Wordpress posts & pages using the wrong index.php - wordpress

I've updated the main page for my site (http://www.goldfinchnj.com) to show the most recent posts from a wordpress site (http://www.goldfinchnj.com/news) The main page is mostly HTML, but I had to make it a .php file so it would pull in the 3 most recent posts.
The problem is all the pages & posts on the wordpress site seem to be using the index.php file from the root directory (the index for the main page).
Before this issue started, I changed the directory of the wordpress install. It was news.goldfinchnj.com, but I wanted it to be goldfinch.com/news.
Any ideas how to fix this?

How have you changed the directory? Have you updated all links in the database? Manually or you used search and replace plugin? Do you host wp on apache server? Do you have correct index.php in news subfolder and correct .htaccess?

Fixed it. Took another look at the .htaccess and had to update the path for the IfModule mod_rewrite.c


Remove blog folder name when keep wordpress inside cakephp webroot

Due to some requirement I have to install wordpress in cakephp site, I installed it inside app/webroot/blog and after some modification I can access wordpress blog as
Now the problem is that wordpress post url should not contain word "blog" ,currently they are as
They should be like
I have open to install wordpress anywhere.
Is your problem that you truly don't want the word 'blog' to appear in the url, or that you can't see your posts because their path is wrong? If the latter, you can fix it by changing the root path in the wordpress settings, add '/blog' at the end of your default path and all should be well.

Moving Wordpress site subdirectory errors

I have just moved my testing development subdirectory worpdress installation to my root folder using the WP-Clone plugin.
The problem now is my main site (previously mysite.com ) shows (mysite.com/site) now. and the subdirectory is shwoing in all my links
I have tried going to settings and removed the /site from wordpress URL and Site address URL.
But it broke my site and disabled me from accessing my wp-login.php .
I fixed it by editing my wp-config.php and adding :
and now my website works perfectly. But it still shows mysite.com/site and i am unable to edit my URL and Siteaddress from my wp dashboard anymore.
How do I Remove my website subdirectory (/site) and still have it work and not break my site's themes and all? How do I go about this? Really really appreciate any help! Thanks!
By adding those constants to wp-config.php you're overruling any setting in the database. That's why you can't edit them in the admin panel.
So the first step is to change those constants to:
Then delete your htaccess file. (.htaccess in your root folder).
Once you've done this navigate to http://domain.com/wp-login.php
Login to your site and go to Settings -> Permalinks. Hit save which will regenerate your htaccess file.
Finally you'll need to update existing links. I'd suggest installing a plugin called 'Velvet Blues Update URLs'.

Wordpress blog doesn't show up online?

I have created a self-hosted wordpress blog and on my ftp server everything is under
then you have /wp-admin and /wp-content etc..
but when I got to my website the theme doesn't show up, it only shows a white page with
" index of
I figured out the wordpress blog has installed its own directory so if I want to see my website I need to enter that directory first. So I tried to type
and it worked my website is all here.
BUT ! I don't wanna have people to type www.**.co.cc/wordpress/ since the site was originially known without adding /wordpress at the end.
If I move all my wordpress folders under the root
/public_html .. will it work ??
See http://codex.wordpress.org/Giving_WordPress_Its_Own_Directory to move the site to root.
After the move, if all you see is "index of...", add
DirectoryIndex index.php
at the top of .htaccess
Under Settings > General
Check your site address(url) and wordpress address(url) to make sure they are set how you want them.
The site address should have the url for where you want people to view the page (without the wordpress extension. )
You most likely also have to move your index.php and .htaccess file out of the wordpress file and into the root folder.
Go here: http://codex.wordpress.org/Giving_WordPress_Its_Own_Directory and
View the instructions under the heading "Using a pre-existing subdirectory install"
It is good to have FTP running while you do this in case you lock yourself out of the admin by inserting an incorrect filepath.
This is because you have installed your wordpress script in the
public_html >> wordpress
Install your wordpress in the root i.e left the directory field empty

Wordpress in same directory with default page

I think I'm needing help with .htaccess here.
I have a page that was named index.php. I still need that to be the default page but with a new name AND I need a wordpress install in the same root. So here's what I've done:
Renamed index.php to somethingelse.php
Created an .HTACCESS with this line in it: DirectoryIndex somethingelse.php
Now if I go to www.site.com it brings up the www.site.com/somethingelse.php page (as it should).
Next I installed Wordpress into the root. That went well too.
The problem is I cannot access wordpress via www.site.com/index.php when I do that it just kicks me back over to somethingelse.php page
I'm thinking there is something I need to add to .htaccess so that if:
1) Someone types www.site.com it goes to www.site.com/somethingelse.php
2) Someone types www.site.com/index.php it goes to the wordpress install
Just for clarity, the reason for this is that in about a week, somethingelse.php will go away and the wordpress install will be the live site.
Any help is appreciated
I fixed it by creating a separate page that only I can get to to set and destroy a cookie. then in the header.php of the WP file I check that cookie and determine where to go.

permanent redirect on wordpress site

I've got a web site based on wordpress, I need to temporarily hide the web site.
I thought about using a PHP 301 redirect. I tried to put at the begining of index.php and xmlrpc.php without success. How does wordpress file-structure works?
I've used this for redirects in the same purpose:
I put the temporary html-file that I wanted to display in a folder which was placed in the same place as the main index.php file.
If you really need to hide a website under development, block search engines in Dashboard/Settings/Privacy and use something like WordPress › Absolute Privacy « WordPress Plugins to disable RSS feeds and redirect to a static page you choose.
