Any way to make html5 audio responsive in Bootstrap? - css

I have a simple HTML5 audio player that I would like to make responsive in Bootstrap.
<div class="col-sm-4 col-sm-offset-4">
<audio controls style="width: 600px;">
<source src="sample.mp3">
Is there a way to make the div containing this audio player responsive no matter what content is in it or at least a class or something to make the audio player responsive? Hoping to not have to use an external library if possible.

I suggest to use width:100% and max-width:600px.
When you make the window smaller in a desktop browser you will not see it the same way as on a real mobile device, but the audio element on mobile devices (i.e. iOS, Android) is definitely going to be smaller anyways - you don't have much influence on its apprearance. Together with those settings it should adapt to just about any situation properly.
(You just might want to add a second source tag with the audio in ogg format and also add the file format in the source tag/s, see

<div class="col-sm-4 col-sm-offset-4 embed-responsive embed-responsive-4by3">
<audio controls class="embed-responsive-item">
<source src="sample.mp3">


Image stretches on mobile(only iPhone), but not in browser preview on PC

I am working on my website at the moment. And I realized, when looking at the mobile site that one of my images stretches/changes it's aspect ratio. Keep in mind this is only on iPhones. I had a few friends look at the site, and only the people with iPhones had the image stretched like this.
This is the page on the browser
This is the page on my iPhone 11
<div class="col d-flex d-md-flex d-xl-flex justify-content-center align-items-md-center">
<img class="d-xl-flex align-items-xl-center" src="assets/img/headshot.jpg" style="max-width: 90%;">
I originally had height: auto; in there as well, and when trying to solve this issue I found an older post saying that could be the issue. Sadly it did not resolve it.
I know I can easily solve this problem with media queries, but there must be a reason why this happens only on iPhone. I also only have in body styling on this image, you can see it on the browser preview on the inspector.
If you would like to look at it yourself. The Website URL is
Try to remove the classes d-xl-flex align-items-xl-center from img and give it a display: block. The parent div will keep the img in place

How to display WordPress audio player in table

I tried to add default WordPress audio player in the normal HTML table. i want to display all the three below div in same line even in mobile devices. Any possible to do like this or any option to show only play button in audio player or using html5 audio player.
<td><div>My audio</div></td>
<td><div>[audio src=""]</div></td>
Replace your DIV
<div>[audio src=""]</div>
with this HTML5 tag
<audio controls>
<source src="" type="audio/mpeg">

make style on html5 audio player timeline

I want to make a style on html5 audio player.
<audio id="player" controls="controls">
<source src="song.ogg" type="audio/ogg" />
<!-- using mozilla firefox -->
Your browser does not support HTML5 audio. Please upgrade your browser.
Is it possible to put css style on the html5 generic audio player timeline?
The following code, when pasted into Chrome's developer console, reveals a document fragment that describes the audio element's structure:
var aud = document.createElement('audio');
aud.controls = true;
Going to the chrome debugger's elements tab reveals this document fragment:
<input type="button">
<input type="range" precision="float" max="0">
<div style="display: none;">0:00</div>
<input type="button">
<input type="range" precision="float" max="1" style="display: none;">
<input type="button" style="display: none;">
<input type="button" style="display: none;">
If there was a way to change the style of the time display or the play/pause button without redefining the inner structure(i.e. shadow DOM), it would be through that document fragment. There is neither a function nor an attribute that suggests the ability to access said document fragment.
Youtube does their own HTML5 video timeline in case someone wants to "try something new"(or just hack an easy way to download some of their ad-free WebM videos), so I know it is possible. I'm guessing you would need to do it like this:
<audio id="player" ><!--notice how you get rid of the controls -->
<source src="song.ogg" type="audio/ogg" /> <!-- using mozilla firefox -->
Your browser does not support HTML5 audio. Please upgrade your browser.
If you have the audio player hidden, you can add Event Listeners to update the status/progress. You will definitely want to use at least onTimeUpdate
Meanwhile, you can make your own DOM controller with a square tags with border-radius = (width/2) for a circle, or just use a . I suggest you look into the Shadow DOM for a way to hide functionality from both users and other scripts.
If you want to just show the user how far the music has played and not allow the user to seek, use a tag or a tag. Otherwise, you can use an tag and stylize that. Don't forget to add an onInput handler to skip through the track.
I did not see that image. You must have uploaded it while I was answering. I would suggest you use a filter, but that might not work on anything but images. Try making a div transparent over it and allowing the user to click through it
edit #2
It turns out that background-color kinda tints the player in Chrome(only the audio player) depending on the background color, but the play time color does not change color with either background-color or color. You can get full control and uniformity over your style with a custom player, but that would mean extra work for you. I hope that my answers were helpful.

Styling browser-native video controls

Is it possible to cross-browser style the controls of a browser-native video such as video from HTML5's video tag?
I do not understand if it is possible or not, I can't find anything other than this article but it seem uses Javascript.
I would like to make the controls bar fit the video width; as you can see from the image attached, the controls bar excedes the video width.
HTML for the above image
<div class="video centered-content">
<a class="circle-canvas close-video" href="javascript:void(0)" id="video-close" rel="tooltipTOP" data-original-title="close">X</a>
<video width="63%" height="60%" id="video" class="video" controls>
<source src="<?php echo base_static_url();?>media/video.mp4">
<source src="<?php echo base_static_url();?>media/video.ogv">
<source src="<?php echo base_static_url();?>media/video.webm">
Here is a good example for styling native player controls(just tested in Chrome):
To change the width of the player controls bar:
video::-webkit-media-controls-panel {
width: 40px;
You can style native controls in some browsers, using shadow DOM. Enable shadow dom in debug inspector settings:
HTML5 Video Controls - make larger?
You could style the shadow DOM, but you need to look at every browser individually and a browser update could destroy your styling.
I recommend taking a look at MediaElement.js which gives you cross-browser controls that can be styled using CSS and are already accessibility-optimized.
Or if you only need a few controls anyway, build your own:

HTML5 video in IE9 is showing a black border on its both sides

I am using a HTML5 video tag in my website. That video is playing perfectly with all browsers, but in IE9 it shows a black border(black extension). It is like the one usually the video players will show some black color extension on its both the side when the size of the player is more than the size of the video.
This is the solution we use.
For video, we display HTML5 by default backed in CDN storage. We also have fall back for Flash and then fall back for non-flash. So it checks HTML5 first, then flash failing that and then no content for non-flash support indicating some message about the user to upgrade their Fred Flintstones machine, we also offer an alternative so they can move out of BedRock!
<style type="text/css">
#video_box_id_css, .video_box_class{border:0px !important}
<div class="videobox">
<video id="video_box_id_css" class="video_box_class" autoplay loop width="300" height="500">
<source src="" type='video/webm'/>
<source src="" type='video/ogg'/>
<source src="" type='video/mp4'/>
<div class="left"></div>
<div class="right"></div>
Code Info
Our code is above (removed the flash so it is more readable). A side thing to note is we add a left and right div column which goes over the video black borders. You can tweak these and even add a bottom and top if needed.
The green border is actually the white div in opacity so you can sit the effect. It may be hacky but it the best solution we found.
The result is much better as you can see below:
I've had this issue before, usually the problem lies within the video itself. When you encode your video try to match the settings as closely as possible to what you will use in your tag. It shouldn't be a roadblock for you, once you inspect the video a bit closer you should see a discrepancy.
