R ergm - specifying nodematch effect on two attributes - r

I am currently working on social network data with R ergm package. I want to estimate the conditional probability of a tie who is homophilic on two different variables, but depending on how I specify the model the results are slightly different.
In the first case, I put two nodematch terms in my model, one for each variable that interest me, and I find the conditional log-odd of a doubly-homophilic tie by summing the 3 coefficients of my model (the "edge" terms and the two nodematch terms).
In the second case, I directly specify only one nodematch term, for ties homophilic on both variables.
And the results I get, though close, are still different, while in both cases I should get the log-odd of a tie occurring between individuals sharing both these attributes.
Here is an example from the Sampson data:
# Load the data :
#First model: I specify two nodematch terms, one for 'cloisterville' and one for 'group'.
m1 <- ergm(samplike ~ edges + nodematch('cloisterville') + nodematch('group'))
#Second model: this time, I have only one term asking for a `nodematch` on both terms at the same time.
m2 <- ergm(samplike ~ edges + nodematch(c('cloisterville','group')))
#Here is the output of both models:
So according to the first model, conditional log-odd of a homophilic tie on both variables should be:
-2.250 + 0.586 + 2.389
That is, 0.725
However, according to the second model, the log-odd of this same doubly homophilic tie should be:
-1.856 + 2.659
That is, 0.803
Corresponding probabilities are 0.6737071 and 0.6906158
Do you know why the results are different in both cases, whereas it should give the same conditional probability of the same kind of tie?
Thank you so much for your help,
Kind regards

We should not expect the same results, since the models are evaluating two different things. In essence, model 1 is evaluating homophily on cloisterville or on group, while model 2 is evaluating homophily on both cloisterville and group.
To be more precise, the first model tests homophily on group, net the tendency toward homophily on cloisterville, and vice versa. The second model looks at whether there is a tendency toward homophily on both attributes at the same time. Do monks form ties within groups and based on their location in the cloisters?
See the note in ?ergm.terms for nodematch:
(When multiple names are given, the statistic counts only those on which all the named attributes match.)
This is easy to see visually:
The colors are groups. Squares means cloisterville==TRUE and triangles means cloisterville==FALSE. The term nodematch(c('cloisterville','group')) counts only those edges where colors and shapes match!


Interpreting results from emmeans comparison

I have a glm model with two fixed effects, Treatment and Date, to estimate Temperature from data collected in a time series. Within Treatment there are three different categories: Fucus, Terrycloth or Control, and temperature is measured beneath those canopies. The model is created like so mod1 <- glm(Temp ~ Treatment * Date, data = aveTerry.df )
I am trying to tell if Terrycloth has a similar effect as Fucus canopy (i.e. replicates it).
I found the emmeans package and believe it could help me compare between these levels within treatment by using my model, and have used it as so to find the estimated marginal means terry.emmeans <- emmeans(modAllTerry, poly ~ Treatment | Date) and plotted the comparisons via plot(terry.emmeans.average, comparison = TRUE) +theme_bw()
Giving me this output linked here.
I am looking for some help understanding what this graphical output is, especially what exactly are the comparisons (which are shown by the red arrows). I somewhat understand the that blue boxes are the confidence intervals for the mean value of temperature for each treatment on one day (based on model), but am wondering how is the comparison made? And why do some days only have a one sided arrow?
As described in the documentation for plot.emmGrid, the comparison arrows are created in such a way that two arrows are disjoint if and only if their respective means are significantly different at the stated level.
The lowest mean in the set has only a right-pointing arrow because that mean will not be compared with anything smaller, obviating the need for a left-pointing arrow. For similar reasons, the highest mean has only a left-pointing arrow. These arrows do not define intervals; their only purpose is depicting comparisons.
In situations where the SEs of pairwise comparisons vary widely, it may not be possible to construct comparison arrows. If that happens, an error message is displayed.
Confidence intervals are available as well, but those CIs should not be used for comparing means.
More information and examples may be found via vignette("comparisons", "emmeans"). Also, details of how the arrows are actually constructed are given in vignette("xplanations", "emmeans")

