How to implement ctrl+f in a javafx text area - javafx

I've got a big multi line TextArea in javaFX. Is there a good way to implement ctrl-f as a find command? Basically to highlight the searched-for text.
I know how to listen for a keystroke, but how do I A) Highlight the text and B) Scroll to the part of the TextArea that has the text?

I implemented something similar. Assuming you can listen for the CTRL + F which provide the user something to search for, you could do a method similar to this which would look for it.
private void findAndSelectString(String lookingFor)
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\b" + lookingFor + "\\b");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(input.getText()); //Where input is a TextInput class
boolean found = matcher.find(0);
input.selectRange(matcher.start(), matcher.end());
You might want to do this recursively which means you might want to store the last position so you can keep looking....


JavaFX ComboBox store selected item in csv file

so I am using JavFX to create a form that stores all the answers in a csv file. I need to create a dropdown menu that allows the users to select an option, which is then recorded in the csv file. I have tried a lot of different options, however I think comboBox is the best option.
I have no problem creating the ComboBox, I only run into problems when it comes to the method to get the value of the box.
Can someone help me find a solution, or suggest what another JavaFX menu I can use?
This is the code I have right now:
public VBox setFamiliar(){
Button button = new Button();
button.setOnAction(e -> toString());
familiarComboBox = new ComboBox<>();
familiarVBox = new VBox();
familiarComboBox.getItems().addAll("Irmão", "Irmã", "Avó", "Avô", "Tio", "Tia", "Pai", "Mãe");
return familiarVBox;
Here I set the ComboBox, this part doesnt seem to have a problem because it appears and I can select an item. I created a separate void toString() method that sets the value of a variable to the current selected item
public void toString(ActionEvent e){
familiar = familiarComboBox.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem().toString();
The problem is then in the get method to get the value that was selected.
public String getIrmao(){
return "2";
return "0";
I also tried to do familiarComboBox.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem().equals(), and other variations of this combination.
If I understand your requirement -- that when a user makes a choice from the "Familiar" combo box, a value should be written immediately to a CSV file -- you don't need the getIrmao() method. You simply write the value out in the action which you are calling toString(...) (not a good choice of names), but which we will rename to handleFamiliarChange(...).
Now the method becomes
public void handleFamiliarChange(ActionEvent e){
final String familiar =
FileUtils.writeToCsvFile(familiar.equals("Irmão") ? 2 : 0);
where FileUtils.writeToCsvFile(...) is a method that does the file writing. Note that FileUtils is a class you have created to separate out file handling concerns -- your JavaFX view class should only concern itself with views.

ActionEvent get source of button JavaFX

I have about 10 buttons which are going to be sent to the same method. I want the method to identify the source. So the method knows button "done" has evoked this function. Then I can add a switch case of if statement to handle them accordingly. This is what I have tried
btnDone.setOnAction(e -> test(e));
public void test(ActionEvent e) {
System.out.println("Action 1: " + e.getTarget());
System.out.println("Action 2: " + e.getSource());
System.out.println("Action 3: " + e.getEventType());
System.out.println("Action 4: " + e.getClass());
Output Result:
Action 1: Button#27099741[styleClass=button]'Done'
Action 2: Button#27099741[styleClass=button]'Done'
Action 3: ACTION
Action 4: class javafx.event.ActionEvent
Done is the text on the button. As you can see I could use e.getTarget() and/or e.getSource() then I'll have to substring it, so only the "Done" appears. Is there any other way to get the string in the apostrophe instead of having to substring.
UPDATE: I have tried passing Button and it works but I still want to
know a solution using ActionEvent.
btnDone.setOnAction(e -> test(btnDone));
public void test(Button e) {
System.out.println("Action 1: " + e.getText());
Output is Action 1: Done
Typically I much prefer using a different method for each button. It's generally a very bad idea to rely on the text in the button (e.g. what will happen to the logic if you want to internationalize your application?).
If you really want to get the text in the button (and again, I have to emphasize that you really don't want to do this), just use a downcast:
String text = ((Button)e.getSource()).getText();
As #James_D pointed out, relying on the button text displayed to the user is a bad idea for various reason (tho probably sufficient for your case!)
A different approach would be, to assign IDs to the buttons and then retrieving them in the callback method. That would look something like that:
// that goes to the place where you create your buttons
// that goes inside the callback method
String id = ((Node) event.getSource()).getId()
switch(id) {
case "done":
// your code for "buttonDone"

