Suddely files started missing from Wordpress and showing errors - wordpress

My domain:
I have installed WordPress in main domain and sydney theme. Everything was okay. Suddenly when I visit my site it shows error messages. Like this:
Warning: require(/home/bharahob/public_html/wp-includes/pomo/mo.php):
failed to open stream: No such file or directory in
/home/bharahob/public_html/wp-settings.php on line 102
Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required
(include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in
/home/bharahob/public_html/wp-settings.php on line 102
What should I do now?

If you have access through FTP or SSH, you should log into the server and verify that those files exist. The files may have been deleted by a bot or botched upgrade. The permissions may have changed as well.
If the files are actually missing, you can probably get away with downloading the version of WP you're currently running and replace the missing files.


How to solve this error related to a WordPress upgrade on the server?

WordPress error on live website:
I can not understand what the error means. This error happened when I updated the WordPress version.
Error like this :
Deprecated: date.php is deprecated since version 5.3.0! Use wp-includes/class-wp-date-query.php instead. in /home/stageberide/public_html/public/blog/wp-includes/functions.php on line 4967
Deprecated: class-oembed.php is deprecated since version 5.3.0! Use wp-includes/class-wp-oembed.php instead. in /home/stageberide/public_html/public/blog/wp-includes/functions.php on line 4967
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function wp_recovery_mode() in /home/stageberide/public_html/public/blog/wp-includes/load.php:870 Stack trace: #0 /home/stageberide/public_html/public/blog/wp-includes/load.php(754): wp_is_recovery_mode() #1 /home/stageberide/public_html/public/blog/wp-settings.php(303): wp_get_active_and_valid_plugins() #2 /home/stageberide/public_html/public/blog/wp-config.php(89): require_once('/home/stageberi...') #3 /home/stageberide/public_html/public/blog/wp-load.php(37): require_once('/home/stageberi...') #4 /home/stageberide/public_html/public/blog/wp-admin/admin.php(34): require_once('/home/stageberi...') #5 /home/stageberide/public_html/public/blog/wp-admin/index.php(10): require_once('/home/stageberi...') #6 {main} thrown in /home/stageberide/public_html/public/blog/wp-includes/load.php on line 870
first of all, create backup on your hosting provider. then,
Try downloading WordPress again, access your server via SFTP or FTP, or a file manager in your hosting account’s control panel (consult your hosting provider’s documentation for specifics on these), and delete then replace your copies of everything on the server except the wp-config.php file and the /wp-content/ directory with fresh copies from the download. This will effectively replace all of your core files without damaging your content and settings.
Some uploaders tend to be unreliable when overwriting files, so don’t forget to delete the original files before replacing them.

Wordpress Hosting Import Error Conflit Plugin Dokan

I went to import the site from another Wordpress hosting, and it is giving this error. The files are in the folder even though they are not. And every part of the plugin doesn't work.
Everything seems to work except this plugin. But in the other hosting without touching anything it works normally.
me/u905569257/domains/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/u905569257/domains/ on line 14
Warning: include_once(): Failed opening '/home/u905569257/domains/' for inclusion (include_path='.:/opt/alt/php74/usr/share/pear') in /home/u905569257/domains/ on line 14
Warning: include_once(/home/u905569257/domains/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/u905569257/domains/ on line 286
Warning: include_once(): Failed opening '/home/u905569257/domains/' for inclusion (include_path='.:/opt/alt/php74/usr/share/pear') in /home/u905569257/domains/ on line 286

How to fix chmod errors when updating wordpress theme?

I recently upgraded from php 5 to 7.2 and my wp site didnt work, service temporarily unavailable error. So I logged into the backend and WP 5.4 was telling me I needed to check security issues of which I resolved 2 of 3 automatically but 1 could not which is "restrict access to files and folders". So I tried to update the 2017 theme and when I do so I get a bunch of these(although its the same error):
Selected items were updated with errors:
- Unable to update theme 'twentyseventeen_1.7_1_', details: PHP Warning: chmod(): Operation not permitted in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 168
Warning: chmod(): Operation not permitted in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 168
PHP Warning: chmod(): Operation not permitted in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 168
Warning: chmod(): Operation not permitted in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 168...
and near the end it reads:
Warning: The update cannot be installed because we will be unable to copy some files. This is usually due to inconsistent file permissions. "front-page.php, rtl.css, 404.php...
Then in the end it doesnt update of course. A suggestion by the Wordpress Toolkit on plesk is:
Im using filezilla and changing the permissions to those files but I get "operation not permitted".
[SOLVED] (at least for me)
Me too on Cloudways and Digital Ocean.
Just restart the server and error is gone.

wordpress Error establishing a database connection, the page can not display

I am very new to Wordpress. I uploaded data to cpanel, but when I tried to borrows the link to display the website I get this message when I look at the error log.
Error establishing a database connection
There were the below two error messages. I hope somebody can help me.
PHP Warning: require(/home/.../public_html/wp-includes/load.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/.../public_html/wp-settings.php on line 19
PHP Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required '/home/.../public_html/wp-includes/load.php' (include_path='.:/opt/cpanel/ea-php56/root/usr/share/pear') in /home/.../public_html/wp-settings.php on line 19
Most likely you have a bad (incomplete) file upload.
Try to upload again your Wordpress installation.

Warning: require(/home/domain/public_html/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory

Warning: require(/home/domain/public_html/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/domain/public_html/ on line 17
Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required '/home/domaine/public_html/' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/domain/public_html/ on line 17
So I have seen this error before once and it actually occurred on this domain prior to today, but I was able to temporarily resolve this by updating Wordpress 4.9.5 from 4.9.4. This has never happened to me on my host with any other site and I have set up dozens over the years with different Wordpress versions.
However, it just started giving me this error again today only on wp-admin/index.php. If I access any other page, like wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=page, the page loads fine.
I have not made any changes to my site aside from adding content and products between last night and today when the error first came up. Disabling all plugins does not fix the issue. There's no error log yet because the site has no errors, it just won't load /wp-admin.
What is going on? I'm happy to provide the real domain name to those who might have an idea.
I was facing the same issue. wp-blog-header.php does not belong to wp-admin directory. This is a virus. I had to download the whole Website and then cleaned with antivirus.
