Can I override tilde-slash in Razor v2? -

Razor view engine supports tilde-slash paths out of the box like this:
<script src="~/js/myscript.js" /> <!-- cool trick by the way!! -->
Is there any way I can override the processing of tilde?
Reason behind this
The reason I want to "override" this is because I use a CDN so the "root" should point to a different domain.
I already wrote my own replacement for Url.Content("~/blahblah") extension so it points where I need it to (my own Url.ContentCDN("~/blah") actually points to can I do something like this for Razor's built-in "hack"? Not sure where do I start...
Or the only way would be to find all the tilde-paths in my solution and plug my Url-extension? (the solution is quite big, hundreds of views, so a "cleaner" way would be to overload/override this)


Adding d3.js charts to Wordpress

I'm looking for some advice for adding d3.js charts to Wordpress.
My client has commissioned a forceSimulation - still in progress. It is currently organised as follows:
I'm totally clueless as to whether it is possible to add the chart to her Wordpress blog and if so how to do it.... Any advice would be much appreciated.
Many thanks.
For reference, here are the WordPress docs on Using JavaScript.
Making it easy for them
From past experience (though not in WordPress), I'd try to simplify the steps your client has to take to get the visualisation working well, just in case the person doing them has little technical skill.
Hence, as far as possible, I'd combine your files into one force-viz.js:
CSS rules can be inlined by using in JS on the appropriate elements.
CSV can be inlined as a JavaScript string, parsed with d3.csvParse.
global_properties.js can just be in the same JS file.
index.html is unnecessary if you use to construct the DOM tree you want, and instruct your client to write—
<div id="force-viz"></div>
—where they want the chart to appear, then that in your script.
This would mean all your client has to do is:
Place force-viz.js in a scripts/ directory.
<div id="force-viz"></div>
<script src="scripts/force-viz.js"></script>
—into the text of any page, wherever they want the chart to appear.
Making it easy for you
If being forced to program into a single file is annoying, I recommend Browserify. It's a tool that can process a set of JavaScript files with require('whatever.js')-calls to each other, combining them appropriately into one file. With a plugin, it can even turn fs.readSync('data.csv') calls into strings containing that file's contents, which you could use with that CSV file.
That way, you could continue programming the thing as separate files, then run browserify to bundle them up for your client.
Or just do it manually, if this is a one-off project. Your call.

Efficiently reusing (poorly designed) JSON template for additional sites?

My supervisor just handed me a pile of JSON files from a freelancer which we are going to use to make multiple (similar) websites. Lucky me, I'll get to be the one updating the content and css for the different versions.
This is my first time working with JSON, so while I can't be sure that this is a poorly designed template, the fact that the css is very messy (in order to change the color of buttons throughout the site from yellow to orange, at least 15 different classes need to be adjusted, which seems to me to defeat the whole purpose of css...) doesn't give me hope.
I've brute-forced my way through the first two different sites, but since it looks like we'll be doing a lot more of them, I'm looking for ways to streamline the process (in particular making sure to change the content in all the places the content needs changing, which is a lot of files, with different content for different versions).
I'm personally old-school enough to like awk (well, that, and it's what I'm most used to programming in), so my backup plan is to just set up an awk/batch script or two which will take in a "these are the bits of info that go in these specific places" file and update all the relevant files. However, I'm sure there's a better way to do this, which is why I'm turning to y'all.
Is there anything that already exists for streamlining processes like these? Or a coding system/language that's well-suited to this project? A GUI which I can connect to bits of text that need changing?
Ideally, I'd like to set up something that even a monkey (or a non-caffeinated me) could use as often as needed. I'm already going to have to dive into the source code to clean it up (because, gasp, we might need to be able to have more than 5 people on the "our team" page, for example - without bad css/html workarounds), so making other tweaks that'll help with the content update process can happen en route.
I have recently used underscore to render templates from JSON. this is a front end tool, but you could automate it with some backend tools (a simple cURL or file_get_content in php will do).
Here is a link to a tutorial
your template will be a JavaScript template in your html file:
<div id="rendered"></div>
<script type="text/template" class="template">
<%- rc.listTitle %>
and in your JavaScript code you load:
<script type="text/javascript">
// When rending an underscore template, we want top-level
// variables to be referenced as part of an object. For
// technical reasons (scope-chain search), this speeds up
// rendering; however, more importantly, this also allows our
// templates to look / feel more like our server-side
// templates that use the rc (Request Context / Colletion) in
// order to render their markup.
_.templateSettings.variable = "rc";
// Grab the HTML out of our template tag and pre-compile it.
var template = _.template(
$( "script.template" ).html()
// Define our render data (to be put into the "rc" variable).
var templateData = {
listTitle: "Olympic Volleyball Players",
// Render the underscore template and inject it after the div rendered
// in our current DOM.
$( "#rendered" ).after(
template( templateData )

Is it possible to conditionally include CSS?

