Website showing error when accessing it - wordpress

I installed wordpress on my website. Uploaded a nice premium theme for ecommerce. But when I try to access the website then it shows an error. An image of the error is shown below. What can cause this error? The website was working fine. I mean to say that there was a "Coming Soon" shown on the website when I used to go to my website url. But after I installed wordpress, it's showing this error. I installed wordpress in the root directory, i.e I kept the "in dir" field blank while installing wordpress. Moreover, I did only one more change except installing wordpress is that I changed my cpanel password. These are the only two things I did and the website shows this error. Help will be appreciated.
Edit: I just tried to access my website on my phone and it is showing the website but on desktop, it takes to an error page: rather than

The page is most probably cached on your computer/browser or you have DNS cache and it points your domain name to some other ip address then the correct one.
Try using a different browser. Try using a private navigation window from your browser (it works with Firefox, Chrome).
If you are using windows try deleting your dns cache by going to Start -> Run -> cmd.exe then type this command and press Enter:
ipconfig /flushdns


Wordpress dashboard is accessible from my PC but redirects to 404 on my laptop

as you can see in the title, I am able to login my Wordpress Website dashboard with no problem at all, on my Desktop. I've been doing the changes and security/plugin/theme updates using my Desktop. What I want to do right now is to do the same on my macbook. I want to be able to do the same from my macbook but I find it weird that on my PC, the dashboard is operational but on my macbook and my gf's laptop it redirects to the 404 error page.
I've tried clearing the cache upon doing some reading and saw some post about deleting the .hta access file but I am confused as to how files on my ftp is working on my desktop but not for my laptop.
Any help is appreciated! Thank you for taking the time to read!
As it turns out I had a plugin conflict that changes my url dashboard slug for security purposes. A different developer created this website and had this plugin installed and it took me longer than I care to admit to notice this.

Cloning wordpress live site to localhost (mamp) - redirect to live site

I am new in this and I am struggling with cloning a WordPress live site to localhost for development. After reading many different tutorials, I finally succeeded to clone the live site to localhost (http://localhost:8888) but when I try to login into the WordPress admin area at first it did not open at all but after trying a few times it opened but redirected to the live site.
I changed the URLs in phpmyAdmin but I always have the message "0 rows affected". I changed the URL in wp_config.php.
After this in phpMyAdmin inside my database --> wp_options I changed the site URL and home with the new localhost URL http://localhost:8888.
Nothing of these is working. What am I missing?
I recommend to make a clone by some plugin (f.e. Duplicator). It will makes for you all of the stuff like changing the url in DB, and if is anywhere a problem it gives you error report.
You can install Duplicator, make a full copy of you website (just clicking, after that download it to your PC (or devie where is localhost). After that, run the downloaded php file and complete the DB login. After that, if you have correct DB with correct login credentials you should have running website copy on localhost.
More details you could find in this video:

MAMP localhost filed leading to nothing

I've been running Wordpress locally and after updating to Catalina, I've run into a lot of problems accessing.
When I enter http://localhost:8888/ I get an index of only Wordpress, click onto the Wordpress and receive :
Not Found
The requested URL was not found on this server.
If I go into, I receive an index of the seperate pages that I have created on my website, but receive the same not found error when I click on any links. I just want to be able to login to my Wordpress admin.

Mamp Pro localhost:8888 Gets Redirected And Shows 'Site Can't Be Reached Error

I am completely baffled on what's going on...
When I click the WebStart button for the localhost from the Mamp Pro UI, it opens that just fine and I get the expected address of http://localhost:8888/MAMP/?language=English.
If I manually enter an address like http://localhost:8888/phpmyadmin/ it also goes to the correct place.
But when I try to either remove the '/MAMP/?language=English' from the WebStart page, or try to manually type http://localhost:8888 it redirects to http://some-other-website:8888/. This happens no matter what directory I point the host to.
I had set up a host of that name previously, but this morning everything just went haywire to the point where I completely uninstalled MAMP Pro and MAMP, but this is still causing me problems. This is happening with both Wordpress and NON-Wordpress local sites.
Really starting to lose it because I can't get any work done. I'm trying to make a Wordpress theme and I've even tried doing a new install of the WP in a completely different folder but now no matter what I'm doing at the moment I just can't get this thing to work :((
Well, I feel like a boob. It turned out to be the siteurl and home values in the wp_options table of the Wordpress database were pointing to the existing values I'd set up, but I had changed the host name in Mamp Pro so the pages would initially open correctly but Worpress would then rewrite the URL and... well, OOPS! I finally found this out thanks to looking at Daniel W's advice. I also had to reset Chrome because it was holding onto it on the browser end too. Thanks for the help, Daniel!

Unable to change site's URL in Wordpress plugin.

My host is I contacted them with this message:
"My problem is, when you navigate thru the menu on my site and click on the various links, I need the navigation bar to say, instead of How do I change all the links from the subpages I made on my site from to ?"
And they responded:
"Take a look in the WordPress dashboard at the settings page. Probably one of these settings isn't using your own domain:
WordPress Address (URL)
Site Address (URL)
Once you find and fix that (so neither of them uses the addres, this problem will likely disappear. "
So I changed the site's address to I then got this error:
Warning: is_writable() []: open_basedir restriction in effect.
File(/) is not within the allowed path(s):
in /f5/paulaneeley/public/wp-admin/includes/misc.php on line 133
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at
in /f5/paulaneeley/public/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 881
I then tried to navigate back to my dashboard and I couldn't access it anymore! My browser gave me this error:
too many redirects occurred trying to open "".
This might occur if you open a page that is redirected to open another page which is then
redirected to open the original page.
I then read this article:
And tried both the functions.php method and the phpmyadmin method to return back to the original, which I believe I both did correctly. My site works fine, but I still get an error message when I try to access my dashboard. At the least, I would like to get my dashboard back.
Maybe you've done all the things right, but the nameservers of nearlyfreespeech are stil not forwarding users to your site.
Test for yourself:, opens just fine but when you remove a www. prefix, the site doesn't opens. A simple ping test to reveals that nearlyfreespeech's name servers do not have a record for Ping returns with an error Ping request could not find host Please check the name and try
again. Indicating there are no DNS records for
So, contact them again, and this time tell them to fix this by registering in their nameservers. And if they ask for money, don't pay them any, because and are the same sites and www. doesn't mean anything that they should charge for.
And best of luck for your business, maybe one day I'll drop by and will get my hair styled, your work seems pretty cool. :)
And here's your login page,
Apparently, you've edited your .htaccess file(by mistake?) which used to redirect to
In order to solve the problem, you will need to change the setting of your site's database where the root of your domain is found. You can do this by running a mysql update command.
Then, you can change your .htaccess setting.
Another way is to just install it all over again. Just make sure you have a backup of your data, media, and template. This time, make sure that you install it from your domain Or You can only choose one.
