I write desktop apps. Lately I have been using JavaFX for the GUI portion. I love Clojure but have run into problems doing some slightly complex things.
Many customizations of the UI (adding check boxs to a group of list items, changing the colors of alternating rows in a table, setting icons in a tree view, etc.) require extending JavaFX classes though. In my particular case, I've been trying to extend javafx.scene.control.Cell or one of it's derivatives.
I can't figure out how to do this in Clojure. A few days ago, I posted a similar question regarding how to extend a TextFieldListCell, but that received little attention. After a few more days of investigation, it seems that the problem is more general in the interop between Clojure and JavaFX. An issue was raised in the Clojure Google group a few years ago, but the resulting patch does not seem to work for my case.
All of my attempts to extend such a class result in a ExceptionInInitializerError caused by the toolkit not being initialized when the gen-class or proxy are compiled in Clojure.
I've come up with a workaround where I just implement the extended class in Java and import it into the Clojure project. It works, but it's ugly.
Is there a general way to extend such JavaFX classes in Clojure? For example,
how would the following Java class, which extends javafx.scene.control.ListCell, be written in Clojure.
import javafx.scene.control.ListCell;
import javafx.scene.text.Font;
public class FontFaceListCell extends ListCell<String> {
public void updateItem(String item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
if (empty) {
} else {
setFont(Font.font(item, 16.0d));
I am trying to design a preferences panel for my multidocument app. When a given pref changes – font size, say – all of the document windows should immediately update to reflect the new pref value. I don't want to construct the preferences panel up front, for all the document windows to connect to, because it contains a QFontComboBox that takes more than a second to set itself up (ouch); that's not a price I want to pay at startup. So then, my question is: what is an elegant design for the prefs panel to let all the document windows know about the change? In Cocoa, which I'm more used to, I'd use NSNotification to broadcast a notification from the prefs panel that all the document windows could observe; that provides the loose coupling required (since objects can add themselves as observers before the broadcaster exists).
Two approaches occur to me so far:
Loop through topLevelWidgets, do a dynamic cast to my document window class, and for all the document windows I thereby find, just call a hard-coded method on them directly.
Make a second class, PreferencesNotifier, that is separate from the UI object that takes so long to load, and construct a singleton object of this class at startup that all of the document windows can connect themselves to. When the preferences panel eventually gets created, it can send signals to slots in PreferencesNotifier, which will then call its own signals to notify the connected document windows.
Neither seems quite as elegant as NSNotification, and I'm wondering if I'm missing something. Thanks for any tips.
First thing, do not try to copy patterns, like Cocoa's NSNotification/NotificationCenter, to other frameworks (or languages, or...). There are various ways to send messages and generally each framework has picked one. Trying to use the one method that was picked by the framework you are using will lead to the most elegant solutions.
If you really want to, you could implement your own set of classes that will do exactly what NSNotification does. It will feel more elegant to you, but only because you are used to using Cocoa. It will feel odd to every other Qt developer. Also, this solution will require you to write a lot of code as you will not be able to leverage all the features of Qt.
The first solution you are suggesting is a bit ugly and looks more like a hack than anything.
What I do, when I have to handle preferences in a program, is something similar to your solution 2. I create a class that is responsible for handling all settings: read/write setting file, change setting, set default values, etc. Generally this class is a singleton. This class has very limited access to other parts of the program, and generally no access at all to the UI. Each components that needs to access the preferences will use this class. If you do it properly (e.g. use Q_PROPERTY), this class can even be accessed by QML, if you ever need to use Qt Quick.
class Settings: public QObject {
Q_PROERTY(bool showX READ showX WRITE setShowX NOTIFY showXChanged)
bool showX() const { return m_showX; }
void setShowX(bool show) {
if (show == m_showX)
m_showX = show;
emit showXChanged(m_showX);
void showXChanged(bool);
public slots:
void save() const; // Save to disk
void load(); // Load from disk
QSettings m_settings; // Handle load/save from/to disk
bool m_showX;
class Window {
Window() {
connect(settings, &Settings::showXChanged,
this, [this](bool show) { m_widgetX->setVisible(show); }
class PrefWindow {
PrefWindow () {
private slots:
void on_saveButton_clicked() {
I have this window with a few TextFields and a TableView. I have made a search engine which every time I write in the TextFields, will display a new array of the given objects which fit what ever I write in the TextFields. Now, I have tested it, and I know that the search engine works. But the problem comes when I try to update the TableView. I have tried to work my way through it, but the only fix I can think of, is to refresh the whole window every time I type something in one of the TextFields. But this is obviously not a good thing to do.