Code syntax in calculating posterior distribution in WinBUGS

Recently I read "The BUGS Book – A Practical Introduction to Bayesian Analysis" to learn WinBUGS. The way WinBUGS describes the derivation of posterior distribution makes me feel confused.
Let's take Example 4.1.1 in this book to illustrae:
Suppose we observe the number of deaths y in a given hospital for a
high-risk operation. Let n denote the total number of such
operations performed and suppose we wish to make inferences regarding
the underlying true mortality rate, $\theta$.
The code of WinBUGS is:
y <- 10 # the number of deaths
n <- 100 # the total number of such operations
y ~ dbin(theta,n) # likelihood, also a parametric sampling distribution
logit(theta) <- logit.theta # normal prior for the logistic transform of theta
logit.theta ~ dnorm(0,0.368) # precision = 1/2.71
The author said that:
The software knows how to derive the posterior distribution and
subsequently sample from it.
My question is:
Which code reflects the logic structure to tell WinBUGS about "which parameter that I want to calculate its posterior distribution"?
This question seems silly, but if I do not read the background first, I truly cannot find directly in the code above about which parameter is focused on (e.g., theta, or y?).
Below are some of my thoughts (as a beginner of WinBUGS):
I think the following three attributions of the code style in WinBUGS makes me confused:
(1) the code does not follow "a specific sequence". For example, why is logit.theta ~ dnorm(0,0.368) not in front of logit(theta) <- logit.theta?
(2) repeated variable. Foe example, why did the last two lines not be reduced into one line: logit(theta) ~ dnorm(0,0.368)?
(3) variables are defined in more than one place. For example, y is defined two times: y <- 10 and y ~ dbin(theta, n). This one has been explained in Appendix A of the book (i.e., However, a check has been built in so that when finding a logical node that also features as a stochastic node, a stochastic node is created with the calculated values as fixed data), yet I still cannot catch its meaning.
BUGS is a declarative language. For the most part, statements aren't executed in sequence, they define different parts of the model. BUGS works on models that can be represented by directed acyclic graphs, i.e. those where you put a prior on some components, then conditional distributions on other components given the earlier ones.
It's a fairly simple language, so I think logit(theta) ~ dnorm(0, 0.368) is just too complicated for it.
The language lets you define a complicated probability model, and declare observations of certain components in it. Once you declare an observation, the model that BUGS samples from is the the original full model conditioned on that observation. y <- 10 defines observed data. y ~ dbin(theta,n) is part of the model.
The statement n <- 100 could be either: for fixed constants like n, it doesn't really matter which way you think of it. Either the model says that n is always 100, or n has an undeclared prior distribution not depending on any other parameter, and an observed value of 100. These two statements are equivalent.
Finally, your big question: Nothing in the code above says which parameter you want to look at. BUGS will compute the joint posterior distribution of every parameter. n and y will take on their fixed values, theta and logit.theta will both be simulated from the posterior. In another part of your code (or by using the WinBUGS menus) you can decide which of those to look at.

How to understand RandomForestExplainer output (R package)

I have the following code, which basically try to predict the Species from iris data using randomForest. What I'm really intersed in is to find what are the best features (variable) that explain the species classification. I found the package randomForestExplainer is the best
to serve the purpose.
forest <- randomForest::randomForest(Species ~ ., data = iris, localImp = TRUE)
importance_frame <- randomForestExplainer::measure_importance(forest)
randomForestExplainer::plot_multi_way_importance(importance_frame, size_measure = "no_of_nodes")
The result of the code produce this plot:
Based on the plot, the key factor to explain why Petal.Length and Petal.Width is the best factor are these (the explanation is based on the vignette):
mean_min_depth – mean minimal depth calculated in one of three ways specified by the parameter mean_sample,
times_a_root – total number of trees in which Xj is used for splitting the root node (i.e., the whole sample is divided into two based on the value of Xj),
no_of_nodes – total number of nodes that use Xj for splitting (it is usually equal to no_of_trees if trees are shallow),
It's not entirely clear to me why the high times_a_root and no_of_nodes is better? And low mean_min_depth is better?
What are the intuitive explanation for that?
The vignette information doesn't help.
You would like a statistical model or measure to be a balance between "power" and "parsimony". The randomForest is designed internally to do penalization as its statistical strategy for achieving parsimony. Furthermore the number of variables selected in any given sample will be less than the the total number of predictors. This allows model building when hte number of predictors exceeds the number of cases (rows) in the dataset. Early splitting or classification rules can be applied relatively easily, but subsequent splits become increasingly difficult to meet criteria of validity. "Power" is the ability to correctly classify items that were not in the subsample, for which a proxy, the so-called OOB or "out-of-bag" items is used. The randomForest strategy is to do this many times to build up a representative set of rules that classify items under the assumptions that the out-of-bag samples will be a fair representation of the "universe" from which the whole dataset arose.
The times_a_root would fall into the category of measuring the "relative power" of a variable compared to its "competitors". The times_a_root statistic measures the number of times a variable is "at the top" of a decision tree, i.e., how likely it is to be chosen first in the process of selecting split criteria. The no_of_node measures the number of times the variable is chosen at all as a splitting criterion among all of the subsampled.
?randomForest # to find the names of the object leaves
[1] 500
... we can see get a denominator for assessing the meaning of the roughly 200 values in the y-axis of the plot. About 2/5ths of the sample regressions had Petal.Length in the top split criterion, while another 2/5ths had Petal.Width as the top variable selected as the most important variable. About 75 of 500 had Sepal.Length while only about 8 or 9 had Sepal.Width (... it's a log scale.) In the case of the iris dataset, the subsamples would have ignored at least one of the variables in each subsample, so the maximum possible value of times_a_root would have been less than 500. Scores of 200 are pretty good in this situation and we can see that both of these variables have a comparable explanatory ability.
The no_of_nodes statistic totals up the total number of trees that had that variable in any of its nodes, remembering that the number of nodes would be constrained by the penalization rules.

