nginx substitude file sitemap.xml on subdomain - nginx

I have file sitemap.xml in site public directory. When I use subdomain 'm.', it uses same public directory as general site. I need to return file '/mobile-sitemap.xml' from url '/sitemap.xml', when I'm on subdomain 'm.'.
What nginx modules and rules could help me to do this?
My first step was like this:
if ($host ~* m\.(.*)) {
#if url = /sitemap.xml, give back file /mobile-sitemap.xml as /sitemap.xml
Or maybe it's ok to google, if i just send 301 redirect to another sitemap file?

You could create a separate server block for your mobile subdomain, in which case the if statement would not be necessary. See this caution on the use of if.
However, to implement this in a single server block, use a location and a rewrite:
location = /sitemap.xml {
if ($host ~* m\.) {
rewrite ^ /mobile-sitemap.xml last;
See this and this for more.


Nginx: Rewrite URL to hash

I have an old site which has been upgraded to an SPA frontend, so now the URLs to access certain records use the hash, so the URLs changed from like =>
This is already working fine, but I also wanted to set up a redirect so that anyone who had the old URLs would be redirected to the new URLs. I tried setting up the rewrite like this:
location / {
root /var/www/frontend;
autoindex on;
rewrite ^/aq/(.*)/$ /#/aq/$1/ last;
... but when I did this, nginx simply started looking for a file named /var/www/frontend/#/aq/[whatever]/index.html, instead of simply redirecting to /var/www/frontend/index.html with the hash in the URL. What is the proper way to configure this, or is not possible to do this at all?
The proper way is to use the HTTP 301 status code:
location /aq {
root /var/www/frontend;
autoindex on;
return 301$request_uri;

Nginx rewrite rule for changing domain name in image urls

I have Wordpress website which is live. In this website are a lot of posts with uploads over 200GB. I want to create in localhost development environment which I have done, but I have problems with posts images, because I don't want to download all of them and put in my localhost. So I am wondering if there is any Nginx rewrite rule which will rewrite only domain name in my image urls.
I need to rewrite this url:
To this one:
This is possible with Nginx or there is other better solution?
Here are your options:
Use a redirection:
location /wp-content/uploads/ {
return 301$request_uri; # or use 302 to prevent redirection caching
Use transparent proxying:
location /wp-content/uploads/ {
You can also use remote files only in case they are missing on the local development server:
location /wp-content/uploads/ {
try_files $uri #remote;
location #remote {
# redirect or proxy the request as shown above

Nginx rewrite requests to subdomain.tld/files/* to external domain

I'd like to rewrite all requests to Nginx matching http://*.examle.tld/files/* to http://$1.otherdomain.tld/files/?file=$2. I'd also like to rewrite the same request without the subdomain i.e. http://example.tld/files/* to http://otherdomain.tld/files/?file=$1
The reason for this is to use production files from local development without having to sync folders.
This is what I've got so far, however without success:
location / {
rewrite ^http://(\w+)\.(.*)/files/(.*) http://$1.otherdomain.tld/inc/reader.php?file=$3;
rewrite ^.*/files/(.*) http://$1.otherdomain.tld/inc/reader.php?file=$1;
Thank you for any assistance.
You cannot use the server name as part of the rewrite directive's regex. If you have a server block with a wild card server_name as described here, you can use a named capture for use later within the block.
For example:
server {
server_name ~^(?<sub>\w+\.)?example\.tld$;
location /files/ {
rewrite ^/files(.*)$ http://${sub}otherdomain.tld/files/?file=$1 permanent;
See this document for details.

nginx url rewriting between 2 domain names

Got an issue with URL rewrite under nginx. Actually I have a main domain name which is pointing a webserver with a WordPress installation (permalink = /%category%/%postname%/). I've created this page
I also have a domain name and I want this one to be pointed to the content of The issue is that I don't know how to display the result of with only in the bar address :( Actually it works when I go to but this URL is pretty redundant :/ I should make this parameter "/forum/forumname1" hidden but how?
Here is my nginx serverblocks :
root /var/www/;
location = /forum/forumname1 {
rewrite ^/(.*)$ permanent;
root /var/www/;
location = / {
### Rewriting rule HERE but which one?
Thank you :)

nginx rewrite rule to prepend something to a url

I want to rewrite all my JPG file URLs using mobify CDN. For that, all I have to do is prepend the URL to my existing URL. So for example, if I have the URL then the user has to be redirected to
I wrote the following code in my nginx config. I tested the regexs at regexlib and they seem to be fine.Still do not understand what is wrong with my config. Please help.
location ~ \.jpg$
rewrite ^http://(.*).jpg$$uri last;
Try this ...
location ~ \.jpg$ {
return 301$request_uri;