So my question is: Do you know how to refresh the list in the TableView, without refreshing the whole window? Or is there anything else I can use to visually display for example "Person" objects, make them click-able and holds pointers to the given objects?
Please come with any input you have, and I will be happy to either try or discuss what you have to say!
Found the issue!
setItems(); seems to call the object.equals();
I made a misstake in my #Override of the .equals();
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
return this.birthNo.equals(((Person) obj).getBirthNo());
Corrected this to:
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
return obj != null && this.birthNo.equals(((Person) obj).getBirthNo());
I've been coding a simulation in Java and now generate graphs of the results in JavaFX. However, I'm stumped as to how to call the graphs so that when I try to run the simulation (and generate the graphs) for a second time, I don't get the "can't call launch() more than once" error. I read that launch() can only be called once, so what do I need to change to call the graphs successfully on a second run of the simulation?
public class AnswerWorker extends SwingWorker<Void, Integer> {
protected Void doInBackground() throws Exception
return null;
protected void done()
try {
Graphs.launch(Graphs.class, "");
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(InputGUI.this, AMEC.unsuccesfulpercentage + "% of iterations had trucks that had to sleep over");
AMEC.unsuccesfulpercentage = 0;
catch (Exception e)
with a pretty standard graphing class:
public class Graphs extends Application {
#Override public void start(Stage stage) {
Why are you using SwingWorker in a JavaFX application? If your graphs are computed for display in a JavaFX application, there is no reason for you to use the Event Dispatch Thread (AWT). If I'm not mistaken, With the release of JDK 8, the JavaFX Application Thread and the Event Dispatch Thread will become one, so there is no reason (yet) for you to use SwingWorker. If I really am wrong, still, there is no reason for you to use SwingWorker. Although it is possible the coupling of Swing components in JavaFX applications, you should only use EDT when manipulating Swing components, not JavaFX nodes. The following link says this:
...The JavaFX application thread is a different thread from the Swing and AWT Event Dispatch Thread (EDT), so care must be taken when embedding JavaFX code into Swing applications...
Source: http://docs.oracle.com/javafx/2/architecture/jfxpub-architecture.htm
To learn how you can put processes to be done in the background, and also find out which thread is responsible for handling the JavaFX elements, check out this link:
Regarding your question, I believe the beginning of a JavaFX application should be called only once. So much is, that when a JavaFX application is started, the thread of main method is captured, and is only returned when the JavaFX application is finalized. Just see the Application DOC (Especially this part). Note also that the life cycle of a JavaFX application is given by the following steps:
The entry point for JavaFX applications is the Application class. The JavaFX runtime does the following, in order, whenever an application is launched:
Constructs an instance of the specified Application class
Calls the init() method
Calls the start(javafx.stage.Stage) method
Waits for the application to finish, which happens when either of
the following occur:
the application calls Platform.exit()
the last window has been closed and the implicitExit attribute on Platform is true
Calls the stop() method
You might be using the wrong approach. I believe that you should leave your JavaFX application running while you're processing something. Once you have processed what you want in the background, you should make your JavaFX application show the results. The way your JavaFX application run while something is being processed in the background is entirely up to you. Maybe you should hide the window while something is processed, and display it again with your chart done. As I said, this is something you will have to decide. I recommend you to take a look at the documentation of classes referring to the window system, starting with Window, and then Stage.
Any questions, we're here. Good Luck! :)
From what I'm seeing, the user jewelsea is right. Apparently it is not certain that the EDT and the JavaFX Application Thread shall become one (it would be quite interesting if that happened). But anyway, be careful not to confuse yourself with the use of both threads.