Catching/Connecting QPushButtons inside a QTableWidget to a function

Im a student developer using Qt to build a GUI to help users plot specific columns of data located in multiple files. The feature I'm setting up allows users to select a file using a button in each row. So the button originally would say browse and then user clicks it to open a dialog to select a file then the button text is replaced with the file name selected. Sorry for the story; my simple attempt to add some clarity.
The problem I'm having is I'm not sure how to set a policy up for the button clicked. I'd imagine that I'd have to extend the functionality of each of the QPushButtons but I don't really know how to do that. So far I am using the following to set the cell widget.
//with row count set dimensions are set becasue column count is static
//begin bulding custom widgets/QTableWidgetItems into cells
for(int x = 0; x < ui->tableWidgetPlotLineList->rowCount(); x++)
for(int y = 0; y < ui->tableWidgetPlotLineList->columnCount(); y++)
if(y == 1)
//install button widget for file selection
QPushButton *fileButton = new QPushButton();
if( != "");
ui->tableWidgetPlotLineList->setCellWidget(x, y, fileButton);
I was thinking that
connect(ui->tableWidgetPlotLineList->row(x), SIGNAL(fileButton->clicked()), this, SLOT(selectPlotLineFile(x));
might do the trick but I think I'm probably going in the wrong direction here. Honestly I'm not even too sure as to where it would go...
Thanks so much for reading my post. Please let me know if there is anything lacking from this post and I will update it immediately. I'd also like to thank any contributions to this post in advance!
connect(ui->tableWidgetPlotLineList->row(x), SIGNAL(fileButton->clicked()), this, SLOT(selectPlotLineFile(x));
Is not syntactically correct for a signal/slot connection. Something like this would be more appropriate:
connect(fileButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(selectPlotLineFile(x));
If you need access to the specific button that emited the clicked() signal than you could use the sender() function in your slot:
void selectPlotLineFile() {
QPushButton *button = dynamic_cast<QPushButton*>( sender() )
Now you may be wondering how you know which row to operate on. There are several different approaches, one of the easier ones being to maintain a QMap<QPushButton*, int> member variable that you can use to lookup which button belongs to which row.

Flex: how to select each element/instance of a repeater

I'll explain my problem as brief as possible. I have a variable bandName, the value is String that i get through an API.
public function haalNaam(selectedChart:Object):String
var bandName:String =;
I use this var in a repeater for a label. This repeater repeats 5 times, so it shows the 5 most hyped artists:
<label text="{haalNaam(lastfmCollection.currentItem)}"/>
Next, i had to transport the var bandName to another component. I managed to do this with this command:
var theName = "LastFmApi(this.parentApplication).bandName".
This code works, but I only manage to get the bandName of the last element in the repeater (5th one). I have no idea how i can
receive the names of the artists 1,2,3 or 4. How can i get to those values?
First, it doesn't look like what you've pasted in is functional code (your haalName function doesn't return anything, and your repeater doesn't have the id referred to in the label).
Second, why don't you just use in the label's text property, and skip the function call?
Third, you don't say exactly what the goal is, so I'll assume that you want to click one of the items in the repeater and put the label text in the variable theName. That would look like this:
theName=( as Label).text;
Note that you may also want to consider using a DataGroup.

Flex: create buttons dynamically and assign value from txt file

I made a basic text editor that lets users insert predefined strings into the document with button clicks. What I need to do now is let the user define their own buttons and string values.
For example I have a button that inserts "Hello" into the text. The user may want to create a button that adds "Goodbye".
To accomplish this I figured I would create a .txt file called buttons.txt or something. i would readutfbytee, loop through it to create the buttons. problem is I know what I want to do but not sure where to start. Can someone give me a kick start?
Please check the following code as the simple way to externalize your button settings:
buttons.txt content sample:
Helo=Hello World&Test=Test Inserted
protected function loadSettings():void
var varLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
varLoader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES;
varLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onSettingsLoaded);
varLoader.load(new URLRequest("data/buttons.txt"));
protected function onSettingsLoaded(event:Event):void
var varLoader:URLLoader = URLLoader(;
var varButtons:URLVariables =;
var buttons:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
for(var label:String in varButtons{
//use parsed buttons dictionary
For starters you need to decide how you are going to store that data that the user enters.
A flex web app can't save any files to the server, so if you want to save this across multiple computers, you'll need a server to do the data saving / retrieval.
If you want to store the buttons just temporarily, and unique to one computer, you can stuff them into a SharedObject.
After you decide this, then you can get more specific on a question of how to do exactly what you're wanting.
