Registering a service containing <T> - mvvm-light

I have an interface/service that is defined like this
public interface MyAPI<T>
public class ClientAPI<T> : MyAPI<T>
I don't seem to be able though to register this a service using SimpleIoc. Is it possible to do?


How do i inject a service to another service in Blazor?

I have DataService and StateContainer.
DataService is responsible to obtain and provide data with respect to state changes. StateContainer is responsible as states changes, it registeres as a singleton.
I want DataService can access StateContainer public property. such that it could provide the data accordingly, How may I do so? How should I register DataService?
Just register your DataService in the DI System
Now you should be able to Access the StateCointainer via DI if you inject it via the Constructor.
public class DataService
private readonly StateContainer _stateContainer;
public DataService(StateContainer stateContainer)
_stateContainer = stateContainer;

Symfony 4 - how dependecy injection works

Using Symfony 3.4 we call services like so: $container->get('')
so we make sure to give names to our services.
in Symfony 4 we inject services by class name or interface directly in the controller like so:
public function someAction(HttpClientInterface $service){
// do something here
so what confuses me here is that we are injecting an interface and symfony takes care of invoking the right object in the controller.
my question is: if I have 2 services that implements the same interface :
class ClassA implements InterfaceX{}
class ClassB implements InterfaceX{}
and in the controller I do this:
public function someAction(InterfaceX $service){
// do something here
which service gets invoked ?
Yes, services can implement the same interface and in your controller you will need to inject correct service, like this:
public function someAction(ClassA $serviceA){
// do something here
public function someOtherAction(ClassB $serviceB){
// do something here
If you need same service in multiple methods on the same class, use Dependency Injection on the __construct identity context is not mapping without custom classes

So, I have changed my application so that I may use an integer primary key on my tables (a horrid process by the way). Everything works fine. Consider my ApplicationDbContext class:
public class ApplicationDbContext : IdentityDbContext<ApplicationUser, CustomRole, int, CustomUserLogin, CustomUserRole, CustomUserClaim>, IIDentityContext
public ApplicationDbContext()
: base("OwinTestDefault")
Now consider, for example, my user login class here, in its entirety:
public class CustomUserLogin : IdentityUserLogin<int>
It seemed silly to have to make a class just for this, and that I should be able to just replace any instance of this with IdentityuserLogin<int> in the code, resulting in this now:
public class ApplicationDbContext : IdentityDbContext<ApplicationUser, CustomRole, int, IdentityUserLogin<int>, CustomUserRole, CustomUserClaim>, IIDentityContext
public ApplicationDbContext()
: base("OwinTestDefault")
However, bafflingly, it now doesn't work and throws the error:
The type 'Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework.IdentityUserLogin`1[System.Int32]' was not mapped. Check that the type has not been explicitly excluded by using the Ignore method or NotMappedAttribute data annotation. Verify that the type was defined as a class, is not primitive or generic, and does not inherit from EntityObject.`
Searching around, some people have run into this when they have changed their table names, but I have not done this, and regardless, overriding OnModelCreating and explicitly mapping everything I can (table name, keys, column names and properties) has no effect and it still complains it isn't mapped. Plus, looking at the source code of the base classes on GitHub, the mapping should be fine anyways.
Any ideas?
It seems that in Entity Framework, you cannot map multiple levels of generic types, as EF cannot create a proxy from this. Props to this answer: Are generic classes not supported as models in Entity Framework?
If you consider IdentityDbContext.cs in the source code, this line:
public virtual IDbSet<TRole> Roles { get; set; }
is really:
public virtual IDbSet<IdentityRole<int, IdentityUserRole<int>> Roles { get; set; }
It needs to be able to make a proxy out of this very type as a whole, thus why using a derived base class works.

In Web API 2.2: How to use the dependency injector when needed?

I have a question for the article, which probably many of us have read: Dependency Injection in ASP.NET Web API 2.
Let's assume, that the ProductRepository at some later point in time needs to delegate to some other service. How should ProductRepository request the concrete instance from the dependency injector at that later time as it is a bad practice to inject the dependency injector itself into the ProductRepository?
You can inject the new service inside the ProductRepository just like you injected the IProductRepository into ProductsController.
public class ProductRepository : IDisposable
private readonly IOtherService m_OtherService;
public ProductRepository(IOtherService other_service)
m_OtherService = other_service;
If you register IOtherService successfully in the container, the container would be able to create ProductRepository and ProductsController successfully.
If it is a problem for you to have the OtherService created everytime (maybe you will not use it all the time), you can use the factory pattern. For example:
public interface IOtherServiceFactory
IOtherService Create();
public class ProductRepository : IDisposable
private readonly IOtherServiceFactory m_OtherServiceFactory;
public ProductRepository(IOtherServiceFactory other_service_factory)
m_OtherServiceFactory = other_service_factory;
Now, you can create an instance of OtherService only when you need it.
You have to create an implementation of IOtherServiceFactory and register it with the container.

Seam Classes and #Asynchronous processing related issue

I have an Interface defined as:
public interface DocExporter{
public void exportDoc();
with two implementing classes defined as:
public class PdfDocExporter implements DocExporter{
public void exportDoc(){
// do Pdf Export stuff
public class ExcelDocExporter implements DocExporter{
public void exportDoc(){
// do Excel Export stuff
So can I say like :
public class DocExportReporter {
private DocExporter pdfDocExporter;
private DocExporter excelDocExporter;
public void reportGen(){
**excelDocExporter.exportDoc()** // THIS THROWS Seam Exception #In attribute requires a not null value
I am new to Seam with Spring and would like to know if in both impl classes #Service would have values as "docExporter" (name of interface) or would it be like "pdfDocExporter" "excelDocExporter" ?
And with the above, I get #In attribute requires a non null value exception when using pdfDocExporter or excelDocExporter objects within the reportGen async method. Can two implementations of an interface be declared in a third class and work fine
with Seam #Asynchronous annotation ?
You cannot have two components with the same name, otherwise Seam would not know which one to inject. Use two different names.