I am impatient enough not to like reading books or tutorials on the stuff i want to learn. That said, i almost always will get the toolchains ready and start firing code off with whatever crazy idea gets on my head.
Scala piqued my interest today and i inmediately setup IDEA with the Scala plugin to get started... now, i got some knowledge about the syntax and why Scala has that much amount of Awesome-Sauce, so i decided to test it out with another technology i didn't know: QT, especially QtJambi. I imported the QtJambi dist into the IDEA project structure and wrote this snippet:
import com.trolltech.qt.gui._
class MyMainWindow extends QWidget {
def showWindow = {
setWindowTitle("Scala Jambi Test")
resize(250, 250)
move(300, 300)
object MainApp extends QWidget() {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
new MyMainWindow().showWindow
It compiles and runs but i get this on the console:
QWidget: Must construct a QApplication before a QPaintDevice
Any ideas on what i am doing wrong are appreciated.
I might add that the same code on a standard java project with the same libs does work.
The problem is that MainApp is extending QWidget, i removed the extension and the thing worked all out of the blue. If anyone knows why please comment, i'd love to know why that went wrong.
I suspect a problem with an old version of the ObjectBuilder which once was part of the WCSF Extension project and meanwhile moved into Unity. I am not sure whether I am on the right way or not so I hope someone out there has more competent thread-safety skills to explain whether this could be an issue or not.
I use this (outdated) ObjectBuilder implementation in an ASP.Net WCSF web app and rarely I can see in the logs that the ObjectBuilder is complaining that a particular property of a class cannot be injected for some reason, the problem is always that this property should never been injected at all. Property and class are changing constantly. I traced the code down to a method where a dictionary is used to hold the information whether a property is handled by the ObjectBuilder or not.
My question basically comes down to: Is there a thread-safety issue in the following code which could cause the ObjectBuilder to get inconsistent data from its dictionary?
The class which holds this code (ReflectionStrategy.cs) is created as Singleton, so all requests to my web application use this class to create its view/page objects. Its dictionary is a private field, only used in this method and declared like that:
private Dictionary<int, bool> _memberRequiresProcessingCache = new Dictionary<int, bool>();
private bool InnerMemberRequiresProcessing(IReflectionMemberInfo<TMemberInfo> member)
bool requires;
lock (_readLockerMrp)
if (!_memberRequiresProcessingCache.TryGetValue(member.MemberInfo.GetHashCode(), out requires))
lock (_writeLockerMrp)
if (!_memberRequiresProcessingCache.TryGetValue(member.MemberInfo.GetHashCode(), out requires))
requires = MemberRequiresProcessing(member);
_memberRequiresProcessingCache.Add(member.MemberInfo.GetHashCode(), requires);
return requires;
This code above is not the latest version you can find on Codeplex but I still want to know whether it might be the cause of my ObjectBuilder exceptions. While we speak I work on an update to get this old code replaced by the latest version. This is the latest implementation, unfortunately I cannot find any information why it has been changed. Might be for a bug, might be for performance...
private bool InnerMemberRequiresProcessing(IReflectionMemberInfo<TMemberInfo> member)
bool requires;
if (!_memberRequiresProcessingCache.TryGetValue(member.MemberInfo, out requires))
lock (_writeLockerMrp)
if (!_memberRequiresProcessingCache.TryGetValue(member.MemberInfo, out requires))
Dictionary<TMemberInfo, bool> tempMemberRequiresProcessingCache =
new Dictionary<TMemberInfo, bool>(_memberRequiresProcessingCache);
requires = MemberRequiresProcessing(member);
tempMemberRequiresProcessingCache.Add(member.MemberInfo, requires);
_memberRequiresProcessingCache = tempMemberRequiresProcessingCache;
return requires;
The use of the hash code looks problematic if you run a very large number of classes / members, as can happen with the singleton approach you mentioned.
The double lock was totally odd in the old one (Only one thread goes into the whole section in all cases). Note that locking as the first thing certainly hurts performance. It is a trade of, notice that instead they create a copy to avoid modifying the list as it is being read.