I have an ascx that has some CSS in it. It is possible that this ascx could be added multiple times to a page. The CSS that it uses would only need to be included once.
Is it possible to conditionally include CSS? If so how?
Is this considered bad practice?
I have an ascx that has some CSS in it... Is this considered bad practice?
Yes. Your CSS rules should ideally be defined in a separate, static css file that gets loaded only once in the header by your master page. CSS in the body is not standards compliant.
If you set up good caching rules on your static CSS files, this will significantly reduce the amount of data you pull across the wire because the CSS rules won't need to be loaded again for each page load. If you want to only include this file in the header if certain dependent ASCX files get rendered, look at Neil Fenwick's answer.
For whatever reason, Neil Fenwick seems to have deleted his answer. Hopefully he won't mind my reproducing it here:
Definitely YES, it is possible.
I would recommend looking at a library like ClientDependency to manage your CSS and JS includes & dependencies.
Good examples for how to include given on ClientDependency codeplex page.
Its good practice to organise your CSS and JS dependencies so that you can assert their requirement multiple times, but only emit the dependency in the output once.
The ClientScriptManager can handle this simply by checking whether or not some particular "script" has been added. Intended for javascript, but works for anything.
if(!Page.ClientScript.IsStartupScriptRegistered("mykey")) {
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "mykey", "<link type=\"text/css\" href=\"stylesheet.css\"/>", false);
You might be very interested in looking into Modernizr which allows you to do plenty of interesting test and load different resources (for example CSS) depending on test result. For example you might want to load rounded-images.css if the browser does not support border-radius etc.
Building on Neil's answer. We make use of Telerik's ASP MVC extensions to manage our JavaScript and CSS in ASP.NET MVC. It allows for "smart" inclusion of JS and CSS (even from a partial-view) preventing file duplication. It comes with other bells-and-whistles as well (like file merging and compression).
This is probably not applicable to your exact situation based on your post (raw ASP.NET), but thought I would mention it for the sake of ASP.NET MVC users looking for the same thing.
Put that in the head of the html.
<!--[if gte IE 8]>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ie8-and-up.css" /> <![endif]-->
For more info go to:
GTE means greater than.
Horrible practice. Unless that is all you do at your work since that is going to create a big workload since each css file might need to be changed in the future.

Theme Image URL Rebasing

I am implementing themes to enable an existing website to be rebranded (logos, colors, images etc.) depending on the requesting URL. I understand how to do that and have got the skins working fine except for some exceptions related to the URLs of images.
Specifically I have a control property that it is not feasible to skin. Prior to implementing themes it looked like this:
<DisplayImageChecked Url="~/Images/BobIcon-Green.png" />
Obviously that will not work with themes. So after much trial and error and reading I am trying to implement it like this:
<DisplayImageChecked Url="~/AppThemes/<%= Page.Theme %>/Images/BobIcon-Green.png" />
However that does not work. The generated html looks like:
<img src="AppThemes/%3C%25=%20Page.Theme%20%25%3E/Images/BobIcon-Green.png"/>
Any pointers in the right direction would be appreciated.
Use the binding syntax inside a databound control (watch the single vs double quotes):
<DisplayImageChecked Url='<%# "~/AppThemes/" + Page.Theme + "/Images/BobIcon-Green.png" %>' />
Is there a reason that you can't just dump the images in the same folder as the theme? If you put an image say for example: "image.gif" into the theme folder, then you can simply refer to it directly in your skin.
This will resolve just fine when you apply this skin on a control in your page. Also much easier than trying to do the dynamic URL thing.
You may also use "Images/BobIcon-Green.png" as Url. ASP will take care of resolving the Url to the directory within your theme.
Here's the right way to go about your task:
Adorn your property with the UrlProperty attribute, this will tell ASP.NET to automatically translate your partial URL into the proper url.
Using "~/AppThemes/" + Page.Theme + "/Images/BobIcon-Green.png" will do the trick, but it's NOT the preferred way because you need to do all the work yourself and it's always good practice to leave all the work to ASP

How can I modify a CSS file programmatically?

I have a legacy application that I needed to implement a configuration page for to change text colors, fonts, etc.
This applications output is also replicated with a PHP web application, where the fonts, colors, etc. are configured in a style sheet.
I've not worked with CSS previously.
Is there a programatic way to modify the CSS and save it without resorting to string parsing or regex?
The application is VB6, but I could write a .net tool that would do the css manipulation if that was the only way.
You don't need to edit the existing one. You could have a new one that overrides the other -- you include this one after the other in your HTML. That's what the "Cascading" means.
It looks like someone's already done a VB.NET CSS parser which is F/OSS, so you could probably adapt it to your needs if you're comfortable with the license.
One hack is to create a PHP script that all output is passed through, which then replaces certain parts of CSS with configurable alternatives. If you use .htaccess you can make all output go through the script.
the best way i can think of solving this problem is creating an application that will get some values ( through the URL query ) and generate the appropriate css output based on a css templates
Check this out, it uses ASP.NET and C#.
In my work with the IE control (shadocvw.dll), it has an interesting ability to let you easily manage the CSS of a page and show the effects of modified CSS on a page in realtime. I've never dealt with the details of such implementations myself, but I recommend that as a possible solution worth looking at. Seeing as pretty much everyone is on IE 6 or later nowadays, you can skip the explanations about handling those who only have IE 5,4,3 or 2 installed.
Maybe the problem's solution, which is most simple for the programmer and a user is to edit css via html form, maybe. I suppose, to create css-file, which would be "default" or "standart" for this application, and just to read it, for example, by perl script, edit in html and to write it down. Here is just the simple example.
In css-file we have string like:
border-color: #008a77;
we have to to read this string, split it up, and send to a file, which will write it down. Get something like this in Perl:
tr/ / /s;
($vari, $value) = split(/:/, _$);
# # While you read file, you can just at the time to put this into html form
echo($vari.":<input type = text name = ".$vari." value = ".$value.">");
And here it is, you've got just simple html-form-data, you just shoul overwrite your css-file with new data like this:
print $vari[i].": ".$value.";\n";
and voila - you've got programmatical way of changing css. Ofcourse, you have to make it more universal, and more close to your particular problem.
Depending on how technically oriented your CSS editors are going to be, you could do it very simply by loading the whole thing up into a TextEdit field to let them edit it - then write it back to the file.
Parsing and creating an interface for all the possibilities of CSS would be an astronomical pain. :-)