For synthetic control (synth package), how to avoid using predictor.op?

I am trying to use the synth package in R.
The way synthetic control works is that it matches pre-treatment data for a treated unit and control units, and it selects weights to approximate equate the two, so that the treated unit "looks like" a synthetic control unit.
The way it works is explained here.
When matching on the pre-treatment outcomes, we pick up to T0 linear combination of the data. The synth package seems to only pick just one, and it is the one that equates the MEANS. This is what the predictor.op function does.
Suppose, however, I want to just have it so that I select all T0 linear combinations so X1 is a T0 x 1 vector rather than a 1x1, is there a way to do this non-manually?
I am not sure what exactly you are trying to do but I ran into your question because I had a similar issue with Synth() so maybe this will help:
I tried to create a synthetic control unit using all pre-treatment outcome observations and since Synth() averages across all pre-treatment periods, that wasn't too straightforward. What I did is to create individual covariates for each pre-treatment period and then specify those covariates in predictor. That is equivalent to not applying any operator to pre-treatment outcome data.

Multiple comparisions using glht with repeated measure anova

I'm using the following code to try to get at post-hoc comparisons for my cell means:
result.lme3<-lme(Response~Pressure*Treatment*Gender*Group, mydata, ~1|Subject/Pressure/Treatment)
aov.result<-aov(result.lme3, mydata)
TukeyHSD(aov.result, "Pressure:Treatment:Gender:Group")
This gives me a result, but most of the adjusted p-values are incredibly small - so I'm not convinced the result is correct.
Alternatively I'm trying this:
I don't know how to get the Pressure:Treatment:Gender:Group in the glht code.
Help is appreciated - even if it is just a link to a question I didn't find previously.
I have 504 observations, Pressure has 4 levels and is repeated in each subject, Treatment has 2 levels and is repeated in each subject, Group has 3 levels, and Gender is obvious.
I solved a similar problem creating a interaction dummy variable using interaction() function which contains all combinations of the leves of your 4 variables.
I made many tests, the estimates shown for the various levels of this variable show the joint effect of the active levels plus the interaction effect.
For example if:
temperature ~ interaction(infection(y/n), acetaminophen(y/n))
(i put the possible leves in the parenthesis for clarity) the interaction var will have a level like "infection.y:acetaminophen.y" which show the effect on temperature of both infection, acetaminophen and the interaction of the two in comparison with the intercept (where both variables are n).
Instead if the model was:
temperature ~ infection(y/n) * acetaminophen(y/n)
to have the same coefficient for the case when both vars are y, you would have had to add the two simple effect plus the interaction effect. The result is the same but i prefer using interaction since is more clean and elegant.
The in glht you use:
summary(glht(model, linfct= mcp(interaction_var = 'Tukey'))
to achieve your post-hoc, where interaction_var <- interaction(infection, acetaminophen).
TO BE NOTED: i never tested this methodology with nested and mixed models so beware!
