publish -c release'. A folder called publish will be created in bin/Release/netcoreappX.X. You can copy those files to the appropriate directory on your server. If you need help setting up IIS, follow the link below.
You can also run 'dotnet publish -h' to see all of the different arguments you can pass to the publish command.
Web Deploy (msdeploy.exe) seems to work in Mono, at least in WSL (Ubuntu 18.04). The tricky part is to extract the msi package somehow, which you can do easily on a Windows machine (you'll find the files in C:\Program Files\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy V3).
Once you install Mono and obtain msdeploy.exe, just call the command, e.g.
mono msdeploy.exe -verb:sync -source:contentPath=/mnt/c/Data -dest:contentPath=test,ComputerName=,UserName=WDeployAdmin,Password=PASSWORD,IncludeAcls=False,AuthType=Basic -enableRule:AppOffline -enableRule:DoNotDeleteRule -verbose -allowUntrusted:true
This lets you sync/copy the contents of /mnt/c/Data with the test web site in IIS on with Web Deploy enabled.
